1. Global Cross-Reference
2. Terms and Details
foaf:Group (1)
Members of the Orlando Project
The collective of all persons having written entries for The Orlando Project.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#originalOrlandoAuthor | Tag: | cwrc:originalOrlandoAuthor |
foaf:homepage: | http://orlando.cambridge.org/public/svDocumentation?formname=t&d_id=CREDITSANDACKNOWLEDGEMENTS |
foaf:name: | Members of the Orlando Project. |
rdf:type: | skos:Concept foaf:Group |
foaf:Organization (2)
The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#cwrc | Tag: | cwrc:cwrc |
foaf:homepage: | http://www.cwrc.ca/ |
foaf:logo: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/images/CWRCLogo-Horz-FullColour.png |
foaf:name: | The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory |
rdf:type: | foaf:Organization |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#sshrc | Tag: | cwrc:sshrc |
foaf:name: | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council |
foaf:nick: | SSHRC |
rdf:type: | foaf:Organization |
oa:Annotation (1)
The Context class provides the discursive context for assertions in the ontology. Where the assertions have been generated from a source text, Context provides the text, or the relevant snippet of a longer text, from which they have been extracted.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Context | Tag: | cwrc:Context |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept oa:Annotation |
Within Domain: | cwrc:hasIDependencyOn |
Within Range: | cwrc:contextFocus cwrc:hasIDependencyOn |
Children Classes: | cwrc:BiographyContext cwrc:SpatialContext cwrc:WritingContext |
oa:Motivation (1)
A motivation for W3C Web Annotations for when the user is identifying a citation within a Target. The Body of the Annotation will typically be the item being cited. Citation involves "creating a link between a concept, procedure, or kind of data, and a document or documents," often through the invocation of one or more authors of a publication (Small 1978, 337).
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#citing | Tag: | cwrc:citing |
rdf:type: | oa:Motivation |
skos:broader: | https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-vocab/#commenting |
owl:AnnotationProperty (1)
competency question
A question that can be asked of the ontology and will be used to specify the high level requirements of the CWRC Ontology allowing decisions about structure and components to be made.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#CompetencyQuestion | Tag: | cwrc:CompetencyQuestion |
rdf:type: | owl:AnnotationProperty |
owl:Class (209)
abusive name
A name constructed with the intent to abuse, satirize, or slander. For example, Constance Gore-Booth was known in the press by the nickname of "Red Countess" and this nickname had negative connotations.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#AbusiveName | Tag: | cwrc:AbusiveName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
additional name
An additional name, "such as a nickname, epithet, or alias." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema for the addName element. See TEI element addName (additional name) .
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#AdditionalName | Tag: | cwrc:AdditionalName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
Children Classes: | cwrc:SelfConstructedName |
A mailing or street address.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Address | Tag: | cwrc:Address |
owl:sameAs: | schema:PostalAddress |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Place |
adfeminam response
Indicates a response that was predicated on a person's identification as a woman, and that it was driven by a pre-existing opinion of her as distinct from the work, and of her as a woman rather than an artist, for example, if a malign stereotype of a particular person is reflected in a critical response.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#AdfeminamResponse | Tag: | cwrc:AdfeminamResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
author name type
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#AuthorNameType | Tag: | cwrc:AuthorNameType |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
Within Domain: | cwrc:i_hasAuthorNameType |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasAuthorNameType cwrc:hasAuthorNameType |
Instances: |
authorial name
A name under which a writer wrote or published.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#AuthorialName | Tag: | cwrc:AuthorialName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
authorship controversy
Authorship Controversy types categorize confusion or difficulty in attributing or discerning authorship of a creative work or body of work.
"An award is something given to a person, a group of people, like a sports team, or an organization in recognition of their excellence in a certain field. An award may be accompanied by a trophy, title, certificate, commemorative plaque, medal, badge, pin, or ribbon. The accompanying item may vary according to purpose." (DBpedia, 2019)
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Award | Tag: | cwrc:Award |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Award |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
Children Classes: | cwrc:EducationalAward cwrc:LiteraryAward |
biographical event
An event related to an biography context.
biography context
Biography Context is a major subclass of context. Annotations typed as Biography Context provide information about and discussions of a person's biography or personal history, through the use of biographical properties and relationships and through subclasses of Biographical Context such as birth context, cultural form context, or occupation context.
birth context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as birth context provide information about and discussions of a person's birth. See About: Birth.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#BirthContext | Tag: | cwrc:BirthContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
birth event
An event related to an birth context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#BirthEvent | Tag: | cwrc:BirthEvent |
owl:sameAs: | cidoc:E67_birth |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
birth position
Indicates the birth position of a foaf:person, that is, whether they are the eldest, youngest, or only child in their family. Birth position claims can be made in relation to biological, adopted, or step siblings, and there is not systematic handling of deceased siblings that might affect one's understanding of birth order.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#BirthPosition | Tag: | cwrc:BirthPosition |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
Within Domain: | cwrc:birthPositionOf |
Within Range: | cwrc:birthPosition cwrc:hasBirthPosition |
Instances: |
Indicates the name a person was assigned at birth.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Birthname | Tag: | cwrc:Birthname |
owl:sameAs: | http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300404681 |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
boarding school
"A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises, as opposed to a day school. The word "boarding” is used in the sense of "room and board" i.e., lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their function and ethos varies greatly." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#BoardingSchool | Tag: | cwrc:BoardingSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Boarding_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
british women writers literary climate
An event associated with British women writers, including the creation, publication and reception of their works, as well as the material conditions and other aspects of their lives.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#BritishWomenLiteraryClimate | Tag: | cwrc:BritishWomenLiteraryClimate |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:LiteraryClimate |
A bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees. In return for the bursary the individual is usually obligated to be employed at the institution for the duration as the bursary.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Bursary | Tag: | cwrc:Bursary |
prov:wasDerivedFrom: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bursary |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
Indicates the degree of certainty associated with some aspect of an assertion, description, identification, or value within a dataset. Equivalent to the "teidata.certainty" range of values of the Text Encoding Initiative.
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
change set
A change set represents changes or additions made to the ontology by ontology editors or through users where instances were affected. Change sets will also be used to translate and contain Orlando recordInfo instances.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ChangeSet | Tag: | cwrc:ChangeSet |
prov:wasDerivedFrom: | http://vocab.org/changeset/ |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept time:Instant |
Within Domain: | cwrc:affectedEntity cwrc:alteredBy |
Within Range: | cwrc:madeAlteration |
characterization context
Characterization Context is a subclass of Textual Features Context. Annotations typed as Characterization Contexts relate to how creative works handle characters.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#CharacterizationContext | Tag: | cwrc:CharacterizationContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext |
characterization event
An event related to a Characterization Context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#CharacterizationEvent | Tag: | cwrc:CharacterizationEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent |
co-ed school
"Mixed-sex education, also known as mixed-gender education, co-education or coeducation (abbreviated to co-ed or coed), is a system of education where males and females are educated together. Whereas single-sex education was more common up to the 19th century, mixed-sex education has since become standard in many cultures, particularly in Western countries. Single-sex education, however, remains prevalent in many Muslim countries. The relative merits of both systems have been the subject of debate." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#CoEducationalSchool | Tag: | cwrc:CoEducationalSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Mixed-sex_education |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
comprehensive school
"A comprehensive school is a secondary school or middle school that is a state school and does not select its intake on the basis of academic achievement or aptitude. This is in contrast to the selective school system, where admission is restricted on the basis of selection criteria. The term is commonly used in relation to England and Wales, where comprehensive schools were introduced on an experimental basis in the 1940s and became more widespread from 1965. About 90% of British secondary school pupils now attend comprehensive schools. They correspond broadly to the public high school in the United States and Canada and to the German Gesamtschule." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
The Context class provides the discursive context for assertions in the ontology. Where the assertions have been generated from a source text, Context provides the text, or the relevant snippet of a longer text, from which they have been extracted.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Context | Tag: | cwrc:Context |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept oa:Annotation |
Within Domain: | cwrc:hasIDependencyOn |
Within Range: | cwrc:contextFocus cwrc:hasIDependencyOn |
Children Classes: | cwrc:BiographyContext cwrc:SpatialContext cwrc:WritingContext |
Academic or educational qualification, such as a certificate or degree, awarded by an educational institution.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Credential | Tag: | cwrc:Credential |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
Within Domain: | cwrc:credentialOf |
Within Range: | cwrc:credential cwrc:hasCredential |
Instances: |
cryptic name
A name deliberately obscured, as in an anagram. Cryptic names have lexical meaning such as "The Scotch Milkmaid,""A Housewife," or "A Placid Reader."
