1. Global Cross-Reference

rdf:type Instance

owl:Class Instance

2. Terms and Details

foaf:Group (1)

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Members of the Orlando Project

The collective of all persons having written entries for The Orlando Project.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#originalOrlandoAuthor
Tag: cwrc:originalOrlandoAuthor
foaf:homepage: http://orlando.cambridge.org/public/svDocumentation?formname=t&d_id=CREDITSANDACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
foaf:name: Members of the Orlando Project.
rdf:type: skos:Concept foaf:Group

foaf:Organization (5)

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"A Christian denomination having both Protestant and Catholic aspects that originated with Henry VIII's break with the Roman Catholic Church (ca. 1532-34). As the official state Church of England, the monarch of England is still formally considered its head. While at first it remained mainly Catholic in character, reforms came under Edward IV and Elizabeth I who introduced doctrine that was more Protestant in nature, namely new editions of the Book of Common Prayer and the Thirty-nine Articles. Although an overall attitude of toleration exists in the modern Anglican Church, tension remains between its Protestant and Catholic inclinations as well as with newer liberal and evangelical influences. Anglicanism is based on episcopal authority and parish structure is fundamental to the organisation of the church. The term is used with regard to the Church of England; with regard to the Episcopal Church in America, use "Episcopal."" (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Low Church Episcopalian Anglican Church High Anglican Church of Ireland High Church Church of England Anglo-Catholic Low-Church ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglicanism
Tag: cwrc:anglicanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anglicanism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300153822
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept foaf:Organization
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:christianity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:tractarianMovement

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The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cwrc
Tag: cwrc:cwrc
foaf:homepage: http://www.cwrc.ca/
foaf:logo: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/images/CWRCLogo-Horz-FullColour.png
foaf:name: The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory
rdf:type: foaf:Organization

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Fifth Monarchists

"The Fifth Monarchists or Fifth Monarchy Men were active from 1649 to 1660 during the Interregnum, following the English Civil Wars of the 17th century. They took their name from a prophecy in the Book of Daniel that four ancient monarchies (Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman) would precede the kingdom of Christ. They also referred to the year 1666 and its relationship to the biblical Number of the Beast indicating the end of earthly rule by carnal human beings. They were one of a number of nonconformist dissenting groups that emerged around this time." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fifthMonarchists
Tag: cwrc:fifthMonarchists
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Fifth_Monarchists
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept foaf:Organization
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant cwrc:millenarianism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Millenarianism (also millenarism), from Latin mīllēnārius "containing a thousand", is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after which all things will be changed. Millenarianism is a concept or theme that exists in many cultures and religions." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: milleniarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#millenarianism
Tag: cwrc:millenarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Millenarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept foaf:Organization
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:fifthMonarchists cwrc:plymouthBrethren

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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sshrc
Tag: cwrc:sshrc
foaf:name: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
foaf:nick: SSHRC
rdf:type: foaf:Organization

oa:Annotation (1)

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The Context class provides the discursive context for assertions in the ontology. Where the assertions have been generated from a source text, Context provides the text, or the relevant snippet of a longer text, from which they have been extracted.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Context
Tag: cwrc:Context
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept oa:Annotation
Within Range: cwrc:contextFocus cwrc:hasIDependencyOn
Children Classes: cwrc:BiographyContext cwrc:SpatialContext cwrc:WritingContext
Within Domain: cwrc:hasIDependencyOn

oa:Motivation (1)

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A motivation for W3C Web Annotations for when the user is identifying a citation within a Target. The Body of the Annotation will typically be the item being cited. Citation involves "creating a link between a concept, procedure, or kind of data, and a document or documents," often through the invocation of one or more authors of a publication (Small 1978, 337).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#citing
Tag: cwrc:citing
rdf:type: oa:Motivation
skos:broader: https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-vocab/#commenting

owl:AnnotationProperty (1)

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competency question

A question that can be asked of the ontology and will be used to specify the high level requirements of the CWRC Ontology allowing decisions about structure and components to be made.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#CompetencyQuestion
Tag: cwrc:CompetencyQuestion
rdf:type: owl:AnnotationProperty

owl:Class (182)

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abusive name

A name constructed with the intent to abuse, satirize, or slander. For example, Constance Gore-Booth was known in the press by the nickname of "Red Countess" and this nickname had negative connotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#AbusiveName
Tag: cwrc:AbusiveName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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additional name

An additional name, "such as a nickname, epithet, or alias." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema for the addName element. See TEI element addName (additional name) .

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#AdditionalName
Tag: cwrc:AdditionalName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType
Children Classes: cwrc:SelfConstructedName

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A mailing or street address.

Comment: CWRC address is the equivalent of a schema.org Postal Address and uses the predicates from schema Postal Address.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Address
Tag: cwrc:Address
owl:sameAs: schema:PostalAddress
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Place

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adfeminam response

Indicates that a response to the author's work was predicated on their identification as a woman, and that it was driven by a pre-existing opinion of the author as distinct from the work, and of her as a woman rather than a writer, for example, if the circulation of a malign stereotype of a particular author is reflected in a critical response.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#AdfeminamResponse
Tag: cwrc:AdfeminamResponse
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

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authorial name

A name under which a writer wrote or published.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#AuthorialName
Tag: cwrc:AuthorialName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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"An award is something given to a person, a group of people, like a sports team, or an organization in recognition of their excellence in a certain field. An award may be accompanied by a trophy, title, certificate, commemorative plaque, medal, badge, pin, or ribbon. The accompanying item may vary according to purpose." (DBpedia, 2019)

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Award
Tag: cwrc:Award
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Award
rdf:type: owl:Class
Children Classes: cwrc:EducationalAward cwrc:LiteraryAward

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biographical event

An event related to an biography context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#BiographicalEvent
Tag: cwrc:BiographicalEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Event
Children Classes: cwrc:BirthEvent cwrc:CulturalFormEvent cwrc:DeathEvent cwrc:EconomicEvent cwrc:EducationEvent cwrc:FamilyEvent cwrc:FriendsAndAssociatesEvent cwrc:HealthEvent cwrc:IntimateRelationshipEvent cwrc:LeisureEvent cwrc:NameEvent cwrc:OccupationEvent cwrc:SpatialMovementEvent cwrc:ViolenceEvent

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biography context

Biography Context is a major subclass of context. Annotations typed as Biography Context provide information about and discussions of a person's biography or personal history, through the use of biographical properties and relationships and through subclasses of Biographical Context such as birth context, cultural form context, or occupation context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#BiographyContext
Tag: cwrc:BiographyContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Context
Children Classes: cwrc:BirthContext cwrc:CulturalFormContext cwrc:DeathContext cwrc:EconomicContext cwrc:EducationContext cwrc:FamilyContext cwrc:FriendsAndAssociatesContext cwrc:HealthContext cwrc:IntimateRelationshipContext cwrc:LeisureContext cwrc:NameContext cwrc:OccupationContext cwrc:ViolenceContext

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birth context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as birth context provide information about and discussions of a person's birth. See About: Birth.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#BirthContext
Tag: cwrc:BirthContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

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birth event

An event related to an birth context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#BirthEvent
Tag: cwrc:BirthEvent
owl:sameAs: cidoc:E67_birth
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

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birth position

Indicates the birth position of a foaf:person, that is, whether they are the eldest, youngest, or only child in their family. Birth position claims can be made in relation to biological, adopted, or step siblings, and there is not systematic handling of deceased siblings that might affect one's understanding of birth order.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#BirthPosition
Tag: cwrc:BirthPosition
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
Within Range: cwrc:birthPosition cwrc:hasBirthPosition
Within Domain: cwrc:birthPositionOf

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Indicates the name a person was assigned at birth.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Birthname
Tag: cwrc:Birthname
owl:sameAs: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300404681
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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boarding school

"A boarding school provides education for pupils who live on the premises, as opposed to a day school. The word "boarding” is used in the sense of "room and board" i.e., lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their function and ethos varies greatly." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#BoardingSchool
Tag: cwrc:BoardingSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Boarding_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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british women writers literary climate

An event associated with British women writers, including the creation, publication and reception of their works, as well as the material conditions and other aspects of their lives.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#BritishWomenLiteraryClimate
Tag: cwrc:BritishWomenLiteraryClimate
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:LiteraryClimate

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A bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees. In return for the bursary the individual is usually obligated to be employed at the institution for the duration as the bursary.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Bursary
Tag: cwrc:Bursary
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bursary
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalAward

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Indicates the degree of certainty associated with some aspect of an assertion, description, identification, or value within a dataset. Equivalent to the "teidata.certainty" range of values of the Text Encoding Initiative.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Certainty
Tag: cwrc:Certainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: owl:Thing
skos:closeMatch: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
Within Range: cwrc:hasCertainty cwrc:hasTimeCertainty
Within Domain: cwrc:certaintyOf cwrc:timeCertaintyOf

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change set

A change set represents changes or additions made to the ontology by ontology editors or through users where instances were affected. Change sets will also be used to translate and contain Orlando recordInfo instances.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ChangeSet
Tag: cwrc:ChangeSet
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.org/changeset/
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept time:Instant
Within Range: cwrc:madeAlteration
Within Domain: cwrc:affectedEntity cwrc:alteredBy

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co-ed school

"Mixed-sex education, also known as mixed-gender education, co-education or coeducation (abbreviated to co-ed or coed), is a system of education where males and females are educated together. Whereas single-sex education was more common up to the 19th century, mixed-sex education has since become standard in many cultures, particularly in Western countries. Single-sex education, however, remains prevalent in many Muslim countries. The relative merits of both systems have been the subject of debate." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#CoEducationalSchool
Tag: cwrc:CoEducationalSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Mixed-sex_education
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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comprehensive school

"A comprehensive school is a secondary school or middle school that is a state school and does not select its intake on the basis of academic achievement or aptitude. This is in contrast to the selective school system, where admission is restricted on the basis of selection criteria. The term is commonly used in relation to England and Wales, where comprehensive schools were introduced on an experimental basis in the 1940s and became more widespread from 1965. About 90% of British secondary school pupils now attend comprehensive schools. They correspond broadly to the public high school in the United States and Canada and to the German Gesamtschule." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ComprehensiveSchool
Tag: cwrc:ComprehensiveSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Comprehensive_school dbpedia:Education_in_the_United_Kingdom
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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The Context class provides the discursive context for assertions in the ontology. Where the assertions have been generated from a source text, Context provides the text, or the relevant snippet of a longer text, from which they have been extracted.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Context
Tag: cwrc:Context
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept oa:Annotation
Within Range: cwrc:contextFocus cwrc:hasIDependencyOn
Children Classes: cwrc:BiographyContext cwrc:SpatialContext cwrc:WritingContext
Within Domain: cwrc:hasIDependencyOn

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Academic or educational qualification, such as a certificate or degree, awarded by an educational institution.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Credential
Tag: cwrc:Credential
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
Within Range: cwrc:credential cwrc:hasCredential
Within Domain: cwrc:credentialOf

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cryptic name

A name deliberately obscured, as in an anagram. Cryptic names have lexical meaning such as "The Scotch Milkmaid,""A Housewife," or "A Placid Reader."

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#CrypticName
Tag: cwrc:CrypticName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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cultural form

The Cultural Form class of properties associates specific concepts and categories with the process of identity formation through cultural processes. Such associations may be or have been embraced by the subject herself or himself or attributed by others. Although cultural forms or social identities circulate around the notion of characteristics, traditions, beliefs, or origins that are shared with others, recent work has stressed the contingency, provisionality, and constructedness of such categories through both complex discourses and social practices. As argued by Stuart Hall, "It seems to be in the attempt to rearticulate the relationship between subjects and discursive practices that the question of identity recurs" ("Introduction"). See Stuart Hall and Paul du Goy's edited collection Questions of Cultural Identity (Paul du Goy and Stuart Hall, 1996). Given their highly discursive nature, the concepts and categories classed as cultural forms are understood to overlap with each other conceptually. The same word or label can therefore occur as multiple cultural forms, reflecting the shifting discursive contexts in which it has been used and the diverse situations from which it has emerged. Each specific Cultural Form is understood to interact not only with other cultural forms or identity categories applied to a person, and other instances of the form applied to other people, but also always with Cultural Formation Context annotations, which support the understanding that social identities are always constructions in progress.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#CulturalForm
Tag: cwrc:CulturalForm
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
Children Classes: cwrc:Ethnicity cwrc:Gender cwrc:GeographicHeritage cwrc:Language cwrc:NationalHeritage cwrc:NationalIdentity cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:RaceColour cwrc:Religion cwrc:Sexuality cwrc:SocialClass

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cultural form context

Cultural Form Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Cultural Form Context provide information about and discussions of a person's social identity or subjectivity through the use of cultural form properties, which when multiple often indicate intersectional identities.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#CulturalFormContext
Tag: cwrc:CulturalFormContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext
Children Classes: cwrc:GenderContext cwrc:NationalityContext cwrc:PoliticalContext cwrc:RaceEthnicityContext cwrc:ReligionContext cwrc:SexualityContext cwrc:SocialClassContext

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cultural form event

An event related to a cultural form context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#CulturalFormEvent
Tag: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent
Children Classes: cwrc:GenderEvent cwrc:NationalityEvent cwrc:PoliticsEvent cwrc:RaceEthnicityEvent cwrc:ReligionEvent cwrc:SexualityEvent cwrc:SocialClassEvent

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dame school

"A dame school was an early form of a private elementary school in English-speaking countries. They were usually taught by women and were often located in the home of the teacher." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DameSchool
Tag: cwrc:DameSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Dame_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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day school

"A day school—as opposed to a boarding school—is an institution where children (or high-school age adolescents) are given educational instruction during the day, after which the students return to their homes. The term can also be used to emphasize the length of full-day programs as opposed to after-school programs, as in Jewish day school." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DaySchool
Tag: cwrc:DaySchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Day_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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death context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as death context provide information about and discussions of a person's death. See About: Death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DeathContext
Tag: cwrc:DeathContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

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death event

An event related to an death context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DeathEvent
Tag: cwrc:DeathEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

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decade significance

Indicates a low level of significance appropriate to a detailed understanding of a decade.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DecadeSignficance
Tag: cwrc:DecadeSignficance
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EventSignificance

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An educational award indicating that a person has achieved honours or distinction in their studies.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Distinction
Tag: cwrc:Distinction
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalAward

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domestic education context

Context for education that takes place at home. For example, of a woman writer in the Victorian period taught by her brother or a governess.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DomesticEducationContext
Tag: cwrc:DomesticEducationContext
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationContext
skos:closeMatch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeschooling

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domestic education event

An event related to an domestic education context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DomesticEducationEvent
Tag: cwrc:DomesticEducationEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationEvent

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economic context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Economic Context provide information about and discussions of a person's economic standing, including inheritance, property ownership, pensions, and personal financial disasters. See also the occupation context and cultural form context, particularly for social class context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EconomicContext
Tag: cwrc:EconomicContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:seeAlso: cwrc:CulturalFormContext cwrc:OccupationContext cwrc:SocialClassContext
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

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economic event

An event related to an economic context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EconomicEvent
Tag: cwrc:EconomicEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

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education context

Education Context is a significant subclass of context. It has subclasses for domestic education context, institutional education context, and self taught education context. Annotations typed as Education Context or a subclass provide information about and discussions of a person's education, whether formal or informal.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EducationContext
Tag: cwrc:EducationContext
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext
Children Classes: cwrc:DomesticEducationContext cwrc:InstitutionalEducationContext cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationContext

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education event

An event related to an education context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EducationEvent
Tag: cwrc:EducationEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent
Children Classes: cwrc:DomesticEducationEvent cwrc:InstitutionalEducationEvent cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationEvent

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educational award

An award, financial, material, or immaterial, associated with a person's education at any level.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EducationalAward
Tag: cwrc:EducationalAward
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Award
Children Classes: cwrc:Bursary cwrc:Distinction cwrc:EducationalPrize cwrc:EssayAward cwrc:Exhibition cwrc:Scholarship cwrc:Studentship

[back to top]

educational organization

An organization such as a school that provides education, usually although not always as its primary function. "A school is an institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EducationalOrganization
Tag: cwrc:EducationalOrganization
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:School
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: org:FormalOrganization
Within Range: cwrc:attends cwrc:schoolAttended
Children Classes: cwrc:BoardingSchool cwrc:CoEducationalSchool cwrc:ComprehensiveSchool cwrc:DameSchool cwrc:DaySchool cwrc:GrammarSchool cwrc:PostSecondarySchool cwrc:PrepSchool cwrc:PrimarySchool cwrc:PrivateSchool cwrc:ReligiousSchool cwrc:SecondaryModernSchool cwrc:SecondarySchool cwrc:SecularSchool cwrc:SingleSexSchool cwrc:StateSchool cwrc:TradeSchool
Within Domain: cwrc:hasStudent

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educational prize

A medal or award, monetary or otherwise, presented by either an institution or person of authority to an individual who has excelled in some aspect of their education.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EducationalPrize
Tag: cwrc:EducationalPrize
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalAward

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educational subject

A subject or field of study or practice. Educational subjects are typically designated by Library of Congress Subject Headings (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects.html). However, given the omissions, biases, and US-centricity of this vocabulary, other terms or strings may be used.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EducationalSubject
Tag: cwrc:EducationalSubject
rdf:type: owl:Class
skos:related: bf:subject
Within Range: cwrc:credentialSubject cwrc:hasCredentialSubject cwrc:subjectOfStudy cwrc:teachesEducationalSubject cwrc:teachingEducationalSubject
Within Domain: cwrc:credentialSubjectOf
Within Range: cwrc:studies

[back to top]

educational text

A text, cultural work, or an author or artist's general oeuvre, that is significant to a person's informal or formal education.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EducationalText
Tag: cwrc:EducationalText
rdf:type: owl:Class

[back to top]

essay award

An award given in an educational context on the strength of the recipient's essay.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EssayAward
Tag: cwrc:EssayAward
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalAward

[back to top]


A subclass of Cultural Form for indicating a person's ethnicity, either as self-reported or as assigned by others, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. Ethnicities are groups constructed on the conception of shared national, religious, geographical, racial, or cultural backgrounds or traditions, and particular ethnicities may be denigrated, lauded, or both, depending on the context. Ethnicities are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployed categories whose use must be situated contextually and which are understood here finally as discursive or representational although they have real material impacts. As Angel Oquendo writes, "Despite its long ‘materialist' past in which it was taken to be synonymous with ‘race,' the concept of ethnicity as used today does appear to focus on cultural rather than on physiognomic difference." (Angel R. Oquendo, "Re-imagining the Latino/a Race" in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader edited by Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic 1998. This ontology therefore does not attempt to lay out an exact, fully defined, or mutually exclusive set of ethnic categories: this is an impossibility given their shifting use and the overlap among them and with identity categories for race, geography, and nationality, as demonstrated by Noel Ignatieve in his book How the Irish Became White (Ignatieve, 1995). Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated race or ethnicity context annotations, if available.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Ethnicity
Tag: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:ethnicity cwrc:ethnicityReported cwrc:ethnicitySelfReported cwrc:hasEthnicity cwrc:hasEthnicityReported cwrc:hasEthnicitySelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:ethnicityOf cwrc:ethnicityReportedOf cwrc:ethnicitySelfReportedOf

[back to top]


An event that occurs in time.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Event
Tag: cwrc:Event
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: sem:EventType cidoc:E7_activity
Children Classes: cwrc:BiographicalEvent cwrc:WritingEvent

[back to top]

event climate

Categories by which the relevance of an event to one or more broad areas is indicated, usually by an author or editor.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EventClimate
Tag: cwrc:EventClimate
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: sem:EventType
Children Classes: cwrc:LiteraryClimate cwrc:PoliticalClimate cwrc:SocialClimate

[back to top]

event significance

Indications of the degree of importance assigned to an event, often by its author or an editor.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EventSignificance
Tag: cwrc:EventSignificance
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: sem:EventType
Children Classes: cwrc:DecadeSignficance cwrc:HistoricSignificance cwrc:IndividualSignificance cwrc:PeriodSignificance

[back to top]

exhibition (scholarship)

An exhibition is a type of scholarship award or bursary.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Exhibition
Tag: cwrc:Exhibition
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exhibition_(scholarship)
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalAward

[back to top]

familiar name

A version of a name used by those familiar with a person, such as family, friends, or co-workers.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FamiliarName
Tag: cwrc:FamiliarName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

[back to top]

family context

Family Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Family Context provide information about and discussions of a person's familial relations. Family relationships are social bonds assumed between a group of people affiliated by blood, marriage, co-residence, or other affiliation. For more information, see About: Family.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FamilyContext
Tag: cwrc:FamilyContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

[back to top]

family event

An event related to an family context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FamilyEvent
Tag: cwrc:FamilyEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

[back to top]


An award or position usually associated with research or advanced standing in a field, and often associated with a particular group, body, or organization connected to creative, scholarly, or professional practice, sometimes involving a stipend and sometimes labour such as teaching.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Fellowship
Tag: cwrc:Fellowship
rdf:type: cwrc:Award owl:Class
skos:related: cwrc:fellow

[back to top]

fictional person

A person, broadly defined, who features in an imaginative work such as a literary work, as a character or in some other way that distinguishes the reference to them from the natural person who is being represented. In other words, there is a distinction between a simple allusion to a natural person, and the fictionalization of that person within a text or other work of art.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FictionalPerson
Tag: cwrc:FictionalPerson
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: foaf:Person

[back to top]

fictional place

A place that features in an imaginative work such as a literary work. Such places typically do not not have geospatial coordinates, although they may have a relationship to a mapped place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FictionalPlace
Tag: cwrc:FictionalPlace
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Place

[back to top]


A subject's given or baptismal name. This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema forename element. See also TEI element forename .

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Forename
Tag: cwrc:Forename
owl:sameAs: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300404681
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:seeAlso: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-forename.html
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

[back to top]

formal response

Indicates that a response to an author or their work was formally delivered, that is, written or otherwise made public.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FormalResponse
Tag: cwrc:FormalResponse
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

[back to top]

friends and associates context

Friends and connections context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as friends and connections contexts discuss a broad spectrum of social relations ranging from friendship to enmities and casual associations. Other context annotations treat related aspects of social connections, including leisure context and intimate relationship context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FriendsAndAssociatesContext
Tag: cwrc:FriendsAndAssociatesContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

[back to top]

friends and associates event

An event related to an friends and associates context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FriendsAndAssociatesEvent
Tag: cwrc:FriendsAndAssociatesEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

[back to top]


A subclass of cultural form for indicating a person's gender, whether attributed or self-reported, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations. Although in popular culture gender and biological sex are conflated and understood to be binary, the concept of gender stresses the relationality, constructedness, and performativity of gendered identities and gendered behaviour, whose categories are historically contingent and shifting, and the boundaries between them blurry. Simone de Beauvoir (1973) stated "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman," a belief that has been taken up by many other theorists of gender including Judith Butler (1990). Gender studies to date has investigated the social construction of femininity more than that of masculinity. The multi-layered constructedness of gender is also underlined by Donna Haraway who understands it as a "socially, historically, and semiotically positioned difference" (Donna Haraway, 1988). Gender is understood as fluid, situational, and sometimes plural, and it is related to, though not commensurate with, sexual identity and orientation, just as it is related to but not defined by specific forms of embodiment. Rather than seeing biological sex as a pre-social or natural given, the body is understood as a site of inscription (cf. (Elizabeth Grosz, 1994) which is also socially constructed and indeed epigenetically shaped by environmental factors (N. Katherine Hayles, 2012). As articulated by feminist neurologist Gillian Einstein, (2012)"The world writes on the body." This ontology therefore does not provide separate terms for sex as distinct from gender. Instead, it privileges terms associated with gender, recognizing that they are conventionally but not necessarily associated with sex, and that there is constant slippage between gender and sex in the way that these categories circulate through discourses, actions, and institutions. Far from indicating a universal facet of experience, gender intersects with other identity categories and axes of oppression such as class, race or colour, or geographical heritage to produced quite different interests and experiences among people of the same gender, as with the intersection of religion and white masculine identity in the Muscular Christianity movement in nineteenth-century Britain. Being a woman of colour often compounds the impacts of gender oppression. Such interaction between different forms of oppression is termed "intersectionality" (Kimberlé Crenshaw, 1989). Where this class and its instances are concerned, readers are advised to consult gender context context annotations, if available. Where terms are applied to younger individuals, the gendered variants, such as “girl” for “woman”, are understood to apply.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Gender
Tag: cwrc:Gender
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:gender cwrc:genderReported cwrc:genderSelfReported cwrc:hasGender cwrc:hasGenderReported cwrc:hasGenderSelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:genderOf cwrc:genderReportedOf cwrc:genderSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

gender context

Gender Context is a significant subclass of context. It is associated with the cultural form subclass gender, and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Annotations typed as Gender Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their gender and gender identity. Gender Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person indicated through the properties has gender identity or has gender identity (self-reported).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GenderContext
Tag: cwrc:GenderContext
dcterms:subject: cwrc:Gender
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

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gender event

An event related to a gender context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GenderEvent
Tag: cwrc:GenderEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent

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gendered response

Describes a response to the author or their work as influenced by their gender.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GenderedResponse
Tag: cwrc:GenderedResponse
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

[back to top]

generational name

A name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema for the genName element. See TEI element genName (generational name component) .

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GenerationalName
Tag: cwrc:GenerationalName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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geographic heritage

A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. Geographic heritage involves the geographical origins of a person's family, which often contributes to an understanding of their racial and ethnic background. It offers a way to capture individuals identified as "South-Asian," for example, when no more precise national heritage is indicated. See race or ethnicity context for a detailed description of the complexities of this class. It can be multiple and it can be different from a person's national identity or national heritage, current or official citizenship, or the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated nationality context excerpts or annotations, if available.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GeographicHeritage
Tag: cwrc:GeographicHeritage
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
skos:note: Geonames terms are often used for locations and for many instances of geographic heritage.
Within Domain: cwrc:geographicHeritageOf cwrc:geographicHeritageReportedOf cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReportedOf
Within Range: cwrc:geographicHeritage cwrc:geographicHeritageReported cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReported cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageReported cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported

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grammar school

"A grammar school is one of several different types of school in the history of education in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries, originally a school teaching Latin, but more recently an academically-oriented secondary school, differentiated in recent years from less academic Secondary Modern Schools." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GrammarSchool
Tag: cwrc:GrammarSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Grammar_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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health context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as health provide information about and discussions of a person's health, both mental and physical, and associated social, political and historical factors.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#HealthContext
Tag: cwrc:HealthContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext
Children Classes: cwrc:MentalHealthContext cwrc:PhysicalHealthContext cwrc:WomensHealthContext

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health event

An event related to an health context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#HealthEvent
Tag: cwrc:HealthEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

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historic significance

Indicates a very high level of significance appropriate to a historical overview.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#HistoricSignificance
Tag: cwrc:HistoricSignificance
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EventSignificance

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honorific name

A positive name which celebrates or honours a person.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#HonorificName
Tag: cwrc:HonorificName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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indexed name

Name under which a person's work is indexed by an institution or organization.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IndexedName
Tag: cwrc:IndexedName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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individual significance

Indicates a level of significance appropriate to an understanding of an individual person or entity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IndividualSignificance
Tag: cwrc:IndividualSignificance
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EventSignificance

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informal response

Indicates that a response to a work was informally delivered rather than published, which can include a hearty slap on the back, rude looks from strangers on buses, a snubbing by someone's social set, or comments in conversations, letters, or diaries.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#InformalResponse
Tag: cwrc:InformalResponse
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

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initial response

Indicates that a response to an author, or more usually one of their works, occurred soon after the time of production or publication.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#InitialResponse
Tag: cwrc:InitialResponse
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

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institutional education context

Context for education or learning within an institutional setting.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#InstitutionalEducationContext
Tag: cwrc:InstitutionalEducationContext
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationContext
skos:related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School

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institutional education event

An event related to an institutional education context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#InstitutionalEducationEvent
Tag: cwrc:InstitutionalEducationEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationEvent

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intertextuality context

Intertextuality Context is a significant subclass of Context. Annotations typed as Intertextuality Context provide information on the relationships between authors and texts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IntertextualityContext
Tag: cwrc:IntertextualityContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingContext
Children Classes: cwrc:ResponseContext

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intertextuality event

An event related to an intertextuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IntertextualityEvent
Tag: cwrc:IntertextualityEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingEvent
Children Classes: cwrc:ResponseEvent

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intimate relationship context

Intimate relationship context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed intimate relationships discuss any type of intimacy ranging from emotional through psychological or material to sexual.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IntimateRelationshipContext
Tag: cwrc:IntimateRelationshipContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

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intimate relationship event

An event related to an intimate relationship context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IntimateRelationshipEvent
Tag: cwrc:IntimateRelationshipEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

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A human language or dialect, whether spoken and/or written.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Language
Tag: cwrc:Language
owl:sameAs: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-1/iso639-1_Language
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
skos:note: Library of Congress Languages codes are typically used for instances of language .
Within Range: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilityReported cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbility cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilityReported cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported cwrc:linguisticAbility cwrc:linguisticAbilityReported cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReported cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbility cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReported cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:linguisticAbilityOf cwrc:linguisticAbilityReportedOf cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityOf cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReportedOf cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf

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leisure context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Leisure Context provide information about and discussions of instances of the leisure and social activities of a person including hobbies, sporting life and cultural activities, for example mountain climbing or hosting a literary salon. Notions of leisure are both gendered and classed, and vary by cultural context. This context is meant to capture a person's social life within their larger community, not simply an elite, fashionable social circle.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LeisureContext
Tag: cwrc:LeisureContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

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leisure event

An event related to an leisure context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LeisureEvent
Tag: cwrc:LeisureEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

[back to top]

literary award

A literary award is an award presented in recognition of a particularly lauded literary piece or body of work. It is normally presented to an author.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LiteraryAward
Tag: cwrc:LiteraryAward
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Literary_award
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Award

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literary climate

An event associated with the climate for literature and writing, broadly conceived, ranging from publication or performance events to information about print technologies and copyright.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LiteraryClimate
Tag: cwrc:LiteraryClimate
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EventClimate
Children Classes: cwrc:BritishWomenLiteraryClimate

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literary name

A name applied to a writer by others, for example in reviews or at readings, which orginate in the person's status as a writer.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LiteraryName
Tag: cwrc:LiteraryName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

[back to top]

local name

A name with a geographic connotation, for example, "Julian of Norwich."