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#CrypticName | Tag: | cwrc:CrypticName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
cultural form
The Cultural Form class of properties associates specific concepts and categories with the process of identity formation through cultural processes. Such associations may be or have been embraced by the subject herself or himself or attributed by others. Although cultural forms or social identities circulate around the notion of characteristics, traditions, beliefs, or origins that are shared with others, recent work has stressed the contingency, provisionality, and constructedness of such categories through both complex discourses and social practices. As argued by Stuart Hall, "It seems to be in the attempt to rearticulate the relationship between subjects and discursive practices that the question of identity recurs" ("Introduction"). See Stuart Hall and Paul du Goy's edited collection Questions of Cultural Identity (Paul du Goy and Stuart Hall, 1996). Given their highly discursive nature, the concepts and categories classed as cultural forms are understood to overlap with each other conceptually. The same word or label can therefore occur as multiple cultural forms, reflecting the shifting discursive contexts in which it has been used and the diverse situations from which it has emerged. Each specific Cultural Form is understood to interact not only with other cultural forms or identity categories applied to a person, and other instances of the form applied to other people, but also always with Cultural Formation Context annotations, which support the understanding that social identities are always constructions in progress.
cultural form context
Cultural Form Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Cultural Form Context provide information about and discussions of a person's social identity or subjectivity through the use of cultural form properties, which when multiple often indicate intersectional identities.
cultural form event
An event related to a cultural form context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#CulturalFormEvent | Tag: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
Children Classes: | cwrc:GenderEvent cwrc:NationalityEvent cwrc:PoliticsEvent cwrc:RaceEthnicityEvent cwrc:ReligionEvent cwrc:SexualityEvent cwrc:SocialClassEvent |
dame school
"A dame school was an early form of a private elementary school in English-speaking countries. They were usually taught by women and were often located in the home of the teacher." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DameSchool | Tag: | cwrc:DameSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Dame_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
day school
"A day school—as opposed to a boarding school—is an institution where children (or high-school age adolescents) are given educational instruction during the day, after which the students return to their homes. The term can also be used to emphasize the length of full-day programs as opposed to after-school programs, as in Jewish day school." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DaySchool | Tag: | cwrc:DaySchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Day_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
death context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as death context provide information about and discussions of a person's death. See About: Death.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DeathContext | Tag: | cwrc:DeathContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
death event
An event related to an death context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DeathEvent | Tag: | cwrc:DeathEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
decade significance
Indicates a low level of significance appropriate to a detailed understanding of a decade.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DecadeSignificance | Tag: | cwrc:DecadeSignificance |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EventSignificance |
destruction type
The manner in which a creative work was destroyed.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DestructionType | Tag: | cwrc:DestructionType |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasDestructionType cwrc:hasDestructionType cwrc:i_hasDestructionType |
Instances: |
An educational award indicating that a person has achieved honours or distinction in their studies.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Distinction | Tag: | cwrc:Distinction |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
domestic education context
Context for education that takes place at home. For example, of a woman writer in the Victorian period taught by her brother or a governess.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DomesticEducationContext | Tag: | cwrc:DomesticEducationContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationContext |
skos:closeMatch: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeschooling |
domestic education event
An event related to an domestic education context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#DomesticEducationEvent | Tag: | cwrc:DomesticEducationEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationEvent |
economic context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Economic Context provide information about and discussions of a person's economic standing, including inheritance, property ownership, pensions, and personal financial disasters. See also the occupation context and cultural form context, particularly for social class context.
economic event
An event related to an economic context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EconomicEvent | Tag: | cwrc:EconomicEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
education context
Education Context is a significant subclass of context. It has subclasses for domestic education context, institutional education context, and self taught education context. Annotations typed as Education Context or a subclass provide information about and discussions of a person's education, whether formal or informal.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EducationContext | Tag: | cwrc:EducationContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:DomesticEducationContext cwrc:InstitutionalEducationContext cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationContext |
education event
An event related to an education context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EducationEvent | Tag: | cwrc:EducationEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
Children Classes: | cwrc:DomesticEducationEvent cwrc:InstitutionalEducationEvent cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationEvent |
educational award
An award, financial, material, or immaterial, associated with a person's education at any level.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EducationalAward | Tag: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Award |
Children Classes: | cwrc:Bursary cwrc:Distinction cwrc:EducationalPrize cwrc:EssayAward cwrc:Exhibition cwrc:Fellowship cwrc:Scholarship cwrc:Studentship |
Instances: |
educational organization
An organization such as a school that provides education, usually although not always as its primary function. "A school is an institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
educational prize
A medal or award, monetary or otherwise, presented by either an institution or person of authority to an individual who has excelled in some aspect of their education.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EducationalPrize | Tag: | cwrc:EducationalPrize |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
educational subject
A subject or field of study or practice. Educational subjects are typically designated by Library of Congress Subject Headings (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects.html). However, given the omissions, biases, and US-centricity of this vocabulary, other terms or strings may be used.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EducationalSubject | Tag: | cwrc:EducationalSubject |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
skos:related: | bf:subject |
Within Domain: | cwrc:credentialSubjectOf |
Within Range: | cwrc:credentialSubject cwrc:hasCredentialSubject cwrc:subjectOfStudy cwrc:teachesEducationalSubject cwrc:teachingEducationalSubject |
Within Domain: | cwrc:studiedBy |
Within Range: | cwrc:studies |
educational text
A text, cultural work, or an author or artist's general oeuvre, that is significant to a person's informal or formal education.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EducationalText | Tag: | cwrc:EducationalText |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
essay award
An award given in an educational context on the strength of the recipient's essay.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EssayAward | Tag: | cwrc:EssayAward |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
A subclass of Cultural Form for indicating a person's ethnicity, either as self-reported or as assigned by others, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. Ethnicities are groups constructed on the conception of shared national, religious, geographical, racial, or cultural backgrounds or traditions, and particular ethnicities may be denigrated, lauded, or both, depending on the context. Ethnicities are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployed categories whose use must be situated contextually and which are understood here finally as discursive or representational although they have real material impacts. As Angel Oquendo writes, "Despite its long ‘materialist' past in which it was taken to be synonymous with ‘race,' the concept of ethnicity as used today does appear to focus on cultural rather than on physiognomic difference." (Angel R. Oquendo, "Re-imagining the Latino/a Race" in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader edited by Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic 1998. This ontology therefore does not attempt to lay out an exact, fully defined, or mutually exclusive set of ethnic categories: this is an impossibility given their shifting use and the overlap among them and with identity categories for race, geography, and nationality, as demonstrated by Noel Ignatieve in his book How the Irish Became White (Ignatieve, 1995). Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated race or ethnicity context annotations, if available.
An event that occurs in time.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Event | Tag: | cwrc:Event |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | sem:EventType cidoc:E7_activity |
Children Classes: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent cwrc:WritingEvent |
event climate
Categories by which the relevance of an event to one or more broad areas is indicated, usually by an author or editor.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EventClimate | Tag: | cwrc:EventClimate |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | sem:EventType |
Children Classes: | cwrc:LiteraryClimate cwrc:PoliticalClimate cwrc:SocialClimate |
event significance
Indications of the degree of importance assigned to an event, often by its author or an editor.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#EventSignificance | Tag: | cwrc:EventSignificance |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | sem:EventType |
Children Classes: | cwrc:DecadeSignificance cwrc:HistoricSignificance cwrc:IndividualSignificance cwrc:PeriodSignificance |
exhibition (scholarship)
An exhibition is a type of scholarship award or bursary.
familiar name
A version of a name used by those familiar with a person, such as family, friends, or co-workers.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FamiliarName | Tag: | cwrc:FamiliarName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
family context
Family Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Family Context provide information about and discussions of a person's familial relations. Family relationships are social bonds assumed between a group of people affiliated by blood, marriage, co-residence, or other affiliation. For more information, see About: Family.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FamilyContext | Tag: | cwrc:FamilyContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
family event
An event related to an family context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FamilyEvent | Tag: | cwrc:FamilyEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
An award or position usually associated with research or advanced standing in a field, and often associated with a particular group, body, or organization connected to creative, scholarly, or professional practice, sometimes involving a stipend and sometimes labour such as teaching.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Fellowship | Tag: | cwrc:Fellowship |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
skos:related: | cwrc:fellow |
fictional person
A person, broadly defined, who features in an imaginative work such as a literary work, as a character or in some other way that distinguishes the reference to them from the natural person who is being represented. In other words, there is a distinction between a simple allusion to a natural person, and the fictionalization of that person within a text or other work of art.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FictionalPerson | Tag: | cwrc:FictionalPerson |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | foaf:Person |
fictional place
A place that features in an imaginative work such as a literary work. Such places typically do not not have geospatial coordinates, although they may have a relationship to a mapped place.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FictionalPlace | Tag: | cwrc:FictionalPlace |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Place |
A subject's given or baptismal name. This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema forename element. See also TEI element forename (forename) .
formal response
Indicates a response that was formally delivered, that is, written or otherwise made public.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FormalResponse | Tag: | cwrc:FormalResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
friends and associates context
Friends and connections context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as friends and connections contexts discuss a broad spectrum of social relations ranging from friendship to enmities and casual associations. Other context annotations treat related aspects of social connections, including leisure context and intimate relationship context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FriendsAndAssociatesContext | Tag: | cwrc:FriendsAndAssociatesContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
friends and associates event
An event related to an friends and associates context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#FriendsAndAssociatesEvent | Tag: | cwrc:FriendsAndAssociatesEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
A subclass of cultural form for indicating a person's gender, whether attributed or self-reported, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations. Although in popular culture gender and biological sex are conflated and understood to be binary, the concept of gender stresses the relationality, constructedness, and performativity of gendered identities and gendered behaviour, whose categories are historically contingent and shifting, and the boundaries between them blurry. Simone de Beauvoir (1973) stated "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman," a belief that has been taken up by many other theorists of gender including Judith Butler (1990). Gender studies to date has investigated the social construction of femininity more than that of masculinity. The multi-layered constructedness of gender is also underlined by Donna Haraway who understands it as a "socially, historically, and semiotically positioned difference" (Donna Haraway, 1988). Gender is understood as fluid, situational, and sometimes plural, and it is related to, though not commensurate with, sexual identity and orientation, just as it is related to but not defined by specific forms of embodiment. Rather than seeing biological sex as a pre-social or natural given, the body is understood as a site of inscription (cf. (Elizabeth Grosz, 1994) which is also socially constructed and indeed epigenetically shaped by environmental factors (N. Katherine Hayles, 2012). As articulated by feminist neurologist Gillian Einstein, (2012)"The world writes on the body." This ontology therefore does not provide separate terms for sex as distinct from gender. Instead, it privileges terms associated with gender, recognizing that they are conventionally but not necessarily associated with sex, and that there is constant slippage between gender and sex in the way that these categories circulate through discourses, actions, and institutions. Far from indicating a universal facet of experience, gender intersects with other identity categories and axes of oppression such as class, race or colour, or geographical heritage to produced quite different interests and experiences among people of the same gender, as with the intersection of religion and white masculine identity in the Muscular Christianity movement in nineteenth-century Britain. Being a woman of colour often compounds the impacts of gender oppression. Such interaction between different forms of oppression is termed "intersectionality" (Kimberlé Crenshaw, 1989). Where this class and its instances are concerned, readers are advised to consult gender context context annotations, if available. Where terms are applied to younger individuals, the gendered variants, such as “girl” for “woman”, are understood to apply.
gender context
Gender Context is a significant subclass of context. It is associated with the cultural form subclass gender, and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Annotations typed as Gender Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their gender and gender identity. Gender Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person indicated through the properties has gender identity or has gender identity (self-reported).