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LocalName
Tag: cwrc:LocalName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

[back to top]

mapped place

A place that can be mapped according to some accepted system of graphically representing space.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#MappedPlace
Tag: cwrc:MappedPlace
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Place

[back to top]

married name

A surname adopted in marriage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#MarriedName
Tag: cwrc:MarriedName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

[back to top]

mental health context

A subclass of health context. Annotations typed as mental health context describe an aspect of a person’s mental or psychological well-being or illness.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#MentalHealthContext
Tag: cwrc:MentalHealthContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:HealthContext

[back to top]

name context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as name context provide the name or names associated with a person, at times with contextual information.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NameContext
Tag: cwrc:NameContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

[back to top]

name event

An event related to an name context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NameEvent
Tag: cwrc:NameEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

[back to top]

name type

An aspect of a person's name, including its use, connotations, or significance.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NameType
Tag: cwrc:NameType
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:PersonalName
Children Classes: cwrc:AbusiveName cwrc:AdditionalName cwrc:AuthorialName cwrc:Birthname cwrc:CrypticName cwrc:FamiliarName cwrc:Forename cwrc:GenerationalName cwrc:HonorificName cwrc:IndexedName cwrc:LiteraryName cwrc:LocalName cwrc:MarriedName cwrc:NameLink cwrc:Nickname cwrc:PreferredName cwrc:Pseudonym cwrc:ReligousName cwrc:RoleName cwrc:RomanceName cwrc:Surname

[back to top]

national heritage

A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. National Heritage is composed of various elements related to national identity, often transmitted from previous generations and influenced by a subject's national historical background or geographic heritage. It can be multiple and can be different from a person's national identity, current or official citizenship, or the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated nationality context excerpts or annotations, if available.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:hasNationalHeritage cwrc:hasNationalHeritageReported cwrc:hasNationalHeritageSelfReported cwrc:nationalHeritage cwrc:nationalHeritageReported cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:nationalHeritageOf cwrc:nationalHeritageReportedOf cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

national identity

A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's national identity, either as self-reported or as assigned by others, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides, although it is usually associated with a current or former country or geographic region. For this reason, the (see ISO 2-digit Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 2: Country subdivision codes are used where possible to represent instances of national identities, and only terms for which country codes do not exist appear in this ontology. Like other identity categories, nationality may be plural, fluid, or contingent, and terms used for national identities can intersect with national heritage, geographic heritage, and ethnicity as well as other identity categories. Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated nationality context annotations, if available.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:hasNationality cwrc:hasNationalityReported cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported cwrc:nationality cwrc:nationalityReported cwrc:nationalitySelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:nationalityOf cwrc:nationalityReportedOf cwrc:nationalitySelfReportedOf

[back to top]

nationality context

Nationality Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Nationality Context provide information about and discussions of a person's cultural formation in relation to their national identity, national heritage, and geographic heritage -- which are not always aligned. Nationality Context provides depth to more granular indications of national identity through the national heritage, national identity, and geographic heritage properties.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NationalityContext
Tag: cwrc:NationalityContext
dcterms:subject: cwrc:GeographicHeritage cwrc:NationalHeritage cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

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nationality event

An event related to a nationality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NationalityEvent
Tag: cwrc:NationalityEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent

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natural person

A human being who is alive, or was alive at some point in time. Natural persons may be fictionalized, in which case they are also classed as a fictional person.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NaturalPerson
Tag: cwrc:NaturalPerson
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: foaf:Person
Within Range: cwrc:alteredBy cwrc:personaOf
Within Domain: cwrc:hasPersona cwrc:madeAlteration

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Indicates familiar, humorous, or abusive name given to a person, applied instead of or in addition to their real name. May have name type, abusive name or honorific name.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Nickname
Tag: cwrc:Nickname
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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non-gendered response

Describes a response to an author or their work as not influenced by their gender.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NonGendered
Tag: cwrc:NonGendered
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

[back to top]


A note or annotation, such as a footnote, endnote, or hypertext comment, which may be part of an object, contained in metadata describing it (as for a non-textual object), or linked to it, for instance via a Web Annotation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Note
Tag: cwrc:Note
rdf:type: owl:Class
Children Classes: cwrc:NoteInternal cwrc:NoteScholarly

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note (internal)

A note or annotation intended for internal purposes having to do with such matters as research, composition, or workflow, and not intended for publication.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NoteInternal
Tag: cwrc:NoteInternal
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Note foaf:Note

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note (scholarly)

A scholarly note or annotation intended for publication, usually containing ancillary or supplementary content, which may take various forms such as a footnote, endnote, or pop-up note.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#NoteScholarly
Tag: cwrc:NoteScholarly
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Note foaf:Note

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A position, activity, job, or profession, whether paid, unpaid, or voluntary, often related to and at times overlapping with a person's social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Occupation
Tag: cwrc:Occupation
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
Within Range: cwrc:familyBasedOccupation cwrc:hasFamilyBasedOccupation cwrc:hasOccupation cwrc:hasPaidOccupation cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation cwrc:occupation cwrc:paidOccupation cwrc:volunteerOccupation
Within Domain: cwrc:familyBasedOccupationOf cwrc:occupationOf cwrc:paidOccupationOf cwrc:volunteerOccupationOf

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occupation context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as occupation provide information about and discussions of positions and activities significant to a person's life, including paid, unpaid, and voluntary work both beyond and within the home. Although writing as a career sometimes overlaps with occupation, literary activities are often described in writing contexts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#OccupationContext
Tag: cwrc:OccupationContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

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occupation event

An event related to an occupation context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#OccupationEvent
Tag: cwrc:OccupationEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

[back to top]


Indicates the works of an author or other creative practioner regarded collectively. Publications of a particular writer's works are a repesentation of that writer's oeuvre but not synonymous with it.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Oeuvre
Tag: cwrc:Oeuvre
rdf:type: owl:Class

[back to top]

period significance

Indicates a moderate level of significance appropriate to an understanding of a historical period.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PeriodSignificance
Tag: cwrc:PeriodSignificance
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EventSignificance

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A persona, unlike a role, cannot be adopted by people generally, but is specific to one natural person, or more rarely several natural persons. A persona is an original creation, often bearing meaning regarding the biographical, historical and sociological context to which its/their creator/s is/are attached. Personas as defined here should not be associated with mental illness or multiple personality disorder, since they are not the product of a distorted or uncontrolled perception of reality. At the heart of a persona is an identity that is interacted with by others and that at times can be confused with an actual natural person. It is incarnated and developed by a natural person, and may have a social, literary, artistic or political activity.

Comment: This definition is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's definition of the persona element. See TEI element persona .

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Persona
Tag: cwrc:Persona
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: foaf:Person
Within Range: cwrc:hasPersona
Within Domain: cwrc:personaOf

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personal name

A person's name, containing a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person. Has subclasses for types of names such as pseudonym and may have name type, and may have associated parts. This term is derived in part from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema persname element. See also TEI element persName (personal name) .

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PersonalName
Tag: cwrc:PersonalName
owl:sameAs: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300266386 foaf:name
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:seeAlso: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-persName.html
rdfs:subClassOf: cidoc:E41_Appellation
skos:exactMatch: http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85089622
Children Classes: cwrc:NameType cwrc:SystemName
Within Domain: cwrc:namePartOf cwrc:sortOrderOf
Within Range: cwrc:hasNamePart cwrc:hasSortOrder

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physical health context

A subclass of health context. Annotations typed as physical health context describe aspects of a person’s bodily or physical well-being or illness.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PhysicalHealthContext
Tag: cwrc:PhysicalHealthContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:HealthContext

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A named entity associated with a location in geographical space. It may be real or fictive, populated or unpopulated.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Place
Tag: cwrc:Place
owl:equivalentClass: http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Place gn:Feature
owl:sameAs: http://geovocab.org/spatial#Feature schema:Place cidoc:E53_place http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: sem:Place http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#SpatialThing
Children Classes: cwrc:Address cwrc:FictionalPlace cwrc:MappedPlace

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political affiliation

This subclass of CulturalForm indicates affiliations, connections and associations which designate a person's political involvement. These affiliations can be both formal connections to a party or organisation and informal political positions held by the writer. Political affiliations are defined broadly and include things like "against capital punishment" or "strong supporter of the Empire" in addition to more straightforward affiliations such as "marxist" or "conservative". Political affiliations can be multiple, sometimes contradictory, and may change over time.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PoliticalAffiliation
Tag: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Domain: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementFrom cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivityFrom cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementFrom cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipFrom cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf cwrc:politicalAffiliationReportedOf cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReportedOf
Within Range: cwrc:activistInvolvementIn cwrc:genderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementIn cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationReported cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn cwrc:politicalAffiliation cwrc:politicalAffiliationReported cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:politicalInvolvementIn cwrc:politicalMembershipIn

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political climate

An event having political implications within its geopolitical context, often nationally or internationally. Includes the accession of' monarchs, changing governing structures including revolutions, the establishment of major organizations, and other markers of political change.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PoliticalClimate
Tag: cwrc:PoliticalClimate
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EventClimate

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politics context

Politics Context is a significant subclass of context. It is associated with the cultural form subclass political affiliation, and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Annotations typed as Politics Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their political identity. Politics Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person indicated by the properties has political affiliation and its subproperties.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PoliticalContext
Tag: cwrc:PoliticalContext
dcterms:subject: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

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political organization

An organization whose activities are primarily political or with which a person is affiliated politically.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PoliticalOrganization
Tag: cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: org:FormalOrganization
Within Domain: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementFrom cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivityFrom cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementFrom cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipFrom cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf cwrc:politicalAffiliationReportedOf cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReportedOf
Within Range: cwrc:activistInvolvementIn cwrc:genderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementIn cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationReported cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn cwrc:politicalAffiliation cwrc:politicalAffiliationReported cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:politicalInvolvementIn cwrc:politicalMembershipIn

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politics event

An event related to an politics context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PoliticsEvent
Tag: cwrc:PoliticsEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent

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post-secondary school

"Higher education, post-secondary education, or third level education is an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after secondary education. Often delivered at universities, academies, colleges, seminaries, and institutes of technology, higher education is also available through certain college-level institutions, including vocational schools, trade schools, and other career colleges that award academic degrees or professional certifications. Tertiary education at non-degree level is sometimes referred to as further education or continuing education as distinct from higher education. The right of access to higher education is mentioned in a number of international human rights instruments. The UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 declares, in Article 13, that "higher education shall be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education". In Europe, Article 2 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, adopted in 1950, obliges all signatory parties to guarantee the right to education" (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PostSecondarySchool
Tag: cwrc:PostSecondarySchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Higher_education
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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Indicates the numerical accuracy or precision associated with some aspect of a value, measurement, or identification. For example, with respect to a location, it may indicate how precisely a place being referenced is indicated by the latitude and longitude or the place identifier provided.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Precision
Tag: cwrc:Precision
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-precision.html
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: owl:Thing
skos:closeMatch: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-precision.html
Within Range: cwrc:hasPrecision
Within Domain: cwrc:precisionOf

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preferred name

Indicates the form of name preferred by an authority or institution.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PreferredName
Tag: cwrc:PreferredName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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prep school

Within a North American context, prep schools are private educational institutions that prepare students for college. Within a British context, they are private schools for students -- the age range of the students can vary significantly depending on when they went to school, though typically ranging from ages seven (though sometimes three) to thirteen.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PrepSchool
Tag: cwrc:PrepSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Preparatory_school_(United_Kingdom)
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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primary school

"A primary school (or elementary school in American English and often in Canadian English) is a school in which children receive primary or elementary education from the age of about five to twelve, coming after preschool and before secondary school. (In some countries there is an intermediate stage of middle school between primary and secondary education.)" (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PrimarySchool
Tag: cwrc:PrimarySchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Primary_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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private school

"Private schools, also known as independent schools, non-governmental, or nonstate schools, are not administered by local, state or national governments; thus, they retain the right to select their students and are funded in whole or in part by charging their students tuition, rather than relying on mandatory taxation through public (government) funding; at some private schools students may be able to get a scholarship, which makes the cost cheaper, depending on a talent the student may have (e.g. sport scholarship, art scholarship, academic scholarship), financial need, or tax credit scholarships that might be available." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PrivateSchool
Tag: cwrc:PrivateSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Private_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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production context

Production Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ProductionContext
Tag: cwrc:ProductionContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingContext

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production event

An event related to an production context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ProductionEvent
Tag: cwrc:ProductionEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingEvent

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professional title

A person's professional role (e.g. Doctor Jane Smith) or designates membership in a professional society (e.g. John Smith, Esquire).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ProfessionalTitle
Tag: cwrc:ProfessionalTitle
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:RoleName

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Indicates both names and descriptive phrases (e.g. "A Lover of Her Sex" is a pseudonym for Mary Astell) used in publishing to conceal the identity of the author or to represent a persona.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Pseudonym
Tag: cwrc:Pseudonym
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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race or colour

A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's race or colour, often as presumed, perceived, or otherwise assigned according to cultural conventions, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. Despite the ways in which categories of race or colour frequently serve heinous interests, their ideological and material impacts in the formation of identities requires recognition. These are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployed categories whose use must be situated contextually and which are understood here finally as discursive or representational although they have real material impacts. They are thus as social constructs: "There is nothing more to being, or not being, a given race than the social acceptance and societal ascription of a race to a person" (Damon Sajnani, 2015). This ontology therefore does not attempt to lay out an exact, fully defined, or mutually exclusive set of racial categories: this is an impossibility given their shifting use and the overlap among them and with identity categories for ethnicity, geography, and nationality. Those applying this class and its instances are encouraged not to let privileged identities operate as an unspoken given or to use this class solely in relation to the marginalized. Those concerned about "white" and "black" as homogenizing categories are encouraged to reach for specificity through plural categories and representations of intersectionality, and to consult race or ethnicity context annotations, if available.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RaceColour
Tag: cwrc:RaceColour
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:hasRaceColour cwrc:hasRaceColourReported cwrc:hasRaceColourSelfReported cwrc:raceColour cwrc:raceColourReported cwrc:raceColourSelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:raceColourOf cwrc:raceColourReportedOf cwrc:raceColourSelfReportedOf

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race or ethnicity context

Race or Ethnicity Context is a subclass of cultural form context, and is associated with the cultural form subclasses race or colour and ethnicity, and sometimes other cultural forms. Annotations typed as Race or Ethnicity Context provide contextualizing information about and discussions related to a person's perceived or self-reported identity with regards to race and/or ethnicity (Race or Colour or ethnicity). Despite the ways in which categories of Race or Colour and ethnicity frequently serve heinous interests, their ideological and material impacts in the formation of identities requires recognition. These are shifting, historically constituted, and interestedly deployed categories whose use must be situated contextually and are understood here finally as discursive or representational although they have real material impacts. They are thus social constructs: "There is nothing more to being, or not being, a given race than the social acceptance and societal ascription of a race to a person" (Damon Sajnani, 2015).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RaceEthnicityContext
Tag: cwrc:RaceEthnicityContext
dcterms:subject: cwrc:Ethnicity cwrc:RaceColour
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

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race ethnicity event

An event related to an race or ethnicity context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RaceEthnicityEvent
Tag: cwrc:RaceEthnicityEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent

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re-evaluation response

Indicates a significant re-consideration of an author or one or more of their works.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReEvaluationResponse
Tag: cwrc:ReEvaluationResponse
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

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recent response

Indicates that a response to an author or one or more of their work occurred at some point after the initial response period.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RecentResponse
Tag: cwrc:RecentResponse
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Response

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reception context

Reception Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Reception Context chart the effects and results of an individual's writing, and the responses of self and others to an individual's writing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReceptionContext
Tag: cwrc:ReceptionContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingContext
Children Classes: cwrc:ResponseContext

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reception event

An event related to an reception context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReceptionEvent
Tag: cwrc:ReceptionEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingEvent
Children Classes: cwrc:ResponseEvent

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A subclass of cultural form, this describes a person's religion(s) or belief system(s). Note that while atheism denotes the absence of religion, we use the Religion label for convenience.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Religion
Tag: cwrc:Religion
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:hasReligion cwrc:hasReligionReported cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported cwrc:religion cwrc:religionReported cwrc:religionSelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:religionOf cwrc:religionReportedOf cwrc:religionSelfReportedOf
Within Range: cwrc:activistInvolvementIn cwrc:genderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementIn cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationReported cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn cwrc:politicalAffiliation cwrc:politicalAffiliationReported cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:politicalInvolvementIn cwrc:politicalMembershipIn

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religious context

Religion Context is a significant subclass of context. It is associated with the cultural form subclass religion, and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Annotations typed as Religion Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their religion. Religion Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person indicated by the properties has religious affiliation or has religious affiliation (self-reported).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReligionContext
Tag: cwrc:ReligionContext
dcterms:subject: cwrc:Religion
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

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religion event

An event related to a religious context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReligionEvent
Tag: cwrc:ReligionEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent

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religious organization

An organization whose activities are primarily religious.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReligiousOrganization
Tag: cwrc:ReligiousOrganization
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: org:FormalOrganization

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religious school

A school associated formally in some way with a religion, ranging from parochial schools to faith-based schools.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReligiousSchool
Tag: cwrc:ReligiousSchool
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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religious name

A name acquired through a religious role or practice.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReligousName
Tag: cwrc:ReligousName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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reproductive history
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ReproductiveHistory
Tag: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
Within Range: cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory cwrc:reproductiveHistory

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A reaction to a creative work or its creator which may take a wide range of forms both material and immaterial.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Response
Tag: cwrc:Response
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
Within Range: cwrc:hasResponse cwrc:relatesByResponseTo
Children Classes: cwrc:AdfeminamResponse cwrc:FormalResponse cwrc:GenderedResponse cwrc:InformalResponse cwrc:InitialResponse cwrc:NonGendered cwrc:ReEvaluationResponse cwrc:RecentResponse

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response context

Response Context is a significant subclass of both Reception Context and Intertextuality Context. annotations typed as Response Context address reactions to a writer's literary work, whether their oeuvre in general or specific works, or to their role as an author.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ResponseContext
Tag: cwrc:ResponseContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:IntertextualityContext cwrc:ReceptionContext

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response event

An event related to an response context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ResponseEvent
Tag: cwrc:ResponseEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:IntertextualityEvent cwrc:ReceptionEvent

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role name

A name which "indicates that a person has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema for the 'roleName' element. See TEI element roleName .

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RoleName
Tag: cwrc:RoleName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType
Children Classes: cwrc:ProfessionalTitle cwrc:RoyalName cwrc:StyledName cwrc:TitledName

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romance name

Indicates cases where the person has a name associated with writing romances, or with romantic writing, for example, Swift's Stella.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RomanceName
Tag: cwrc:RomanceName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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royal name

A name based on royal status.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RoyalName
Tag: cwrc:RoyalName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:RoleName

[back to top]


A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Scholarship
Tag: cwrc:Scholarship
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scholarship
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalAward

[back to top]

secondary modern school

"A secondary modern school is a type of secondary school that once existed throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland, from 1944 until the 1970s under the Tripartite System and still persist in Northern Ireland, where they are usually referred to simply as Secondary schools, and in areas of England, such as Buckinghamshire (where they are referred to as community schools), Lincolnshire, Wirral Medway and Kent where they are called high schools. " (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SecondaryModernSchool
Tag: cwrc:SecondaryModernSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Secondary_modern_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

[back to top]

secondary school

"A secondary school is both an organization that provides secondary education and the building where this takes place. Some secondary schools can provide both lower secondary education and upper secondary education (levels 2 and 3 of the ISCED scale), but these can also be provided in separate schools, as in the American middle school- high school system. Secondary schools typically follow on from primary schools and lead into vocational and tertiary education. Attendance is compulsory in most countries for students between the ages of 11 and 16. The organisations, buildings, and terminology are more or less unique in each country." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SecondarySchool
Tag: cwrc:SecondarySchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Secondary_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

[back to top]

secular school

A school that is not formally associated with a religious organization and/or one that is avowedly secular in its educational principles, often but not always publicly-funded institutions that are funded by countries with a separation between religion and the state.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SecularSchool
Tag: cwrc:SecularSchool
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

[back to top]

self constructed name

A self-chosen name used in everyday life rather than only on title-pages as is the case for a pseudonym.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SelfConstructedName
Tag: cwrc:SelfConstructedName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:AdditionalName

[back to top]

self taught education context

Education context related to learning conducted independently.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SelfTaughtEducationContext
Tag: cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationContext
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationContext
skos:related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autodidacticism

[back to top]

self taught education event

An event related to an self taught education context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SelfTaughtEducationEvent
Tag: cwrc:SelfTaughtEducationEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationEvent

[back to top]


A subclass of cultural form and linked to sexuality context, Sexuality properties indicate in a word or phrase identifications or aspects of sexuality (i.e., "lesbian," "monogamous," "heterosexual" but also "promiscuous") not as a means of shutting down but advancing investigation and critical analysis of these identifications. The association assumes that sexual identity does not function in an essentialist manner but can be plural and fluid, so multiple designations can be applied to a single person can be associated with multiple terms. Sexual identity may come from the subject her/himself or be ascribed by others. Terms may be in tension or mutually exclusive, they may reflect different life stages, and they may or may not reflect actual sexual practices. Linking a person to the term lesbianism as a sexual identity, for instance, does not necessarily signify that the subject was in any definitive sense a lesbian; such identifications are often impossible for reasons of historical gaps and silences. As far as living persons are concerned, our practice is to draw only on widely circulated public sources or disclosures from the subject her/himself in order to avoid inadvertently outing someone. See Campbell and Cowan, 2016

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Sexuality
Tag: cwrc:Sexuality
owl:sameAs: http://homosaurus.org/terms/sexualIdentity
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:hasSexuality cwrc:hasSexualityReported cwrc:hasSexualitySelfReported cwrc:sexuality cwrc:sexualityReported cwrc:sexualitySelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:sexualityOf cwrc:sexualityReportedOf cwrc:sexualitySelfReportedOf

[back to top]

sexuality context

Sexuality Context is a significant subclass of cultural form context. Annotations typed as Sexuality Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their sexuality and sexual identity. Sexuality Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person through the sexuality or sexuality self-reported properties. It does not provide context for individual sexual experiences and relationships (for which see intimate relationship context), although specific relationships may be invoked to indicate the impact on a subject's life and understanding of their own sexuality. Contextualizations allow recognition of the complicated politics of sexuality, for example, considerations regarding outing, the historical specificity of some categories such as "congenital invert," the appropriation of derogatory terms, and the multiplicity of constructions. There are important politics of privacy with respect to the disclosure of a subject's sexuality, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. As far as living persons are concerned, recommended practice is to draw only on widely circulated public sources or disclosures from the subject her/himself in order to avoid inadvertently outing someone. See Campbell and Cowan, 2016

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SexualityContext
Tag: cwrc:SexualityContext
dcterms:subject: cwrc:Gender cwrc:Sexuality
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

[back to top]

sexuality event

An event related to a sexuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SexualityEvent
Tag: cwrc:SexualityEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent

[back to top]

single-sex school

"Single-sex education, also known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. The practice was common before the twentieth century, particularly in secondary education and higher education. Single-sex education in many cultures is advocated on the basis of tradition as well as religion, and is practiced in many parts of the world. Recently, there has been a surge of interest and establishment of single-sex schools due to educational research. Single sex education is practiced in many Muslim majority countries; while in the West it is most popular in Belgium, Chile, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea. Motivations for such education range from religious ideas of sex segregation to beliefs that the sexes learn and behave differently, and, as such, they thrive in a single sex environment. In the 19th century, in Western countries, single sex girls' finishing schools, and women's colleges offered women a chance to education at a time when they were denied access to mainstream educational institutions. The former were especially common in Switzerland, the latter in the US and the UK, which were pioneers in women's education." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SingleSexSchool
Tag: cwrc:SingleSexSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Single-sex_education
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

[back to top]

social class

A subclass of cultural form, socialClass terms associate subjects with a specific social group, recognizing that such categories and their application to individuals are contested and can change over time. The association may be or have been embraced by the subject her/himself or attributed by others. Unlike Notes typed as social class context, which contain detailed discussion of a subject's class position, socialClass links to a word or phrase signifying a particular construction of class, with particular reference to earlier historical periods in the British Isles. Social class has been variously constructed and theorized, sometimes overlaps with occupation, and for women is further complicated by the fact that women were understood to take their social status from fathers and/or husbands. The terminology used here reflects quite basic social groupings that intersect with other factors such as wealth.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SocialClass
Tag: cwrc:SocialClass
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalForm
Within Range: cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:hasSocialClassReported cwrc:hasSocialClassSelfReported cwrc:socialClass cwrc:socialClassReported cwrc:socialClassSelfReported
Within Domain: cwrc:socialClassOf cwrc:socialClassReportedOf cwrc:socialClassSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

social class context

Social Class Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Social Class Context provide information about and discussions of a person's cultural formation in relation to social class identities and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Social Class Context provides depth to more granular indications of social class through the Social Class property(Orlando, 2006).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SocialClassContext
Tag: cwrc:SocialClassContext
dcterms:subject: cwrc:SocialClass
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

[back to top]

social class event

An event related to a social class context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SocialClassEvent
Tag: cwrc:SocialClassEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:CulturalFormEvent

[back to top]

social climate

Events, including indications of larger trends, with social implications, such as shifts in technology, science, medicine, law, or education, domestic conditions such as housing, clothes, or food and food supply, or the changing positions and civic involvements of marginalized groups.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SocialClimate
Tag: cwrc:SocialClimate
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EventClimate

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spatial context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as spatial context provide information about and discussions of aspects of a person's connections to geospatial locations. Spatial information is also associated in a range of ways with other properties and events such as a person's geographic heritage, a place of publication, or the setting of literary texts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SpatialContext
Tag: cwrc:SpatialContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Context

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spatial event

An event related to an spatial context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SpatialEvent
Tag: cwrc:SpatialEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: sem:Event cidoc:E7_activity
Children Classes: cwrc:SpatialMovementEvent

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spatial movement event

An event related to an spatial context. Particularly in relation to travelled to, moved to, emigrated from, immigrated to, visits

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SpatialMovementEvent
Tag: cwrc:SpatialMovementEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent cwrc:SpatialEvent

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state school

"State schools (also known as public schools outside of England and Wales) generally refer to primary or secondary schools mandated for or offered to all children without charge, funded in whole or in part by taxation. The term may also refer to public institutions of post-secondary education." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#StateSchool
Tag: cwrc:StateSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:State_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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A Studentship is a type of academic scholarship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Studentship
Tag: cwrc:Studentship
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studentship
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalAward

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styled name

A courtesy title associated with the British or other peerage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#StyledName
Tag: cwrc:StyledName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:RoleName

[back to top]


A subject's last name at birth, often a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a forename or nickname." This term is derived from the Text Encoding Initiative P5 schema 'surname' element. See also TEI element surname .

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Surname
Tag: cwrc:Surname
owl:equivalentClass: http://metadataregistry.org/concept/show/id/8581.html
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:seeAlso: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-surname.html
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:NameType

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system name

A name by which a person holds an account for a platform or service.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SystemName
Tag: cwrc:SystemName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:PersonalName foaf:accountName

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textual label

Collection of ambiguous or overloaded labels associated with contested concepts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#TextLabels
Tag: cwrc:TextLabels
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:ConceptScheme
skos:related: skosxl:Label
Within Range: cwrc:representedBy
Within Domain: cwrc:represents

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textual features context

Textual Features Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Textual Features Context chart critical interest in texts in addition to textual analysis, which occassionally draws on the tradition of close reading.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#TextualFeaturesContext
Tag: cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingContext

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textual features event

An event related to an textual features context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#TextualFeaturesEvent
Tag: cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingEvent

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textual survival context

Textual Survival Context is a significant subclass of Writing Context. Annotations typed as Textual Survival Context chart the survival or lack of survival, whether accidental or deliberate, of a text or texts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#TextualSurvivalContext
Tag: cwrc:TextualSurvivalContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingContext

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textual survival event

An event related to an textual survival context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#TextualSurvivalEvent
Tag: cwrc:TextualSurvivalEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:WritingEvent

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titled name

A formal title in the British and other peerages, including of a life peer. Peeresses may be described as titled, although in strict terms, unless one holds a title "in her own right", these are styled names or courtesy titles.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#TitledName
Tag: cwrc:TitledName
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:RoleName

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trade school

"A vocational school, sometimes called a trade school or vocational college, is a post-secondary educational institution designed to provide vocational education, or technical skills required to perform the tasks of a particular and specific job. Vocational schools are traditionally distinguished from four-year colleges by their focus on job-specific training to students who are typically bound for one of the skilled trades, rather than providing academic training for students pursuing careers in a professional discipline. While many schools have largely adhered to this convention, the purely vocational focus of other trade schools began to shift in the 1990s "toward a broader preparation that develops the academic" as well as technical skills of their students." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#TradeSchool
Tag: cwrc:TradeSchool
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Secondary_education_in_France dbpedia:Vocational_school
rdf:type: owl:Class
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:EducationalOrganization

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violence context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Violence Context provide information about and discussions of instances of physical, sexual, and undue emotional abuse, whether the person was subject to the violence or perpetrated it. Broadly conceived to include the effect of exposure to violence of which the person was neither perpetrator nor survivor.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ViolenceContext
Tag: cwrc:ViolenceContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographyContext

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violence event

An event related to an violence context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ViolenceEvent
Tag: cwrc:ViolenceEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:BiographicalEvent

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women's health context

A subclass of health context. Annotations typed as women's health context describe an aspect of a person's health related to being a woman. Often closely connected to or overlapping with reproductive history. See Women's health - Wikipedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#WomensHealthContext
Tag: cwrc:WomensHealthContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:HealthContext

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writing context

Writing Context is a major subclass of context. Annotations typed as Writing Context provide information about and discussions of a person's writing and writing career through the use of literary properties and relationships and through subclasses of Writing Context such as production context, reception context, and textual features context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#WritingContext
Tag: cwrc:WritingContext
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Context
Children Classes: cwrc:IntertextualityContext cwrc:ProductionContext cwrc:ReceptionContext cwrc:TextualFeaturesContext cwrc:TextualSurvivalContext

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writing event

An event related to an writing context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#WritingEvent
Tag: cwrc:WritingEvent
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept
rdfs:subClassOf: cwrc:Event
Children Classes: cwrc:IntertextualityEvent cwrc:ProductionEvent cwrc:ReceptionEvent cwrc:TextualFeaturesEvent cwrc:TextualSurvivalEvent

owl:FunctionalProperty (4)

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has certainty

Associates a level of certainty with an assertion, description, identification, or value.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Equivalent to the certainty element of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCertainty
Tag: cwrc:hasCertainty
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Certainty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:certaintyOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasTimeCertainty

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context predicate

Indicates the version of this predicate associated with context annotations, where such annotations exist.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasContextPredicate
Tag: cwrc:hasContextPredicate
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: owl:ObjectProperty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate

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has precision

Associates a level of precision with a value. measurement, or identification.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPrecision
Tag: cwrc:hasPrecision
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Precision
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:precisionOf

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has time certainty

Indicates the degree of certainty or precision of the temporal value or values associated with a time-based phenomenon such as an event.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasTimeCertainty
Tag: cwrc:hasTimeCertainty
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Certainty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCertainty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:timeCertaintyOf

owl:InverseFunctionalProperty (4)

[back to top]

certainty of

Links a level of certainty to an assertion, description, identification, or value. Related to the certainty element of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#certaintyOf
Tag: cwrc:certaintyOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasCertainty
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Certainty
skos:closeMatch: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-certainty.html
Children Properties: cwrc:timeCertaintyOf

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precision of

Links a level of precision to a source

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#precisionOf
Tag: cwrc:precisionOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPrecision
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-precision.html
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Precision
skos:closeMatch: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-precision.html

[back to top]

subject-centric predicate

Indicates the version of this predicate associated with triples that do not have annotations, or triples derived from this annotation which take the context focus as their subject.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#subjectCentricPredicate
Tag: cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasContextPredicate
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: owl:ObjectProperty

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time certainty of
This is the inverse of has time certainty, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the degree of certainty or precision of the temporal value or values associated with a time-based phenomenon such as an event.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#timeCertaintyOf
Tag: cwrc:timeCertaintyOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasTimeCertainty
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Certainty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:certaintyOf

owl:ObjectProperty (474)

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activist involvement in
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has activist involvement in, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the highest level of political involvement in a particular cause. It indicates such activities as suffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common, as well as very active leadership roles in a political organization. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies' National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directed its activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#activistInvolvementIn
Tag: cwrc:activistInvolvementIn
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementIn
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalMembershipIn

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to adapts, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a reworking of a creative Work, including updates. Adaptation can be construed broadly: to quote Linda Hutcheon, "adaptation is not only a formal entity . . . but a process" xvii.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#adaptation
Tag: cwrc:adaptation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:adapts
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

adapted by
This is the inverse of adapts, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a reworking of a creative Work, including updates. Adaptation can be construed broadly: to quote Linda Hutcheon, "adaptation is not only a formal entity . . . but a process" xvii.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#adaptedBy
Tag: cwrc:adaptedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:adapts
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates a reworking of a creative Work, including updates. Adaptation can be construed broadly: to quote Linda Hutcheon, "adaptation is not only a formal entity . . . but a process" xvii.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#adapts
Tag: cwrc:adapts
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:adaptedBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:adaptation

[back to top]

affected entity

Affected entities link to the Object or Class that was modified within a change set, this can be any rdf:resource. A change set may have 0 to many affected entities.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#affectedEntity
Tag: cwrc:affectedEntity
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:ChangeSet

[back to top]

alluded to by
This is the inverse of alludes to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an apparent but indirect reference to either a specific creative work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, without explicitly identifying it.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#alludedToBy
Tag: cwrc:alludedToBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:alludesTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

alludes explicitly to

Indicates direct acknowledgement of either a specific creative Work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, often through mention of the title or the author's name.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#alludesExplicitlyTo
Tag: cwrc:alludesExplicitlyTo
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasExplicitAllusionBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:explicitAllusion

[back to top]

alludes to

Indicates an apparent but indirect reference to either a specific creative work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, without explicitly identifying it.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#alludesTo
Tag: cwrc:alludesTo
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:alludedToBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:allusion

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to alludes to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an apparent but indirect reference to either a specific creative work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, without explicitly identifying it.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#allusion
Tag: cwrc:allusion
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:alludesTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

altered by

Links a natural person to a change set entry.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#alteredBy
Tag: cwrc:alteredBy
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:ChangeSet
rdfs:range: cwrc:NaturalPerson
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:madeAlteration

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has ancestor, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to an ancestor or forebear, usually at a remove of two generations or more.

[skos:altLabel: forebear ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ancestor
Tag: cwrc:ancestor
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasAncestor
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

ancestor of
This is the inverse of has ancestor, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to an ancestor or forebear, usually at a remove of two generations or more.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ancestorOf
Tag: cwrc:ancestorOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasAncestor
owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasDescendent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to answers, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an intertexual engagement that forms a reply to a previous text, sometimes but not necessarily a rebuttal. it may take the form of response to a person's ideas or general works, as well as a particular text or texts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#answer
Tag: cwrc:answer
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:answers
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

answered by
This is the inverse of answers, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an intertexual engagement that forms a reply to a previous text, sometimes but not necessarily a rebuttal. it may take the form of response to a person's ideas or general works, as well as a particular text or texts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#answeredBy
Tag: cwrc:answeredBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:answers
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates an intertexual engagement that forms a reply to a previous text, sometimes but not necessarily a rebuttal. it may take the form of response to a person's ideas or general works, as well as a particular text or texts.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#answers
Tag: cwrc:answers
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:answeredBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:answer

[back to top]

approximate birth date
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has approximate birth date, whose definition is as follows:

Provides an approximation of the date on which a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#approximateBirthDate
Tag: cwrc:approximateBirthDate
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasApproximateBirthDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:birthRelationship
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:birthDate

[back to top]

birth date of
This is the inverse of has approximate birth date, whose definition is as follows:

Provides an approximation of the date on which a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#approximateBirthDateOf
Tag: cwrc:approximateBirthDateOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasApproximateBirthDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:birthDateOf

[back to top]

approximate death date
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has approximate death date, whose definition is as follows:

Provides an approximation of the date on which a person died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#approximateDeathDate
Tag: cwrc:approximateDeathDate
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasApproximateDeathDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:deathRelationship
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:deathDate

[back to top]

death date of
This is the inverse of has approximate death date, whose definition is as follows:

Provides an approximation of the date on which a person died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#approximateDeathDateOf
Tag: cwrc:approximateDeathDateOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasApproximateDeathDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:deathDateOf

[back to top]

associated by violence with

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to instances of physical, sexual, and undue emotional violence, whether the subject was the victim or the perpetrator. Broadly conceived to include the effect of exposure to violence of which the person was neither perpetrator nor survivor.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#associatedByViolenceWith
Tag: cwrc:associatedByViolenceWith
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:violenceAssociation

[back to top]

associated via health with
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#associatedViaHealthWith
Tag: cwrc:associatedViaHealthWith
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:healthAssociation

[back to top]


Indicates attending or having attended for education either a particular school or a particular type of schooling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#attends
Tag: cwrc:attends
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStudent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:EducationalOrganization
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:attendsPostSecondarySchool cwrc:attendsPrimarySchool cwrc:attendsSecondarySchool
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:schoolAttended

[back to top]

attends post-secondary school

Indicates attending or having attended for education a post-secondary school.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#attendsPostSecondarySchool
Tag: cwrc:attendsPostSecondarySchool
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:attends
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:postSecondarySchool

[back to top]

attends primary school

Indicates attending or having attended for education a primary school.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#attendsPrimarySchool
Tag: cwrc:attendsPrimarySchool
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:attends
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:primarySchool

[back to top]

attends secondary school

Indicates attending or having attended for education a secondary school.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#attendsSecondarySchool
Tag: cwrc:attendsSecondarySchool
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:attends
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:secondarySchool

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has aunt, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any maternal relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#aunt
Tag: cwrc:aunt
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasAunt
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

aunt of
This is the inverse of has aunt, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any maternal relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#auntOf
Tag: cwrc:auntOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasAunt
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has award, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an award, prize, or recognition that a person has won, such as a literary award or an educational award prize.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#award
Tag: cwrc:award
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasAward
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

awarded to
This is the inverse of has award, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an award, prize, or recognition that a person has won, such as a literary award or an educational award prize.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#awardedTo
Tag: cwrc:awardedTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasAward

[back to top]

biographical relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has biographical relation to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a relationship or assertion based on an account of the life of a person or persons.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#biographicalRelationship
Tag: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: oa:hasBody
Children Properties: cwrc:birthRelationship cwrc:culturalFormRelationship cwrc:deathRelationship cwrc:economicRelationship cwrc:educationRelationship cwrc:healthAssociation cwrc:name cwrc:occupationRelationship cwrc:socialRelationship cwrc:violenceAssociation

[back to top]

birth date
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has birth date, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the date on which a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthDate
Tag: cwrc:birthDate
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasBirthDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:birthRelationship

[back to top]

birth date of
This is the inverse of has birth date, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the date on which a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthDateOf
Tag: cwrc:birthDateOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasBirthDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person

[back to top]

birth place
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has birth place, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates where a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthPlace
Tag: cwrc:birthPlace
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasBirthPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:birthRelationship cwrc:spatialRelationship

[back to top]

birth place of
This is the inverse of has birth place, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates where a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthPlaceOf
Tag: cwrc:birthPlaceOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasBirthPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person

[back to top]

birth position
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has birth position, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's birth position relative to their siblings, with accompanying context provided by birth context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthPosition
Tag: cwrc:birthPosition
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasBirthPosition
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:BirthPosition
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:birthRelationship

[back to top]

birth position of
This is the inverse of has birth position, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's birth position relative to their siblings, with accompanying context provided by birth context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthPositionOf
Tag: cwrc:birthPositionOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasBirthPosition
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:BirthPosition
rdfs:range: foaf:Person

[back to top]

birth relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates by birth to, whose definition is as follows:

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to birth.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthRelationship
Tag: cwrc:birthRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesByBirthTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:approximateBirthDate cwrc:birthDate cwrc:birthPlace cwrc:birthPosition

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has brother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties."

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#brother
Tag: cwrc:brother
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasBrother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sibling
Children Properties: cwrc:halfBrother cwrc:stepBrother

[back to top]

brother of
This is the inverse of has brother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties."

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#brotherOf
Tag: cwrc:brotherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasBrother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:siblingOf
skos:broader: schema:sibling
Children Properties: cwrc:halfBrotherOf cwrc:stepBrotherOf

[back to top]

burial place
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has burial place, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates where a person was buried after death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#burialPlace
Tag: cwrc:burialPlace
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasBurialPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:deathRelationship cwrc:spatialRelationship

[back to top]

burial place of
This is the inverse of has burial place, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates where a person was buried after death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#burialPlaceOf
Tag: cwrc:burialPlaceOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasBurialPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person

[back to top]

cause of death
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has cause of death, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#causeOfDeath
Tag: cwrc:causeOfDeath
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCauseOfDeath
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: ii:IllnessInjury
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:deathRelationship

[back to top]

certainty of

Links a level of certainty to an assertion, description, identification, or value. Related to the certainty element of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#certaintyOf
Tag: cwrc:certaintyOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasCertainty
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Certainty
skos:closeMatch: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-certainty.html
Children Properties: cwrc:timeCertaintyOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has child, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#child
Tag: cwrc:child
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative
Children Properties: cwrc:daughter cwrc:son cwrc:stepChild

[back to top]

child of
This is the inverse of has child, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#childOf
Tag: cwrc:childOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasParent
Children Properties: cwrc:daughterOf cwrc:sonOf cwrc:stepChildOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has children, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the number of the subject's children. Values range from zero upwards, and modes of counting vary according to context because families and reproduction are complex matters. Children need not necessarily be biologically related to the subject: they may be adopted or otherwise considered a person's child. See related property has reproductive history.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#children
Tag: cwrc:children
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasChildren
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: xsd:nonNegativeInteger
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative
skos:related: cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has cohabitant, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a relationship of cohabitation which may or may not be an intimate or erotic relationship, since historical evidence with respect to the nature of such relationships is often lacking.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cohabitant
Tag: cwrc:cohabitant
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCohabitant
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intimateRelationship

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has companion, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a relationship with a person, usually a peer, in the context of the subject's education.

[skos:altLabel: paid companion humble companion ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#companion
Tag: cwrc:companion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCompanion
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation owl:ObjectProperty skos:Concept
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship cwrc:socialRelationship
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

nonconformant behaviour
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has nonconformant behaviour, whose definition is as follows:

Describes behaviour, which is perceived as negative, in the context of the subject's education. Often indicative of struggle against systemic discrimination, including within the structures of educational institutions.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#contestedBehaviour
Tag: cwrc:contestedBehaviour
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasContestedBehaviour
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

context focus

Indicates the focus or primary subject of a context annotation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#contextFocus
Tag: cwrc:contextFocus
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Context
rdfs:subPropertyOf: oa:hasBody
skos:note: The object of this property, the context focus, becomes the subject of the subject-centric properties that can be derived from context predicates via SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries.

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to is continuation of, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an imaginative textual response to a previous text that further develops the characters, plot, or setting, but differs from imitations, adaptations, or updates in that it does not directly rely on the previous text, nor act as a sequel.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#continuation
Tag: cwrc:continuation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:continues
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

is continuation of

Indicates an imaginative textual response to a previous text that further develops the characters, plot, or setting, but differs from imitations, adaptations, or updates in that it does not directly rely on the previous text, nor act as a sequel.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#continues
Tag: cwrc:continues
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasContinuation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:continuation

[back to top]

contrary to
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#contraryTo
Tag: cwrc:contraryTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has cousin, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the child of their aunt or uncle; a person belonging to the same extended family, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cousin
Tag: cwrc:cousin
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCousin
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

cousin of
This is the inverse of has cousin, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the child of their aunt or uncle; a person belonging to the same extended family, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cousinOf
Tag: cwrc:cousinOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasCousin
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasCousin

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has credential, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an educational credential awarded to a person.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#credential
Tag: cwrc:credential
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCredential
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Credential
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

credential of
This is the inverse of has credential, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an educational credential awarded to a person.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#credentialOf
Tag: cwrc:credentialOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasCredential
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Credential
rdfs:range: foaf:Person

[back to top]

credential subject
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has credential subject, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a subject in which a person has pursued or received a degree.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#credentialSubject
Tag: cwrc:credentialSubject
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCredentialSubject
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:EducationalSubject
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

credential subject of
This is the inverse of has credential subject, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a subject in which a person has pursued or received a degree.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#credentialSubjectOf
Tag: cwrc:credentialSubjectOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasCredentialSubject
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:EducationalSubject
rdfs:range: foaf:Person

[back to top]

cultural form
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has a cultural form, whose definition is as follows:

This associates specific concepts and categories with the process of identity formation through cultural processes. Such associations may be or have been embraced by the subject her/himself or attributed by others. The concepts and categories classed as a cultural form are understood to overlap with each other conceptually and in terms of the labels used.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#culturalForm
Tag: cwrc:culturalForm
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:ethnicity cwrc:gender cwrc:geographicHeritage cwrc:linguisticAbility cwrc:nationality cwrc:politicalAffiliation cwrc:raceColour cwrc:religion cwrc:sexuality cwrc:socialClass

[back to top]

cultural form of

This is the inverse of has a cultural form.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#culturalFormOf
Tag: cwrc:culturalFormOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
Children Properties: cwrc:ethnicityOf cwrc:genderOf cwrc:geographicHeritageOf cwrc:linguisticAbilityOf cwrc:nationalHeritageOf cwrc:nationalityOf cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf cwrc:raceColourOf cwrc:religionOf cwrc:sexualityOf cwrc:socialClassOf

[back to top]

cultural form relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates by cultural form to, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#culturalFormRelationship
Tag: cwrc:culturalFormRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesByCulturalFormTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:culturalForm cwrc:politicalRelationship

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has daughter, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#daughter
Tag: cwrc:daughter
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasDaughter
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:child
Children Properties: cwrc:stepDaughter

[back to top]

daughter of
This is the inverse of has daughter, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#daughterOf
Tag: cwrc:daughterOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasDaughter
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:childOf
skos:broader: schema:parent
Children Properties: cwrc:stepDaughterOf

[back to top]

death date
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has death date, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the date of which a person has died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#deathDate
Tag: cwrc:deathDate
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasDeathDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:deathRelationship

[back to top]

death date of
This is the inverse of has death date, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the date of which a person has died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#deathDateOf
Tag: cwrc:deathDateOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasDeathDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasDeathDate

[back to top]

death place
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has death place, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates where a person has died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#deathPlace
Tag: cwrc:deathPlace
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasDeathPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:deathRelationship cwrc:spatialRelationship

[back to top]

death place of
This is the inverse of has death place, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates where a person has died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#deathPlaceOf
Tag: cwrc:deathPlaceOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasDeathPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person

[back to top]

death relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates by death to, whose definition is as follows:

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#deathRelationship
Tag: cwrc:deathRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:approximateDeathDate cwrc:burialPlace cwrc:causeOfDeath cwrc:deathDate cwrc:deathPlace

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has descendent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a descendent, either lineal (that is, descended in a direct line from an ancestor, such as a child, grandchild, great-grandchild and so) or collateral (descended from the line of a brother or sister of a direct ancestor).

[skos:altLabel: forebear ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#descendent
Tag: cwrc:descendent
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasDescendent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

descendent of
This is the inverse of has descendent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a descendent, either lineal (that is, descended in a direct line from an ancestor, such as a child, grandchild, great-grandchild and so) or collateral (descended from the line of a brother or sister of a direct ancestor).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#descendentOf
Tag: cwrc:descendentOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasDescendent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf

[back to top]

domain includes

Specifies a particular class type that is acceptable to use for a relation's domain.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#domainIncludes
Tag: cwrc:domainIncludes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:Thing
rdfs:range: owl:Thing

[back to top]

economic relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates economically to, whose definition is as follows:

Any relationship between persons and other persons or entities related to information about economic standing, such as income, inheritance, property, or poverty.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#economicRelationship
Tag: cwrc:economicRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesEconomicallyTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship

[back to top]

education relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates by education to, whose definition is as follows:

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to education.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#educationRelationship
Tag: cwrc:educationRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:award cwrc:companion cwrc:contestedBehaviour cwrc:credential cwrc:credentialSubject cwrc:instructor cwrc:schoolAttended cwrc:subjectOfStudy cwrc:teachingEducationalSubject

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to emigrated from, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person migrated from this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#emigration
Tag: cwrc:emigration
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:migratesFrom
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:habitation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has employer, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's employer.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#employment
Tag: cwrc:employment
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasEmployer
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupationRelationship

[back to top]

erotic relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has erotic relationship with, whose definition is as follows:

Describes intimate relationships that are erotic and/or explicitly sexual. Erotic in this context sometimes suggests that sexuality was an issue in the relationship, whether or not it was acted upon. In not wishing to assume that heterosexual relations between sexual partners are the only standard for intimate relationships, we include both erotic and non-erotic relations as central to a subject’s life and use has erotic relationship with to distinguish between the two. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eroticRelationship
Tag: cwrc:eroticRelationship
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intimateRelationship

[back to top]

ethnic identity
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has ethnic identity, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's ethnic identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ethnicity
Tag: cwrc:ethnicity
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasEthnicity
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:ethnicityReported cwrc:ethnicitySelfReported

[back to top]

ethnic identity of
This is the inverse of has ethnic identity, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's ethnic identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ethnicityOf
Tag: cwrc:ethnicityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasEthnicity
Children Properties: cwrc:ethnicityReportedOf cwrc:ethnicitySelfReportedOf

[back to top]

ethnic identity (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has ethnic identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported ethnic identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For more information on this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ethnicityReported
Tag: cwrc:ethnicityReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasEthnicityReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:ethnicity

[back to top]

ethnic identity (reported) of
This is the inverse of has ethnic identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported ethnic identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For more information on this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ethnicityReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:ethnicityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:ethnicityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasEthnicityReported

[back to top]

ethnic identity (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has ethnic identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's self-reported ethnic identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For more information on this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ethnicitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:ethnicitySelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasEthnicitySelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:ethnicity

[back to top]

ethnic identity (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has ethnic identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's self-reported ethnic identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For more information on this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ethnicitySelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:ethnicitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:ethnicityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasEthnicitySelfReported

[back to top]

event of

Associates an event with a subject or an event with another event.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eventOf
Tag: cwrc:eventOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasEvent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: sem:Event
rdfs:range: owl:Thing

[back to top]

explicit allusion
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to alludes explicitly to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates direct acknowledgement of either a specific creative Work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, often through mention of the title or the author's name.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#explicitAllusion
Tag: cwrc:explicitAllusion
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:alludesExplicitlyTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has extent, whose definition is as follows:

The size or duration of a thing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#extent
Tag: cwrc:extent
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasExtent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:writingRelationship

[back to top]

extent of
This is the inverse of has extent, whose definition is as follows:

The size or duration of a thing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#extentOf
Tag: cwrc:extentOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasExtent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

familial influence
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has familial influence, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by her family history.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#familialInfluence
Tag: cwrc:familialInfluence
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasFamilialInfluence
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:influence

[back to top]

family based occupation
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has family-based occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a position or activity that was family-directed, typically bread-winning businesses rather than domestic work although the two may overlap.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#familyBasedOccupation
Tag: cwrc:familyBasedOccupation
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasFamilyBasedOccupation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupation

[back to top]

family-based occupation of
This is the inverse of has family-based occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a position or activity that was family-directed, typically bread-winning businesses rather than domestic work although the two may overlap.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#familyBasedOccupationOf
Tag: cwrc:familyBasedOccupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupationOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasFamilyBasedOccupation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has father, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their father, the male-identified parent, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#father
Tag: cwrc:father
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasFather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:parent
Children Properties: cwrc:stepFather

[back to top]

father of
This is the inverse of has father, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their father, the male-identified parent, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fatherOf
Tag: cwrc:fatherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasFather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:parentOf
skos:broader: https://schema.org/children
Children Properties: cwrc:stepFatherOf

[back to top]

gender identity
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has gender identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's gender identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gender
Tag: cwrc:gender
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGender
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:genderReported cwrc:genderSelfReported

[back to top]

gender identity of
This is the inverse of has gender identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's gender identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderOf
Tag: cwrc:genderOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGender
Children Properties: cwrc:genderReportedOf cwrc:genderSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

gender identity (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has gender identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported gender identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderReported
Tag: cwrc:genderReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGenderReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:gender

[back to top]

gender identity (reported) of
This is the inverse of has gender identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported gender identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:genderReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:genderOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGenderReported

[back to top]

gender identity (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has gender identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported gender identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:genderSelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGenderSelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:gender

[back to top]

gender identity (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has gender identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported gender identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderSelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:genderSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:genderOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGenderSelfReported

[back to top]

gendered political activity
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has gendered political activity, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderedPoliticalActivity
Tag: cwrc:genderedPoliticalActivity
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivity
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliation

[back to top]

generic range includes
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has generic range, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person wrote in this genre or form.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genericRangeIncludes
Tag: cwrc:genericRangeIncludes
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGenericRange
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:writingRelationship

[back to top]

geographic heritage
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has geographic heritage, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's heritage in relation to a place, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. Place names and boundaries change over time, and a conception of geographical heritage from one historical period may not be commensurate with those from an earlier or later period, even if they go by the same name. Similarly, a sense of geographical heritage may differ from a sense of identity with a political entity that goes by the same name. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see geographic heritage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geographicHeritage
Tag: cwrc:geographicHeritage
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:geographicHeritageReported cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReported

[back to top]

geographic heritage of
This is the inverse of has geographic heritage, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's heritage in relation to a place, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. Place names and boundaries change over time, and a conception of geographical heritage from one historical period may not be commensurate with those from an earlier or later period, even if they go by the same name. Similarly, a sense of geographical heritage may differ from a sense of identity with a political entity that goes by the same name. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see geographic heritage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geographicHeritageOf
Tag: cwrc:geographicHeritageOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage
Children Properties: cwrc:geographicHeritageReportedOf cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

geographic heritage (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has geographic heritage (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geographicHeritageReported
Tag: cwrc:geographicHeritageReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:geographicHeritage

[back to top]

geographic heritage (reported) of
This is the inverse of has geographic heritage (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geographicHeritageReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:geographicHeritageReportedOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:geographicHeritageOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageReported

[back to top]

geographic heritage (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has geographic heritage (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geographicHeritageSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:geographicHeritage

[back to top]

geographic heritage (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has geographic heritage (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geographicHeritageSelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReportedOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:geographicHeritageOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has grandchild, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandChild
Tag: cwrc:grandChild
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGrandChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative
Children Properties: cwrc:grandDaughter cwrc:grandSon

[back to top]

grandchild of
This is the inverse of has grandchild, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandChildOf
Tag: cwrc:grandChildOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGrandChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasGrandParent
Children Properties: cwrc:grandDaughterOf cwrc:grandSonOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has granddaughter, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandDaughter
Tag: cwrc:grandDaughter
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGrandDaughter
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandChild

[back to top]

granddaughter of
This is the inverse of has granddaughter, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandDaughterOf
Tag: cwrc:grandDaughterOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGrandDaughter
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandChildOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has grandfather, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the father of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandFather
Tag: cwrc:grandFather
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGrandFather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandParent

[back to top]

grandfather of
This is the inverse of has grandfather, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the father of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandFatherOf
Tag: cwrc:grandFatherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGrandFather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandParentOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has grandmother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the mother of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandMother
Tag: cwrc:grandMother
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGrandMother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandParent

[back to top]

grandmother of
This is the inverse of has grandmother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the mother of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandMotherOf
Tag: cwrc:grandMotherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGrandMother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandParentOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has grandparent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the parent of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandParent
Tag: cwrc:grandParent
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGrandParent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative
Children Properties: cwrc:grandFather cwrc:grandMother

[back to top]

grandparent of
This is the inverse of has grandparent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the parent of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandParentOf
Tag: cwrc:grandParentOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGrandParent
owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasGrandChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
Children Properties: cwrc:grandFatherOf cwrc:grandMotherOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has grandson, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandSon
Tag: cwrc:grandSon
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGrandSon
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandChild

[back to top]

grandson of
This is the inverse of has grandson, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grandSonOf
Tag: cwrc:grandSonOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGrandSon
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:grandChildOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has guardian, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person (usually a minor) to another, usually an adult who is charged with their care. This term stretches beyond the legal definition of "guardian" to include a broader social relation between dependant and dependee (e.g.: in loco parentis)

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#guardian
Tag: cwrc:guardian
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGuardian
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation owl:ObjectProperty skos:Concept
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:interpersonalRelationshipWith
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

guardian of
This is the inverse of has guardian, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person (usually a minor) to another, usually an adult who is charged with their care. This term stretches beyond the legal definition of "guardian" to include a broader social relation between dependant and dependee (e.g.: in loco parentis)

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#guardianOf
Tag: cwrc:guardianOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGuardian
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to inhabited, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person lived in this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#habitation
Tag: cwrc:habitation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:inhabits
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:spatialRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:emigration cwrc:migration cwrc:relocation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has half-brother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a male-identified person to the someone with whom they have one parent in common.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#halfBrother
Tag: cwrc:halfBrother
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasHalfBrother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:brother cwrc:halfSibling
skos:note: Comment: This term is a CWRC-specific addition not in the original Orlando tag set.

[back to top]

half-brother of
This is the inverse of has half-brother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a male-identified person to the someone with whom they have one parent in common.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#halfBrotherOf
Tag: cwrc:halfBrotherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasHalfBrother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:brotherOf cwrc:halfSiblingOf
skos:broader: schema:sibling
skos:note: Comment: This term is a CWRC-specific addition not in the original Orlando tag set.

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has half-sibling, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#halfSibling
Tag: cwrc:halfSibling
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasHalfSibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sibling
Children Properties: cwrc:halfBrother cwrc:halfSister

[back to top]

half-sibling of
This is the inverse of has half-sibling, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#halfSiblingOf
Tag: cwrc:halfSiblingOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasHalfSibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:siblingOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasHalfSibling
Children Properties: cwrc:halfBrotherOf cwrc:halfSisterOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has half-sister, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a female-identified person to the someone with whom they have one parent in common.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#halfSister
Tag: cwrc:halfSister
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasHalfSister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:halfSibling cwrc:sister
skos:note: Comment: This term is a CWRC-specific addition not in the original Orlando tag set.

[back to top]

half-sister of
This is the inverse of has half-sister, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a female-identified person to the someone with whom they have one parent in common.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#halfSisterOf
Tag: cwrc:halfSisterOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasHalfSister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:halfSiblingOf cwrc:sisterOf
skos:broader: schema:sibling
skos:note: Comment: This term is a CWRC-specific addition not in the original Orlando tag set.

[back to top]

has activist involvement from
This is the inverse of has activist involvement in, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the highest level of political involvement in a particular cause. It indicates such activities as suffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common, as well as very active leadership roles in a political organization. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies' National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directed its activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasActivistInvolvementFrom
Tag: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementFrom
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipFrom
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementIn

[back to top]

has activist involvement in

Indicates the highest level of political involvement in a particular cause. It indicates such activities as suffragists chaining themselves to railings or women camping out at Greenham Common, as well as very active leadership roles in a political organization. Thus Josephine Butler, founder of the Ladies' National Association Against the Contagious Diseases Acts, qualifies as activist for having founded the organization, directed its activities, and for speaking publicly at meetings at considerable personal risk.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasActivistInvolvementIn
Tag: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementIn
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementFrom
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:activistInvolvementIn

[back to top]

has ancestor

Relates a person to an ancestor or forebear, usually at a remove of two generations or more.

[skos:altLabel: forebear ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasAncestor
Tag: cwrc:hasAncestor
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasDescendent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:ancestorOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:ancestor

[back to top]

has approximate birth date

Provides an approximation of the date on which a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasApproximateBirthDate
Tag: cwrc:hasApproximateBirthDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByBirthTo
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:hasBirthDate
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:approximateBirthDateOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:approximateBirthDate

[back to top]

has approximate death date

Provides an approximation of the date on which a person died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasApproximateDeathDate
Tag: cwrc:hasApproximateDeathDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:hasDeathDate
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:approximateDeathDateOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:approximateDeathDate

[back to top]

has aunt

Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any maternal relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasAunt
Tag: cwrc:hasAunt
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aunt
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:auntOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:aunt

[back to top]

has award

Indicates an award, prize, or recognition that a person has won, such as a literary award or an educational award prize.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasAward
Tag: cwrc:hasAward
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:awardedTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:award

[back to top]

has biographical relation to

Indicates a relationship or assertion based on an account of the life of a person or persons.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasBiographicalRelationTo
Tag: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
Children Properties: cwrc:associatedByViolenceWith cwrc:associatedViaHealthWith cwrc:hasName cwrc:relatesByBirthTo cwrc:relatesByCulturalFormTo cwrc:relatesByDeathTo cwrc:relatesByEducationTo cwrc:relatesByOccupationTo cwrc:relatesEconomicallyTo cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:biographicalRelationship

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has birth date

Indicates the date on which a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasBirthDate
Tag: cwrc:hasBirthDate
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByBirthTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:birthDateOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:birthDate

[back to top]

has birth place

Indicates where a person was born.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasBirthPlace
Tag: cwrc:hasBirthPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo cwrc:relatesByBirthTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:birthPlaceOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:birthPlace

[back to top]

has birth position

Indicates a person's birth position relative to their siblings, with accompanying context provided by birth context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasBirthPosition
Tag: cwrc:hasBirthPosition
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:BirthPosition
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByBirthTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:birthPositionOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:birthPosition

[back to top]

has brother

Relates a person to a male-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties."