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#GenderContext | Tag: | cwrc:GenderContext |
dcterms:subject: | cwrc:Gender |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormContext |
gender event
An event related to a gender context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#GenderEvent | Tag: | cwrc:GenderEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
gendered response
Indicates a response that was influenced by gendered preconceptions.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#GenderedResponse | Tag: | cwrc:GenderedResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
generational name
A name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema for the genName element. See TEI element genName (generational name component) .
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#GenerationalName | Tag: | cwrc:GenerationalName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
geographic heritage
A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. Geographic heritage involves the geographical origins of a person's family, which often contributes to an understanding of their racial and ethnic background. It offers a way to capture individuals identified as "South-Asian," for example, when no more precise national heritage is indicated. See race or ethnicity context for a detailed description of the complexities of this class. It can be multiple and it can be different from a person's national identity or national heritage, current or official citizenship, or the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated nationality context excerpts or annotations, if available.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#GeographicHeritage | Tag: | cwrc:GeographicHeritage |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalForm |
skos:note: | Geonames terms are often used for locations and for many instances of geographic heritage. |
Within Domain: | cwrc:geographicHeritageOf cwrc:geographicHeritageReportedOf cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReportedOf |
Within Range: | cwrc:geographicHeritage cwrc:geographicHeritageReported cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReported cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageReported cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported |
Instances: |
grammar school
"A grammar school is one of several different types of school in the history of education in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries, originally a school teaching Latin, but more recently an academically-oriented secondary school, differentiated in recent years from less academic Secondary Modern Schools." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#GrammarSchool | Tag: | cwrc:GrammarSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Grammar_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
health context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as health provide information about and discussions of a person's health, both mental and physical, and associated social, political and historical factors.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#HealthContext | Tag: | cwrc:HealthContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:MentalHealthContext cwrc:PhysicalHealthContext cwrc:WomensHealthContext |
health event
An event related to an health context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#HealthEvent | Tag: | cwrc:HealthEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
historic significance
Indicates a very high level of significance appropriate to a historical overview.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#HistoricSignificance | Tag: | cwrc:HistoricSignificance |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EventSignificance |
honorific name
A positive name which celebrates or honours a person.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#HonorificName | Tag: | cwrc:HonorificName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
indexed name
Name under which a person's work is indexed by an institution or organization.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#IndexedName | Tag: | cwrc:IndexedName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
individual significance
Indicates a level of significance appropriate to an understanding of an individual person or entity.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#IndividualSignificance | Tag: | cwrc:IndividualSignificance |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EventSignificance |
influence context
Influence Context is a significant subclass of ReceptionContext. Annotations typed as Influence Context chart both the effects and results of external factors on the subject of the annotation, and also the impact of that subject's writing on other entities.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#InfluenceContext | Tag: | cwrc:InfluenceContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ReceptionContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:IntertextualityContext |
influence event
An event related to an influence context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#InfluenceEvent | Tag: | cwrc:InfluenceEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ReceptionEvent |
Children Classes: | cwrc:IntertextualityEvent |
informal response
Indicates that a response to a work was informally delivered rather than published, which can include a hearty slap on the back, rude looks from strangers on buses, a snubbing by someone's social set, or comments in conversations, letters, or diaries.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#InformalResponse | Tag: | cwrc:InformalResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
initial response
Indicates a response that occurred soon after the time of production or publication.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#InitialResponse | Tag: | cwrc:InitialResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
institutional education context
Context for education or learning within an institutional setting.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#InstitutionalEducationContext | Tag: | cwrc:InstitutionalEducationContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationContext |
skos:related: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School |
institutional education event
An event related to an institutional education context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#InstitutionalEducationEvent | Tag: | cwrc:InstitutionalEducationEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationEvent |
intertextuality context
Intertextuality Context is a significant subclass of Context. Annotations typed as Intertextuality Context provide information on the relationships between authors and texts.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#IntertextualityContext | Tag: | cwrc:IntertextualityContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:InfluenceContext cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext |
intertextuality event
An event related to an intertextuality context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#IntertextualityEvent | Tag: | cwrc:IntertextualityEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:InfluenceEvent cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent |
intimate relationship context
Intimate relationship context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed intimate relationships discuss any type of intimacy ranging from emotional through psychological or material to sexual.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#IntimateRelationshipContext | Tag: | cwrc:IntimateRelationshipContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
intimate relationship event
An event related to an intimate relationship context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#IntimateRelationshipEvent | Tag: | cwrc:IntimateRelationshipEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
A human language or dialect, whether spoken and/or written.
later response
Indicates that a response occurred at some point after the initial response period.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#LaterResponse | Tag: | cwrc:LaterResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
leisure context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Leisure Context provide information about and discussions of instances of the leisure and social activities of a person including hobbies, sporting life and cultural activities, for example mountain climbing or hosting a literary salon. Notions of leisure are both gendered and classed, and vary by cultural context. This context is meant to capture a person's social life within their larger community, not simply an elite, fashionable social circle.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#LeisureContext | Tag: | cwrc:LeisureContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
leisure event
An event related to an leisure context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#LeisureEvent | Tag: | cwrc:LeisureEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
literary award
A literary award is an award presented in recognition of a particularly lauded literary piece or body of work. It is normally presented to an author.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#LiteraryAward | Tag: | cwrc:LiteraryAward |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Literary_award |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Award |
Within Domain: | cwrc:i_hasLiteraryAward |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasLiteraryAward cwrc:hasLiteraryAward |
literary climate
An event associated with the climate for literature and writing, broadly conceived, ranging from publication or performance events to information about print technologies and copyright.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#LiteraryClimate | Tag: | cwrc:LiteraryClimate |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EventClimate |
Children Classes: | cwrc:BritishWomenLiteraryClimate |
literary name
A name applied to a writer by others, for example in reviews or at readings, which orginate in the person's status as a writer.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#LiteraryName | Tag: | cwrc:LiteraryName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
local name
A name with a geographic connotation, for example, "Julian of Norwich."
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#LocalName | Tag: | cwrc:LocalName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
lost literary work
A creative work that has been lost or destroyed.
mapped place
A place that can be mapped according to some accepted system of graphically representing space.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#MappedPlace | Tag: | cwrc:MappedPlace |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Place |
married name
A surname adopted in marriage.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#MarriedName | Tag: | cwrc:MarriedName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
mental health context
A subclass of health context. Annotations typed as mental health context describe an aspect of a person’s mental or psychological well-being or illness.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#MentalHealthContext | Tag: | cwrc:MentalHealthContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:HealthContext |
A significant scene, action, episode, or idea that recurs across multiple creative works and often within a single one. Motifs are typically localized or contained within a plot and may recur multiple times in the same work.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Motif | Tag: | cwrc:Motif |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ThematicContext |
Within Domain: | cwrc:i_hasMotif |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasMotif cwrc:hasMotif |
name context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as name context provide the name or names associated with a person, at times with contextual information.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NameContext | Tag: | cwrc:NameContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
name event
An event related to an name context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NameEvent | Tag: | cwrc:NameEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
name link
"A connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as van der or of." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema for the 'NameLink' element. See TEI element nameLink (name link) .
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NameLink | Tag: | cwrc:NameLink |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
name type
An aspect of a person's name, including its use, connotations, or significance.
national heritage
A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. National Heritage is composed of various elements related to national identity, often transmitted from previous generations and influenced by a subject's national historical background or geographic heritage. It can be multiple and can be different from a person's national identity, current or official citizenship, or the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated nationality context excerpts or annotations, if available.
national identity
A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's national identity, either as self-reported or as assigned by others, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides, although it is usually associated with a current or former country or geographic region. For this reason, the (see ISO 2-digit Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 2: Country subdivision codes are used where possible to represent instances of national identities, and only terms for which country codes do not exist appear in this ontology. Like other identity categories, nationality may be plural, fluid, or contingent, and terms used for national identities can intersect with national heritage, geographic heritage, and ethnicity as well as other identity categories. Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated nationality context annotations, if available.
nationality context
Nationality Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Nationality Context provide information about and discussions of a person's cultural formation in relation to their national identity, national heritage, and geographic heritage -- which are not always aligned. Nationality Context provides depth to more granular indications of national identity through the national heritage, national identity, and geographic heritage properties.
nationality event
An event related to a nationality context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NationalityEvent | Tag: | cwrc:NationalityEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
natural person
A human being who is alive, or was alive at some point in time. Natural persons may be fictionalized, in which case they are also classed as a fictional person.
Indicates familiar, humorous, or abusive name given to a person, applied instead of or in addition to their real name. May have name type, abusive name or honorific name.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Nickname | Tag: | cwrc:Nickname |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
non-gendered response
Indicates a response that was not influenced by gendered preconceptions.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NonGenderedResponse | Tag: | cwrc:NonGenderedResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
A note or annotation, such as a footnote, endnote, or hypertext comment, which may be part of an object, contained in metadata describing it (as for a non-textual object), or linked to it, for instance via a Web Annotation.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Note | Tag: | cwrc:Note |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
Children Classes: | cwrc:NoteInternal cwrc:NoteScholarly |
note (internal)
A note or annotation intended for internal purposes having to do with such matters as research, composition, or workflow, and not intended for publication.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NoteInternal | Tag: | cwrc:NoteInternal |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Note foaf:Note |
note (scholarly)
A scholarly note or annotation intended for publication, usually containing ancillary or supplementary content, which may take various forms such as a footnote, endnote, or pop-up note.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#NoteScholarly | Tag: | cwrc:NoteScholarly |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Note foaf:Note |
A position, activity, job, or profession, whether paid, unpaid, or voluntary, often related to and at times overlapping with a person's social class.
occupation context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as occupation provide information about and discussions of positions and activities significant to a person's life, including paid, unpaid, and voluntary work both beyond and within the home. Although writing as a career sometimes overlaps with occupation, literary activities are often described in writing contexts.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#OccupationContext | Tag: | cwrc:OccupationContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
occupation event
An event related to an occupation context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#OccupationEvent | Tag: | cwrc:OccupationEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
Indicates the works of an author or other creative practioner regarded collectively. Publications of a particular writer's works are a repesentation of that writer's oeuvre but not synonymous with it.
performance context
Performance Context is a subclass of Production Context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PerformanceContext | Tag: | cwrc:PerformanceContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ProductionContext |
performance event
An event related to a Performance Context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PerformanceEvent | Tag: | cwrc:PerformanceEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ProductionEvent |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasPerformanceRelationTo cwrc:hasPerformanceRelationTo |
period significance
Indicates a moderate level of significance appropriate to an understanding of a historical period.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PeriodSignificance | Tag: | cwrc:PeriodSignificance |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EventSignificance |
A persona, unlike a role, cannot be adopted by people generally, but is specific to one natural person, or more rarely several natural persons. A persona is an original creation, often bearing meaning regarding the biographical, historical and sociological context to which its/their creator/s is/are attached. Personas as defined here should not be associated with mental illness or multiple personality disorder, since they are not the product of a distorted or uncontrolled perception of reality. At the heart of a persona is an identity that is interacted with by others and that at times can be confused with an actual natural person. It is incarnated and developed by a natural person, and may have a social, literary, artistic or political activity.
Comment: This definition is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's definition of the persona element. See TEI element persona .
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Persona | Tag: | cwrc:Persona |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | foaf:Person |
Within Domain: | cwrc:personaOf |
Within Range: | cwrc:hasPersona |
personal name
A person's name, containing a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person. Has subclasses for types of names such as pseudonym and may have name type, and may have associated parts. This term is derived in part from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema persname element. See also TEI element persName (personal name) .
physical health context
A subclass of health context. Annotations typed as physical health context describe aspects of a person’s bodily or physical well-being or illness.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PhysicalHealthContext | Tag: | cwrc:PhysicalHealthContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:HealthContext |
A named entity associated with a location in geographical space. It may be real or fictive, populated or unpopulated.
political affiliation
This subclass of CulturalForm indicates affiliations, connections and associations which designate a person's political involvement. These affiliations can be both formal connections to a party or organisation and informal political positions held by the writer. Political affiliations are defined broadly and include things like "against capital punishment" or "strong supporter of the Empire" in addition to more straightforward affiliations such as "marxist" or "conservative". Political affiliations can be multiple, sometimes contradictory, and may change over time.
political climate
An event having political implications within its geopolitical context, often nationally or internationally. Includes the accession of' monarchs, changing governing structures including revolutions, the establishment of major organizations, and other markers of political change.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PoliticalClimate | Tag: | cwrc:PoliticalClimate |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EventClimate |
politics context
Politics Context is a significant subclass of context. It is associated with the cultural form subclass political affiliation, and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Annotations typed as Politics Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their political identity. Politics Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person indicated by the properties has political affiliation and its subproperties.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PoliticalContext | Tag: | cwrc:PoliticalContext |
dcterms:subject: | cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormContext |
political organization
An organization whose activities are primarily political or with which a person is affiliated politically.
politics event
An event related to an politics context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PoliticsEvent | Tag: | cwrc:PoliticsEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
post-secondary school
"Higher education, post-secondary education, or third level education is an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after secondary education. Often delivered at universities, academies, colleges, seminaries, and institutes of technology, higher education is also available through certain college-level institutions, including vocational schools, trade schools, and other career colleges that award academic degrees or professional certifications. Tertiary education at non-degree level is sometimes referred to as further education or continuing education as distinct from higher education. The right of access to higher education is mentioned in a number of international human rights instruments. The UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 declares, in Article 13, that "higher education shall be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education". In Europe, Article 2 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, adopted in 1950, obliges all signatory parties to guarantee the right to education" (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PostSecondarySchool | Tag: | cwrc:PostSecondarySchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Higher_education |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
Indicates the numerical accuracy or precision associated with some aspect of a value, measurement, or identification. For example, with respect to a location, it may indicate how precisely a place being referenced is indicated by the latitude and longitude or the place identifier provided.
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
preferred name
Indicates the form of name preferred by an authority or institution.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PreferredName | Tag: | cwrc:PreferredName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
prep school
Within a North American context, prep schools are private educational institutions that prepare students for college. Within a British context, they are private schools for students -- the age range of the students can vary significantly depending on when they went to school, though typically ranging from ages seven (though sometimes three) to thirteen.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PrepSchool | Tag: | cwrc:PrepSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Preparatory_school_(United_Kingdom) |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
primary school
"A primary school (or elementary school in American English and often in Canadian English) is a school in which children receive primary or elementary education from the age of about five to twelve, coming after preschool and before secondary school. (In some countries there is an intermediate stage of middle school between primary and secondary education.)" (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PrimarySchool | Tag: | cwrc:PrimarySchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Primary_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
private school
"Private schools, also known as independent schools, non-governmental, or nonstate schools, are not administered by local, state or national governments; thus, they retain the right to select their students and are funded in whole or in part by charging their students tuition, rather than relying on mandatory taxation through public (government) funding; at some private schools students may be able to get a scholarship, which makes the cost cheaper, depending on a talent the student may have (e.g. sport scholarship, art scholarship, academic scholarship), financial need, or tax credit scholarships that might be available." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PrivateSchool | Tag: | cwrc:PrivateSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Private_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
production context
Production Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ProductionContext | Tag: | cwrc:ProductionContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:PerformanceContext cwrc:PublishingContext |
production event
An event related to an production context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ProductionEvent | Tag: | cwrc:ProductionEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingEvent |
Children Classes: | cwrc:PerformanceEvent cwrc:PublishingEvent |
professional title
A person's professional role (e.g. Doctor Jane Smith) or designates membership in a professional society (e.g. John Smith, Esquire).
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ProfessionalTitle | Tag: | cwrc:ProfessionalTitle |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:RoleName |
Indicates both names and descriptive phrases (e.g. "A Lover of Her Sex" is a pseudonym for Mary Astell) used in publishing to conceal the identity of the author or to represent a persona.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Pseudonym | Tag: | cwrc:Pseudonym |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
publication mode
A text's publication mode.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PublicationMode | Tag: | cwrc:PublicationMode |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:PublishingContext |
Within Domain: | cwrc:i_hasPublicationModeType |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasPublicationModeType cwrc:hasPublicationModeType |
Instances: |
publishing context
Production Context is a subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Production Context describe the process of textual making, ranging a text's conception through to publication and republication.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PublishingContext | Tag: | cwrc:PublishingContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ProductionContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:PublicationMode |
publishing event
An event related to a Publishing Context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#PublishingEvent | Tag: | cwrc:PublishingEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ProductionEvent |
race or colour
A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's race or colour, often as presumed, perceived, or otherwise assigned according to cultural conventions, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. Despite the ways in which categories of race or colour frequently serve heinous interests, their ideological and material impacts in the formation of identities requires recognition. These are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployed categories whose use must be situated contextually and which are understood here finally as discursive or representational although they have real material impacts. They are thus as social constructs: "There is nothing more to being, or not being, a given race than the social acceptance and societal ascription of a race to a person" (Damon Sajnani, 2015). This ontology therefore does not attempt to lay out an exact, fully defined, or mutually exclusive set of racial categories: this is an impossibility given their shifting use and the overlap among them and with identity categories for ethnicity, geography, and nationality. Those applying this class and its instances are encouraged not to let privileged identities operate as an unspoken given or to use this class solely in relation to the marginalized. Those concerned about "white" and "black" as homogenizing categories are encouraged to reach for specificity through plural categories and representations of intersectionality, and to consult race or ethnicity context annotations, if available.
race or ethnicity context
Race or Ethnicity Context is a subclass of cultural form context, and is associated with the cultural form subclasses race or colour and ethnicity, and sometimes other cultural forms. Annotations typed as Race or Ethnicity Context provide contextualizing information about and discussions related to a person's perceived or self-reported identity with regards to race and/or ethnicity (Race or Colour or ethnicity). Despite the ways in which categories of Race or Colour and ethnicity frequently serve heinous interests, their ideological and material impacts in the formation of identities requires recognition. These are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployed categories whose use must be situated contextually and are understood here finally as discursive or representational although they have real material impacts. They are thus social constructs: "There is nothing more to being, or not being, a given race than the social acceptance and societal ascription of a race to a person" (Damon Sajnani, 2015).
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#RaceEthnicityContext | Tag: | cwrc:RaceEthnicityContext |
dcterms:subject: | cwrc:Ethnicity cwrc:RaceColour |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormContext |
race ethnicity event
An event related to an race or ethnicity context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#RaceEthnicityEvent | Tag: | cwrc:RaceEthnicityEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
re-evaluation response
Indicates a response that constitutes a significant re-consideration.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReEvaluationResponse | Tag: | cwrc:ReEvaluationResponse |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Response |
reception context
Reception Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Reception Context chart the effects and results of an individual's writing, and the responses of self and others to an individual's writing.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReceptionContext | Tag: | cwrc:ReceptionContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:InfluenceContext cwrc:RecognitionContext cwrc:ResponseContext |
reception event
An event related to an reception context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReceptionEvent | Tag: | cwrc:ReceptionEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingEvent |
Children Classes: | cwrc:InfluenceEvent cwrc:RecognitionEvent cwrc:ResponseEvent |
recognition context
Recognition Context is a significant subclass of Reception Context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#RecognitionContext | Tag: | cwrc:RecognitionContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ReceptionContext |
recognition event
An event related to a recognition context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#RecognitionEvent | Tag: | cwrc:RecognitionEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ReceptionEvent |
A subclass of cultural form, this describes a person's religion(s) or belief system(s). Note that while atheism denotes the absence of religion, we use the Religion label for convenience.
religious context
Religion Context is a significant subclass of context. It is associated with the cultural form subclass religion, and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Annotations typed as Religion Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their religion. Religion Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person indicated by the properties has religious affiliation or has religious affiliation (self-reported).