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasBrother
Tag: cwrc:hasBrother
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSibling
skos:broader: schema:sibling
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:brotherOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasHalfBrother cwrc:hasStepBrother
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:brother

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has burial place

Indicates where a person was buried after death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasBurialPlace
Tag: cwrc:hasBurialPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:burialPlaceOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:burialPlace

[back to top]

has cause of death

Describes a person's death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCauseOfDeath
Tag: cwrc:hasCauseOfDeath
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: ii:IllnessInjury
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:causeOfDeath

[back to top]

has certainty

Associates a level of certainty with an assertion, description, identification, or value.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Equivalent to the certainty element of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCertainty
Tag: cwrc:hasCertainty
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Certainty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:certaintyOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasTimeCertainty

[back to top]

has child

Relates a person to a child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasChild
Tag: cwrc:hasChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:childOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:parentOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasDaughter cwrc:hasSon cwrc:hasStepChild
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:child

[back to top]

has children

Indicates the number of the subject's children. Values range from zero upwards, and modes of counting vary according to context because families and reproduction are complex matters. Children need not necessarily be biologically related to the subject: they may be adopted or otherwise considered a person's child. See related property has reproductive history.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasChildren
Tag: cwrc:hasChildren
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: xsd:nonNegativeInteger
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
skos:related: cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:children

[back to top]

has cohabitant

Describes a relationship of cohabitation which may or may not be an intimate or erotic relationship, since historical evidence with respect to the nature of such relationships is often lacking.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCohabitant
Tag: cwrc:hasCohabitant
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:cohabitant

[back to top]

has companion

Describes a relationship with a person, usually a peer, in the context of the subject's education.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCompanion
Tag: cwrc:hasCompanion
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:companion

[back to top]

has nonconformant behaviour

Describes behaviour, which is perceived as negative, in the context of the subject's education. Often indicative of struggle against systemic discrimination, including within the structures of educational institutions.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasContestedBehaviour
Tag: cwrc:hasContestedBehaviour
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:contestedBehaviour

[back to top]

context predicate

Indicates the version of this predicate associated with context annotations, where such annotations exist.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasContextPredicate
Tag: cwrc:hasContextPredicate
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: owl:ObjectProperty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate

[back to top]

has continuation
This is the inverse of is continuation of, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an imaginative textual response to a previous text that further develops the characters, plot, or setting, but differs from imitations, adaptations, or updates in that it does not directly rely on the previous text, nor act as a sequel.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasContinuation
Tag: cwrc:hasContinuation
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:continues
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

has cousin

Relates a person to the child of their aunt or uncle; a person belonging to the same extended family, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCousin
Tag: cwrc:hasCousin
owl:sameAs: cwrc:cousinOf
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nephew_and_niece
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:cousinOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:cousin

[back to top]

has credential

Indicates an educational credential awarded to a person.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCredential
Tag: cwrc:hasCredential
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Credential
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:credentialOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:credential

[back to top]

has credential subject

Indicates a subject in which a person has pursued or received a degree.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCredentialSubject
Tag: cwrc:hasCredentialSubject
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:EducationalSubject
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:credentialSubjectOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:credentialSubject

[back to top]

has a cultural form

This associates specific concepts and categories with the process of identity formation through cultural processes. Such associations may be or have been embraced by the subject her/himself or attributed by others. The concepts and categories classed as a cultural form are understood to overlap with each other conceptually and in terms of the labels used.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCulturalForm
Tag: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByCulturalFormTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasEthnicity cwrc:hasGender cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility cwrc:hasNationalHeritage cwrc:hasNationality cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation cwrc:hasRaceColour cwrc:hasReligion cwrc:hasSexuality cwrc:hasSocialClass cwrc:nationalHeritage
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:culturalForm

[back to top]

has daughter

Relates a person to a female-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasDaughter
Tag: cwrc:hasDaughter
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daughter
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasChild
skos:broader: schema:children
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:daughterOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasStepDaughter
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:daughter

[back to top]

has death date

Indicates the date of which a person has died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasDeathDate
Tag: cwrc:hasDeathDate
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:deathDateOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:deathDateOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:deathDate

[back to top]

has death place

Indicates where a person has died.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasDeathPlace
Tag: cwrc:hasDeathPlace
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:deathPlaceOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:deathPlace

[back to top]

has descendent

Relates a person to a descendent, either lineal (that is, descended in a direct line from an ancestor, such as a child, grandchild, great-grandchild and so) or collateral (descended from the line of a brother or sister of a direct ancestor).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasDescendent
Tag: cwrc:hasDescendent
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasAncestor
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasAncestor
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:ancestorOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:descendent

[back to top]

has emigrant
This is the inverse of emigrated from, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person migrated from this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEmigrant
Tag: cwrc:hasEmigrant
cwrc:domainIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInhabitant
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:migratesFrom

[back to top]

has employee
This is the inverse of has employer, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's employer.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEmployee
Tag: cwrc:hasEmployee
cwrc:domainIncludes: org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasEmployer

[back to top]

has employer

Indicates a person's employer.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEmployer
Tag: cwrc:hasEmployer
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasEmployee
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByOccupationTo
skos:related: cwrc:hasOccupation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:employment

[back to top]

has erotic relationship with

Describes intimate relationships that are erotic and/or explicitly sexual. Erotic in this context sometimes suggests that sexuality was an issue in the relationship, whether or not it was acted upon. In not wishing to assume that heterosexual relations between sexual partners are the only standard for intimate relationships, we include both erotic and non-erotic relations as central to a subject’s life and use has erotic relationship with to distinguish between the two. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEroticRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:eroticRelationship

[back to top]

has ethnic identity

Indicates a person's ethnic identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:hasEthnicity
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:ethnicityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasEthnicityReported cwrc:hasEthnicitySelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:ethnicity

[back to top]

has ethnic identity (reported)

Indicates a person's reported ethnic identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For more information on this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEthnicityReported
Tag: cwrc:hasEthnicityReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:ethnicityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasEthnicity
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:ethnicityReported

[back to top]

has ethnic identity (self-reported)

Indicates a person's self-reported ethnic identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For more information on this property, see ethnicity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEthnicitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasEthnicitySelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:ethnicitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Ethnicity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasEthnicity
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:ethnicitySelfReported

[back to top]

has event

Associates a Context with an Event.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEvent
Tag: cwrc:hasEvent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:Thing
rdfs:range: sem:Event
rdfs:subPropertyOf: oa:hasBody
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:eventOf

[back to top]

has explicit allusion by
This is the inverse of alludes explicitly to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates direct acknowledgement of either a specific creative Work or the style or general oeuvre of another author, often through mention of the title or the author's name.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasExplicitAllusionBy
Tag: cwrc:hasExplicitAllusionBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:alludesExplicitlyTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

has extent

The size or duration of a thing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasExtent
Tag: cwrc:hasExtent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
skos:closeMatch: dcterms:extent
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:extentOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:extent

[back to top]

has familial influence

Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by her family history.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasFamilialInfluence
Tag: cwrc:hasFamilialInfluence
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:isInfluencedBy
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasFamilialInfluenceOn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:familialInfluence

[back to top]

has familial influence on
This is the inverse of has familial influence, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by her family history.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasFamilialInfluenceOn
Tag: cwrc:hasFamilialInfluenceOn
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasFamilialInfluence
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn

[back to top]

has family-based occupation

Indicates a position or activity that was family-directed, typically bread-winning businesses rather than domestic work although the two may overlap.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasFamilyBasedOccupation
Tag: cwrc:hasFamilyBasedOccupation
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:familyBasedOccupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasOccupation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:familyBasedOccupation

[back to top]

has father

Relates a person to their father, the male-identified parent, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasFather
Tag: cwrc:hasFather
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasParent
skos:broader: schema:parent
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:fatherOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasStepFather
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:father

[back to top]

has functional relation

Relates terms within the CWRC ontology to external terms that are semantically incommensurate but that may be pragmatically related for processing purposes such as search and retrieval. For example, the gender instance woman relates functionally to appearances:SexISO5218-2 because important datasets employ the ISO5218 value "female". has functional relation can be leveraged by search tools to broaden the results returned.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasFunctionalRelation
Tag: cwrc:hasFunctionalRelation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

has gender identity

Describes a person's gender identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGender
Tag: cwrc:hasGender
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:genderOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasGenderReported cwrc:hasGenderSelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:gender

[back to top]

has gender identity (reported)

Indicates a person's reported gender identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGenderReported
Tag: cwrc:hasGenderReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:genderReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGender
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:genderReported

[back to top]

has gender identity (self-reported)

Describes a person's self-reported gender identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by gender context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGenderSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasGenderSelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:genderSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Gender
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGender
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:genderSelfReported

[back to top]

has gendered political activity
This is the inverse of has gendered political activity from, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGenderedPoliticalActivity
Tag: cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivity
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivityFrom
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:genderedPoliticalActivity

[back to top]

has gendered political activity from
This is the inverse of has gendered political activity, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGenderedPoliticalActivityFrom
Tag: cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivityFrom
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivity

[back to top]

has generic range

Indicates that a person wrote in this genre or form.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGenericRange
Tag: cwrc:hasGenericRange
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:inGenericRangeOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:genericRangeIncludes

[back to top]

has geographic heritage

Describes a person's heritage in relation to a place, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. Place names and boundaries change over time, and a conception of geographical heritage from one historical period may not be commensurate with those from an earlier or later period, even if they go by the same name. Similarly, a sense of geographical heritage may differ from a sense of identity with a political entity that goes by the same name. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see geographic heritage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGeographicHeritage
Tag: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:geographicHeritageOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageReported cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:geographicHeritage

[back to top]

has geographic heritage (reported)

Describes a person's reported geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGeographicHeritageReported
Tag: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:geographicHeritageReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:geographicHeritageReported

[back to top]

has geographic heritage (self-reported)

Describes a person's self-reported geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:GeographicHeritage gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritage
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:geographicHeritageSelfReported

[back to top]

has grandchild

Relates a person to a child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGrandChild
Tag: cwrc:hasGrandChild
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family#Roles
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:grandChildOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:grandParentOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasGrandDaughter cwrc:hasGrandSon
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:grandChild

[back to top]

has granddaughter

Relates a person to a female-identified child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGrandDaughter
Tag: cwrc:hasGrandDaughter
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family#Roles
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGrandChild
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:grandDaughterOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:grandDaughter

[back to top]

has grandfather

Relates a person to the father of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGrandFather
Tag: cwrc:hasGrandFather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGrandParent
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:grandFatherOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:grandFather

[back to top]

has grandmother

Relates a person to the mother of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGrandMother
Tag: cwrc:hasGrandMother
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandparent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGrandParent
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:grandMotherOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:grandMother

[back to top]

has grandparent

Relates a person to the parent of their mother or father.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGrandParent
Tag: cwrc:hasGrandParent
owl:sameAs: cwrc:grandChildOf
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandparent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:grandParentOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasGrandFather cwrc:hasGrandMother
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:grandParent

[back to top]

has grandson

Relates a person to a male-identified child of a person's child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGrandSon
Tag: cwrc:hasGrandSon
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family#Roles
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasGrandChild
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:grandSonOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:grandSon

[back to top]

has guardian

Relates a person (usually a minor) to another, usually an adult who is charged with their care. This term stretches beyond the legal definition of "guardian" to include a broader social relation between dependant and dependee (e.g.: in loco parentis)

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGuardian
Tag: cwrc:hasGuardian
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:guardianOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:guardian

[back to top]

has half-brother

Relates a male-identified person to the someone with whom they have one parent in common.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasHalfBrother
Tag: cwrc:hasHalfBrother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBrother cwrc:hasHalfSibling
skos:broader: schema:sibling
skos:note: Comment: This term is a CWRC-specific addition not in the original Orlando tag set.
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:halfBrotherOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:halfBrother

[back to top]

has half-sibling
This is the inverse of half-sibling of, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasHalfSibling
Tag: cwrc:hasHalfSibling
owl:sameAs: cwrc:halfSiblingOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSibling
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:halfSiblingOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasHalfBrother cwrc:hasHalfSister
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:halfSibling

[back to top]

has half-sister

Relates a female-identified person to the someone with whom they have one parent in common.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasHalfSister
Tag: cwrc:hasHalfSister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasHalfSibling cwrc:hasSister
skos:broader: schema:sibling
skos:note: Comment: This term is a CWRC-specific addition not in the original Orlando tag set.
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:halfSisterOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:halfSister

[back to top]

has husband

Relates a person to a male-identified partner in a marital relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasHusband
Tag: cwrc:hasHusband
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPartner
skos:broader: https://schema.org/spouse
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:husbandOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:husband

[back to top]

has ID dependency on

Indicates that the subject entity is dependent upon the identifications made in the object entity. For instance, this predicate can be used to link web annotations with bodies containing RDF triples to annotations that identify entities used in those triples.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasIDependencyOn
Tag: cwrc:hasIDependencyOn
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Context
rdfs:range: cwrc:Context

[back to top]

has immigrant
This is the inverse of immigrated to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person immigrated to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasImmigrant
Tag: cwrc:hasImmigrant
cwrc:domainIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInhabitant cwrc:hasTraveller
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:migratesTo

[back to top]

has influence on

Describes an authors' influence on other writers, the literary tradition, and/or society as a whole.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasInfluenceOn
Tag: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo cwrc:hasReceptionRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:isInfluencedBy
Children Properties: cwrc:hasFamilialInfluenceOn cwrc:hasIntellectualInfluenceOn cwrc:hasLiteraryInfluenceOn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:influence

[back to top]

has inhabitant
This is the inverse of inhabited, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person lived in this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasInhabitant
Tag: cwrc:hasInhabitant
cwrc:domainIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:inhabits
Children Properties: cwrc:hasEmigrant cwrc:hasImmigrant cwrc:hasRelocatee

[back to top]

has instructor

Describes the subject's relationship with an educational instructor or mentor, formal or informal.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasInstructor
Tag: cwrc:hasInstructor
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:instructor

[back to top]

has intellectual influence

Indicates an author's own work having been intellectually influenced by another.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasIntellectualInfluence
Tag: cwrc:hasIntellectualInfluence
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:isInfluencedBy
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasIntellectualInfluenceOn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:intellectualInfluence

[back to top]

has intellectual influence on
This is the inverse of has intellectual influence, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an author's own work having been intellectually influenced by another.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasIntellectualInfluenceOn
Tag: cwrc:hasIntellectualInfluenceOn
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasIntellectualInfluence
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn

[back to top]

has interpersonal relationship with

Indicates personal knowledge of someone, covering a broad spectrum of social relations ranging from friendship to enmities and casual associations: it can include a writer having coffee with Samuel Johnson on one notable day, without needing a historical record of whether they were necessarily friends, through to substantial longlasting relationships. See also has intimate relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:seeAlso: cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
Children Properties: cwrc:guardianOf cwrc:hasGuardian cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:interpersonalRelationshipWith

[back to top]

has intertextual relation to

Indicates the relationships amongst authors and texts, reflecting the extent to which language of an author or a specific text is in dialogic relation to other texts, as first articulated by Julia Kristeva. A creative Work or an author more generally relates intertextually to a textual object, either to a specific Work or to the general style or oeuvre of another author. Usually refers to how the meaning of a later text is informed by an earlier one, but, as articulated by theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin and Kristeva, it can also be invoked to refer to the shaping impact of language more generally on subsequent linguistic productions. The specific subpredicates provided here are not exhaustive. 1996.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasIntertextualRelationTo
Tag: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:adapts cwrc:alludesExplicitlyTo cwrc:alludesTo cwrc:answers cwrc:continues cwrc:hasInfluenceOn cwrc:hasResponse cwrc:imitates cwrc:isPrequelOf cwrc:misquotes cwrc:parodies cwrc:quotes cwrc:satirizes
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:intertextualRelationship cwrc:responseRelationship

[back to top]

has intimate relationship with

Indicates a relationship that involves any type of intimacy ranging from emotional through psychological or material to sexual. Counters the traditional assumption that the only intimate relations happen within the context of marriage or heterosexual relations between sexual partners, challenging the historical and ideological silence placed upon same-sex relationships. For instance, it includes lifelong female friendships, defining psychological connections, or erotically-charged same sex or opposite sex relationships. It may or may not be erotic, and may apply to both brief sexual affairs and lifelong non-sexual relationships. Biographical information concerning these relationships is often scant; therefore this predicate recognizes these relations as significant while not assuming that they were sexual. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasIntimateRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith
Children Properties: cwrc:hasCohabitant cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith cwrc:hasNonEroticRelationshipWith cwrc:hasPartner cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith cwrc:partnerOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:intimateRelationship

[back to top]

language known

Knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasLinguisticAbility
Tag: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:linguisticAbilityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilityReported cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbility
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:linguisticAbility

[back to top]

language known (reported)

Reported knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see linguistic ability (spoken and/or writen).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasLinguisticAbilityReported
Tag: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilityReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:linguisticAbilityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:linguisticAbilityReported

[back to top]

language known (self-reported)

Self-reported knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see linguistic ability (spoken and/or writen).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReported

[back to top]

has literary influence

Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by another's literature.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasLiteraryInfluence
Tag: cwrc:hasLiteraryInfluence
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:isInfluencedBy
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasLiteraryInfluenceOn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:literaryInfluence

[back to top]

has literary influence on
This is the inverse of has literary influence, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by another's literature.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasLiteraryInfluenceOn
Tag: cwrc:hasLiteraryInfluenceOn
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasLiteraryInfluence
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn

[back to top]

has location

The location of a thing. For example where an event took place or a organization is located

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasLocation
Tag: cwrc:hasLocation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:Thing
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:locationOf

[back to top]

has mother

Relates a person to their mother, the female-identified parent, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasMother
Tag: cwrc:hasMother
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasParent
skos:broader: schema:parent
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:motherOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasStepMother
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:mother

[back to top]

has name

Indicates a person's name.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasName
Tag: cwrc:hasName
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nameOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:name

[back to top]

has name part

Indicates a component of a name. Order of name parts is indicated by has sort order

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNamePart
Tag: cwrc:hasNamePart
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PersonalName
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:namePartOf

[back to top]

has national heritage

Describes a person's national heritage, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:hasNationalHeritage
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nationalHeritageOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasNationalHeritageReported cwrc:hasNationalHeritageSelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nationalHeritage

[back to top]

has national heritage (reported)

Describes a person's reported national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNationalHeritageReported
Tag: cwrc:hasNationalHeritageReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nationalHeritageReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasNationalHeritage
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nationalHeritageReported

[back to top]

has national heritage (self-reported)

Describes a person's self-reported national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNationalHeritageSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasNationalHeritageSelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasNationalHeritage
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReported

[back to top]

has national identity

Describes a person's national identity identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNationality
Tag: cwrc:hasNationality
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nationalityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasNationalityReported cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nationality

[back to top]

has national identity (reported)

This property indicates a person's reported national identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. For more information on this property see national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNationalityReported
Tag: cwrc:hasNationalityReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nationalityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasNationality
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nationalityReported

[back to top]

has national identity (self-reported)

This property indicates a person's self-reported national identity, with with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. For more information on this property see national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNationalitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nationalitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasNationality
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nationalitySelfReported

[back to top]

natively known language

Knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing or reading, which may be self-reported or reported by another, and with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNativeLinguisticAbility
Tag: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbility
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility
Children Properties: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilityReported cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbility

[back to top]

natively known language (reported)

Reported knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNativeLinguisticAbilityReported
Tag: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilityReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbility
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReported

[back to top]

natively known language (self-reported)

Self-reported knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbility
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported

[back to top]

has nephew

Relates a person to the son of their sibling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNephew
Tag: cwrc:hasNephew
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nephewOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nephew

[back to top]

has niece

Relates a person to the daughter of their sibling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNiece
Tag: cwrc:hasNiece
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nephew_and_niece
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:nieceOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:niece

[back to top]

has non-erotic relationship with

Describes an intimate relationship with the subject that is neither erotic nor sexual in nature. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNonEroticRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasNonEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nonEroticRelationship

[back to top]

has occupation

Indicates a regular position or activity significant to a person's life, including paid, unpaid, and voluntary work.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasOccupation
Tag: cwrc:hasOccupation
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:occupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByOccupationTo
*skos:related: cwrc:hasEmployer
Children Properties: cwrc:hasFamilyBasedOccupation cwrc:hasPaidOccupation cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:occupation

[back to top]

has occupation income

Describes or provides information regarding a person's incomes related to an occupation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasOccupationIncome
Tag: cwrc:hasOccupationIncome
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:occupationIncomeOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByOccupationTo
skos:related: cwrc:hasOccupation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:occupationIncome

[back to top]

has organization

Indicates that the organization in question belongs in some sense to the specified conceptual entity. For instance, a particular religion may have one or more organizational groups associated with it, a political campaign may have multiple political groups associated with it simultaneously or sequentially, or an artistic movement may have various contributing groups.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasOrganization
Tag: cwrc:hasOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: org:FormalOrganization

[back to top]

has paid occupation

Indicates a position or activity for which a person was paid.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPaidOccupation
Tag: cwrc:hasPaidOccupation
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:paidOccupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasOccupation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:paidOccupation

[back to top]

has parent

Relates a person to their father, mother, or, in certain cases, their guardian.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasParent
Tag: cwrc:hasParent
owl:sameAs: schema:parent cwrc:childOf
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:parentOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasFather cwrc:hasMother cwrc:hasStepParent
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:parent

[back to top]

has partner

Relates two people through a romantic, emotional, or spousal relationship. Distinct from a business or corporate partnership.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPartner
Tag: cwrc:hasPartner
owl:sameAs: cwrc:partnerOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:partnerOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasHusband cwrc:hasWife
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:partner

[back to top]

has persona

Associates a persona with one more natural person(s).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPersona
Tag: cwrc:hasPersona
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NaturalPerson
rdfs:range: cwrc:Persona
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:personaOf

[back to top]

has political affiliation

Describes a person's political affiliation, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by politics context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type, and it may be linked to political affiliations or directly to an organization which may or may not be primarily political. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPoliticalAffiliation
Tag: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationReported cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:politicalAffiliation

[back to top]

has political affiliation (reported)

Describes a person's reported political affiliation. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPoliticalAffiliationReported
Tag: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliationReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:politicalAffiliationReported

[back to top]

has political affiliation (self-reported)

Describes a person's self-reported political affiliation. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReported

[back to top]

has political involvement from
This is the inverse of has political involvement in, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates some level of political involvement.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPoliticalInvolvementFrom
Tag: cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementFrom
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn
Children Properties: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipFrom

[back to top]

has political involvement in

Indicates some level of political involvement.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPoliticalInvolvementIn
Tag: cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementFrom
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation
Children Properties: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:politicalInvolvementIn

[back to top]

has political membership from
This is the inverse of has political membership in, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates some degree of sustained engagement with an organization such as a political group or literary movement. Does not necessarily denote formal membership, but rather points to clear evidence of a link with an organization without indication of more active participation: a person may have been a member of the sanitary movement or participated in a reading associated with a particular literary movement.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPoliticalMembershipFrom
Tag: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipFrom
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementFrom
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn
Children Properties: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementFrom

[back to top]

has political membership in

Indicates some degree of sustained engagement with an organization such as a political group or literary movement. Does not necessarily denote formal membership, but rather points to clear evidence of a link with an organization without indication of more active participation: a person may have been a member of the sanitary movement or participated in a reading associated with a particular literary movement.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPoliticalMembershipIn
Tag: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipFrom
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn
Children Properties: cwrc:hasActivistInvolvementIn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:politicalMembershipIn

[back to top]

has possibly erotic relationship with

Describes an intimate relationship that may or may not be erotic in nature. This predicate seeks to redress the historical and ideological silence placed upon same sex relationships; it recognizes that biographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover. has possibly erotic relationship with registers the possibility of a sexual relationship, when, in the absence of biographical proof, it is impossible to claim such as fact. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:possiblyEroticRelationship

[back to top]

has precision

Associates a level of precision with a value. measurement, or identification.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPrecision
Tag: cwrc:hasPrecision
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Precision
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:precisionOf

[back to top]

has prequel
This is the inverse of is prequel of, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an intertextual engagement that involves creative speculation about events what came before the temporal setting or events of an existing text.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPrequel
Tag: cwrc:hasPrequel
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:isPrequelOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

has profile

A description of something or someone.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasProfile
Tag: cwrc:hasProfile
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:profileOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:profile

[back to top]

has race or colour identity

This describes a person's identity with respect to race or colour, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For more information on this property see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:hasRaceColour
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:raceColourOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasRaceColourReported cwrc:hasRaceColourSelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:raceColour

[back to top]

has race or colour identity (reported)

Indicates a person's reported identity with respect to race or colour, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For further information about this property, see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasRaceColourReported
Tag: cwrc:hasRaceColourReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:raceColourReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRaceColour
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:raceColourReported

[back to top]

has race or colour identity (self-reported)

Indicates a person's self-reported identity with respect to race or colour, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For further information about this property, see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasRaceColourSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasRaceColourSelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:raceColourSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRaceColour
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:raceColourSelfReported

[back to top]

has reception relation to
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasReceptionRelationTo
Tag: cwrc:hasReceptionRelationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:receptionRelationship

[back to top]

has relative

Has a familial relationship to a person. hasRelative and its subproperties indicate social aspects of familial relations as opposed to biological ones; for example, has mother is not necessarily a consanguineal relationship - although both can be present. Family relationships are subproperties of social relationships. For more information, see About: Family. This property indicates either a general familial relationship or one that is complicated or not easily categorisable in traditional kinship terms.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasRelative
Tag: cwrc:hasRelative
owl:sameAs: cwrc:relativeOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:relativeOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasAncestor cwrc:hasAunt cwrc:hasChild cwrc:hasChildren cwrc:hasCousin cwrc:hasDescendent cwrc:hasGrandChild cwrc:hasGrandParent cwrc:hasNephew cwrc:hasNiece cwrc:hasParent cwrc:hasPartner cwrc:hasSibling cwrc:hasUncle
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

has religious affiliation

Indicates a person's religion or belief system, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasReligion
Tag: cwrc:hasReligion
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:religionOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasReligionReported cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:religion

[back to top]

has religious affiliation (reported)

Indicates a person's reported religion or belief system, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasReligionReported
Tag: cwrc:hasReligionReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:religionReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasReligion
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:religionReported

[back to top]

has religious affiliation (self-reported)

Indicates a person's self-reported religion or belief system, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasReligionSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:religionSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasReligion
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:religionSelfReported

[back to top]

has relocatee
This is the inverse of moved to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person moved to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasRelocatee
Tag: cwrc:hasRelocatee
cwrc:domainIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInhabitant
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:relocatesTo

[back to top]

has reproductive history

Describes an aspect of a person's reproductive history. May relate to childlessness, birth control, adoption, abortion, difficulties with childbearing, loss of a child, whether biologically related, adopted, or otherwise considered kin, difficulties with child-bearing. See also the related property has children.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasReproductiveHistory
Tag: cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory
rdfs:seeAlso: cwrc:hasChildren
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:associatedViaHealthWith
*skos:related: cwrc:hasChildren
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:reproductiveHistory

[back to top]

has response

Indicates a response to a subject, whether a particular work, a writer's oeuvre in general, or, when the object is a Person, a writer's role as an author/artist. Responses may manifest as texts, such as reviews or diary entries, or fugitive forms reported later, such as conversations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasResponse
Tag: cwrc:hasResponse
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Response
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo cwrc:relatesByResponseTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:respondsTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:response

[back to top]

has sexual identity

Describes a person's sexual identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see sexuality.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSexuality
Tag: cwrc:hasSexuality
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:sexualityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasSexualityReported cwrc:hasSexualitySelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:sexuality

[back to top]

has sexual identity (reported)

This describes a person's reported sexual identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. For more information, see sexuality and sexuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSexualityReported
Tag: cwrc:hasSexualityReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:sexualityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSexuality
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:sexualityReported

[back to top]

has sexual identity (self-reported)

Describes a person's self-reported sexual identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. For more information, see sexuality and sexuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSexualitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasSexualitySelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:sexualitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSexuality
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:sexualitySelfReported

[back to top]

has sibling

Describes a relationship in which two or more individuals share the same parentage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSibling
Tag: cwrc:hasSibling
owl:sameAs: schema:sibling cwrc:siblingOf
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:siblingOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasBrother cwrc:hasHalfSibling cwrc:hasSister cwrc:hasStepSibling
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:sibling

[back to top]

has sister

Relates a person to a female-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties".

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSister
Tag: cwrc:hasSister
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSibling
skos:broader: schema:sibling
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:sisterOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasHalfSister cwrc:hasStepSister
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:sister

[back to top]

has class identity

Describes a person's class identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSocialClass
Tag: cwrc:hasSocialClass
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:socialClassOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:hasSocialClassReported cwrc:hasSocialClassSelfReported
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:socialClass

[back to top]

has class identity (reported)

Describes a person's reported class identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSocialClassReported
Tag: cwrc:hasSocialClassReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:socialClassReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSocialClass
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:socialClassReported

[back to top]

has class identity (self-reported)

Describes a person's self-reported class identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSocialClassSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:hasSocialClassSelfReported
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:socialClassSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSocialClass
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:socialClassSelfReported

[back to top]

has son

Relates a person to a male-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSon
Tag: cwrc:hasSon
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasChild
skos:broader: schema:children
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:sonOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasStepSon
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:son

[back to top]

has sort order

Indicates the order in which the parts of a name occur.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSortOrder
Tag: cwrc:hasSortOrder
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PersonalName
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:sortOrderOf

[back to top]

has spatial relation to

Indicates an entity's connection to a geospatial location or to some other entity related to location.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSpatialRelationTo
Tag: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
Children Properties: cwrc:hasBirthPlace cwrc:hasBurialPlace cwrc:hasDeathPlace cwrc:hasInhabitant cwrc:hasTraveller cwrc:inhabits cwrc:travelsTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:spatialRelationship

[back to top]

has stepbrother

Relates a person to a male-identified stepsibling, that is, a child of the person's stepparent.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepBrother
Tag: cwrc:hasStepBrother
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepsibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBrother cwrc:hasStepSibling
skos:broader: schema:sibling
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepBrotherOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepBrother

[back to top]

has stepchild

Relates a person to the child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepChild
Tag: cwrc:hasStepChild
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepchild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasChild
skos:related: https://schema.org/children
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepParent
Children Properties: cwrc:hasStepDaughter cwrc:hasStepSon
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepChild

[back to top]

has stepdaughter

Relates a person to a female-identified child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepDaughter
Tag: cwrc:hasStepDaughter
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepchild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasDaughter cwrc:hasStepChild
skos:related: https://schema.org/children
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepDaughterOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepDaughter

[back to top]

has stepfather

Relates a person to their stepfather, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepFather
Tag: cwrc:hasStepFather
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepfather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasFather cwrc:hasStepParent
skos:broader: schema:parent
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepFatherOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepFather

[back to top]

has stepmother

Relates a person to their stepmother, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepMother
Tag: cwrc:hasStepMother
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepMotherOf
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepmother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasMother cwrc:hasStepParent
skos:broader: schema:parent
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepMother

[back to top]

has stepparent

Relates a person to their stepparent, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepParent
Tag: cwrc:hasStepParent
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepChild
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepfather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasParent
skos:broader: schema:parent
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepParentOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasStepFather cwrc:hasStepMother
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepParent

[back to top]

has stepsibling
This is the inverse of stepsibling of, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepSibling
Tag: cwrc:hasStepSibling
owl:sameAs: cwrc:stepSiblingOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSibling
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepSiblingOf
Children Properties: cwrc:hasStepBrother cwrc:hasStepSister
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepSibling

[back to top]

has stepsister

Relates a person to a female-identified stepsibling, that is, a child of the person's stepparent.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepSister
Tag: cwrc:hasStepSister
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepsibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSister cwrc:hasStepSibling
skos:broader: schema:sibling
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepSisterOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepSister

[back to top]

has stepson

Relates a person to a male-identified child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStepSon
Tag: cwrc:hasStepSon
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepchild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSon cwrc:hasStepChild
skos:related: https://schema.org/children
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepSonOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:stepSon

[back to top]

has student

Indicates that the student was educated by the entity in question,—an instructor, an educational institution, or a particular type of schooling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasStudent
Tag: cwrc:hasStudent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:EducationalOrganization
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:attends

[back to top]

has time certainty

Indicates the degree of certainty or precision of the temporal value or values associated with a time-based phenomenon such as an event.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasTimeCertainty
Tag: cwrc:hasTimeCertainty
rdf:type: owl:FunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Certainty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCertainty
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:timeCertaintyOf

[back to top]

has traveller
This is the inverse of travelled to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person travelled to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasTraveller
Tag: cwrc:hasTraveller
cwrc:domainIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:travelsTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasImmigrant cwrc:hasVistor

[back to top]

has uncle

Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any avuncular relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasUncle
Tag: cwrc:hasUncle
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasRelative
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:uncleOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:uncle

[back to top]

has vistor
This is the inverse of visits, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person visited this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasVistor
Tag: cwrc:hasVistor
cwrc:domainIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasTraveller
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:visits

[back to top]

has volunteer occupation

Indicates a regular role or activity that was voluntary rather than paid, including philanthropic activity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasVolunteerOccupation
Tag: cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:volunteerOccupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasOccupation
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:volunteerOccupation

[back to top]

has wife

Relates a person to a female-identified partner in a marital relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasWife
Tag: cwrc:hasWife
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wife
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasPartner
skos:broader: https://schema.org/spouse
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:wifeOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:wife

[back to top]

has writing relation to

Indicates a relationship or assertion based on a writer’s literary works or an account of their literary career.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasWritingRelationTo
Tag: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
Children Properties: cwrc:hasExtent cwrc:hasGenericRange cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo cwrc:hasProfile cwrc:hasReceptionRelationTo cwrc:relatesByResponseTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:writingRelationship

[back to top]

health association
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to associated via health with, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#healthAssociation
Tag: cwrc:healthAssociation
cwrc:domainIncludes: foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:associatedViaHealthWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:reproductiveHistory

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has husband, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified partner in a marital relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#husband
Tag: cwrc:husband
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasHusband
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:partner

[back to top]

husband of
This is the inverse of has husband, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified partner in a marital relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#husbandOf
Tag: cwrc:husbandOf
owl:differentFrom: dbpedia:Partnership
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasHusband
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:partnerOf
skos:broader: https://schema.org/spouse

[back to top]

imitated by
This is the inverse of imitates, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a generally favourable intertextual engagement by way of imitation. See genre:imitation

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#imitatedBy
Tag: cwrc:imitatedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:imitates
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates a generally favourable intertextual engagement by way of imitation. See genre:imitation

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#imitates
Tag: cwrc:imitates
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:imitatedBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:imitation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to imitates, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a generally favourable intertextual engagement by way of imitation. See genre:imitation

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#imitation
Tag: cwrc:imitation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:imitates
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

in generic range of
This is the inverse of has generic range, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person wrote in this genre or form.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#inGenericRangeOf
Tag: cwrc:inGenericRangeOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasGenericRange
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

indexed by

Indicates an organization's use of this name form in its index.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indexedBy
Tag: cwrc:indexedBy
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has influence on, whose definition is as follows:

Describes an authors' influence on other writers, the literary tradition, and/or society as a whole.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#influence
Tag: cwrc:influence
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship cwrc:receptionRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:familialInfluence cwrc:intellectualInfluence cwrc:literaryInfluence

[back to top]


Indicates that a person lived in this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#inhabits
Tag: cwrc:inhabits
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasInhabitant
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:migratesFrom cwrc:migratesTo cwrc:relocatesTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:habitation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has instructor, whose definition is as follows:

Describes the subject's relationship with an educational instructor or mentor, formal or informal.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#instructor
Tag: cwrc:instructor
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasInstructor
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

intellectual influence
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has intellectual influence, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an author's own work having been intellectually influenced by another.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#intellectualInfluence
Tag: cwrc:intellectualInfluence
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasIntellectualInfluence
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:influence

[back to top]

interpersonal relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has interpersonal relationship with, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates personal knowledge of someone, covering a broad spectrum of social relations ranging from friendship to enmities and casual associations: it can include a writer having coffee with Samuel Johnson on one notable day, without needing a historical record of whether they were necessarily friends, through to substantial longlasting relationships. See also has intimate relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#interpersonalRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:interpersonalRelationshipWith
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:socialRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:guardian cwrc:intimateRelationship

[back to top]

intertextual relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has intertextual relation to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the relationships amongst authors and texts, reflecting the extent to which language of an author or a specific text is in dialogic relation to other texts, as first articulated by Julia Kristeva. A creative Work or an author more generally relates intertextually to a textual object, either to a specific Work or to the general style or oeuvre of another author. Usually refers to how the meaning of a later text is informed by an earlier one, but, as articulated by theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin and Kristeva, it can also be invoked to refer to the shaping impact of language more generally on subsequent linguistic productions. The specific subpredicates provided here are not exhaustive. 1996.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#intertextualRelationship
Tag: cwrc:intertextualRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:writingRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:adaptation cwrc:allusion cwrc:answer cwrc:continuation cwrc:explicitAllusion cwrc:imitation cwrc:influence cwrc:misquotation cwrc:parody cwrc:prequel cwrc:quotation cwrc:response cwrc:responseRelationship cwrc:satire

[back to top]

intimate relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has intimate relationship with, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a relationship that involves any type of intimacy ranging from emotional through psychological or material to sexual. Counters the traditional assumption that the only intimate relations happen within the context of marriage or heterosexual relations between sexual partners, challenging the historical and ideological silence placed upon same-sex relationships. For instance, it includes lifelong female friendships, defining psychological connections, or erotically-charged same sex or opposite sex relationships. It may or may not be erotic, and may apply to both brief sexual affairs and lifelong non-sexual relationships. Biographical information concerning these relationships is often scant; therefore this predicate recognizes these relations as significant while not assuming that they were sexual. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#intimateRelationship
Tag: cwrc:intimateRelationship
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:interpersonalRelationshipWith
Children Properties: cwrc:cohabitant cwrc:eroticRelationship cwrc:nonEroticRelationship cwrc:partner cwrc:possiblyEroticRelationship

[back to top]

is influenced by

This element from the Production component names the specific people, texts, events or places that formed (developed) the writer's thinking as an artist. Influences can pertain to individual texts or her work as a whole.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#isInfluencedBy
Tag: cwrc:isInfluencedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
Children Properties: cwrc:hasFamilialInfluence cwrc:hasIntellectualInfluence cwrc:hasLiteraryInfluence

[back to top]

is prequel of

Indicates an intertextual engagement that involves creative speculation about events what came before the temporal setting or events of an existing text.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#isPrequelOf
Tag: cwrc:isPrequelOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPrequel
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:prequel

[back to top]

leisure relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates by leisure to, whose definition is as follows:

Any relationship between persons and another type of entity such as another person, or an organization, place, or text, often in the context of cultural and social activities, including hobbies and sports.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#leisureRelationship
Tag: cwrc:leisureRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesByLeisureTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:socialRelationship

[back to top]

language known
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to language known, whose definition is as follows:

Knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#linguisticAbility
Tag: cwrc:linguisticAbility
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:linguisticAbilityReported cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReported cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbility

[back to top]

language known of
This is the inverse of language known, whose definition is as follows:

Knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#linguisticAbilityOf
Tag: cwrc:linguisticAbilityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Language
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbility
Children Properties: cwrc:linguisticAbilityReportedOf cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityOf

[back to top]

language known (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to language known (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Reported knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see linguistic ability (spoken and/or writen).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#linguisticAbilityReported
Tag: cwrc:linguisticAbilityReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilityReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:linguisticAbility

[back to top]

language known (reported) of
This is the inverse of language known (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Reported knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see linguistic ability (spoken and/or writen).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#linguisticAbilityReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:linguisticAbilityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Language
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:linguisticAbilityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilityReported

[back to top]

language known (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to language known (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Self-reported knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see linguistic ability (spoken and/or writen).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#linguisticAbilitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:linguisticAbility

[back to top]

language known (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of language known (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Self-reported knowledge of the language for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see linguistic ability (spoken and/or writen).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#linguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:linguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Language
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:linguisticAbilityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported

[back to top]

literary influence
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has literary influence, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an author's own work having been influenced by another's literature.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryInfluence
Tag: cwrc:literaryInfluence
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasLiteraryInfluence
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:influence

[back to top]

location Of

Things that are or were at this location at some point in time.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#locationOf
Tag: cwrc:locationOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasLocation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: owl:Thing

[back to top]

made alteration

Links an change set to a natural person

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#madeAlteration
Tag: cwrc:madeAlteration
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:alteredBy
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NaturalPerson
rdfs:range: cwrc:ChangeSet

[back to top]

emigrated from

Indicates that a person migrated from this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#migratesFrom
Tag: cwrc:migratesFrom
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasEmigrant
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:inhabits
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:emigration

[back to top]

immigrated to

Indicates that a person immigrated to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#migratesTo
Tag: cwrc:migratesTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasImmigrant
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:inhabits cwrc:travelsTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:migration

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to immigrated to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person immigrated to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#migration
Tag: cwrc:migration
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:migratesTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:habitation cwrc:travel

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to misquotes, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases incorrectly from another's writing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#misquotation
Tag: cwrc:misquotation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:misquotes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

misquoted by
This is the inverse of misquotes, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases incorrectly from another's writing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#misquotedBy
Tag: cwrc:misquotedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:misquotes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases incorrectly from another's writing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#misquotes
Tag: cwrc:misquotes
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:misquotedBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:misquotation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has mother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their mother, the female-identified parent, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mother
Tag: cwrc:mother
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasMother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:parent
Children Properties: cwrc:stepMother

[back to top]

mother of
This is the inverse of has mother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their mother, the female-identified parent, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#motherOf
Tag: cwrc:motherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasMother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:parentOf
skos:broader: schema:children
Children Properties: cwrc:stepMotherOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has name, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's name.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#name
Tag: cwrc:name
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasName
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship

[back to top]

name of
This is the inverse of has name, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's name.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nameOf
Tag: cwrc:nameOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasName
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

name part of
This is the inverse of has name part, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a component of a name. Order of name parts is indicated by has sort order

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#namePartOf
Tag: cwrc:namePartOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PersonalName
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNamePart
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

national heritage
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has national heritage, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's national heritage, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:nationalHeritage
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNationalHeritage
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasCulturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:nationalHeritageReported cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReported

[back to top]

national heritage of
This is the inverse of has national heritage, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's national heritage, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalHeritageOf
Tag: cwrc:nationalHeritageOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNationalHeritage
Children Properties: cwrc:nationalHeritageReportedOf cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

national heritage (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has national heritage (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalHeritageReported
Tag: cwrc:nationalHeritageReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNationalHeritageReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationalHeritage

[back to top]

national heritage (reported) of
This is the inverse of has national heritage (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalHeritageReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:nationalHeritageReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationalHeritageOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNationalHeritageReported

[back to top]

national heritage (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has national heritage (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalHeritageSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNationalHeritageSelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationalHeritage

[back to top]

national heritage (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has national heritage (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported national heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalHeritageSelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:nationalHeritageSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NationalHeritage
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationalHeritageOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNationalHeritageSelfReported

[back to top]

national identity
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has national identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's national identity identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationality
Tag: cwrc:nationality
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNationality
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:nationalityReported cwrc:nationalitySelfReported

[back to top]

national identity of
This is the inverse of has national identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's national identity identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalityOf
Tag: cwrc:nationalityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNationality
Children Properties: cwrc:nationalityReportedOf cwrc:nationalitySelfReportedOf

[back to top]

national identity (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has national identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

This property indicates a person's reported national identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. For more information on this property see national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalityReported
Tag: cwrc:nationalityReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNationalityReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationality

[back to top]

national identity (reported) of
This is the inverse of has national identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

This property indicates a person's reported national identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. For more information on this property see national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalityReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:nationalityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationalityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNationalityReported

[back to top]

national identity (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has national identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

This property indicates a person's self-reported national identity, with with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. For more information on this property see national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:nationalitySelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationality

[back to top]

national identity (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has national identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

This property indicates a person's self-reported national identity, with with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. It is neither the same as citizenship nor commensurate with the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. For more information on this property see national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalitySelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:nationalitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:NationalIdentity
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nationalityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported

[back to top]

natively known language
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to natively known language, whose definition is as follows:

Knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing or reading, which may be self-reported or reported by another, and with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nativeLinguisticAbility
Tag: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbility
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbility
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:linguisticAbility
Children Properties: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReported cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported

[back to top]

natively known language of
This is the inverse of natively known language, whose definition is as follows:

Knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing or reading, which may be self-reported or reported by another, and with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nativeLinguisticAbilityOf
Tag: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Language
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:linguisticAbilityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbility
Children Properties: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReportedOf cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf

[back to top]

natively known language (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to natively known language (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Reported knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nativeLinguisticAbilityReported
Tag: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilityReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbility

[back to top]

natively known language (reported) of
This is the inverse of natively known language (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Reported knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nativeLinguisticAbilityReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Language
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilityReported

[back to top]

natively known language (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to natively known language (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Self-reported knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Language
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbility

[back to top]

natively known language (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of natively known language (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Self-reported knowledge of the language, acquired during a person’s upbringing, for speaking, writing, or reading, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Language
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:nativeLinguisticAbilityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfReported

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has nephew, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the son of their sibling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nephew
Tag: cwrc:nephew
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNephew
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

nephew of
This is the inverse of has nephew, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the son of their sibling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nephewOf
Tag: cwrc:nephewOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNephew
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has niece, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the daughter of their sibling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#niece
Tag: cwrc:niece
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNiece
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

niece of
This is the inverse of has niece, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the daughter of their sibling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nieceOf
Tag: cwrc:nieceOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasNiece
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo

[back to top]

non-erotic relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has non-erotic relationship with, whose definition is as follows:

Describes an intimate relationship with the subject that is neither erotic nor sexual in nature. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nonEroticRelationship
Tag: cwrc:nonEroticRelationship
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasNonEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intimateRelationship

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a regular position or activity significant to a person's life, including paid, unpaid, and voluntary work.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#occupation
Tag: cwrc:occupation
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasOccupation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupationRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:familyBasedOccupation cwrc:paidOccupation cwrc:volunteerOccupation

[back to top]

occupation income
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has occupation income, whose definition is as follows:

Describes or provides information regarding a person's incomes related to an occupation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#occupationIncome
Tag: cwrc:occupationIncome
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasOccupationIncome
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: rdf:Literal
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupationRelationship

[back to top]

occupation income of
This is the inverse of has occupation income, whose definition is as follows:

Describes or provides information regarding a person's incomes related to an occupation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#occupationIncomeOf
Tag: cwrc:occupationIncomeOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasOccupationIncome

[back to top]

occupation of
This is the inverse of has occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a regular position or activity significant to a person's life, including paid, unpaid, and voluntary work.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#occupationOf
Tag: cwrc:occupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasOccupation
Children Properties: cwrc:familyBasedOccupationOf cwrc:paidOccupationOf cwrc:volunteerOccupationOf

[back to top]

occupation relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates by occupation to, whose definition is as follows:

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to occupation or employment.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#occupationRelationship
Tag: cwrc:occupationRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesByOccupationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:employment cwrc:occupation cwrc:occupationIncome

[back to top]

paid occupation
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has paid occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a position or activity for which a person was paid.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#paidOccupation
Tag: cwrc:paidOccupation
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPaidOccupation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupation

[back to top]

paid occupation of
This is the inverse of has paid occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a position or activity for which a person was paid.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#paidOccupationOf
Tag: cwrc:paidOccupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupationOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPaidOccupation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has parent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their father, mother, or, in certain cases, their guardian.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parent
Tag: cwrc:parent
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasParent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative
Children Properties: cwrc:father cwrc:mother cwrc:stepParent

[back to top]

parent of
This is the inverse of has parent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their father, mother, or, in certain cases, their guardian.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parentOf
Tag: cwrc:parentOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasParent
owl:sameAs: schema:children cwrc:hasChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
Children Properties: cwrc:fatherOf cwrc:motherOf cwrc:stepParentOf

[back to top]

parodied by
This is the inverse of parodies, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a parodic mode of intertextuality. See genre:parody

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parodiedBy
Tag: cwrc:parodiedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:parodies
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates a parodic mode of intertextuality. See genre:parody

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parodies
Tag: cwrc:parodies
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:parodiedBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:parody

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to parodies, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a parodic mode of intertextuality. See genre:parody

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parody
Tag: cwrc:parody
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:parodies
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has partner, whose definition is as follows:

Relates two people through a romantic, emotional, or spousal relationship. Distinct from a business or corporate partnership.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#partner
Tag: cwrc:partner
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPartner
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intimateRelationship cwrc:relative
Children Properties: cwrc:husband cwrc:wife

[back to top]

partner of
This is the inverse of has partner, whose definition is as follows:

Relates two people through a romantic, emotional, or spousal relationship. Distinct from a business or corporate partnership.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#partnerOf
Tag: cwrc:partnerOf
owl:differentFrom: dbpedia:Partnership
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPartner
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith cwrc:relativeOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasPartner
Children Properties: cwrc:husbandOf cwrc:wifeOf

[back to top]

persona of
This is the inverse of has persona, whose definition is as follows:

Associates a persona with one more natural person(s).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#personaOf
Tag: cwrc:personaOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPersona
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Persona
rdfs:range: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

political affiliation
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has political affiliation, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's political affiliation, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by politics context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type, and it may be linked to political affiliations or directly to an organization which may or may not be primarily political. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalAffiliation
Tag: cwrc:politicalAffiliation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:genderedPoliticalActivity cwrc:politicalAffiliationReported cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReported cwrc:politicalInvolvementIn

[back to top]

political affiliation of
This is the inverse of has political affiliation, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's political affiliation, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by politics context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type, and it may be linked to political affiliations or directly to an organization which may or may not be primarily political. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalAffiliationOf
Tag: cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliation
Children Properties: cwrc:hasGenderedPoliticalActivityFrom cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementFrom cwrc:politicalAffiliationReportedOf cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

political affiliation (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has political affiliation (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported political affiliation. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalAffiliationReported
Tag: cwrc:politicalAffiliationReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliation

[back to top]

political affiliation (reported) of
This is the inverse of has political affiliation (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported political affiliation. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalAffiliationReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:politicalAffiliationReportedOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationReported

[back to top]

political affiliation (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has political affiliation (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported political affiliation. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalAffiliationSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReported
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliation

[back to top]

political affiliation (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has political affiliation (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported political affiliation. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see political affiliation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalAffiliationSelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:politicalAffiliationSelfReportedOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliationOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPoliticalAffiliationSelfReported

[back to top]

political involvement in
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has political involvement in, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates some level of political involvement.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalInvolvementIn
Tag: cwrc:politicalInvolvementIn
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPoliticalInvolvementIn
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalAffiliation
Children Properties: cwrc:politicalMembershipIn

[back to top]

political membership in
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has political membership in, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates some degree of sustained engagement with an organization such as a political group or literary movement. Does not necessarily denote formal membership, but rather points to clear evidence of a link with an organization without indication of more active participation: a person may have been a member of the sanitary movement or participated in a reading associated with a particular literary movement.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalMembershipIn
Tag: cwrc:politicalMembershipIn
cwrc:rangeIncludes: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:PoliticalOrganization cwrc:Religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPoliticalMembershipIn
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:politicalInvolvementIn
Children Properties: cwrc:activistInvolvementIn

[back to top]

political relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates by politics to, whose definition is as follows:

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to politics.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalRelationship
Tag: cwrc:politicalRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesByPoliticsTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormRelationship

[back to top]

possibly erotic relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has possibly erotic relationship with, whose definition is as follows:

Describes an intimate relationship that may or may not be erotic in nature. This predicate seeks to redress the historical and ideological silence placed upon same sex relationships; it recognizes that biographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover. has possibly erotic relationship with registers the possibility of a sexual relationship, when, in the absence of biographical proof, it is impossible to claim such as fact. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#possiblyEroticRelationship
Tag: cwrc:possiblyEroticRelationship
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intimateRelationship

[back to top]

post-secondary school
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to attends post-secondary school, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates attending or having attended for education a post-secondary school.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#postSecondarySchool
Tag: cwrc:postSecondarySchool
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:attendsPostSecondarySchool
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:schoolAttended

[back to top]

precision of

Links a level of precision to a source

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#precisionOf
Tag: cwrc:precisionOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasPrecision
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-precision.html
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Precision
skos:closeMatch: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-precision.html

[back to top]

preferred by

Indicates the authority or institution by which the name form is preferred.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#preferredBy
Tag: cwrc:preferredBy
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:preferredName

[back to top]

preferred name
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to preferred by, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the authority or institution by which the name form is preferred.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#preferredName
Tag: cwrc:preferredName
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:preferredBy
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to is prequel of, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an intertextual engagement that involves creative speculation about events what came before the temporal setting or events of an existing text.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#prequel
Tag: cwrc:prequel
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:isPrequelOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

primary school
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to attends primary school, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates attending or having attended for education a primary school.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#primarySchool
Tag: cwrc:primarySchool
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:attendsPrimarySchool
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:schoolAttended

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has profile, whose definition is as follows:

A description of something or someone.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#profile
Tag: cwrc:profile
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasProfile
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:writingRelationship

[back to top]

profile of
This is the inverse of has profile, whose definition is as follows:

A description of something or someone.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#profileOf
Tag: cwrc:profileOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasProfile
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to quotes, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases directly from another's writing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#quotation
Tag: cwrc:quotation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:quotes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

quoted by
This is the inverse of quotes, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases directly from another's writing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#quotedBy
Tag: cwrc:quotedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:quotes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates when an author or a text lifts words or phrases directly from another's writing.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#quotes
Tag: cwrc:quotes
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:quotedBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:quotation

[back to top]

race or colour identity
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has race or colour identity, whose definition is as follows:

This describes a person's identity with respect to race or colour, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For more information on this property see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#raceColour
Tag: cwrc:raceColour
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasRaceColour
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:raceColourReported cwrc:raceColourSelfReported

[back to top]

race or colour identity of
This is the inverse of has race or colour identity, whose definition is as follows:

This describes a person's identity with respect to race or colour, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For more information on this property see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#raceColourOf
Tag: cwrc:raceColourOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasRaceColour
Children Properties: cwrc:raceColourReportedOf cwrc:raceColourSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

race or colour identity (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has race or colour identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported identity with respect to race or colour, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For further information about this property, see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#raceColourReported
Tag: cwrc:raceColourReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasRaceColourReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:raceColour

[back to top]

race or colour identity (reported) of
This is the inverse of has race or colour identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported identity with respect to race or colour, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For further information about this property, see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#raceColourReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:raceColourReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:raceColourOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasRaceColourReported

[back to top]

race or colour identity (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has race or colour identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's self-reported identity with respect to race or colour, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For further information about this property, see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#raceColourSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:raceColourSelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasRaceColourSelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:raceColour

[back to top]

race or colour identity (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has race or colour identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's self-reported identity with respect to race or colour, with accompanying context, where present, provided by race or ethnicity context annotations. For further information about this property, see race or colour.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#raceColourSelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:raceColourSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:RaceColour
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:raceColourOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasRaceColourSelfReported

[back to top]

range includes

Specifies a particular class type that is acceptable to use for a relation's range.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#rangeIncludes
Tag: cwrc:rangeIncludes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:Thing
rdfs:range: owl:Thing

[back to top]

reception relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has reception relation to, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#receptionRelationship
Tag: cwrc:receptionRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasReceptionRelationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:writingRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:influence

[back to top]

relates by birth to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to birth.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByBirthTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByBirthTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasApproximateBirthDate cwrc:hasBirthDate cwrc:hasBirthPlace cwrc:hasBirthPosition
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:birthRelationship

[back to top]

relates by cultural form to
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByCulturalFormTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByCulturalFormTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasCulturalForm cwrc:relatesByPoliticsTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:culturalFormRelationship

[back to top]

relates by death to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByDeathTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasApproximateDeathDate cwrc:hasBurialPlace cwrc:hasCauseOfDeath cwrc:hasDeathDate cwrc:hasDeathPlace
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:deathRelationship

[back to top]

relates by education to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to education.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByEducationTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:attends cwrc:hasAward cwrc:hasCompanion cwrc:hasContestedBehaviour cwrc:hasCredential cwrc:hasCredentialSubject cwrc:hasInstructor cwrc:studies
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

relates by leisure to

Any relationship between persons and another type of entity such as another person, or an organization, place, or text, often in the context of cultural and social activities, including hobbies and sports.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByLeisureTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByLeisureTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:leisureRelationship

[back to top]

relates by occupation to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to occupation or employment.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByOccupationTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByOccupationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasEmployer cwrc:hasOccupation cwrc:hasOccupationIncome
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:occupationRelationship

[back to top]

relates by politics to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to politics.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByPoliticsTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByPoliticsTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByCulturalFormTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:politicalRelationship

[back to top]

relates by response to

The subject, whether a Person or a Creative Work, responds to a textual object, which can take the form of a creative work, a writer's oeuvre in general, or, when the object is a Person, a writer's role as an author/artist. Reactions can take the form of texts, such as reviews or diary entries, or events such as conversations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByResponseTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByResponseTo
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Response
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasResponse

[back to top]

relates economically to

Any relationship between persons and other persons or entities related to information about economic standing, such as income, inheritance, property, or poverty.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesEconomicallyTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesEconomicallyTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:economicRelationship

[back to top]

relates socially to
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesSociallyTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasCompanion cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith cwrc:hasRelative cwrc:relatesByLeisureTo cwrc:relativeOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:socialRelationship

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has relative, whose definition is as follows:

Has a familial relationship to a person. hasRelative and its subproperties indicate social aspects of familial relations as opposed to biological ones; for example, has mother is not necessarily a consanguineal relationship - although both can be present. Family relationships are subproperties of social relationships. For more information, see About: Family. This property indicates either a general familial relationship or one that is complicated or not easily categorisable in traditional kinship terms.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relative
Tag: cwrc:relative
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasRelative
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:socialRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:ancestor cwrc:aunt cwrc:child cwrc:children cwrc:cousin cwrc:descendent cwrc:grandChild cwrc:grandParent cwrc:nephew cwrc:niece cwrc:parent cwrc:partner cwrc:sibling cwrc:uncle

[back to top]

relative of
This is the inverse of has relative, whose definition is as follows:

Has a familial relationship to a person. hasRelative and its subproperties indicate social aspects of familial relations as opposed to biological ones; for example, has mother is not necessarily a consanguineal relationship - although both can be present. Family relationships are subproperties of social relationships. For more information, see About: Family. This property indicates either a general familial relationship or one that is complicated or not easily categorisable in traditional kinship terms.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relativeOf
Tag: cwrc:relativeOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasRelative
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasRelative
Children Properties: cwrc:ancestorOf cwrc:auntOf cwrc:childOf cwrc:cousinOf cwrc:descendentOf cwrc:grandChildOf cwrc:grandParentOf cwrc:nephewOf cwrc:nieceOf cwrc:parentOf cwrc:partnerOf cwrc:siblingOf cwrc:uncleOf

[back to top]

religious affiliation
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has religious affiliation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's religion or belief system, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religion
Tag: cwrc:religion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasReligion
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:religionReported cwrc:religionSelfReported

[back to top]

religious affiliation of
This is the inverse of has religious affiliation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's religion or belief system, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religionOf
Tag: cwrc:religionOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasReligion
Children Properties: cwrc:religionReportedOf cwrc:religionSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

religious affiliation (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has religious affiliation (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported religion or belief system, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religionReported
Tag: cwrc:religionReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasReligionReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:religion

[back to top]

religious affiliation (reported) of
This is the inverse of has religious affiliation (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's reported religion or belief system, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religionReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:religionReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:religionOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasReligionReported

[back to top]

religious affiliation (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has religious affiliation (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's self-reported religion or belief system, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religionSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:religionSelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:religion

[back to top]

religious affiliation (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has religious affiliation (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a person's self-reported religion or belief system, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context annotations. For further information about this property, see religion.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religionSelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:religionSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Religion
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:religionOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported

[back to top]

moved to

Indicates that a person moved to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relocatesTo
Tag: cwrc:relocatesTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasRelocatee
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:inhabits
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:relocation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to moved to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person moved to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relocation
Tag: cwrc:relocation
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relocatesTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:habitation

[back to top]

represented by

Relates ambiguous or overloaded terms, classed as textual label to two or more particularly contested and related concepts. Often used for cultural form; for instance ISO 3166-2:GB-ENG and English are both represented by English identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#representedBy
Tag: cwrc:representedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:represents
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:TextLabels

[back to top]


Relates a concept to ambiguous or overloaded terms, classed as textual label, that designate multivalent and frequently contested concepts. For instance, English identity is a textual label that represents both ISO 3166-2:GB-ENG and English.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#represents
Tag: cwrc:represents
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:TextLabels
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:representedBy

[back to top]

reproductive history
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has reproductive history, whose definition is as follows:

Describes an aspect of a person's reproductive history. May relate to childlessness, birth control, adoption, abortion, difficulties with childbearing, loss of a child, whether biologically related, adopted, or otherwise considered kin, difficulties with child-bearing. See also the related property has children.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#reproductiveHistory
Tag: cwrc:reproductiveHistory
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:healthAssociation

[back to top]

responds to
This is the inverse of has response, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a response to a subject, whether a particular work, a writer's oeuvre in general, or, when the object is a Person, a writer's role as an author/artist. Responses may manifest as texts, such as reviews or diary entries, or fugitive forms reported later, such as conversations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#respondsTo
Tag: cwrc:respondsTo
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasResponse
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has response, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a response to a subject, whether a particular work, a writer's oeuvre in general, or, when the object is a Person, a writer's role as an author/artist. Responses may manifest as texts, such as reviews or diary entries, or fugitive forms reported later, such as conversations.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#response
Tag: cwrc:response
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasResponse
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship cwrc:responseRelationship

[back to top]

response relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has intertextual relation to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the relationships amongst authors and texts, reflecting the extent to which language of an author or a specific text is in dialogic relation to other texts, as first articulated by Julia Kristeva. A creative Work or an author more generally relates intertextually to a textual object, either to a specific Work or to the general style or oeuvre of another author. Usually refers to how the meaning of a later text is informed by an earlier one, but, as articulated by theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin and Kristeva, it can also be invoked to refer to the shaping impact of language more generally on subsequent linguistic productions. The specific subpredicates provided here are not exhaustive. 1996.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#responseRelationship
Tag: cwrc:responseRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:response

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to satirizes, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a satiric mode of intertextuality. See genre:satire

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#satire
Tag: cwrc:satire
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:satirizes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:intertextualRelationship

[back to top]

satirized by
This is the inverse of satirizes, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a satiric mode of intertextuality. See genre:satire

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#satirizedBy
Tag: cwrc:satirizedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:satirizes
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates a satiric mode of intertextuality. See genre:satire

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#satirizes
Tag: cwrc:satirizes
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:satirizedBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:satire

[back to top]

school attended
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to attends, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates attending or having attended for education either a particular school or a particular type of schooling.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#schoolAttended
Tag: cwrc:schoolAttended
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:attends
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:EducationalOrganization
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:postSecondarySchool cwrc:primarySchool cwrc:secondarySchool

[back to top]

secondary school
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to attends secondary school, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates attending or having attended for education a secondary school.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#secondarySchool
Tag: cwrc:secondarySchool
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:attendsSecondarySchool
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:schoolAttended

[back to top]

sexual identity
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has sexual identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's sexual identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see sexuality.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexuality
Tag: cwrc:sexuality
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSexuality
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:sexualityReported cwrc:sexualitySelfReported

[back to top]

sexual identity of
This is the inverse of has sexual identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's sexual identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see sexuality.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityOf
Tag: cwrc:sexualityOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSexuality
Children Properties: cwrc:sexualityReportedOf cwrc:sexualitySelfReportedOf

[back to top]

sexual identity (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has sexual identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

This describes a person's reported sexual identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. For more information, see sexuality and sexuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityReported
Tag: cwrc:sexualityReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSexualityReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sexuality

[back to top]

sexual identity (reported) of
This is the inverse of has sexual identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

This describes a person's reported sexual identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. For more information, see sexuality and sexuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:sexualityReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sexualityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSexualityReported

[back to top]

sexual identity (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has sexual identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported sexual identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. For more information, see sexuality and sexuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualitySelfReported
Tag: cwrc:sexualitySelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSexualitySelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sexuality

[back to top]

sexual identity (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has sexual identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported sexual identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by sexuality context. For more information, see sexuality and sexuality context.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualitySelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:sexualitySelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Sexuality
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sexualityOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSexualitySelfReported

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has sibling, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a relationship in which two or more individuals share the same parentage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sibling
Tag: cwrc:sibling
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative
Children Properties: cwrc:brother cwrc:halfSibling cwrc:sister cwrc:stepSibling

[back to top]

sibling of
This is the inverse of has sibling, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a relationship in which two or more individuals share the same parentage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#siblingOf
Tag: cwrc:siblingOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasSibling
Children Properties: cwrc:brotherOf cwrc:halfSiblingOf cwrc:sisterOf cwrc:stepSiblingOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has sister, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties".

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sister
Tag: cwrc:sister
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sibling
Children Properties: cwrc:halfSister cwrc:stepSister

[back to top]

sister of
This is the inverse of has sister, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified sibling. Although the term typically refers to consanguineal relationships, it is often used to describe relationships beyond "blood ties".