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReligionContext | Tag: | cwrc:ReligionContext |
dcterms:subject: | cwrc:Religion |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormContext |
religion event
An event related to a religious context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReligionEvent | Tag: | cwrc:ReligionEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
religious organization
An organization whose activities are primarily religious.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReligiousOrganization | Tag: | cwrc:ReligiousOrganization |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | org:FormalOrganization |
religious school
A school associated formally in some way with a religion, ranging from parochial schools to faith-based schools.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReligiousSchool | Tag: | cwrc:ReligiousSchool |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
religious name
A name acquired through a religious role or practice.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReligousName | Tag: | cwrc:ReligousName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
reproductive history
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ReproductiveHistory | Tag: | cwrc:ReproductiveHistory |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
Within Range: | cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory cwrc:reproductiveHistory |
Instances: |
A reaction to a creative work or its creator which may take a wide range of forms both material and immaterial.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Response | Tag: | cwrc:Response |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
Within Domain: | cwrc:i_hasResponse |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasResponse cwrc:hasResponse |
Within Domain: | cwrc:c_hasResponseRelationTo cwrc:hasResponseRelationTo |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasResponseRelationTo cwrc:hasResponseRelationTo |
Children Classes: | cwrc:AdfeminamResponse cwrc:FormalResponse cwrc:GenderedResponse cwrc:InformalResponse cwrc:InitialResponse cwrc:LaterResponse cwrc:NonGenderedResponse cwrc:ReEvaluationResponse |
response context
Response Context is a significant subclass of Reception Context. Annotations typed as Response Context address reactions to a writer's literary work, whether their oeuvre in general or specific works, or to their role as an author.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ResponseContext | Tag: | cwrc:ResponseContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ReceptionContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:AuthorshipControversy |
response event
An event related to a Response to a creative work.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ResponseEvent | Tag: | cwrc:ResponseEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ReceptionEvent |
role name
A name which "indicates that a person has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema for the 'roleName' element. See TEI element roleName (role name) .
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#RoleName | Tag: | cwrc:RoleName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
Children Classes: | cwrc:ProfessionalTitle cwrc:RoyalName cwrc:StyledName cwrc:TitledName |
romance name
Indicates cases where the person has a name associated with writing romances, or with romantic writing, for example, Swift's Stella.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#RomanceName | Tag: | cwrc:RomanceName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:NameType |
royal name
A name based on royal status.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#RoyalName | Tag: | cwrc:RoyalName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:RoleName |
A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Scholarship | Tag: | cwrc:Scholarship |
prov:wasDerivedFrom: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scholarship |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
secondary modern school
"A secondary modern school is a type of secondary school that once existed throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland, from 1944 until the 1970s under the Tripartite System and still persist in Northern Ireland, where they are usually referred to simply as Secondary schools, and in areas of England, such as Buckinghamshire (where they are referred to as community schools), Lincolnshire, Wirral Medway and Kent where they are called high schools. " (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SecondaryModernSchool | Tag: | cwrc:SecondaryModernSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Secondary_modern_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
secondary school
"A secondary school is both an organization that provides secondary education and the building where this takes place. Some secondary schools can provide both lower secondary education and upper secondary education (levels 2 and 3 of the ISCED scale), but these can also be provided in separate schools, as in the American middle school- high school system. Secondary schools typically follow on from primary schools and lead into vocational and tertiary education. Attendance is compulsory in most countries for students between the ages of 11 and 16. The organisations, buildings, and terminology are more or less unique in each country." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SecondarySchool | Tag: | cwrc:SecondarySchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Secondary_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
secular school
A school that is not formally associated with a religious organization and/or one that is avowedly secular in its educational principles, often but not always publicly-funded institutions that are funded by countries with a separation between religion and the state.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SecularSchool | Tag: | cwrc:SecularSchool |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
self constructed name
A self-chosen name used in everyday life rather than only on title-pages as is the case for a pseudonym.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SelfConstructedName | Tag: | cwrc:SelfConstructedName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:AdditionalName |
self taught education context
Education context related to learning conducted independently.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SelfTaughtEducationContext | Tag: | cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationContext |
skos:related: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autodidacticism |
self taught education event
An event related to an self taught education context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SelfTaughtEducationEvent | Tag: | cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationEvent |
setting context
Setting Context is a subclass of Textual Features Context. Annotations typed as Settings Contexts relate to the settings of creative works.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SettingContext | Tag: | cwrc:SettingContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:SettingType |
setting event
An event related to a Settings Context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SettingEvent | Tag: | cwrc:SettingEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent |
setting type
An aspect of a creative work's setting.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SettingType | Tag: | cwrc:SettingType |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:SettingContext |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasSettingType cwrc:hasSettingType |
Children Classes: | cwrc:SocialSettingType cwrc:SpatialSettingType cwrc:TemporalOrientation |
A subclass of cultural form and linked to sexuality context, Sexuality properties indicate in a word or phrase identifications or aspects of sexuality (i.e., "lesbian," "monogamous," "heterosexual" but also "promiscuous") not as a means of shutting down but advancing investigation and critical analysis of these identifications. The association assumes that sexual identity does not function in an essentialist manner but can be plural and fluid, so multiple designations can be applied to a single person can be associated with multiple terms. Sexual identity may come from the subject her/himself or be ascribed by others. Terms may be in tension or mutually exclusive, they may reflect different life stages, and they may or may not reflect actual sexual practices. Linking a person to the term lesbianism as a sexual identity, for instance, does not necessarily signify that the subject was in any definitive sense a lesbian; such identifications are often impossible for reasons of historical gaps and silences. As far as living persons are concerned, our practice is to draw only on widely circulated public sources or disclosures from the subject her/himself in order to avoid inadvertently outing someone. See Campbell and Cowan, 2016
sexuality context
Sexuality Context is a significant subclass of cultural form context. Annotations typed as Sexuality Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their sexuality and sexual identity. Sexuality Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person through the sexuality or sexuality self-reported properties. It does not provide context for individual sexual experiences and relationships (for which see intimate relationship context), although specific relationships may be invoked to indicate the impact on a subject's life and understanding of their own sexuality. Contextualizations allow recognition of the complicated politics of sexuality, for example, considerations regarding outing, the historical specificity of some categories such as "congenital invert," the appropriation of derogatory terms, and the multiplicity of constructions. There are important politics of privacy with respect to the disclosure of a subject's sexuality, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. As far as living persons are concerned, recommended practice is to draw only on widely circulated public sources or disclosures from the subject her/himself in order to avoid inadvertently outing someone. See Campbell and Cowan, 2016
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SexualityContext | Tag: | cwrc:SexualityContext |
dcterms:subject: | cwrc:Gender cwrc:Sexuality |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormContext |
sexuality event
An event related to a sexuality context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SexualityEvent | Tag: | cwrc:SexualityEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
single-sex school
"Single-sex education, also known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. The practice was common before the twentieth century, particularly in secondary education and higher education. Single-sex education in many cultures is advocated on the basis of tradition as well as religion, and is practiced in many parts of the world. Recently, there has been a surge of interest and establishment of single-sex schools due to educational research. Single sex education is practiced in many Muslim majority countries; while in the West it is most popular in Belgium, Chile, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea. Motivations for such education range from religious ideas of sex segregation to beliefs that the sexes learn and behave differently, and, as such, they thrive in a single sex environment. In the 19th century, in Western countries, single sex girls' finishing schools, and women's colleges offered women a chance to education at a time when they were denied access to mainstream educational institutions. The former were especially common in Switzerland, the latter in the US and the UK, which were pioneers in women's education." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SingleSexSchool | Tag: | cwrc:SingleSexSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:Single-sex_education |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
social class
A subclass of cultural form, socialClass terms associate subjects with a specific social group, recognizing that such categories and their application to individuals are contested and can change over time. The association may be or have been embraced by the subject her/himself or attributed by others. Unlike Notes typed as social class context, which contain detailed discussion of a subject's class position, socialClass links to a word or phrase signifying a particular construction of class, with particular reference to earlier historical periods in the British Isles. Social class has been variously constructed and theorized, sometimes overlaps with occupation, and for women is further complicated by the fact that women were understood to take their social status from fathers and/or husbands. The terminology used here reflects quite basic social groupings that intersect with other factors such as wealth.
social class context
Social Class Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Social Class Context provide information about and discussions of a person's cultural formation in relation to social class identities and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Social Class Context provides depth to more granular indications of social class through the Social Class property(Orlando, 2006).
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SocialClassContext | Tag: | cwrc:SocialClassContext |
dcterms:subject: | cwrc:SocialClass |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormContext |
social class event
An event related to a social class context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SocialClassEvent | Tag: | cwrc:SocialClassEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:CulturalFormEvent |
social climate
Events, including indications of larger trends, with social implications, such as shifts in technology, science, medicine, law, or education, domestic conditions such as housing, clothes, or food and food supply, or the changing positions and civic involvements of marginalized groups.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SocialClimate | Tag: | cwrc:SocialClimate |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EventClimate |
socio-economic setting type
A socio-economic mileu or context in which a creative work is set.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SocialSettingType | Tag: | cwrc:SocialSettingType |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:SettingType |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasSocialSettingType cwrc:hasSocialSettingType |
Instances: |
spatial context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as spatial context provide information about and discussions of aspects of a person's connections to geospatial locations. Spatial information is also associated in a range of ways with other properties and events such as a person's geographic heritage, a place of publication, or the setting of literary texts.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SpatialContext | Tag: | cwrc:SpatialContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Context |
spatial event
An event related to an spatial context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SpatialEvent | Tag: | cwrc:SpatialEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | sem:Event cidoc:E7_activity |
Children Classes: | cwrc:SpatialMovementEvent |
spatial movement event
An event related to an spatial context. Particularly in relation to travelled to, moved to, emigrated from, immigrated to, visits
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SpatialMovementEvent | Tag: | cwrc:SpatialMovementEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent cwrc:SpatialEvent |
spatial setting type
An aspect of the geographic or other spatial setting of a creative work.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SpatialSettingType | Tag: | cwrc:SpatialSettingType |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:SettingType |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasSpatialSettingType cwrc:hasSpatialSettingType |
Instances: |
state school
"State schools (also known as public schools outside of England and Wales) generally refer to primary or secondary schools mandated for or offered to all children without charge, funded in whole or in part by taxation. The term may also refer to public institutions of post-secondary education." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#StateSchool | Tag: | cwrc:StateSchool |
owl:sameAs: | dbpedia:State_school |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
A Studentship is a type of academic scholarship.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#Studentship | Tag: | cwrc:Studentship |
prov:wasDerivedFrom: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studentship |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:EducationalAward |
styled name
A courtesy title associated with the British or other peerage.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#StyledName | Tag: | cwrc:StyledName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:RoleName |
A subject's last name at birth, often a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a forename or nickname." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema 'surname' element. See also TEI element surname (surname) .