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sisterOf
Tag: cwrc:sisterOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:siblingOf
Children Properties: cwrc:halfSisterOf cwrc:stepSisterOf

[back to top]

class identity
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has class identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's class identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialClass
Tag: cwrc:socialClass
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSocialClass
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalForm
Children Properties: cwrc:socialClassReported cwrc:socialClassSelfReported

[back to top]

class identity of
This is the inverse of has class identity, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's class identity, which may be self-reported or reported by another, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. As with other cultural forms, an individual may have more than one property or descriptor of this type. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialClassOf
Tag: cwrc:socialClassOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:culturalFormOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSocialClass
Children Properties: cwrc:socialClassReportedOf cwrc:socialClassSelfReportedOf

[back to top]

class identity (reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has class identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported class identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialClassReported
Tag: cwrc:socialClassReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSocialClassReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:socialClass

[back to top]

class identity (reported) of
This is the inverse of has class identity (reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's reported class identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialClassReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:socialClassReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:socialClassOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSocialClassReported

[back to top]

class identity (self-reported)
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has class identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported class identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialClassSelfReported
Tag: cwrc:socialClassSelfReported
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSocialClassSelfReported
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:socialClass

[back to top]

class identity (self-reported) of
This is the inverse of has class identity (self-reported), whose definition is as follows:

Describes a person's self-reported class identity, with accompanying context, where present, provided by cultural form context. For further information about this property, see social class.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialClassSelfReportedOf
Tag: cwrc:socialClassSelfReportedOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:SocialClass
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:socialClassOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSocialClassSelfReported

[back to top]

social relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to relates socially to, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialRelationship
Tag: cwrc:socialRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:companion cwrc:interpersonalRelationshipWith cwrc:leisureRelationship cwrc:relative

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has son, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#son
Tag: cwrc:son
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSon
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:child
Children Properties: cwrc:stepSon

[back to top]

son of
This is the inverse of has son, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified child, consanguineal or otherwise.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sonOf
Tag: cwrc:sonOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSon
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:childOf
skos:broader: schema:parent
Children Properties: cwrc:stepSonOf

[back to top]

sort order of
This is the inverse of has sort order, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the order in which the parts of a name occur.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sortOrderOf
Tag: cwrc:sortOrderOf
cwrc:domainIncludes: cwrc:PersonalName
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasSortOrder
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

spatial relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has spatial relation to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates an entity's connection to a geospatial location or to some other entity related to location.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#spatialRelationship
Tag: cwrc:spatialRelationship
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
Children Properties: cwrc:birthPlace cwrc:burialPlace cwrc:deathPlace cwrc:habitation cwrc:travel

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepbrother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified stepsibling, that is, a child of the person's stepparent.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepBrother
Tag: cwrc:stepBrother
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepBrother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:brother cwrc:stepSibling

[back to top]

stepbrother of
This is the inverse of has stepbrother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified stepsibling, that is, a child of the person's stepparent.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepBrotherOf
Tag: cwrc:stepBrotherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepBrother
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:brotherOf cwrc:stepSiblingOf
skos:broader: schema:sibling

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepchild, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepChild
Tag: cwrc:stepChild
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:child
skos:related: https://schema.org/children
Children Properties: cwrc:stepDaughter cwrc:stepSon

[back to top]

stepchild of
This is the inverse of has stepchild, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepChildOf
Tag: cwrc:stepChildOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepChild
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:childOf
skos:related: https://schema.org/parent
Children Properties: cwrc:stepDaughterOf cwrc:stepSonOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepdaughter, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepDaughter
Tag: cwrc:stepDaughter
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepDaughter
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:daughter cwrc:stepChild
skos:related: https://schema.org/children

[back to top]

stepdaughter of
This is the inverse of has stepdaughter, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepDaughterOf
Tag: cwrc:stepDaughterOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepDaughter
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:daughterOf cwrc:stepChildOf
skos:related: https://schema.org/parent

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepfather, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their stepfather, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepFather
Tag: cwrc:stepFather
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepFather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:father cwrc:stepParent

[back to top]

stepfather of
This is the inverse of has stepfather, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their stepfather, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepFatherOf
Tag: cwrc:stepFatherOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepFather
prov:wasDerivedFrom: cwrc:hasStepFather
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:fatherOf cwrc:stepParentOf
skos:broader: schema:children

[back to top]

This is the inverse of stepmother of, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepMother
Tag: cwrc:stepMother
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepMother
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepMotherOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:mother cwrc:stepParent

[back to top]

stepmother of
This is the inverse of has stepmother, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their stepmother, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepMotherOf
Tag: cwrc:stepMotherOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:motherOf cwrc:stepParentOf
skos:broader: schema:children
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:stepMother

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepparent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their stepparent, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepParent
Tag: cwrc:stepParent
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepParent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:parent
Children Properties: cwrc:stepFather cwrc:stepMother

[back to top]

stepparent of
This is the inverse of has stepparent, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to their stepparent, that is, a parent married to that person's so-called "biological parent", in contrast to a consanguineal relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepParentOf
Tag: cwrc:stepParentOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepParent
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:parentOf
skos:broader: schema:children
Children Properties: cwrc:stepFatherOf cwrc:stepMotherOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepsibling, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepSibling
Tag: cwrc:stepSibling
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepSibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sibling
Children Properties: cwrc:stepBrother cwrc:stepSister

[back to top]

stepsibling of
This is the inverse of has stepsibling, whose definition is as follows:
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepSiblingOf
Tag: cwrc:stepSiblingOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepSibling
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:siblingOf
*owl:sameAs: cwrc:hasStepSibling
Children Properties: cwrc:stepBrotherOf cwrc:stepSisterOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepsister, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified stepsibling, that is, a child of the person's stepparent.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepSister
Tag: cwrc:stepSister
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepSister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sister cwrc:stepSibling

[back to top]

stepsister of
This is the inverse of has stepsister, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified stepsibling, that is, a child of the person's stepparent.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepSisterOf
Tag: cwrc:stepSisterOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepSister
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sisterOf cwrc:stepSiblingOf
skos:broader: schema:sibling

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has stepson, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepSon
Tag: cwrc:stepSon
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasStepSon
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:son cwrc:stepChild
skos:related: https://schema.org/children

[back to top]

stepson of
This is the inverse of has stepson, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a male-identified child of that person's spouse, in contrast to what is commonly referred to as the "biological parent" of said child.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stepSonOf
Tag: cwrc:stepSonOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasStepSon
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:sonOf cwrc:stepChildOf
skos:related: https://schema.org/parent

[back to top]

studied by
This is the inverse of studies, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a subject, field, art, or skill studied in the course of their education, whether formal or informal, institutional or domestic.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#studiedBy
Tag: cwrc:studiedBy
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:studies
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]


Indicates a subject, field, art, or skill studied in the course of their education, whether formal or informal, institutional or domestic.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#studies
Tag: cwrc:studies
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work cwrc:EducationalSubject
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
skos:note: Using this predicate with an author's oeuvre usually indicates the study of a portion, rather than the entirety, of that author's works.
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:studiedBy
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:subjectOfStudy

[back to top]

subject-centric predicate

Indicates the version of this predicate associated with triples that do not have annotations, or triples derived from this annotation which take the context focus as their subject.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#subjectCentricPredicate
Tag: cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasContextPredicate
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: owl:ObjectProperty

[back to top]

subject of study
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to studies, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a subject, field, art, or skill studied in the course of their education, whether formal or informal, institutional or domestic.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#subjectOfStudy
Tag: cwrc:subjectOfStudy
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:studies
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:EducationalSubject
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

teaches educational subject

Indicates a subject, field, art, or skill taught by an instructor or educational organization.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#teachesEducationalSubject
Tag: cwrc:teachesEducationalSubject
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:EducationalSubject
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:teachingEducationalSubject

[back to top]

teaching educational subject
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to teaches educational subject, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a subject, field, art, or skill taught by an instructor or educational organization.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#teachingEducationalSubject
Tag: cwrc:teachingEducationalSubject
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:teachesEducationalSubject
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:EducationalSubject
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

time certainty of
This is the inverse of has time certainty, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates the degree of certainty or precision of the temporal value or values associated with a time-based phenomenon such as an event.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#timeCertaintyOf
Tag: cwrc:timeCertaintyOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasTimeCertainty
rdf:type: owl:InverseFunctionalProperty owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Certainty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:certaintyOf

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to travelled to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person travelled to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#travel
Tag: cwrc:travel
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:travelsTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:spatialRelationship
Children Properties: cwrc:migration cwrc:visit

[back to top]

travelled to

Indicates that a person travelled to this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#travelsTo
Tag: cwrc:travelsTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasTraveller
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:migratesTo cwrc:visits
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:travel

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has uncle, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any avuncular relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#uncle
Tag: cwrc:uncle
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasUncle
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relative

[back to top]

uncle of
This is the inverse of has uncle, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to the sister of their father or mother, but can also refer to any avuncular relationship and need not be restricted to a consanguineal relation.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#uncleOf
Tag: cwrc:uncleOf
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasUncle
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relativeOf
skos:broader: schema:relatedTo

[back to top]

violence association
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to associated by violence with, whose definition is as follows:

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to instances of physical, sexual, and undue emotional violence, whether the subject was the victim or the perpetrator. Broadly conceived to include the effect of exposure to violence of which the person was neither perpetrator nor survivor.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#violenceAssociation
Tag: cwrc:violenceAssociation
cwrc:domainIncludes: foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:associatedByViolenceWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:biographicalRelationship

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to visits, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates that a person visited this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#visit
Tag: cwrc:visit
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:visits
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:travel

[back to top]


Indicates that a person visited this place.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#visits
Tag: cwrc:visits
cwrc:rangeIncludes: gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasVistor
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:travelsTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:visit

[back to top]

volunteer occupation
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has volunteer occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a regular role or activity that was voluntary rather than paid, including philanthropic activity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#volunteerOccupation
Tag: cwrc:volunteerOccupation
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:range: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupation

[back to top]

volunteer occupation of
This is the inverse of has volunteer occupation, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a regular role or activity that was voluntary rather than paid, including philanthropic activity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#volunteerOccupationOf
Tag: cwrc:volunteerOccupationOf
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: cwrc:Occupation
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:occupationOf
*owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasVolunteerOccupation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has wife, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified partner in a marital relationship.

[skos:altLabel: housemaster's wife colonial governor's wife headmaster's wife diplomat's wife vicar's wife candidate's wife housewife ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#wife
Tag: cwrc:wife
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasWife
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation owl:ObjectProperty skos:Concept
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:partner
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

wife of
This is the inverse of has wife, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified partner in a marital relationship.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#wifeOf
Tag: cwrc:wifeOf
owl:differentFrom: dbpedia:Partnership
owl:inverseOf: cwrc:hasWife
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:partnerOf
skos:broader: https://schema.org/spouse

[back to top]

writing relationship
This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has writing relation to, whose definition is as follows:

Indicates a relationship or assertion based on a writer’s literary works or an account of their literary career.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#writingRelationship
Tag: cwrc:writingRelationship
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: oa:hasBody
Children Properties: cwrc:extent cwrc:genericRangeIncludes cwrc:intertextualRelationship cwrc:profile cwrc:receptionRelationship

owl:SymmetricProperty (18)

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associated by violence with

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to instances of physical, sexual, and undue emotional violence, whether the subject was the victim or the perpetrator. Broadly conceived to include the effect of exposure to violence of which the person was neither perpetrator nor survivor.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#associatedByViolenceWith
Tag: cwrc:associatedByViolenceWith
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:violenceAssociation

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associated via health with
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#associatedViaHealthWith
Tag: cwrc:associatedViaHealthWith
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasReproductiveHistory
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:healthAssociation

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contrary to
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#contraryTo
Tag: cwrc:contraryTo
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty

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has cohabitant

Describes a relationship of cohabitation which may or may not be an intimate or erotic relationship, since historical evidence with respect to the nature of such relationships is often lacking.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCohabitant
Tag: cwrc:hasCohabitant
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:cohabitant

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has erotic relationship with

Describes intimate relationships that are erotic and/or explicitly sexual. Erotic in this context sometimes suggests that sexuality was an issue in the relationship, whether or not it was acted upon. In not wishing to assume that heterosexual relations between sexual partners are the only standard for intimate relationships, we include both erotic and non-erotic relations as central to a subject’s life and use has erotic relationship with to distinguish between the two. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEroticRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:eroticRelationship

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has intertextual relation to

Indicates the relationships amongst authors and texts, reflecting the extent to which language of an author or a specific text is in dialogic relation to other texts, as first articulated by Julia Kristeva. A creative Work or an author more generally relates intertextually to a textual object, either to a specific Work or to the general style or oeuvre of another author. Usually refers to how the meaning of a later text is informed by an earlier one, but, as articulated by theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin and Kristeva, it can also be invoked to refer to the shaping impact of language more generally on subsequent linguistic productions. The specific subpredicates provided here are not exhaustive. 1996.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasIntertextualRelationTo
Tag: cwrc:hasIntertextualRelationTo
cwrc:domainIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:adapts cwrc:alludesExplicitlyTo cwrc:alludesTo cwrc:answers cwrc:continues cwrc:hasInfluenceOn cwrc:hasResponse cwrc:imitates cwrc:isPrequelOf cwrc:misquotes cwrc:parodies cwrc:quotes cwrc:satirizes
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:intertextualRelationship cwrc:responseRelationship

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has intimate relationship with

Indicates a relationship that involves any type of intimacy ranging from emotional through psychological or material to sexual. Counters the traditional assumption that the only intimate relations happen within the context of marriage or heterosexual relations between sexual partners, challenging the historical and ideological silence placed upon same-sex relationships. For instance, it includes lifelong female friendships, defining psychological connections, or erotically-charged same sex or opposite sex relationships. It may or may not be erotic, and may apply to both brief sexual affairs and lifelong non-sexual relationships. Biographical information concerning these relationships is often scant; therefore this predicate recognizes these relations as significant while not assuming that they were sexual. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasIntimateRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith
Children Properties: cwrc:hasCohabitant cwrc:hasEroticRelationshipWith cwrc:hasNonEroticRelationshipWith cwrc:hasPartner cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith cwrc:partnerOf
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:intimateRelationship

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has non-erotic relationship with

Describes an intimate relationship with the subject that is neither erotic nor sexual in nature. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNonEroticRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasNonEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:nonEroticRelationship

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has possibly erotic relationship with

Describes an intimate relationship that may or may not be erotic in nature. This predicate seeks to redress the historical and ideological silence placed upon same sex relationships; it recognizes that biographical information concerning these relationships often is impossible to uncover. has possibly erotic relationship with registers the possibility of a sexual relationship, when, in the absence of biographical proof, it is impossible to claim such as fact. See has interpersonal relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has intimate relationship with.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith
Tag: cwrc:hasPossiblyEroticRelationshipWith
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasIntimateRelationshipWith
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:possiblyEroticRelationship

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has reception relation to
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasReceptionRelationTo
Tag: cwrc:hasReceptionRelationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasWritingRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasInfluenceOn
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:receptionRelationship

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relates by birth to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to birth.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByBirthTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByBirthTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasApproximateBirthDate cwrc:hasBirthDate cwrc:hasBirthPlace cwrc:hasBirthPosition
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:birthRelationship

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relates by cultural form to
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByCulturalFormTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByCulturalFormTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasCulturalForm cwrc:relatesByPoliticsTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:culturalFormRelationship

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relates by death to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to death.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByDeathTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByDeathTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasApproximateDeathDate cwrc:hasBurialPlace cwrc:hasCauseOfDeath cwrc:hasDeathDate cwrc:hasDeathPlace
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:deathRelationship

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relates by education to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to education.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByEducationTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByEducationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:attends cwrc:hasAward cwrc:hasCompanion cwrc:hasContestedBehaviour cwrc:hasCredential cwrc:hasCredentialSubject cwrc:hasInstructor cwrc:studies
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:educationRelationship

[back to top]

relates by leisure to

Any relationship between persons and another type of entity such as another person, or an organization, place, or text, often in the context of cultural and social activities, including hobbies and sports.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByLeisureTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByLeisureTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesSociallyTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:leisureRelationship

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relates by occupation to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to occupation or employment.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByOccupationTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByOccupationTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
Children Properties: cwrc:hasEmployer cwrc:hasOccupation cwrc:hasOccupationIncome
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:occupationRelationship

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relates by politics to

A connection between persons and other persons or entities related to politics.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesByPoliticsTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesByPoliticsTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:relatesByCulturalFormTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:politicalRelationship

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relates economically to

Any relationship between persons and other persons or entities related to information about economic standing, such as income, inheritance, property, or poverty.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesEconomicallyTo
Tag: cwrc:relatesEconomicallyTo
cwrc:rangeIncludes: bf:Work gvp:AdminPlaceConcept gn:Feature org:FormalOrganization foaf:Person
rdf:type: owl:ObjectProperty owl:SymmetricProperty
rdfs:domain: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:hasBiographicalRelationTo
cwrc:hasContextPredicate: cwrc:economicRelationship

sem:TimeType (2)

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interval time

Indicates a span of time, usually represented in the form of a start and end date.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IntervalTime
Tag: cwrc:IntervalTime
rdf:type: sem:TimeType

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punctive time

Indicates a point or location in time. Punctive time can be used to anchor an event that has a duration, such as a wedding or an election. It may be represented by various levels of granularity, for instance a second or a year, or by two dates between which an event was known to occur.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#PunctiveTime
Tag: cwrc:PunctiveTime
rdf:type: sem:TimeType

time:Instant (1)

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change set

A change set represents changes or additions made to the ontology by ontology editors or through users where instances were affected. Change sets will also be used to translate and contain Orlando recordInfo instances.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ChangeSet
Tag: cwrc:ChangeSet
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.org/changeset/
rdf:type: owl:Class skos:Concept time:Instant
Within Range: cwrc:madeAlteration
Within Domain: cwrc:affectedEntity cwrc:alteredBy

owl:Class Instances

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An award or position usually associated with research or advanced standing in a field, and often associated with a particular group, body, or organization connected to creative, scholarly, or professional practice, sometimes involving a stipend and sometimes labour such as teaching.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Fellowship
Tag: cwrc:Fellowship
rdf:type: cwrc:Award owl:Class
skos:related: cwrc:fellow

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Indicates that the subject is the eldest child in the family.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eldestChild
Tag: cwrc:eldestChild
rdf:type: cwrc:BirthPosition skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:BirthPosition

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Indicates that the subject is the middle child in the family.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#middleChild
Tag: cwrc:middleChild
rdf:type: cwrc:BirthPosition skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:BirthPosition

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only child

Indicates that the subject is the only child in the family.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#onlyChild
Tag: cwrc:onlyChild
rdf:type: cwrc:BirthPosition skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:BirthPosition

[back to top]


Indicates that the subject is the youngest child in the family.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#youngestChild
Tag: cwrc:youngestChild
rdf:type: cwrc:BirthPosition skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:BirthPosition

[back to top]

high certainty

A predefined value of certainty that represents cases where where an assertion, description, identification, value, or measurement is considered of high quality. Equivalent to the "high" value for certainty or precision of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#highCertainty
Tag: cwrc:highCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

[back to top]

low certainty

A predefined value of certainty that represents cases where where an assertion, description, identification, value, or measurement is considered of low quality. Equivalent to the "medium" value for certainty or precision of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lowCertainty
Tag: cwrc:lowCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

[back to top]

medium certainty

A predefined value of certainty that represents cases where where an assertion, description, identification, value, or measurement is considered of medium quality. Equivalent to the "medium" value for certainty or precision of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mediumCertainty
Tag: cwrc:mediumCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

[back to top]

unknown certainty

A predefined value of certainty that is used when one does not want to assert an opinion on certainty or precision, or the degree of certainty or precision is not known. Equivalent to the "unknown" attribute value for certainty of the Text Encoding Initiative.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unknownCertainty
Tag: cwrc:unknownCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

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"A Bachelor of Arts (BA, B.A., AB or A.B. from the Latin artium baccalaureus or baccalaureus artium) is a bachelor's degree awarded for an undergraduate course or program in either the liberal arts, the sciences, or both. Bachelor of Arts degree programs generally take three to four years depending on the country, academic institution, and specific specializations, majors or minors. The word baccalaureus or baccalarium (from the Latin bacca, a berry, and laureus, "of the bay laurel") should not be confused with baccalaureatus (translatable as "gold-plated scepter" by using the Latina bacum and aureatus), which refers to the one- to two-year postgraduate Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree (Baccalaureatus in Artibus Cum Honore) in some countries. Diplomas generally give the name of the institution, signatures of officials of the institution (generally the president or rector of the university as well as the secretary or dean of the component college), the type of degree conferred, the conferring authority and the location at which the degree is conferred. Degree diplomas generally are printed on high quality paper or parchment; individual institutions set the preferred abbreviation for their degrees. The Bachelor of Arts degree is usually attained in four years in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Armenia, Greece, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, Serbia, Spain, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Russia, Ireland, South Korea, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, the United States of America and most of the Americas. They generally last three years in nearly all of the European Union, and in Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, India, Israel, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Singapore, the Caribbean, South Africa, and Switzerland." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Honours BA in Classics, First Class BA honours in History Cambridge BA Honours BA in English BA in history Second Class degree BA (Honours) BA in English and History BA in PPE first-class honours BA Honours BA, Second Class, BA in cultural anthropology BA degree Honours BA in Greats BA Honours degree degree with first-class honours BA degee BA honours, third class third-class degree (in history) first-class BA in English BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature first in her BA BA Honours degree in English was a third class BA in English with First Class Honours Bachelor of Arts degree (at pass level only) BA Honours in English first-class BA BA (Second Class Honours) 2:2 BA BA Bachelor of Arts BA in Drama and Theatre Arts BA, Second Class, in English Language and Literature Second Class Honours BA BA honours, second class first-class degree first class honours Second Class honours degree Honours BA in French Bachelor of Arts with honours in English BA in Classics, Class II third-class honours BA in English Literature BA in modern history Class Three BA BA Pass Degree double first Honours BA second-class honours BA in Arts Honours BA degree Honours BA BA in English BA in English Language and Literature AB degree BA first-class Honours in English ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bachelorOfArts
Tag: cwrc:bachelorOfArts
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bachelor_of_Arts
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:undergraduateDegree
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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"A Bachelor of Science (Latin Baccalaureus Scientiae, B.S., BS, B.Sc., or BSc; or, less commonly, S.B., SB, or Sc.B., from the equivalent Latin Scientiae Baccalaureus) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for completed courses that generally last three to five years. Whether a student of a particular subject is awarded a Bachelor of Science degree or a Bachelor of Arts degree can vary between universities. For one example, an economics degree may be given as a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) by one university but as a B.Sc. by another, and some universities offer the choice of either. Some liberal arts colleges in the United States offer only the BA, even in the natural sciences, while some universities offer only the BS even in non-science fields. Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service awards Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degrees to all of its undergraduates, although many major in humanities-oriented fields such as international history and culture and politics. The London School of Economics offers B.Sc. degrees in practically all subject areas, even those normally associated with arts degrees, while the Oxbridge universities almost exclusively award arts qualifications. In both instances, there are historical and traditional reasons. Northwestern University's School of Communication grants B.Sc. degrees in all of its programs of study, including theater, dance, and radio/television/film. University of California, Berkeley grants B.S. degree in Environmental Economics and Policy in College of Natural Resources (CNR), and B.A. degree in Environmental Economics and Policy in College of Letters and Science (L&S). The first university to admit a student to the degree of Bachelor of Science was the University of London in 1860. Prior to this, science subjects were included in the B.A. bracket, notably in the cases of mathematics, physics, physiology and botany." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: B.Sc. (with honours) BSc BSc in Physics ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bachelorOfScience
Tag: cwrc:bachelorOfScience
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bachelor_of_Science
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:undergraduateDegree
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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Educational certificate, including those awarded to women in lieu of degrees in the early years of their admission to universities.

[skos:altLabel: Higher National Certificate University Certificate certificate in social science Postgraduate Certificate certificate in the exam for women Higher Cambridge Certificate Cambridge Certificate Certificat d'Études Françaises, 1er Degré Postgraduate Certificate in Education, English as a Second Language ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#certificate
Tag: cwrc:certificate
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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Educational diploma.

[skos:altLabel: diploma in Psychopathology Diplome d'Etudes de Civilisation Française diploma in agriculture Diploma diploma in journalism diploma in literature diploma in school counselling Diploma in Social Work ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#diploma
Tag: cwrc:diploma
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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"A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D.Phil.) is a type of doctorate degree awarded by universities in many countries. Ph.D.s are awarded for a wide range of programs in the sciences (e.g., biology, physics, mathematics, etc.), engineering, and humanities (e.g., history, literature, musicology, etc.), among others. The Ph.D. is a terminal degree in many fields. The completion of a Ph.D. is a requirement for employment as a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields. A clear distinction is made between an "earned doctorate", which is awarded for completion of a course of study and a thesis or dissertation, and an "honorary doctorate", a title granted by a university to a successful or notable person who has not completed doctoral academic work or completed a dissertation at the university. Individuals with an earned doctorate can use the title of "Doctor" with their name and use the initials "Ph.D." (or "D.Phil.") after their name. The requirements to earn a Ph.D. degree varies considerably according to the country, institution, and time period, from entry-level research degrees to higher doctorates. A person who attains a doctorate of philosophy is automatically awarded the academic title of doctor. During the studies that lead to the degree, the student is called doctoral student or Ph.D. student, but also "doctoral candidate" or "Ph.D. candidate" once the student has completed all of the coursework and comprehensive examinations and is working on their thesis or dissertation. A Ph.D. candidate must submit a project, thesis or dissertation often consisting of a body of original academic research, which is in principle worthy of publication in a peer-reviewed journal. In many countries a candidate must defend this work before a panel of expert examiners appointed by the university. Universities award other types of doctorates besides the Ph.D., such as the Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.), a degree for music performers and the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), a degree for professional educators. In the context of academic degrees, the term "philosophy" does not refer solely to the field or academic discipline of philosophy, but is used in a broader sense in accordance with its original Greek meaning, which is "love of wisdom". In most of Europe, all fields (history, philosophy, social sciences, mathematics, and natural philosophy/natural sciences) other than theology, law, and medicine (the so-called professional, vocational, or technical curriculum) were traditionally known as philosophy, and in Germany and elsewhere in Europe the basic faculty of liberal arts was known as the "faculty of philosophy"." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: doctorate DPhil PhD PhD in Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy PhD in Linguistics ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#doctorOfPhilosophy
Tag: cwrc:doctorOfPhilosophy
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Doctor_of_Philosophy
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:postgraduateDegree
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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honorary degree

"An honorary degree or a degree honoris causa (Latin: "for the sake of the honor") is an academic degree for which a university (or other degree-awarding institution) has waived the usual requirements, such as matriculation, residence, a dissertation and the passing of comprehensive examinations. The degree is typically a doctorate or, less commonly, a master's degree, and may be awarded to someone who has no prior connection with the academic institution or no previous postsecondary education. An example of identifying a recipient of this award is as follows: Doctorate in Business Administration (Hon. Causa). The degree is often conferred as a way of honouring a distinguished visitor's contributions to a specific field or to society in general. It is often given to graduation speakers at a university or college, and the university may derive benefits by association with the person in question. The degree is not recognized by employers as having the same stature as a corresponding earned doctorate degree and should not be represented as such. Rev. Theodore Hesburgh held the record for most honorary degrees, having been awarded 150 during his lifetime." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: honorary MA honorary Doctorate of Divinity ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#honoraryDegree
Tag: cwrc:honoraryDegree
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Honorary_degree
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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Lady Literate in the Arts

"A Lady Literate in Arts (LLA) qualification was offered by the University of St Andrews in Scotland for more than a decade before women were allowed to graduate in the same way as men, and it became popular as a kind of external degree for women who had studied through correspondence, or by attendance at non-university classes. Until 1892 women were not admitted to Scottish universities and the LLA was the nearest qualification to a degree which was open to women in the country, although the University of Edinburgh offered certificates recognising achievement in classes organised by the Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women, and in Glasgow Queen Margaret College was offering a university-equivalent education and awards. To obtain an LLA candidates had to pass examinations at a university-approved centre, which might be in Scotland or outwith the country. Even after 1892, the LLA continued to be popular with women who wanted to study for an arts degree without needing to attend one particular institution for three or four years. Thousands of women received an LLA before it was discontinued in the 1930s. William Angus Knight (1836–1916), Professor of Moral Philosophy at St Andrews between 1876 and 1903, was a supporter of female education and the main force behind the university's introduction of the LLA degree. Helen Bannerman, the children's writer, and suffragette Margaret Nevinson both had LLAs, as did the wartime nursing "heroine", Violetta Thurstan." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: L.L.A. (Lady Literate in the Arts) ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ladyLiterateInArts
Tag: cwrc:ladyLiterateInArts
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Lady_Literate_in_Arts
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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law degree

"A law degree is an academic degree conferred for studies in law. Such degrees are generally preparation for legal careers; but while their curricula may be reviewed by legal authority, they do not themselves confer a license. A legal license is granted (typically by examination) and exercised locally; while the law degree can have local, international, and world-wide aspects- e.g., in Britain the Legal Practice Course is required to become a British solicitor or the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) to become a barrister." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: degree in law ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lawDegree
Tag: cwrc:lawDegree
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Law_degree
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:professionalDegree
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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master's degree

"A master's degree (from Latin magister) is a second-cycle academic degree awarded by universities upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. A master's degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor's level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course. Within the area studied, master's graduates are expected to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: master's degree in Public Health MA in Classics MA MA in English literature MA in philosophy and literature MA in Canadian Literature MLitt MPhil in Medieval Literature MA degree MA (a first degree in Scotland) MA in psychology Masters Degree Master's degree MSc MA in English MA in English. ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mastersDegree
Tag: cwrc:mastersDegree
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Master%27s_degree
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:postgraduateDegree
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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medical degree

"A medical degree is a vocational, or even technical, degree awarded for studies in fields associated with medicine and surgery. A study conducted in 2011 that involved more than 1000 medical schools throughout the world indicated on average, 64 university exams, 130 series exams, and 174 assignments are completed over the course of 5.5 years. Students need more than 85% marks in prerequisite courses in order to get enrolled for the aptitude test for these degree programs. They then have to pass the test with 85% to 90% marks, which is high compared with all the other bachelor's degree programs. The World Health Organization has granted international recognition to certain widely offered conventional medical degrees. Degrees recognized internationally by the AVICENNA Directory for medicine/International Medical Education Directory." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#medicalDegree
Tag: cwrc:medicalDegree
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Medical_degree
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:professionalDegree
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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postgraduate degree

Postgraduate degree.

[skos:altLabel: Postgraduate Diploma in Writing for the Stage Agrégation post-graduate degree in theatre DSc postgraduate degree in teaching ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#postgraduateDegree
Tag: cwrc:postgraduateDegree
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:doctorOfPhilosophy cwrc:mastersDegree

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professional degree

"A professional degree, sometimes known as a first professional degree, is a degree that prepares someone to work in a particular profession, often meeting the academic requirements for licensure or accreditation. Professional degrees may be either graduate or undergraduate entry, depending on the profession concerned and the country, and may be classified as bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees. For a variety of reasons, professional degrees may bear the name of a different level of qualification from their classification on qualifications frameworks, e.g. some UK professional degrees are named bachelor's but are at master's level, while some Australian and Canadian professional degrees have the name "doctor" but are classified as master's or bachelor's degrees." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: MD Doctor of Divinity degree MD degree MB medical degree Doctor of Medicine Master Mariner's Certificate ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#professionalDegree
Tag: cwrc:professionalDegree
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Professional_degree
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:lawDegree cwrc:medicalDegree

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secondary school diploma

Credential signifying completion of secondary schooling.

[skos:altLabel: Higher School Certificate Chancellor's Diploma ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#secondarySchoolDiploma
Tag: cwrc:secondarySchoolDiploma
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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teaching qualification

Credential signifying training in teaching, usually at the primary or secondary school level.