system name
A name by which a person holds an account for a platform or service.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#SystemName | Tag: | cwrc:SystemName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:PersonalName foaf:accountName |
temporal orientation
Indicates the setting of a creative work relative to the era in which it was written.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TemporalOrientation | Tag: | cwrc:TemporalOrientation |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:SettingType |
Within Domain: | cwrc:i_hasControversyPeriod |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasControversyPeriod cwrc:c_hasTemporalOrientationType cwrc:hasControversyPeriod cwrc:hasTemporalOrientationType |
Instances: |
textual label
Collection of ambiguous or overloaded labels associated with contested concepts.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TextLabels | Tag: | cwrc:TextLabels |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme |
skos:related: | skosxl:Label |
Within Domain: | cwrc:represents |
Within Range: | cwrc:representedBy |
Instances: |
textual features context
Textual Features Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Textual Features Context chart critical interest in texts in addition to textual analysis, which occassionally draws on the tradition of close reading.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TextualFeaturesContext | Tag: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:CharacterizationContext cwrc:IntertextualityContext cwrc:SettingContext cwrc:ThematicContext |
textual features event
An event related to an textual features context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TextualFeaturesEvent | Tag: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingEvent |
Children Classes: | cwrc:CharacterizationEvent cwrc:IntertextualityEvent cwrc:SettingEvent cwrc:ThematicEvent |
textual history context
Textual History Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Textual Survival Context relate to the material history of a text, often in manuscript form, including loss and destruction.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TextualHistoryContext | Tag: | cwrc:TextualHistoryContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingContext |
textual history event
An event related to a textual history context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TextualHistoryEvent | Tag: | cwrc:TextualHistoryEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingEvent |
thematic context
Thematic Context is a subclass of Textual Features Context. Annotations typed as Thematic Contexts relate to how creative works handle themes or topics.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ThematicContext | Tag: | cwrc:ThematicContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext |
Children Classes: | cwrc:Motif cwrc:TopicType |
thematic event
An event related to a Thematic context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ThematicEvent | Tag: | cwrc:ThematicEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent |
titled name
A formal title in the British and other peerages, including of a life peer. Peeresses may be described as titled, although in strict terms, unless one holds a title "in her own right", these are styled names or courtesy titles.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TitledName | Tag: | cwrc:TitledName |
rdf:type: | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:RoleName |
topic type
A common topic of creative works.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#TopicType | Tag: | cwrc:TopicType |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:ThematicContext |
Within Domain: | cwrc:i_hasTopicType |
Within Range: | cwrc:c_hasTopicType cwrc:hasTopicType |
trade school
"A vocational school, sometimes called a trade school or vocational college, is a post-secondary educational institution designed to provide vocational education, or technical skills required to perform the tasks of a particular and specific job. Vocational schools are traditionally distinguished from four-year colleges by their focus on job-specific training to students who are typically bound for one of the skilled trades, rather than providing academic training for students pursuing careers in a professional discipline. While many schools have largely adhered to this convention, the purely vocational focus of other trade schools began to shift in the 1990s "toward a broader preparation that develops the academic" as well as technical skills of their students." (DBpedia, 2018)
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.
violence context
A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Violence Context provide information about and discussions of instances of physical, sexual, and undue emotional abuse, whether the person was subject to the violence or perpetrated it. Broadly conceived to include the effect of exposure to violence of which the person was neither perpetrator nor survivor.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ViolenceContext | Tag: | cwrc:ViolenceContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographyContext |
violence event
An event related to an violence context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#ViolenceEvent | Tag: | cwrc:ViolenceEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:BiographicalEvent |
women's health context
A subclass of health context. Annotations typed as women's health context describe an aspect of a person's health related to being a woman. Often closely connected to or overlapping with reproductive history. See Women's health - Wikipedia.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#WomensHealthContext | Tag: | cwrc:WomensHealthContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:HealthContext |
writing conditions context
Writing Conditions Context is a subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Writing Conditions Context are associated with an author's creative process or the creation of one or more works.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#WritingConditionsContext | Tag: | cwrc:WritingConditionsContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingContext |
writing conditions event
Writing Conditions Event is a subclass of Writing Event. Events typed as Writing Conditions Events are associated with an author's creative process or the creation of one or more works.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#WritingConditionsEvent | Tag: | cwrc:WritingConditionsEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:WritingEvent |
writing context
Writing Context is a major subclass of context. Annotations typed as Writing Context provide information about and discussions of a person's writing and writing career through the use of literary properties and relationships and through subclasses of Writing Context such as production context, reception context, and textual features context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#WritingContext | Tag: | cwrc:WritingContext |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Context |
Children Classes: | cwrc:ProductionContext cwrc:ReceptionContext cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext cwrc:TextualHistoryContext cwrc:WritingConditionsContext |
writing event
An event related to an writing context.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#WritingEvent | Tag: | cwrc:WritingEvent |
rdf:type: | owl:Class skos:Concept |
rdfs:subClassOf: | cwrc:Event |
Children Classes: | cwrc:ProductionEvent cwrc:ReceptionEvent cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent cwrc:TextualHistoryEvent cwrc:WritingConditionsEvent |
owl:FunctionalProperty (4)
has certainty
Associates a level of certainty with an assertion, description, identification, or value.
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Equivalent to the certainty element of the Text Encoding Initiative.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#hasCertainty | Tag: | cwrc:hasCertainty |
rdf:type: | owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | cwrc:Certainty |
*owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:certaintyOf |
Children Properties: | cwrc:hasTimeCertainty |
context predicate
Indicates the version of this predicate associated with context annotations, where such annotations exist.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#hasContextPredicate | Tag: | cwrc:hasContextPredicate |
rdf:type: | owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | owl:ObjectProperty |
*owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate |
has precision
Associates a level of precision with a value. measurement, or identification.
Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#hasPrecision | Tag: | cwrc:hasPrecision |
rdf:type: | owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | cwrc:Precision |
*owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:precisionOf |
has time certainty
Indicates the degree of certainty or precision of the temporal value or values associated with a time-based phenomenon such as an event.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#hasTimeCertainty | Tag: | cwrc:hasTimeCertainty |
rdf:type: | owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | cwrc:Certainty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:hasCertainty |
*owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:timeCertaintyOf |
owl:InverseFunctionalProperty (4)
certainty of
Links a level of certainty to an assertion, description, identification, or value. Related to the certainty element of the Text Encoding Initiative.
precision of
Links a level of precision to a source
subject-centric predicate
Indicates the version of this predicate associated with triples that do not have annotations, or triples derived from this annotation which take the context focus as their subject.
time certainty of
Indicates the degree of certainty or precision of the temporal value or values associated with a time-based phenomenon such as an event.
owl:ObjectProperty (735)
activist involvement in
Indicates the highest level of political involvement in a particular cause. It indicates such activities as suffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common, as well as very active leadership roles in a political organization. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies' National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directed its activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.
Indicates a reworking of a creative Work, including updates. Adaptation can be construed broadly: to quote Linda Hutcheon, "adaptation is not only a formal entity . . . but a process" xvii.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#adapts | Tag: | cwrc:adapts |
cwrc:domainIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
cwrc:rangeIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:c_adapts |
affected entity
Affected entities link to the Object or Class that was modified within a change set, this can be any rdf:resource. A change set may have 0 to many affected entities.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#affectedEntity | Tag: | cwrc:affectedEntity |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | cwrc:ChangeSet |
alludes explicitly to
Indicates direct acknowledgement of either a specific creative Work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, often through mention of the title or the author's name.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#alludesExplicitlyTo | Tag: | cwrc:alludesExplicitlyTo |
cwrc:domainIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
cwrc:rangeIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:c_alludesExplicitlyTo |
alludes to
Indicates an apparent but indirect reference to either a specific creative Work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, without explicitly identifying it.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#alludesTo | Tag: | cwrc:alludesTo |
cwrc:domainIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
cwrc:rangeIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:c_alludesTo |
altered by
Links a natural person to a change set entry.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#alteredBy | Tag: | cwrc:alteredBy |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | cwrc:ChangeSet |
rdfs:range: | cwrc:NaturalPerson |
*owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:madeAlteration |
Relates a person to an ancestor or forebear, usually at a remove of two generations or more.
[skos:altLabel: forebear ]
ancestor of
Relates a person to an ancestor or forebear, usually at a remove of two generations or more.