[skos:altLabel: teacher's certificate education diploma Teacher's Diploma Post-Graduate Certificate of Education Teaching Certificate,, First Class Teaching Diploma Teaching Certificate, First Class second class teaching certificate Elementary School Teachers' Certificate USA teaching certificate Diploma of Education teaching certificate Elementary Teacher's Certificate Certificate in the Theory and Practice of Teaching diploma in education ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#teachingQualification
Tag: cwrc:teachingQualification
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential

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undergraduate degree

"An undergraduate degree (also called first degree, bachelor's degree or simply degree) is a colloquial term for an academic degree taken by a person who has completed undergraduate courses. It is usually offered at an institution of higher education, such as a university. The most common type of this degree is the bachelor's degree, which typically takes at least three or four years to complete." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: BLitt two-year degree degree in advertising degree B. Litt. Bachelor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#undergraduateDegree
Tag: cwrc:undergraduateDegree
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Undergraduate_degree
rdf:type: cwrc:Credential skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Credential
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:bachelorOfArts cwrc:bachelorOfScience

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educational award prize

An educational prize is a medal or award, monetary or otherwise, presented by either an institution or person of authority to an individual who has excelled beyond their peers, reached a great achievement, and/or produced a very high standard of work.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#educationalAwardPrize
Tag: cwrc:educationalAwardPrize
rdf:type: cwrc:EducationalAward
skos:inScheme: cwrc:EducationalAward

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educational award scholarship

A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#educationalAwardScholarship
Tag: cwrc:educationalAwardScholarship
rdf:type: cwrc:EducationalAward
skos:inScheme: cwrc:EducationalAward

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"African Americans (also referred to as Black Americans or Afro-Americans) are an ethnic group of Americans (citizens or residents of the United States) with total or partial ancestry from any of the Black racial groups of Africa. The term may also be used to include only those individuals who are descended from enslaved Africans. As a compound adjective the term is usually hyphenated as African-American." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#african-AmericanEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:african-AmericanEthnicity
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:blackLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:African_Americans
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity
skos:related: cwrc:africanEthnicity
*skos:related: cwrc:blackEthnicity

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"The ethnic groups of Africa number in the thousands, each generally having its own language (or dialect of a language) and culture. The ethnolinguistic groups include various Afro-Asiatic, Khoisan, Niger-Congo and Nilo-Saharan populations." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: black African descent ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#africanEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:africanEthnicity
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:blackLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:List_of_ethnic_groups_of_Africa
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity
*skos:related: cwrc:blackEthnicity

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"Anglo-Irish (Irish: Angla-Éireannach) was a term used primarily in the 19th and early 20th centuries to identify a privileged social class in Ireland, whose members were mostly the descendants and successors of the Protestant Ascendancy. They mostly belonged to the Anglican Church of Ireland, which was the established church of Ireland until 1871, or to a lesser extent one of the English dissenting churches, such as the Methodist church. Its members tended to follow English practices in matters of culture, science, law, agriculture and politics. Many became eminent as administrators in the British Empire and as senior army and naval officers." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglo-IrishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:anglo-IrishEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anglo-Irish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Anglo-Normans were the medieval ruling class in England, composed mainly of a combination of ethnic Angles and Normans, following the Norman conquest. A small number of Normans had earlier befriended future Anglo-Saxon King of England, Edward the Confessor, during his exile in his mother's homeland of Normandy. When he returned to England some of them went with him, and so there were Normans already settled in England prior to the conquest. Following the death of Edward, the powerful Anglo-Saxon noble, Harold Godwinson, acceded to the English throne until his defeat by William, Duke of Normandy at the Battle of Hastings." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglo-NormanEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:anglo-NormanEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anglo-Normans
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"Arabs (Arabic: عرب‎‎, ‘arab) are a panethnicity of peoples whose native language is a variety of Arabic. They primarily inhabit Western Asia, North Africa, and parts of the Horn of Africa and East Africa. Before the spread of Islam, Arab referred to any of the largely nomadic Semitic people from the northern and central Arabian Peninsula. In modern usage Arab refers to a heterogeneous collection of Arabic-speaking peoples in Western Asia and North Africa. The ties that bind Arabs are linguistic, cultural, political, and ethnic, with Arabized Arabs displaying genetic contributions, in varying proportions, from both indigenous elements and the Arabian peninsula. As such, Arab identity is based on one or more of genealogical, linguistic or cultural grounds, although with competing identities often taking a more prominent role, based on considerations including regional, national, clan, kin, sect, and tribe affiliations and relationships. Not all people who could be considered Arab identify as such. If the Arab pan-ethnicity is regarded as a single population, then it constitutes the world's second largest group of people after the Han Chinese. The Arabian Peninsula itself was not entirely Arab linguistically or culturally before the spread of Islam. Arabization occurred in the southern and eastern regions of the peninsula. For example, the language shift to Arabic displaced the distinct Old South Arabian languages from what is now modern-day Yemen and southern Oman. These were the languages spoken in the civilizations of Sheba, Magan, and Dilmun." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#arabEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:arabEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Arabs
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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Ashkenazi Jewish

"Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or simply Ashkenazim (Hebrew: אַשְׁכְּנַזִּים, Ashkenazi Hebrew pronunciation: [ˌaʃkəˈnazim], singular: [ˌaʃkəˈnazi], Modern Hebrew: [aʃkenaˈzim, aʃkenaˈzi]; also יְהוּדֵי אַשְׁכֲּנַז Y'hudey Ashkenaz), are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced as a distinct community of Jews in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the 1st millennium. The traditional diaspora language of Ashkenazi Jews consisted of various dialects of Yiddish." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Ashkenazim, or German Jewish Ashkenazim ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ashkenaziJewishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:ashkenaziJewishEthnicity
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:jewishLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Ashkenazi_Jews
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:jewishEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Bengalis (বাঙালি Bangali), also spelled as the Bangalees, are a major Indo-Aryan ethnic group. They are native to the region of Bengal in South Asia, which is presently-divided between Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal. They speak the Bengali language, the most easterly branch of the Indo-European language family. Bengalis are the third largest ethnic group in the world after the Han Chinese and the Arabs. They have four major religious subgroups, including Bengali Muslims, Bengali Hindus, Bengali Christians and Bengali Buddhists." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bengaliEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:bengaliEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bengalis
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"Black people (seen both capitalized and with lowercase 'b') is a term used in certain countries, often in socially based systems of racial classification or of ethnicity, to describe persons who are perceived to be dark-skinned compared to other given populations. As such, the meaning of the expression varies widely both between and within societies, and depends significantly on context. For many other individuals, communities and countries, "black" is also perceived as a derogatory, outdated, reductive or otherwise unrepresentative label, and as a result is neither used nor defined. Different societies apply differing criteria regarding who is classified as "black", and these social constructs have also changed over time. In a number of countries, societal variables affect classification as much as skin color, and the social criteria for "blackness" vary. For example, in North America the term black people is not necessarily an indicator of skin color or ethnic origin, but is instead a socially based racial classification related to being African American, with a family history associated with institutionalized slavery. In South Africa and Latin America, mixed-race people are generally not classified as "black". In other regions such as Australasia, settlers applied the term "black" or it was used by local populations with different histories and ancestral backgrounds." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blackEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:blackEthnicity
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:blackLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Black_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity
skos:related: cwrc:african-AmericanEthnicity cwrc:africanEthnicity

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"A modern Celtic identity emerged in Western Europe following the identification of the native peoples of the Atlantic fringe as Celts by Edward Lhuyd in the 18th century. Lhuyd and others equated the Celts described by Greco-Roman writers with the pre-Roman peoples of France, Great Britain and Ireland. The Irish and ancient British languages were thus Celtic languages. The descendants of these languages were the Brittonic (Breton, Cornish and Welsh variants) and Gaelic (Irish, Manx and Scottish variants) languages. These peoples were therefore modern Celts. Attempts were made to link their distinctive cultures to those of the Ancient Celtic people." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Highland Highland (that is Celtic) ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#celticEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:celticEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Celts_(modern)
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"Chinese people are the various individuals or groups of people associated with China (or Greater China), either by reason of ancestry, heredity, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, place of residence, or other affiliation." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#chineseEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:chineseEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Chinese_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The term Creole and its cognates in other languages — such as crioulo, criollo, creolo, créole, kriolu, criol, kreyol, kreol, kriol, krio, etc. — have been applied to people in different countries and epochs, with rather different meanings. Typically, are partially or fully descended from Caucasian European colonial settlers. Their language, culture and/or racial origin represents the creolization resulting from the interaction and adaptation of colonial-era emigrants from Europe with non-European peoples, climates, and cuisines." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#creoleEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:creoleEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Creole_peoples
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The English are a nation and an ethnic group native to England, who speak the English language. The English identity is of early medieval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Angelcynn ("family of the Angles"). Their ethnonym is derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic peoples who migrated to Great Britain around the 5th century AD. England is one of the countries of the United Kingdom." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: England ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#englishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:englishEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:English_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The ethnic groups in Europe are the focus of European ethnology, the field of anthropology related to the various ethnic groups that reside in the nations of Europe. According to German monograph Minderheitenrechte in Europa co-edited by Pan and Pfeil (2002) there are 87 distinct peoples of Europe, of which 33 form the majority population in at least one sovereign state, while the remaining 54 constitute ethnic minorities. The total number of national minority populations in Europe is estimated at 105 million people, or 14% of 770 million Europeans." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#europeanEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Ethnic_groups_in_Europe
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity
*skos:related: cwrc:whiteEthnicity
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:anglo-IrishEthnicity cwrc:anglo-NormanEthnicity cwrc:celticEthnicity cwrc:englishEthnicity cwrc:irishEthnicity cwrc:scottishEthnicity cwrc:thracianEthnicity cwrc:wendishEthnicity

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"The Gaels (English pronunciation: /ɡeːlˠ/; Irish: Na Gaeil; Scottish Gaelic: Na Gàidheil), also known as Goidels, are an ethnolinguistic group indigenous to northwestern Europe. They are associated with the Gaelic languages; a branch of the Celtic languages comprising Irish, Manx and Scottish Gaelic. Other ethnonyms historically associated with the Gaels include Irish and Scots, but the scope of those nationalities is today more complex. Gaelic language and culture originated in Ireland, extending to Dál Riata in southwest Scotland. In the Middle Ages, it became dominant throughout Scotland and the Isle of Man also. However, in most areas, the Gaels were gradually anglicized and the Gaelic languages supplanted by English. The modern descendants of the Gaels have spread throughout much of Great Britain and as far as the Americas and Oceania." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: highland ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gaelEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:gaelEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Gaels
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:scottishEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Igbo people, also erroneously known as the "Ibo people" (because certain Europeans had difficulty making the /ɡ͡b/ sound), are an indigenous linguistic and cultural people of southern Nigeria. Geographically, the Igbo homeland is divided into two unequal sections by the Niger River– an eastern (which is the larger of the two) and a western section. Culturally and linguistically, the Niger River has provided an easy means of communication and unity amongst the Igbo natives on both sides, as well as promoted ancient trade and movement of peoples between Igboland and the rest of the world." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#igboEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:igboEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Igbo_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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Indigenous (of the Americas)

"The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian peoples of the Americans and their descendants. Pueblos indígenas or indígenas (lit. "indigenous peoples") is a common term in Spanish-speaking countries, and pueblos nativos or nativos (lit. "native peoples" in the sense of descendants of non-immigrants) may also be heard, while aborigen (aborigine) is used in Argentina, and pueblos aborígenes (aboriginal peoples) is common in Chile. The term "Amerindian" (short for "'Indians' of the Americas)" is used in Quebec, The Guianas, and the English-speaking Caribbean. Indigenous peoples are commonly known in Canada as Aboriginal peoples, which includes not only First Nations and Arctic Inuit, but also the minority population of First Nations-European mixed-race Métis people who identify culturally and ethnically with indigenous peoplehood. This is contrasted, for instance, to the American Indian-European mixed-race mestizos of Hispanic America (caboclos in Brazil) who, with their larger population (in most Latin American countries constituting either outright majorities, pluralities, or at the least large minorities), identify largely as a new ethnic group distinct from both Europeans and Indigenous Americans, but still considering themselves a subset of the European-derived Hispanic peoplehood in culture and ethnicity. Indigenous peoples of the United States are commonly known as Native Americans or American Indians, and Alaska Natives. Application of the term "Indian" originated with Christopher Columbus, who, in his search for Asia, thought that he had arrived in the East Indies. Eventually, the Americas came to be known as the "West Indies", a name still used to refer to the islands of the Caribbean Sea. This led to the blanket term "Indies" and "Indians" (Spanish "indios") for the indigenous inhabitants, which implied some kind of racial or cultural unity among the indigenous peoples of the Americas. This unifying concept, codified in law, religion, and politics, was not originally accepted by the myriad groups of indigenous peoples themselves, but has since been embraced by many over the last two centuries. Even though the term "Indian" does not include the culturally and linguistically distinct indigenous peoples of the Arctic regions of the Americas — such as the Aleuts, Inuit, or Yupik peoples, who entered the continent as a second more recent wave of migration several thousand years ago, and have much more recent genetic and cultural commonalities with the aboriginal peoples of the Asiatic Arctic Russian Far East — these groups are nonetheless considered "indigenous peoples of the Americas". Although some indigenous peoples of the Americas were traditionally hunter-gatherers—and many, especially in Amazonia, still are—many groups practiced aquaculture and agriculture. The impact of their agricultural endowment to the world is a testament to their time and work in reshaping and cultivating the flora indigenous to the Americas. Although some societies depended heavily on agriculture, others practiced a mix of farming, hunting, and gathering. In some regions the indigenous peoples created monumental architecture, large-scale organized cities, chiefdoms, states, and empires. Many parts of the Americas are still populated by indigenous peoples; some countries have sizable populations, especially Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Greenland, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. At least a thousand different indigenous languages are spoken in the Americas. Some, such as the Quechuan languages, Aymara, Guaraní, Mayan languages, and Nahuatl, count their speakers in millions. Many also maintain aspects of indigenous cultural practices to varying degrees, including religion, social organization, and subsistence practices. Like most cultures, over time, cultures specific to many indigenous peoples have evolved to incorporate traditional aspects, but also cater to modern needs. Some indigenous peoples still live in relative isolation from Western culture and a few are still counted as uncontacted peoples." (DBpedia, 2017) The term is deeply contested. See: Native American name controversy - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: Amer-Indians ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indigenousPeoplesOfAmericasEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:indigenousPeoplesOfAmericasEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Irish people (Irish: Muintir na hÉireann or Na hÉireannaigh) are a nation and ethnic group native to the island of Ireland, who share a common Irish ancestry, identity and culture. Ireland has been inhabited for about 9,000 years according to archaeological studies (see Prehistoric Ireland). For most of Ireland's recorded history, the Irish have been primarily a Gaelic people (see Gaelic Ireland). Anglo-Normans conquered parts of Ireland in the 12th century, while England's 16th/17th century (re)conquest and colonization of Ireland brought a large number of English and Lowland Scots to parts of the island, especially the north. Today, Ireland is made up of the Republic of Ireland (an independent state), and the smaller Northern Ireland (a part of the United Kingdom)." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: irish ancestry ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#irishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:irishEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Irish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"Jamaicans are the citizens of Jamaica and their descendants in the Jamaican diaspora. Most Jamaicans are of African descent, with smaller minorities of Europeans, East Indians, Chinese, Mixed-Race, and others. The bulk of the Jamaican diaspora resides in Canada, United States, Panama and the United Kingdom and in the other Anglophone countries." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Jamaican-born ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jamaicanEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:jamaicanEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jamaicans
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Jews (/dʒuːz/; Hebrew: יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]), also known as the Jewish people, are an ethnoreligious group originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation, while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance. Jews originated as a national and religious group in the Middle East during the second millennium BCE, in the part of the Levant known as the Land of Israel. The Merneptah Stele appears to confirm the existence of a people of Israel, associated with the god El, somewhere in Canaan as far back as the 13th century BCE (Late Bronze Age). The Israelites, as an outgrowth of the Canaanite population, consolidated their hold with the emergence of the Kingdom of Israel, and the Kingdom of Judah. Some consider that these Canaanite sedentary Israelites melded with incoming nomadic groups known as 'Hebrews'. Though few sources in the Bible mention the exilic periods in detail, the experience of diaspora life, from the Ancient Egyptian rule over the Levant, to Assyrian Captivity and Exile, to Babylonian Captivity and Exile, to Seleucid Imperial rule, to the Roman occupation, and the historical relations between Israelites and their homeland, became a major feature of Jewish history, identity and memory. The worldwide Jewish population reached a peak of 16.7 million prior to World War II, but approximately 6 million Jews were systematically murdered during the Holocaust. Since then the population has slowly risen again, and as of 2015 was estimated at 14.3 million by the Berman Jewish DataBank, or less than 0.2% of the total world population (roughly one in every 514 people). According to the report, about 43% of all Jews reside in Israel (6.4 million), and 40% in the United States (5.7 million), with most of the remainder living in Europe (1.4 million) and Canada (0.4 million). These numbers include all those who self-identified as Jews in a socio-demographic study or were identified as such by a respondent in the same household. The exact world Jewish population, however, is difficult to measure. In addition to issues with census methodology, disputes among proponents of halakhic, secular, political, and ancestral identification factors regarding who is a Jew may affect the figure considerably depending on the source. Israel is the only country where Jews form a majority of the population. The modern State of Israel was established as a Jewish state and defines itself as such in its Declaration of Independence and Basic Laws. Its Law of Return grants the right of citizenship to any Jew who requests it. Despite their small percentage of the world's population, Jews have significantly influenced and contributed to human progress in many fields, including philosophy, ethics, literature, business, fine arts and architecture, religion, music, theatre and cinema, medicine, as well as science and technology, both historically and in modern times." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: a Jewish Judaism Jews one-quarter Jewish Jew Jewry ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:jewishEthnicity
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:jewishLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jews
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:ashkenaziJewishEthnicity cwrc:sephardicJewishEthnicity

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"Parsi /ˈpɑːrsiː/ (or Parsee) is one of two Zoroastrian communities (the other being Iranis) primarily located in South Asia. According to the Qissa-i Sanjan, Parsis migrated from Greater Iran to Gujarat and Sindh between the 8th and 10th century CE to avoid the persecution of Zoroastrians following the Muslim conquest of Persia. The word پارسیان, pronounced "Parsian", i.e. "Parsi" in the Persian language literally means Persian. Persian is the official language of modern Iran, which was formerly known as Persia, and the Persian language's endonym is Farsi, an arabization of the word Parsi." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parsiEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:parsiEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Parsi
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Punjabis (Punjabi: پنجابی, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, पंजाबी), or Punjabi people, are an Indo-Aryan ethnic group originating from the Punjab region, found in Pakistan and northern India. Punjab literally means the land of five waters (Persian: panj ("five") āb ("waters"). The name of the region was introduced by the Turko-Persian conquerors of India and more formally popularised during the Mughal Empire. Punjab is often referred to as the breadbasket in both Pakistan and India. The coalescence of the various tribes, castes and the inhabitants of the Punjab into a broader common "Punjabi" identity initiated from the onset of the 18th century CE. Prior to that the sense and perception of a common "Punjabi" ethno-cultural identity and community did not exist, even though the majority of the various communities of the Punjab had long shared linguistic, cultural and racial commonalities. Traditionally, Punjabi identity is primarily linguistic, geographical and cultural. Its identity is independent of historical origin or religion, and refers to those who reside in the Punjab region, or associate with its population, and those who consider the Punjabi language their mother tongue. Integration and assimilation are important parts of Punjabi culture, since Punjabi identity is not based solely on tribal connections. More or less all Punjabis share the same cultural background. Historically, the Punjabi people were a heterogeneous group and were subdivided into a number of clans called biradari (literally meaning "brotherhood") or tribes, with each person bound to a clan. However, Punjabi identity also included those who did not belong to any of the historical tribes. With the passage of time tribal structures are coming to an end and are being replaced with a more cohesive and holistic society, as community building and group cohesiveness form the new pillars of Punjabi society." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#punjabiEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:punjabiEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Punjabis
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Romani (also spelled Romany; /ˈroʊməni/, /ˈrɒ-/), or Roma, are a traditionally nomadic ethnic group, living mostly in Europe and the Americas and originating from the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent, presumably from where the states Rajasthan, Haryana, and Punjab exist today. The Romani are widely known among English-speaking people by the exonym "Gypsies" (or "Gipsies"), which some people consider pejorative due to its connotations of illegality and irregularity."(DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: gypsies Roma gypsy gipsy ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#romaniEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:romaniEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Romani_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Scottish people (Scots: Scots Fowk, Scottish Gaelic: Albannaich), or Scots, are a nation and socially defined ethnic group resident in Scotland. Historically, they emerged from an amalgamation of two groups—the Picts and Gaels—who founded the Kingdom of Scotland (or Alba) in the 9th century, and thought to have been ethnolinguistically Celts. Later, the neighbouring Cumbrian Britons, who also spoke a Celtic language, as well as Germanic-speaking Anglo-Saxons and Norse, were incorporated into the Scottish nation." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: highland ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#scottishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:scottishEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Scottish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:gaelEthnicity

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Sephardic Jewish

"Sephardi Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews or simply Sephardim (Hebrew: סְפָרַדִּים, Modern Hebrew: Sfaraddim, Tiberian: Səp̄āraddîm; also יְהוּדֵי סְפָרַד Y'hudey Spharad, lit. "The Jews of Spain"), are a Jewish ethnic division whose ethnogenesis and emergence as a distinct community of Jews coalesced in the Iberian Peninsula around the start of the 2nd millennium (i.e., about the year 1000). They established communities throughout Spain and Portugal, where they traditionally resided, evolving what would become their distinctive characteristics and diasporic identity." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sephardicJewishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:sephardicJewishEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Sephardi_Jews
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:jewishEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"Slavs are the largest Indo-European ethno-linguistic group in Europe. They are native to Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, Northeastern Europe, North Asia and Central Asia. Slavs speak Indo-European Slavic languages. From the early 6th century they spread to inhabit most of Central and Eastern Europe and Southeast Europe. States with slavic-based languages comprise over 50% of the territory of Europe.Present-day Slavic people are classified into West Slavs (chiefly Poles, Czechs and Slovaks), East Slavs (chiefly Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians), and South Slavs (chiefly Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, ethnic Macedonians, Slovenes, Montenegrins of the Former Yugoslavia and Bulgarians). Modern Slavic nations and ethnic groups are considerably diverse both genetically and culturally, and relations between them – even within the individual ethnic groups themselves – are varied, ranging from a sense of connection to mutual feelings of hostility." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Slavic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#slavEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:slavEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Slavs
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"The Thracians (/ˈθreɪʃənz/; Ancient Greek: Θρᾷκες Thrāikes, Latin: Thraci) were a group of Indo-European tribes inhabiting a large area in southeastern Europe. They spoke the Thracian language – a scarcely attested branch of the Indo-European language family. The study of Thracians and Thracian culture is known as Thracology." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Thracians ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#thracianEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:thracianEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Thracians
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"Wends (Old English: Winedas, Old Norse: Vindr, German: Wenden, Winden, Danish: vendere, Swedish: vender, Polish: Wendowie) is a historical name for the West Slavs living near Germanic settlement areas. It does not refer to a homogeneous people, but to various peoples, tribes or groups depending on where and when it is used." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Wends or Sorbs ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#wendishEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:wendishEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Wends
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:europeanEthnicity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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West Indian

"A West Indian is a native or inhabitant of the West Indies (the Antilles and the Lucayan Archipelago). For more than 100 years the words West Indian specifically described natives of the West Indies, but by 1661 Europeans had begun to use it also to describe the descendants of European colonists who stayed in the West Indies. Some West Indian people reserve this term for citizens or natives of the British West Indies." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#westIndianEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:westIndianEthnicity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Antilles dbpedia:West_Indian
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity

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"White people is a racial classification specifier, used for people of Europid ancestry, with the exact implications dependent on context. The contemporary usage of 'white people' or a 'white race; as a large group of (mainly European) populations contrasting with 'black', American Indian, 'colored' or non-white originates in the 17th century. It is today particularly used as a racial classifier in multiracial societies, such as the United States (White American), the United Kingdom (White British), Brazil (White Brazilian), and South Africa (White South African). Various social constructions of whiteness have been significant to national identity, public policy, religion, population statistics, racial segregation, affirmative action, white privilege, eugenics, racial marginalization and racial quotas. The term 'white race' or 'white people' entered the major European languages in the later 17th century, in the context of racialized slavery and unequal status in European colonies. Description of populations as 'white' in reference to their skin color predates this notion and is found in Greco-Roman ethnography and other ancient sources. Scholarship on race generally distinguishes the modern concept from pre-modern descriptions of collective difference." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#whiteEthnicity
Tag: cwrc:whiteEthnicity
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:whiteLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:White_people
rdf:type: cwrc:Ethnicity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Ethnicity
skos:related: cwrc:europeanEthnicity

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Indicates gender ambiguity or indeterminacy, and the adoption or presentation of a blend of both masculine and feminine gender attributes and behaviour. The term is strongly associated with the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when it was redefined by Jungian theories and later by Jungian feminist psychologists (Elizabeth Wright, 1992). Androgyny may involve cross-dressing, or appropriation of external attributes usually assigned to the supposedly opposite sex or gender. It may be understood as gender indetermination, gender neutrality, or a fairly balanced mix of male and female attributes. The term also has political significance in some feminist circles. For example, androgyny is an important feature in Virginia Woolf's vision of writing and creative processes (Virginia Woolf, 1929).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Androgynous
Tag: cwrc:Androgynous
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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Indicates refusal of dominant gender categories and cisnormativity, and identification with both, a combination, or neither of the dominant binary gender roles. The term is strongly associated with the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It comes from deconstructionist and post-structuralist theory, and was coined by Teresa de Lauretis at a conference in 1990. Because "queer" identity is recent, its definition is still debated among scholars and activists. Even though it is not rigidly defined, the term is increasingly deployed to refer to a large category of people who are not "straight", in a sense that is not restricted to sexual orientation. Following Judith Butler, queerness is not understood as an essence, but best described as a doing or performance, a way to situate oneself deliberately against traditional notions of gender. See Genderqueer - Wikipedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GenderQueer
Tag: cwrc:GenderQueer
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:queerLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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An intersectional identity that co-occurs with but is not reducible to the combination of "has gender identity woman" and "has race or colour identity black". See Black women - Wikipedia and (Kimberlé Crenshaw, 1989).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blackWomanRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:blackWomanRaceColour
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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Indicates alignment between a person's gender identity and their sex as understood or assigned at birth. As per the Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER), "the term is not indicative of gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life" (TSER, 2017).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cisGender
Tag: cwrc:cisGender
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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cis man/cis male

Indicates a cisgendered man.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cisMan
Tag: cwrc:cisMan
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:manLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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cis woman/cis female

Indicates a cisgendered woman.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cisWoman
Tag: cwrc:cisWoman
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:womanLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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Indicates identification with or labelling as the gender man, and who is often but not necessarily understood to be sexed male. Where terms associated with this label are applied to younger individuals, “boy” is understood to apply for “man”.

[skos:altLabel: male ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#man
Tag: cwrc:man
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:manLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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Indicates divergence of a person's gender identity from their sex as understood or assigned at birth. Unlike transwoman or transman, "the term transgender is not indicative of gender expression," nor is it indicative of "sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life."(TSER, 2017)

[skos:altLabel: transgendered ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#transGender
Tag: cwrc:transGender
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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trans man/trans male

Typically indicates identification as a man while having been assigned the sex "female" at birth. Some trans men prefer to drop the prefix "trans" and keep the label "man" (TSER, 2017). This definition includes trans boys too.

[skos:altLabel: transgendered female to male ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#transMan
Tag: cwrc:transMan
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:manLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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trans woman/trans female

Typically indicates identification as a woman while having been assigned the sex "male" at birth. Some trans women prefer to drop the prefix "trans" and keep the label "woman" (TSER, 2017). This definition includes trans girls too.

[skos:altLabel: transgendered male to female ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#transWoman
Tag: cwrc:transWoman
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:womanLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

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Indicates that the person's gender is not disclosed by them or is not indicated in the source.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#undefinedGender
Tag: cwrc:undefinedGender
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

[back to top]


Indicates a subject identification with or labelling as the gender woman, and who is often but not necessarily understood to be sexed female. "One is not born, but rather becomes, woman." (Simone de Beauvoir, 1973) Where terms associated with this label are applied to younger individuals, “girl” is understood to apply for “woman”.

[skos:altLabel: female ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#woman
Tag: cwrc:woman
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:womanLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Gender

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labeling as of English heritage in relation to a place, often England.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#englishGeographicHeritage
Tag: cwrc:englishGeographicHeritage
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:englishLabel
owl:sameAs: eurovoc:5438
rdf:type: cwrc:GeographicHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:GeographicHeritage

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as of Jewish heritage in relation to a place, which may or may not be Israel.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishGeographicHeritage
Tag: cwrc:jewishGeographicHeritage
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:jewishLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:GeographicHeritage skos:Concept
skos:closeMatch: dbpedia:Jewish_identity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:GeographicHeritage

[back to top]


"The African diaspora refers to the communities throughout the world that have resulted by descent from the movement in historic times of peoples from Africa, predominantly to the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and among other areas around the globe. The term has been historically applied in particular to the descendants of the West and Central Africans who were enslaved and shipped to the Americas in the Atlantic slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries, with their largest populations in Brazil (see Afro-Brazilian), the United States, and others. Some scholars identify "four circulatory phases" of migration out of Africa." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#africanNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:africanNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:African_diaspora
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

[back to top]


"Anglo-Irish (Irish: Angla-Éireannach) was a term used primarily in the 19th and early 20th centuries to identify a privileged social class in Ireland, whose members were mostly the descendants and successors of the Protestant Ascendancy. They mostly belonged to the Anglican Church of Ireland, which was the established church of Ireland until 1871, or to a lesser extent one of the English dissenting churches, such as the Methodist church. Its members tended to follow English practices in matters of culture, science, law, agriculture and politics. Many became eminent as administrators in the British Empire and as senior army and naval officers." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglo-IrishNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:anglo-IrishNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anglo-Irish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

[back to top]


"Bengal (bɛŋgəl; Bengali: বাংলা and বঙ্গ) is a region in Asia which is located in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent at the apex of the Bay of Bengal. Geographically, it is made up by the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta system, the largest such formation in the world; along with mountains in its north (bordering the Himalayan states) and east (bordering Northeast India and Burma). Politically, Bengal is divided between the sovereign republic of Bangladesh, which covers two-thirds of the region, and West Bengal, which is a part of the Republic of India, in the western part of the region. In 2011, the population of Bengal was estimated to be 250 million, making it the most densely populated region in South Asia. An estimated 160 million people live in Bangladesh, while 91.3 million people live in West Bengal. The predominant ethno-linguistic group are the Bengali people, who speak the Indo-Aryan Bengali language. Bengali Muslims are the majority in Bangladesh. Bengali Hindus are the majority in West Bengal. Outside Bengal proper, the Indian territories of Tripura, the Barak Valley of Assam and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands; as well as Myanmar's Rakhine State; are also home to significant communities with Bengali heritage. Dense woodlands, including hilly rainforests, cover Bengal's northern and eastern areas; while an elevated forested plateau covers its central area. In the littoral southwest are the Sunderbans, the world's largest mangrove forest and home of the Bengal tiger. In the coastal southeast lies Cox's Bazaar, the longest beach in the world at 125 km (78 mi). The Bengali calendar divides the region's climate into six seasons. Bengal has played a major role in the history of Asia. In antiquity, its kingdoms were known as seafaring nations. At times an independent regional empire, or a bastion of larger empires, the historical region was a leading power of the Indian subcontinent and the Islamic East. It had extensive trade networks. Bengali culture has had a significant influence on other cultures, especially in the fields of literature, music, art, architecture, sports, commerce, politics and cuisine." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bengaliNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:bengaliNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bengal
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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"Cornish people or Cornish (Cornish: Kernowyon) are an ethnic group associated with Cornwall, in the south west of Great Britain, administered as part of England, and a recognised national minority in the United Kingdom. The Cornish thus represent a distinct ethnic group within the UK, which can trace its roots to the ancient Britons who inhabited southern and central Great Britain before the Roman conquest, and some in the county today continue to assert a distinct identity, separately or in addition to English or British identities. Cornish identity has been adopted by migrants into Cornwall, as well as by emigrant and descendant communities from Cornwall, the latter sometimes referred to as the Cornish diaspora. Although not included as an explicit option in the UK census, the numbers of" (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cornishNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:cornishNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Cornish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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"The Dutch (Dutch: ), occasionally referred to as Netherlanders—a term that is cognate to the Dutch word for Dutch people, "Nederlanders"—are a Germanic ethnic group native to the Netherlands. They share a common culture and speak the Dutch language. Dutch people and their descendants are found in migrant communities worldwide, notably in Aruba, Suriname, Guyana, Curaçao, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and the United States." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dutchNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:dutchNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Dutch_people
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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Indicates a subject's identity or labelling as of European national heritage.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#europeanNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:europeanNationalHeritage
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

[back to top]


"The Flemish or Flemings (Dutch: Vlamingen) are a Germanic ethnic group, who speak Flemish Dutch. They are mostly found in the contemporary region of Flanders. They are one of two principal ethnic groups in Belgium, the other being the French-speaking Walloons. The Flemings make up the majority of the Belgian population (about 60%). Historically, all inhabitants of the medieval County of Flanders were called Flemings, irrespective of the language spoken. The contemporary region of Flanders comprises a part of this historical county, as well as parts of the medieval duchy of Brabant and the medieval county of Loon." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#flemishNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:flemishNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Flemish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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"A Huguenot (/ˈhjuːɡənɒt/, /ˈhjuːɡənoʊ/ or /ˌhjuːɡəˈnoʊ/; French: [yɡ(ə)nõ]) is a designation for a French Protestant who follows the Reformed tradition. It was used frequently to describe members of the French Reformed Church until the beginning of the 19th century. The term traces back its origin to 16th century France. Historically, Huguenots were French Protestants inspired by the writings of John Calvin. Huguenots endorsed the Reformed tradition of Protestantism, as opposed to largely German Lutheran population in Alsace, Moselle, and around Montbéliard. Hans J. Hillerbrand in his Encyclopedia of Protestantism: 4-volume Set claims the Huguenot community reached as much as 10% of the French population on the eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, declining to 7-8% by the end of the 16th century, and further after heavy persecution began once again with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV of France. Huguenot numbers peaked near an estimated two million by 1562, concentrated mainly in the southern and western parts of France. As Huguenots gained influence and more openly displayed their faith, Catholic hostility grew, in spite of political concessions and edicts of toleration from the French crown. A series of religious conflicts followed, known as the French Wars of Religion, fought intermittently from 1562 to 1598. The wars finally ended with the granting of the Edict of Nantes, which granted the Huguenots substantial religious, political, and military autonomy. Huguenot rebellions in the 1620s prompted the abolishment of their political and military privileges; they retained the religious provisions of the Edict of Nantes until the rule of Louis XIV. Louis XIV gradually increased persecution of them until he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau (1685), ending any legal recognition of Protestantism in France, and forcing the Huguenots to convert or flee in a wave of violent dragonnades. Louis XIV claimed the French Huguenot population of 800,000 to 900,000 individuals was reduced to 1,000 or 1,500 individuals; a huge overestimate, although dragonnades were indeed the most devastating event for the minority. Nevertheless, now tiny minority of Huguenots remained, and faced continued persecution under Louis XV. Persecution of Protestants diminished significantly in France after the death of Louis XIV in 1715, and then after the death of Louis XV in 1774. It officially ended with the Edict of Versailles, commonly called the Edict of Tolerance, signed by Louis XVI in 1787. Two years later, with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789, Protestants gained equal rights as citizens. The bulk of Huguenot émigrés relocated to Protestant nations such as England, Wales, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the Dutch Republic, the Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinate in the Holy Roman Empire, the Duchy of Prussia, the Channel Islands, and Ireland. They also spread to the Dutch Cape Colony in South Africa, the Dutch East Indies, the Caribbean, New Netherland, several of the English colonies in North America, and Quebec, where they were generally accepted and allowed to worship freely. In the 21st century, most Huguenots have been assimilated into various societies and cultures, but remnant communities of Camisards in the Cévennes and French members of the largely German Protestant Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine, as well as Huguenot diaspora in England and Australia still retain their beliefs, and Huguenot designation." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#huguenotNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:huguenotNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Huguenot
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:camisards