Indicates an intertexual engagement that forms a reply to a previous text, sometimes but not necessarily a rebuttal. It may take the form of response to a person's ideas or general works, as well as a particular text or texts.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#answers | Tag: | cwrc:answers |
cwrc:domainIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
cwrc:rangeIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:c_answers |
approximate birth date
Provides an approximation of the date on which a person was born.
birth date of
Provides an approximation of the date on which a person was born.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#approximateBirthDateOf | Tag: | cwrc:approximateBirthDateOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasApproximateBirthDate |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
skos:closeMatch: | cwrc:birthDateOf |
approximate death date
Provides an approximation of the date on which a person died.
death date of
Provides an approximation of the date on which a person died.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#approximateDeathDateOf | Tag: | cwrc:approximateDeathDateOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasApproximateDeathDate |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
skos:closeMatch: | cwrc:deathDateOf |
associated by violence with
A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to instances of physical, sexual, and undue emotional violence, whether the subject was the victim or the perpetrator. Broadly conceived to include the effect of exposure to violence of which the person was neither perpetrator nor survivor.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#associatedByViolenceWith | Tag: | cwrc:associatedByViolenceWith |
cwrc:rangeIncludes: | bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:violenceAssociation |
associated via health with
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#associatedViaHealthWith | Tag: | cwrc:associatedViaHealthWith |
cwrc:rangeIncludes: | bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:healthAssociation |
Indicates attending or having attended for education either a particular school or a particular type of schooling.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#attends | Tag: | cwrc:attends |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasStudent |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | cwrc:EducationalOrganization |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:relatesByEducationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:attendsPostSecondarySchool cwrc:attendsPrimarySchool cwrc:attendsSecondarySchool |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:schoolAttended |
attends post-secondary school
Indicates attending or having attended for education a post-secondary school.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#attendsPostSecondarySchool | Tag: | cwrc:attendsPostSecondarySchool |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:attends |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:postSecondarySchool |
attends primary school
Indicates attending or having attended for education a primary school.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#attendsPrimarySchool | Tag: | cwrc:attendsPrimarySchool |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:attends |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:primarySchool |
attends secondary school
Indicates attending or having attended for education a secondary school.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#attendsSecondarySchool | Tag: | cwrc:attendsSecondarySchool |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:attends |
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: | cwrc:secondarySchool |
Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any maternal relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#aunt | Tag: | cwrc:aunt |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasAunt |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:relative |
aunt of
Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any maternal relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.
awarded to
Indicates an award, prize, or recognition that a person has won, such as a literary award or an educational award prize.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#awardedTo | Tag: | cwrc:awardedTo |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
*owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasAward |
biographical relationship
Indicates a relationship or assertion based on an account of the life of a person or persons.
birth date
Indicates the date on which a person was born.
birth date of
Indicates the date on which a person was born.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#birthDateOf | Tag: | cwrc:birthDateOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasBirthDate |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
birth place
Indicates where a person was born.
birth place of
Indicates where a person was born.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#birthPlaceOf | Tag: | cwrc:birthPlaceOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasBirthPlace |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
birth position
Indicates a person's birth position relative to their siblings, with accompanying context provided by birth context annotations.
birth position of
Indicates a person's birth position relative to their siblings, with accompanying context provided by birth context annotations.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#birthPositionOf | Tag: | cwrc:birthPositionOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasBirthPosition |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | cwrc:BirthPosition |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
birth relationship
A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to birth.
Relates a person to a male-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties."
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#brother | Tag: | cwrc:brother |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasBrother |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:sibling |
Children Properties: | cwrc:halfBrother cwrc:stepBrother |
brother of
Relates a person to a male-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties."
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#brotherOf | Tag: | cwrc:brotherOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasBrother |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:siblingOf |
skos:broader: | schema:sibling |
Children Properties: | cwrc:halfBrotherOf cwrc:stepBrotherOf |
burial place
Indicates where a person was buried after death.
burial place of
Indicates where a person was buried after death.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#burialPlaceOf | Tag: | cwrc:burialPlaceOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasBurialPlace |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
Indicates a reworking of a creative Work, including updates. Adaptation can be construed broadly: to quote Linda Hutcheon, "adaptation is not only a formal entity . . . but a process" xvii.
explicit allusion
Indicates direct acknowledgement of either a specific creative Work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, often through mention of the title or the author's name.
Indicates an apparent but indirect reference to either a specific creative Work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, without explicitly identifying it.
Indicates an intertexual engagement that forms a reply to a previous text, sometimes but not necessarily a rebuttal. It may take the form of response to a person's ideas or general works, as well as a particular text or texts.
Indicates a fictionalized response to a creator or their work by another creator or creative work.
literary award value
Describes a monetary or intangible value of an award or recognition given to the subject for their work, either generally or for a specific piece.
advertising relationship
Describes reprinting a work in collections with work by other people.
anthologization relationship
archival location
Indicates the location or institutional holder of a manuscript or rare printed text.
ascribed writing motive
Desribes an ascribed, that is, externally attributed motive to an author or to the creation of a particular work.
attitude towards writing or gender
Describes a writer's' attitudes specifically to authorship, gender, and the relations between them.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasAttitudeTowardsWritingOrGender | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasAttitudeTowardsWritingOrGender |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasAttitudeTowardsWritingOrGender |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasWritingRelationTo |
aural effects
Describes imagery or effects created through sound.
author description
author name type
authorship controversy
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasAuthorshipControversy | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasAuthorshipControversy |
cwrc:domainIncludes: | bf:Work foaf:Person |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasAuthorshipControversy |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasAuthorshipRelationTo cwrc:c_hasResponseRelationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_hasControversyPeriod |
authorship controversy relationship
authorship relationship
Indicates an award, prize, or recognition that a person has won, such as a literary award or an educational award prize.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasAward | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasAward |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasAward |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:educationRelationship |
best known work
Describes a writer's best-known, most successful, or most praised work. Can occur multiple times for the same creator in relation to different genres or media (e.g. best-known poem and best-known novel).
Indicates a person depicted as a character in a creative work.
character name
Indicates the names of fictional characters.
character role
Variable short descriptions of the social role, occupation, or other aspects of a character in a creative work.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasCharacterRole | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasCharacterRole |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasCharacterRole |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasCharacterization |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_hasProtagonistRole |
Describes aspects of characterization within a creative work.
characterization relationship
Describes aspects of characterization within a creative work.
Indicates an imaginative textual response to a previous text that further develops the characters, plot, or setting, but differs from imitations, adaptations, or updates. It may or may not act as a sequel in that relying on the previous text is not a requirement.
Describes writer-publisher agreements.
contract relationship
controversy period
Describes both literary earnings themselves and on the earner's feelings about them.
copyright relationship
Describes dedications in literary works.
dedication relationship
work destruction
Indicates creative work that has been lost or destroyed.
destruction type
Indicates creative work that has been lost or destroyed.
Describes aspects of vocabulary or linguistic choice.
displaced writing relationship
Indicates places associated with a writer working from a displaced position (geographical or physical in some sense).
Describes both literary earnings themselves and on the earner's feelings about them.
Describes information about later editions, re-issues, reprints or translations, with discussion of bowdlerization, revisions, textual work, etc.
edition relationship
genre engagement
Indicates the disputable generic allegiance, unusual generic mixture or bricolage, innovation, or landmark engagement with one or more genres within a text or an author's oeuvre, in contrast to relatively unproblematized generic participation.
The size or duration of a thing.
familial influence
Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by her family history.
fictionalization description
Describes a fictionalized response to a creator or their work.
fictionalization relationship
Indicates that an entity is related to the fictionalization, in various media such as novels, films, or plays, of the subject creator or their work.
first literary activity
Describes a writer's' attitudes specifically to authorship, gender, and the relations between them.
generic range includes
Indicates that a person wrote in this genre or form.
Describes the use of figurative language.
Describes an authors' influence on other writers, the literary tradition, and/or society as a whole.
intellectual influence
Indicates an author's own work having been intellectually influenced by another.
intertextual relationship
Indicates the relationships amongst authors and texts, reflecting the extent to which language of an author or a specific text is in dialogic relation to other texts, as first articulated by Julia Kristeva. A creative Work or an author more generally relates intertextually to a textual object, either to a specific Work or to the general style or oeuvre of another author. Usually refers to how the meaning of a later text is informed by an earlier one, but, as articulated by theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin and Kristeva, it can also be invoked to refer to the shaping impact of language more generally on subsequent linguistic productions. The specific subpredicates provided here are not exhaustive. 1996.
landmark work
Describes a creative work to having major social or literary repercussions.
last literary activity
Describes a writer's last-recorded significant writing activity, whether published or not.
literary work
Indicates a specific award, prize, or other form of recognition given to the subject's work, either generally or for a specific piece.
literary influence
Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by another's literature.
literary school description
Describes a writer's relationship to literary or artistic groups, or related individual, places, or creative works.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasLiterarySchoolDescription | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasLiterarySchoolDescription |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasLiterarySchoolDescription |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasWritingConditionsRelationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_hasLiterarySchoolInvolvementDescription |
literary school involvement description
Describes a writer's relationship to literary or artistic groups, or related individual, places, or creative works.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasLiterarySchoolInvolvementDescription | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasLiterarySchoolInvolvementDescription |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasLiterarySchoolDescription |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasLiterarySchoolDescription |
literary school involvement
Indicates an extensive or formal affiliation--such as membership--to a literary school or artistic group, or related individual, places, or creative works.
literary school relationship
Indicates a relationship between entities linked to literary or artistic groups, or related individual, places, or creative works.
man protagonist role
Describes a social role, occupation, or other aspects of a protagonist who is represented as a man.
manuscript history
Describes the pre-publication or unpublished history of one or more texts, including matters such as ownership, damage, and circulation post-publication.
material expression
Describes the materials features of how a creative work is expressed, including illustrations.
material expression relationship
Relates to the materials features of how a creative work is expressed, including illustrations.
material writing conditions
Describes physical, economic, or emotional circumstances affecting a writer's work.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasMaterialWritingCondition | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasMaterialWritingCondition |
cwrc:domainIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasMaterialWritingCondition |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasWritingConditionsRelationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_hasDisplacedWritingRelationTo |
material writing conditions relationship
Indicates people, organizations, places and works related to the physical, economic, or emotional circumstances affecting a writer's work.
Indicates a significant scene, action, episode, or idea.
non-print media
Describes a non-textual formal representation of a written work, such as an adaptation of a book into a opera, a film, a sound recording or a dance.
non-print media relationship
non-standard language
Describes the use of dialect or other departures from standarized language.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasNonStandardLanguage | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasNonStandardLanguage |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasNonStandardLanguage |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | bf:Work |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasTechnique |
Describes material about performance or public readings on stage, radio, or film.
performance relationship
periodical publication
Describes the publication of literary work in periodicals.
periodical publication relationship
personal publishing relationship
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasPersonalPublishingRelationship | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasPersonalPublishingRelationship |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasPersonalPublishingRelationship |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasPublishingRelationship |
place of publication
Describes significant statements about where books were published: very common locations, pre-eminently London, are generally left unmarked.
plot summary
Describes the narrative action of a text.
Indicates an intertextual engagement that involves creative speculation about events that came before the temporal setting or events of an existing text.
press run
Describes the number of copies in a particular issue of a printed text.
production relationship
Indicates the connection of an entity to the process of textual production of an author or a particular work.
professional publishing relationship
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasProfessionalPublishingRelationship | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasProfessionalPublishingRelationship |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasPublishingRelationship |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasPublishingRelationship |
protagonist gender
Indicates gender of protagonist.
protagonist role
Describes the social role, occupation, or other aspects of a protagonist.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasProtagonistRole | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasProtagonistRole |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasProtagonistRole |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasCharacterRole |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_hasManProtagonistRole cwrc:c_hasWomanProtagonistRole |
publication economics
publication features
publication mode
Describes how an author's writing or a particular text was brought to print or another form of publication.
publication mode relationship
publication mode type
Indicates how a text was published.
publication submission
publication submission relationship
publishing relationship
relations with publisher
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasPublishingRelationship | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasPublishingRelationship |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasPublishingRelationship |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasProductionRelationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_hasPersonalPublishingRelationship cwrc:c_hasProfessionalPublishingRelationship |
reception relationship
recognition relationship work
Indicates a person, organization, creative work, or place related to the positive recognition of the subject creator's work, usually in the form of awards and prizes.
Indicates a response to a person's creative work, whether a person's general oeuvre, specific works, or their role as creator. Responses may be individual or collective in origin and may manifest as texts, such as reviews or diary entries, artwork, or fugitive forms reported later, such as conversations.
response relationship
The person, work, organization or place is related to the designated response.
self description
Describes a creator's evaluation of their own work or response to it.
self-identified writing motive
Describes a self-identified, that is, self-attributed motive to an author or to the creation of a particular work.
Describes a serial publication.
serialization relationship
Indicates people, organizations, places and works related to a writer's serialization.
Describes a text's setting.
setting relationship
Indicates a relationship between a text's setting and an entity.
setting type
Describes a text's setting.
social setting
Describes a creative work's social setting.
spatial setting type
Indicates an aspect of a creative work's setting relative to socio-economic classes.
spatial setting
Describes a creative work's geospatial setting.
spatial setting type
Indicates an aspect of a creative work's geospatial setting.
Describes the use of various techniques and verbal effects.
temporal setting
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasTemporalOrientation | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasTemporalOrientation |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasTemporalSetting |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | bf:Work |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasSetting |
temporal orientation type
Indicates an aspect of a creative work's setting in time relative to when it was produced.
textual features relationship
Textual Features Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Textual Features Contexts chart critical interest in creative works, often involving description and analysis.
textual history relationship
textual production
Describes the process of textual production of an author or a particular work.
theme or topic
Describes the theme or topic, either a central idea in a text or interesting subject, of a creative work.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_hasThemeOrTopic | Tag: | cwrc:c_hasThemeOrTopic |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasThemeOrTopic |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | bf:Work |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasThemeRelationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_hasMotif cwrc:c_hasTopicType |
thematic relationship
Indicates a relationship between the theme or topic of a creative work and a named entity.
tone or style
Describes manner of expression and communication of attitude.
topic type
An aspect of the subject matter of a creative work that may constitute a theme or be treated in passing.
Describes aspects of verse form, metrical structure, or rhyme.
voice or narration
Describes narrative voice or technique.
woman protagonist role
Describes a social role, occupation, or other aspects of a protagonist who is represented as a woman.
writing conditions relationship
Describes conditions associated with an author's creative process or the creation of one or more works.
writing motive
Describes a writer's motives for writing generally or for creating a particular work.
writing motive relationship
Indicates persons, creative works, places, or organizations connected to a writer's reasons for writing generally or for creating a particular work.
writing penalty relationship
Indicates a person, organization, creative work, or place related to the negative or punitive reception of the subject creator's work.
writing relationship
Indicates a relationship or assertion based on a writer’s literary works or an account of their literary career.
Indicates a generally favourable intertextual engagement by way of imitation. See http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/genre.html#imitation
Describes the loss or destruction of creative work.
Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases incorrectly from another's writing.
Indicates a parodic mode of intertextuality. See http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/genre.html#parody
Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases directly from another's writing.
Describes positive recognition of a subject's work, usually in the form of awards and prizes.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#c_receivesRecognition | Tag: | cwrc:c_receivesRecognition |
cwrc:domainIncludes: | bf:Work cwrc:NaturalPerson |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:receivesRecognition |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | rdf:Literal |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:c_hasRecognitionRelationTo |
Children Properties: | cwrc:c_gainsLiteraryAwardValue cwrc:c_hasLiteraryAward |
archival relationship
Indicates the relationship of a writer or their archived writing to a person or organization.
manuscript relationship
Indicates the relationship of a writer's manuscript(s) to a person, place, organization, or another creative work.
Indicates a satiric mode of intertextuality. See http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/genre.html#satire
Describes negative consequences produced by the subject's work, either generally or by a specific instance of it.
cause of death
Describes a person's death.
certainty of
Links a level of certainty to an assertion, description, identification, or value. Related to the certainty element of the Text Encoding Initiative.
Relates a person to a child, consanguineal or otherwise.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#child | Tag: | cwrc:child |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasChild |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:relative |
Children Properties: | cwrc:daughter cwrc:son cwrc:stepChild |
child of
Relates a person to a child, consanguineal or otherwise.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#childOf | Tag: | cwrc:childOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasChild |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:relativeOf |
*owl:sameAs: | cwrc:hasParent |
Children Properties: | cwrc:daughterOf cwrc:sonOf cwrc:stepChildOf |
Indicates the number of the subject's children. Values range from zero upwards, and modes of counting vary according to context because families and reproduction are complex matters. Children need not necessarily be biologically related to the subject: they may be adopted or otherwise considered a person's child. See related property has reproductive history.
Describes a relationship of cohabitation which may or may not be an intimate or erotic relationship, since historical evidence with respect to the nature of such relationships is often lacking.
Describes a relationship with a person, usually a peer, in the context of the subject's education.
[skos:altLabel: humble companion paid companion ]
nonconformant behaviour
Describes behaviour, which is perceived as negative, in the context of the subject's education. Often indicative of struggle against systemic discrimination, including within the structures of educational institutions.
context focus
Indicates the focus or primary subject of a context annotation.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#contextFocus | Tag: | cwrc:contextFocus |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | cwrc:Context |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | oa:hasBody |
skos:note: | The object of this property, the context focus, becomes the subject of the subject-centric properties that can be derived from context predicates via SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. |
contrary to
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#contraryTo | Tag: | cwrc:contraryTo |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty |
Relates a person to the child of their aunt or uncle; a person belonging to the same extended family, consanguineal or otherwise.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#cousin | Tag: | cwrc:cousin |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasCousin |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:relative |
cousin of
Relates a person to the child of their aunt or uncle; a person belonging to the same extended family, consanguineal or otherwise.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#cousinOf | Tag: | cwrc:cousinOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasCousin |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:relativeOf |
skos:broader: | schema:relatedTo |
*owl:sameAs: | cwrc:hasCousin |
Indicates an educational credential awarded to a person.
credential of
Indicates an educational credential awarded to a person.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#credentialOf | Tag: | cwrc:credentialOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasCredential |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | cwrc:Credential |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
credential subject
Indicates a subject in which a person has pursued or received a degree.
credential subject of
Indicates a subject in which a person has pursued or received a degree.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#credentialSubjectOf | Tag: | cwrc:credentialSubjectOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasCredentialSubject |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | cwrc:EducationalSubject |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
cultural form
This associates specific concepts and categories with the process of identity formation through cultural processes. Such associations may be or have been embraced by the subject her/himself or attributed by others. The concepts and categories classed as a cultural form are understood to overlap with each other conceptually and in terms of the labels used.
cultural form of
This is the inverse of has a cultural form.
cultural form relationship
Relates a person to a female-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#daughter | Tag: | cwrc:daughter |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasDaughter |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:child |
Children Properties: | cwrc:stepDaughter |
daughter of
Relates a person to a female-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#daughterOf | Tag: | cwrc:daughterOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasDaughter |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:childOf |
skos:broader: | schema:parent |
Children Properties: | cwrc:stepDaughterOf |
death date
Indicates the date of which a person has died.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#deathDate | Tag: | cwrc:deathDate |
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: | cwrc:hasDeathDate |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:subPropertyOf: | cwrc:deathRelationship |
death date of
Indicates the date of which a person has died.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#deathDateOf | Tag: | cwrc:deathDateOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasDeathDate |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
*owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasDeathDate |
death place
Indicates where a person has died.
death place of
Indicates where a person has died.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#deathPlaceOf | Tag: | cwrc:deathPlaceOf |
owl:inverseOf: | cwrc:hasDeathPlace |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:range: | foaf:Person |
death relationship
A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to death.
Relates a person to a descendent, either lineal (that is, descended in a direct line from an ancestor, such as a child, grandchild, great-grandchild and so) or collateral (descended from the line of a brother or sister of a direct ancestor).
[skos:altLabel: forebear ]
descendent of
Relates a person to a descendent, either lineal (that is, descended in a direct line from an ancestor, such as a child, grandchild, great-grandchild and so) or collateral (descended from the line of a brother or sister of a direct ancestor).
domain includes
Specifies a particular class type that is acceptable to use for a relation's domain.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#domainIncludes | Tag: | cwrc:domainIncludes |
rdf:type: | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain: | owl:Thing |
rdfs:range: | owl:Thing |
economic relationship
Any relationship between persons and other persons or entities related to information about economic standing, such as income, inheritance, property, or poverty.
URI: | http://sparql.cwrc.ca/ontologies/cwrc#economicRelationship | Tag: | cwrc:economicRelationship |
Comment: CWRC address is the equivalent of a schema.org Postal Address and uses the predicates from schema Postal Address.