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"The Iroquois (/ˈɪrəkwɔɪ/ or /ˈɪrəkwɑː/) or Haudenosaunee (/ˈhoʊdənoʊˈʃoʊni/) are a historically powerful and important northeast Native American confederacy. They were known during the colonial years to the French as the "Iroquois League," and later as the "Iroquois Confederacy," and to the English as the "Five Nations" (before 1722), and later as the "Six Nations," comprising the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora peoples." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#iroquoisNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:iroquoisNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Iroquois
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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"The Jews (/dʒuːz/; Hebrew: יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]), also known as the Jewish people, are an ethnoreligious group originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation, while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:jewishNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jews
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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"The Mohawk people (who identify as Kanien'kehá:ka) are the most easterly tribe of the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois Confederacy. The name means "People of the Flint Place." They are an Iroquoian-speaking indigenous people of North America. The Mohawk were historically based in the Mohawk Valley in present-day upstate New York west of the Hudson River; their territory ranged north to the St. Lawrence River, southern Quebec and eastern Ontario; south to greater New Jersey and into Pennsylvania; eastward to the Green Mountains of Vermont; and westward to the border with the Iroquoian Oneida Nation's traditional homeland territory. As one of the five original members of the Iroquois League, the Mohawk were known as the Keepers of the Eastern Door. For hundreds of years, they guarded the Iroquois" (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mohawkNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:mohawkNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Mohawk_people
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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"The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse ("Norman" comes from "Norseman") raiders and pirates from Denmark, Iceland and Norway who, under their leader Rollo, agreed to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia. Through generations of assimilation and mixing with the native Frankish and Gallo-Roman populations, their descendants would gradually adopt the Carolingian-based cultures of West Francia, ultimately resulting in their own assimilation into the Romance society. The distinct cultural and ethnic identity of the Normans emerged initially in the first half of the 10th century, and it continued to evolve over the succeeding centuries. The Norman dynasty had a major political, cultural and military impact on medieval Europe and even the Near East. The Normans were famed for their martial spirit and eventually for their Christian piety, becoming exponents of the Catholic orthodoxy into which they assimilated. They adopted the Gallo-Romance language of the Frankish land they settled, their dialect becoming known as Norman, Normaund or Norman French, an important literary language. The Duchy of Normandy, which they formed by treaty with the French crown, was a great fief of medieval France, and under Richard I of Normandy was forged into a cohesive and formidable principality in feudal tenure. The Normans are noted both for their culture, such as their unique Romanesque architecture and musical traditions, and for their significant military accomplishments and innovations. Norman adventurers founded the Kingdom of Sicily under Roger II after conquering southern Italy from the Saracens and Byzantines, and an expedition on behalf of their duke, William the Conqueror, led to the Norman conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Norman cultural and military influence spread from these new European centres to the Crusader states of the Near East, where their prince Bohemond I founded the Principality of Antioch in the Levant, to Scotland and Wales in Great Britain, to Ireland, and to the coasts of north Africa and the Canary Islands. The legacy of the Normans persists today through the regional languages and dialects of France, England, and Sicily, as well as the various cultural, judicial and political arrangements they introduced in their conquered territories." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#normanNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:normanNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Normans
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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"The Tatars are a Turkic people living in Asia and Europe who were one of the five major tribal confederations (khanlig) in the Mongolian plateau in the 12th century CE. The name "Tatar" first appears in written form on the Kul Tigin monument as 𐱃𐱃𐰺 (TaTaR). Today the term Tatars refers to people who speak one of the Turkic languages. The Mongol Empire, established under Genghis Khan in 1206, subjugated the Tatars. Under the leadership of Genghis Khan's grandson Batu Khan (c. 1207–1255), the Mongols moved westwards, driving with them many of the Mongol tribes toward the plains of Russia. The "Tatar" clan still exists among the Mongols and Hazaras. Russians and Europeans used the name Tatar to denote Mongols as well as Turkic peoples under Mongol rule (especially in the Golden Horde). Later, it applied to any Turkic- or Mongolic-speaking people encountered by Russians. Eventually, however, the name became associated with the Turkic Muslims of Ukraine and Russia, namely the descendants of Muslim Volga Bulgars, Kipchaks, Cumans, and Turkicized Mongols or Turko-Mongols (Nogais), as well as other Turkic-speaking peoples (Siberian Tatars, Qasim Tatars, and Mishar Tatars) in the territory of the former Russian Empire (and as such generally includes all Northwestern Turkic-speaking peoples). The Tatars formed the Turkic-speaking population of Tartary—the lands ruled by Mongol élites from the 14th century until their conquest by the Russian Empire in the 18th to 19th centuries. The largest group by far that the Russians have called "Tatars" are the Volga Tatars, native to the Volga region (Tatarstan and Bashkortostan), who for this reason are often also simply known as "Tatars", with their language known as the Tatar language. As of 2002 they had an estimated population close to 6 million." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#tatarNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:tatarNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Tatars
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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West Indian

"A West Indian is a native or inhabitant of the West Indies (the Antilles and the Lucayan Archipelago). For more than 100 years the words West Indian specifically described natives of the West Indies, but by 1661 Europeans had begun to use it also to describe the descendants of European colonists who stayed in the West Indies. Some West Indian people reserve this term for citizens or natives of the British West Indies." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#westIndianNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:westIndianNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:West_Indian
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage

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Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as African as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#africanNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:africanNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

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Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Anglo-Indian as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglo-IndianNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:anglo-IndianNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Anglo-Irish as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglo-IrishNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:anglo-IrishNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as British as a national identity. See British people - Wikipedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#britishNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:britishNationalIdentity
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_people
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as European as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#europeanNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:europeanNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Florentine as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#florentineNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:florentineNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Hanoverian as a national identity. See Hanover - Wikipedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hanoverianNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:hanoverianNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:closeMatch: dbpedia:Hanover
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Jewish or Israeli as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:jewishNationalIdentity
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:jewishLabel
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:closeMatch: dbpedia:Israelis
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity
skos:relatedMatch: dbpedia:Zionism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:sephardicJewishNationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Mohawk as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mohawkNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:mohawkNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:closeMatch: dbpedia:Mohawk
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Saxon as a national identity. See Saxons - Wikipedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#saxonNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:saxonNationalIdentity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Saxons
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]

Sephardic Jewish

Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Sephardic Jewish as a national identity.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sephardicJewishNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:sephardicJewishNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:jewishNationalIdentity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]


"In international law, statelessness is the lack of citizenship. A stateless person is someone who is "not considered as a national by any state under the operation of its law". Some stateless persons are also refugees. However, not all refugees are stateless, and many persons who are stateless have never crossed an international border. Most people belonging to a stateless nation, despite lacking their own nation state, nonetheless hold citizenship in one or more countries, in some cases effectively as second-class citizens." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#statelessNationalIdentity
Tag: cwrc:statelessNationalIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalIdentity skos:Concept
skos:closeMatch: dbpedia:Statelessness
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalIdentity

[back to top]

Abigel Lemak
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#AbigelLemak
Tag: cwrc:AbigelLemak
foaf:name: Abigel Lemak
owl:sameAs: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4275-5140
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Alliyya Mo
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#AlliyyaMo
Tag: cwrc:AlliyyaMo
foaf:name: Alliyya Mo
owl:sameAs: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6159-7694
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Colin Faulkner
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ColinFaulkner
Tag: cwrc:ColinFaulkner
foaf:name: Colin Faulkner
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Constance Crompton
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ConstanceCrompton
Tag: cwrc:ConstanceCrompton
foaf:name: Constance Crompton
owl:sameAs: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6611-3663
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Deborah Stacey
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#DebStacey
Tag: cwrc:DebStacey
foaf:homepage: http://www.dastacey.ca/
foaf:name: Deborah Stacey
owl:sameAs: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2019-9905
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Gurjap Singh
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GurjapSingh
Tag: cwrc:GurjapSingh
foaf:name: Gurjap Singh
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Jade Penancier
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#JadePenancier
Tag: cwrc:JadePenancier
foaf:name: Jade Penancier
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Jasmine Drudge-Willson
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#JasmineDrudgeWillson
Tag: cwrc:JasmineDrudgeWillson
foaf:name: Jasmine Drudge-Willson
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Joel Cummings
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#JoelCummings
Tag: cwrc:JoelCummings
foaf:name: Joel Cummings
owl:sameAs: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9100-3316
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

John Simpson
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#JohnSimpson
Tag: cwrc:JohnSimpson
foaf:name: John Simpson
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Kim Martin
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#KimMartin
Tag: cwrc:KimMartin
foaf:name: Kim Martin
owl:sameAs: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0945-0158
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Robert Warren
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RobWarren
Tag: cwrc:RobWarren
foaf:homepage: http://www.dbdump.org/
foaf:img: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/images/rob.jpeg
foaf:name: Robert Warren
owl:sameAs: http://rdf.muninn-project.org/ww1/2011/11/11/Person/Warren
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

Susan Brown
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SusanBrown
Tag: cwrc:SusanBrown
foaf:homepage: http://www.uoguelph.ca/~sbrown/
foaf:name: Susan Brown
owl:sameAs: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0267-7344
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson

[back to top]

unidentified tagger

A human tagger whose identity has not been recorded, for example within legacy datasets.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unidentifiedTagger
Tag: cwrc:unidentifiedTagger
foaf:name: Unidentified tagger.
rdf:type: cwrc:NaturalPerson skos:Concept

cwrc:Occupation (397)


[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: abolitionist activist abolitionist worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#abolitionist
Tag: cwrc:abolitionist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:activist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: scholar humanist scholar academician ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#academic
Tag: cwrc:academic
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:education
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:scientist
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:professor

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: agent and accountant household accountant keeping accounts book keeper management accountant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#accountant
Tag: cwrc:accountant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:finance

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: labour activist continuing education activist library activist media activist peace activist activist for the disabled medical mission activist anti slavery activist political activist social activist educational activist poverty activist civil rights activist anti vivisectionist temperance activist workhouse activist human rights activist housing activist activist for dissent christian social activist protest organiser activist against slavery child labour activist anti poverty activist resistance activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#activist
Tag: cwrc:activist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:abolitionist cwrc:rebel

[back to top]

actor manager
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#actorManager
Tag: cwrc:actorManager
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:theatreWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: contest judge awards judge ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#adjudicator
Tag: cwrc:adjudicator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:literaryPrizeAdjudicator

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: administration hospital administrator administrative officer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#administrator
Tag: cwrc:administrator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: music publicity literary publicist religious publicist political publicist press assistant press officer publicity manager public relations specialist publicity assistant publicity officer public relations publicity advertising manager publicist publicity agent assistant press officer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#advertising
Tag: cwrc:advertising
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: animal rights advocate campaigner for child welfare emigration promoter advocate for the poor prisoners' advocate civil rights anti poverty promote temperance maternity advocate campaigner against capital punishment free speech advocate promotion of women's work sunday school promoter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#advocate
Tag: cwrc:advocate
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:artsAdvocate

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#agent
Tag: cwrc:agent
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: airforce officer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#airForce
Tag: cwrc:airForce
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

air raid warden
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#airRaidWarden
Tag: cwrc:airRaidWarden
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:warWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

aircraft industry

[skos:altLabel: aeroplane manufacturer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#aircraftIndustry
Tag: cwrc:aircraftIndustry
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: flyer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#airman
Tag: cwrc:airman
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:military cwrc:pilot
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

alternative medicine

[skos:altLabel: herbalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#alternativeMedicine
Tag: cwrc:alternativeMedicine
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

ambulance worker

[skos:altLabel: ambulance driver drove an ambulance ambulance assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ambulanceWorker
Tag: cwrc:ambulanceWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


"Anti-suffragism was a political movement composed mainly of women, begun in the late 19th century in order to campaign against women's suffrage in Great Britain and the United States. It was closely associated with "domestic feminism", the belief that women had the right to complete freedom within the home." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-suffragist anti-suffrage movement anti-sufffragist anti-suffragist movement non-suffragist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Suffrage
Tag: cwrc:anti-Suffrage
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:suffrage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-suffragism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: project appraiser ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#appraiser
Tag: cwrc:appraiser
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: paleontologist palaeontologist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#archaeologist
Tag: cwrc:archaeologist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: architectural draftsman architectural restoration draughtsman royal architect draftsman draughter architect ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#architecture
Tag: cwrc:architecture
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#archivist
Tag: cwrc:archivist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:librarian
*skos:related: cwrc:curator

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: baron baronet ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#aristocrat
Tag: cwrc:aristocrat
owl:sameAs: http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85007158.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:courtier
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:knight

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: cavalry soldier cavalry officer army surgeon army paymaster army doctor billetting officer army colonel army commander army officer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#army
Tag: cwrc:army
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

arts manager

[skos:altLabel: musical manager arts administrator arts festival director arts centre director art acquisitions officer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#artsAdministrator
Tag: cwrc:artsAdministrator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:manager
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

literature advocate
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#artsAdvocate
Tag: cwrc:artsAdvocate
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:advocate
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: administrative assistant personal assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#assistant
Tag: cwrc:assistant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

association involvement

[skos:altLabel: president of society society president freemason society secretary club president society member clubman secretary of literary society clubperson clubwoman society director vice president of society president of professional association president of the society of authors society vice president club leader ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#associationInvolvement
Tag: cwrc:associationInvolvement
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: amateur astronomer assistant astronomer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#astronomer
Tag: cwrc:astronomer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:scientist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

attorney general
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#attorneyGeneral
Tag: cwrc:attorneyGeneral
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:governmentOfficial
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#auctioneer
Tag: cwrc:auctioneer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: car part manufacturer car industry ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#automobileIndustry
Tag: cwrc:automobileIndustry
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:transportationWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: pastrycook ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#baker
Tag: cwrc:baker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bankrupt
Tag: cwrc:bankrupt
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: barber cosmetician hairdresser ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#beautician
Tag: cwrc:beautician
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#beauty
Tag: cwrc:beauty
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#beggar
Tag: cwrc:beggar
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:indigent

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bibliophile
Tag: cwrc:bibliophile
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

bill collector
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#billCollector
Tag: cwrc:billCollector
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: entomologist conchologist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#biologist
Tag: cwrc:biologist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:lifeScientist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:botanist

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blacksmith
Tag: cwrc:blacksmith
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

board member
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#boardMember
Tag: cwrc:boardMember
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

boarding house keeper

[skos:altLabel: boarding house manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#boardingHouseKeeper
Tag: cwrc:boardingHouseKeeper
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:housekeeper
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

book production
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bookProduction
Tag: cwrc:bookProduction
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:publishing
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:bookbinder cwrc:typeSetter

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: book binder bookbinding ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bookbinder
Tag: cwrc:bookbinder
owl:sameAs: loc:bnd
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:bookProduction
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

bookclub participation

[skos:altLabel: bookclub president book society member book club organizer book club founder ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bookclubParticipatant
Tag: cwrc:bookclubParticipatant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:literaryGroupParticipant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: botany botany enthusiast assistant botanist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#botanist
Tag: cwrc:botanist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:biologist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: brewers ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#brewer
Tag: cwrc:brewer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: broadcasting ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#broadcasting
Tag: cwrc:broadcasting
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:radioIndustry cwrc:televisionIndustry

[back to top]

bullion carrier
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bullionCarrier
Tag: cwrc:bullionCarrier
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bursar
Tag: cwrc:bursar
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: business assistant businessman business entrepreneur small businessman market research marketing industrialist business manager industrialists entrepreneur company president family business entrepeneur business agent businesswoman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#business
Tag: cwrc:business
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:businessOwner

[back to top]

business owner

[skos:altLabel: factory owner colliery owner newspaper magnate sex shop owner owner of food outlet mill owner proprietor coffee shop owner music shop owner mine owner bar owner barbershop owner magazine proprietor newspaper proprietor store owner shop owner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#businessOwner
Tag: cwrc:businessOwner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:business
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: slaughterman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#butcher
Tag: cwrc:butcher
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: calligrapher calligraphist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#calligraphy
Tag: cwrc:calligraphy
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#captain
Tag: cwrc:captain
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:seaCaptain

[back to top]

care giver

[skos:altLabel: home carer family carer elder care caregiver home care giver ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#careGiver
Tag: cwrc:careGiver
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: caricaturist political cartoonist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cartoonist
Tag: cwrc:cartoonist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: catering manager caterer catering assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#catering
Tag: cwrc:catering
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:cooking
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: bowdlerizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#censor
Tag: cwrc:censor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: society chair chairwoman deputy chairman committee chair chair of the greater london arts literature panel chair of prize panel chair of social anthropology chair of women's organization chair of society chair chairman vice chairman committee chairman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#chairperson
Tag: cwrc:chairperson
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#chaperone
Tag: cwrc:chaperone
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

charity worker

[skos:altLabel: charity co ordinator raise funds for a variety of wartime charities church and community work charity work charity agent charity administrator charity organiser charity representative charitable causes charity organizer vice president of charity charity speaker director of charity charitable giving charity charitable worker charity campaigner charity performer president of charity charity board member charity school supporter charitable donation charity management ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#charityWorker
Tag: cwrc:charityWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:philanthropist

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: industrial chemist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#chemist
Tag: cwrc:chemist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:scientist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#chess
Tag: cwrc:chess
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: child rearing nursemaid children's home manager nursery manager child carer childcare worker au pair child care childcare provider child recreation manager child minding ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#childcare
Tag: cwrc:childcare
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

childcare work

[skos:altLabel: child recreation manager children's home manager nursery manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#childcareWork
Tag: cwrc:childcareWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: classical scholar amateur classicist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#classicist
Tag: cwrc:classicist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: cleaning lady domestic cleaner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cleaner
Tag: cwrc:cleaner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:domesticServant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

clerical work

[skos:altLabel: secretarial work factory secretary secretary club secretary clerk shorthand typist warehouse clerk receptionist stenographer clerical officer association secretary pay clerk private secretary clerical town clerk college secretary executive secretary scrivener typist legal secretary ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#clericalWork
Tag: cwrc:clericalWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

clothing production

[skos:altLabel: woollen manufacturer linen manufacturer hosier glove manufacturer weaving manufacturer cotton manufacturer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#clothingProduction
Tag: cwrc:clothingProduction
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:clothworker cwrc:cobbler cwrc:dressmaking cwrc:glover cwrc:tailor

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#clothworker
Tag: cwrc:clothworker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:clothingProduction
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#coach
Tag: cwrc:coach
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:sports
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: coast guard ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#coastGuard
Tag: cwrc:coastGuard
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:lawEnforcement cwrc:military
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: shoemaker's assistant apprentice shoemaker shoemaker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cobbler
Tag: cwrc:cobbler
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:clothingProduction
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: coin collector antiquarian anthropological collector zoological collector antiquary book collector art collector ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#collector
Tag: cwrc:collector
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

colonial official

[skos:altLabel: colonial magistrate colonial administrator colonial manager colonial prime minister colonial officer lieutenantGovernor colonial civil servant colonial organizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#colonialOfficial
Tag: cwrc:colonialOfficial
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:government
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: commissioner of the dockyards bankruptcy commissioner excise commissioner commissioner of inland revenue parliamentary commissioner commissioner of customs commissioner of bankruptcy customs commissioner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#commissioner
Tag: cwrc:commissioner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:governmentOfficial
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

committee member

[skos:altLabel: committee man committee president committee woman school board member ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#committeeMember
Tag: cwrc:committeeMember
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

commune organizer
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#communeOrganizer
Tag: cwrc:communeOrganizer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal") is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state. Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism (anarchist communism), and the political ideologies grouped around both. All these hold in common the analysis that the current order of society stems from its economic system, capitalism, that in this system, there are two major social classes: the working class – who must work to survive, and who make up a majority of society – and the capitalist class – a minority who derive profit from employing the proletariat, through private ownership of the means of production (the physical and institutional means with which commodities are produced and distributed), and that political, social and economic conflict between these two classes will trigger a fundamental change in the economic system, and by extension a wide-ranging transformation of society. The primary element which will enable this transformation, according to this analysis, is the social ownership of the means of production." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Communist Party communist christian communist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#communism
Tag: cwrc:communism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Communism cwrc:liberalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Communism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:maoism cwrc:marxism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Conscriptionism
*skos:related: cwrc:socialism

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has companion, whose definition is as follows:

Describes a relationship with a person, usually a peer, in the context of the subject's education.

[skos:altLabel: paid companion humble companion ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#companion
Tag: cwrc:companion
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasCompanion
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation owl:ObjectProperty skos:Concept
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:educationRelationship cwrc:socialRelationship
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: composed composer of church music ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#composer
Tag: cwrc:composer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:music
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

computer scientist
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#computerScientist
Tag: cwrc:computerScientist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:scientist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

computer work

[skos:altLabel: computer programmer database manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#computerWork
Tag: cwrc:computerWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:dataProcessing
*skos:related: cwrc:dataProcessing

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#confectioner
Tag: cwrc:confectioner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: art connoisseur ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#connoisseur
Tag: cwrc:connoisseur
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#conservationist
Tag: cwrc:conservationist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:literaryConservationist

[back to top]


"Conservatism as a political and social philosophy promotes retaining traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasising stability and continuity, while others, called reactionaries, oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were". The first established use of the term in a political context originated with François-René de Chateaubriand in 1818, during the period of Bourbon restoration that sought to roll back the policies of the French Revolution. The term, historically associated with right-wing politics, has since been used to describe a wide range of views. There is no single set of policies that are universally regarded as conservative, because the meaning of conservatism depends on what is considered traditional in a given place and time. Thus conservatives from different parts of the world—each upholding their respective traditions—may disagree on a wide range of issues. Edmund Burke, an 18th-century politician who opposed the French Revolution but supported the American Revolution, is credited as one of the main theorists of conservatism in Britain in the 1790s. According to Quintin Hogg, the chairman of the British Conservative Party in 1959, "Conservatism is not so much a philosophy as an attitude, a constant force, performing a timeless function in the development of a free society, and corresponding to a deep and permanent requirement of human nature itself."" (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: conservative ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#conservatism
Tag: cwrc:conservatism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Conservatism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:neo-Conservatism
*skos:related: cwrc:conservativeFeminism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:conservativePartyUk cwrc:neo-Conservatism

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: builder shipwright carpenter house builder building improver building road construction supervisor construction supervisor gothic builder bricklayer renovator ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#construction
Tag: cwrc:construction
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: management consultant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#consultant
Tag: cwrc:consultant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#contractor
Tag: cwrc:contractor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: cook ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cooking
Tag: cwrc:cooking
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:catering

[back to top]

co-op organizer

[skos:altLabel: co op organizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#coopOrganizer
Tag: cwrc:coopOrganizer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cooper
Tag: cwrc:cooper
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: music copyist copyist of illuminated manuscripts scientific copyist legal copyist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#copyist
Tag: cwrc:copyist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:transcriber

[back to top]

corporate or organizational director

[skos:altLabel: deputy director managing director honorary director company director ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#corporateDirector
Tag: cwrc:corporateDirector
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: careers advisor counseling advisor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#counsellor
Tag: cwrc:counsellor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: bed chamber woman lady of the bedchamber groom of the chamber keeper of the robes lady in waiting ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#courtier
Tag: cwrc:courtier
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:aristocrat

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: shellwork craft work arts and crafts handicrafts handicraft craftswoman furniture restorer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#craftsperson
Tag: cwrc:craftsperson
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:leatherWorker

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: cricketer cricket team captain ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cricket
Tag: cwrc:cricket
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:sports
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: blackmailer con man transported criminal convict thief ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#criminal
Tag: cwrc:criminal
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: literary critic drama critic television critic art critic film critic theatre critic music critic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#critic
Tag: cwrc:critic
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:writer
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: gallery curator museum curator curator of art exhibitions ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#curator
Tag: cwrc:curator
owl:sameAs: loc:cur.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:archivist cwrc:exhibitions

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: bicycling ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cyclist
Tag: cwrc:cyclist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:sports
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

dairy work

[skos:altLabel: milkwoman milker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dairyWork
Tag: cwrc:dairyWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:farming
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: chorus girl ballet dancer choreographer dancer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dance
Tag: cwrc:dance
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

data processing

[skos:altLabel: encoder data recorder ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dataProcessing
Tag: cwrc:dataProcessing
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:computerWork
*skos:related: cwrc:computerWork

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: cipher breaker cable decoder code breaker cryptologist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#decoder
Tag: cwrc:decoder
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

delivery person

[skos:altLabel: messenger girl dispatch rider newspaper deliverer errand boy ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#deliveryPerson
Tag: cwrc:deliveryPerson
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dentist
Tag: cwrc:dentist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:healthCareProvider
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: fabric designer interior designer house decoration graphic designer housing designer interior design gothic designer interior decorator ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#designer
Tag: cwrc:designer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: diplomatic negotiation foreign service diplomatist envoy ambassador consul general british consul attaché ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#diplomat
Tag: cwrc:diplomat
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:politics

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: directors ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#director
Tag: cwrc:director
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#diver
Tag: cwrc:diver
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

dockyard work

[skos:altLabel: wharfinger docker docks manager dock manager dockyard labourer longshoreman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dockyardWork
Tag: cwrc:dockyardWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

domestic servant

[skos:altLabel: house servant housemaid kitchen scullion lady's maid valet upper servant indentured servant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#domesticServant
Tag: cwrc:domesticServant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:servant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

domestic work

[skos:altLabel: meal provider helping at home managing her households kitchen work ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#domesticWork
Tag: cwrc:domesticWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:needlework

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: master draper linen draper ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#draper
Tag: cwrc:draper
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: dressmaker textile manufacturer dressmaker's apprentice dressmaking business seamstress silk manufacturer clothes mending ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dressmaking
Tag: cwrc:dressmaking
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:clothingProduction
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:tailor

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: drinking problem alcoholic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#drinking
Tag: cwrc:drinking
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

drug abuse

[skos:altLabel: laudanum addict drug addict drug user ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#drugUse
Tag: cwrc:drugUse
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: colonial editor editorial assistant literary editor assistant editor magazine editor deputy editor periodical editor fashion editor newspaper editor managing editor publishers' editor poetry editor part time editor associate editor trade journal editor editorial reader journal editor consulting editor editorial board member publisher's editor encyclopedia editor editor co editor parish magazine editor founding editor science editor copy editor proofreader foreign editor sub editor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#editing
Tag: cwrc:editing
owl:sameAs: loc:edt.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: educational popularizer educationist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#education
Tag: cwrc:education
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:academic cwrc:educationalAdministration cwrc:governess cwrc:teacher

[back to top]

educational administration

[skos:altLabel: education liaison officer sunday school worker marker principal inspectress of schools school vice president education campaigner school director external examiner school organizer college vice principal school monitor vice principal superintendent of schools educational theorist school management school supervisor education school governor dean academic programme administrator school administration educational officer educator school proprietor provost sunday school superintendent lord rector deputy head of school examiner superintendent college principal headmistress university chancellor principal of institute headmaster ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#educationalAdministration
Tag: cwrc:educationalAdministration
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:education
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

elevator operator
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#elevatorOperator
Tag: cwrc:elevatorOperator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: elocutionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#elocutionist
Tag: cwrc:elocutionist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: domestic employer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#employer
Tag: cwrc:employer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

employment agent

[skos:altLabel: work force recruiter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#employmentAgent
Tag: cwrc:employmentAgent
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: aeronautical engineer engineering firm radio engineer marine engineer civil engineer electrical engineer engineer railway engineer mining engineer motor engineer chief engineer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#engineering
Tag: cwrc:engineering
owl:sameAs: loc:eng.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: wood engraver ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#engraver
Tag: cwrc:engraver
owl:sameAs: loc:egr.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

equine activity

[skos:altLabel: dressage horseman clerk of the course horsewoman horse breeder horsebreaker horse racing racehorse owner horsemaster horse trainer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#equineActivity
Tag: cwrc:equineActivity
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

event organizer

[skos:altLabel: festival organizer peace congress organizer community organizer bazaar organizer organizer entertainment organizer exhibition organizer poetry organizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eventOrganizer
Tag: cwrc:eventOrganizer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: exhibition organiser exhibitor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#exhibitions
Tag: cwrc:exhibitions
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:curator

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: adventurer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#explorer
Tag: cwrc:explorer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

factory worker

[skos:altLabel: factory work kiln fireman factory hand assembly line worker mill worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#factoryWorker
Tag: cwrc:factoryWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: smallholder corn inspector farmer farm worker fruit picker fruit farmer agricultural adviser tenant farmer farm labour apricot ranch sheep breeder rancher part time farmer pig farmer farm manager pig breeder sugar planter cattle breeder beekeeper dairy farmer agriculturalist farm labourer dairying yeoman farmer shepherd farmers ranch hand cattleman husbandman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#farming
Tag: cwrc:farming
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:dairyWork cwrc:yeoman-farmer

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: fashion consultant fashion designer fashion buyer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fashion
Tag: cwrc:fashion
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: visiting fellow creative writing fellow fellow of the royal society creative writing fellowships ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fellow
Tag: cwrc:fellow
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:Fellowship

[back to top]


"Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women that are equal to those of men. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women's rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to promote bodily autonomy and integrity, and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. Feminist campaigns are generally considered to be one of the main forces behind major historical societal changes for women's rights, particularly in the West, where they are near-universally credited with having achieved women's suffrage, gender neutrality in English, reproductive rights for women (including access to contraceptives and abortion), and the right to enter into contracts and own property. Although feminist advocacy is, and has been, mainly focused on women's rights, some feminists, including bell hooks, argue for the inclusion of men's liberation within its aims because men are also harmed by traditional gender roles. Feminist theory, which emerged from feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues concerning gender. Numerous feminist movements and ideologies have developed over the years and represent different viewpoints and aims. Some forms of feminism have been criticized for taking into account only white, middle class, and educated perspectives. This criticism led to the creation of ethnically specific or multicultural forms of feminism, including black feminism and intersectional feminism." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: non-separatist feminist maternal feminist proto-feminist feminist reformer women's rights activist women's cause proto-feminist consciousness women's movement contraceptionist moderate feminist political issues concerning women activist for women and children feminist movement Women's Liberation women's rights gender egalitarian lobby for the rights of women sexual egalitarian women's issues advocate of female education Equality Feminism New Woman anti-sexist feminist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#feminism
Tag: cwrc:feminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Feminism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Feminism
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Caste
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:anti-ContagiousDiseasesAct cwrc:conservativeFeminism cwrc:dressReform cwrc:feministAnti-ViolenceActivism cwrc:feministInternationalism cwrc:feministPacifism cwrc:lesbianFeminism cwrc:suffrage cwrc:womanism cwrc:womensEducationReform cwrc:womensEmploymentReform

[back to top]

film industry

[skos:altLabel: film performer film extra film producer continuity clerk documentary maker film maker film actor documentary film maker film stand in film assistant film director documentarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#filmIndustry
Tag: cwrc:filmIndustry
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: bank employee banker bank director clerk in a bank financial manager investment banker merchant banker money lender bank clerk bank manager bank president ship broker financier ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#finance
Tag: cwrc:finance
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:investor
*skos:related: cwrc:accountant

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#firefighter
Tag: cwrc:firefighter
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

first aid

[skos:altLabel: first aid work ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#firstAid
Tag: cwrc:firstAid
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: fish handler fisherwoman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fisherman
Tag: cwrc:fisherman
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fishmonger
Tag: cwrc:fishmonger
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

food distribution

[skos:altLabel: food supplier provisioner food distributor provision merchant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#foodDistribution
Tag: cwrc:foodDistribution
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:merchant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: foster mother foster parent ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fosterParent
Tag: cwrc:fosterParent
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: newspaper founder hospital founder magazine founder founder of women's organization founder of savings bank nursing home founder company founder founder of literary society founder of benefit society refuge founder hospice founder founder of relief organization founder of woman's refuge theatre founder society founder founder of writer' centre school founder sunday school founder periodical founder founder of charitable organization founder of club founder of arts centre orphanage founder library founder founder of educational organization college founder founder of chapel founder of literary prize founder of convent founder of prostitutes' home university founder health society founder church founder founder of college ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#founder
Tag: cwrc:founder
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: educational fundraiser fundraising hospital fundraiser ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fundraiser
Tag: cwrc:fundraiser
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: gambler ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gambling
Tag: cwrc:gambling
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: gardening horticulturist horticulturalist garden design hedge setter landscape gardener ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gardener
Tag: cwrc:gardener
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gastronome
Tag: cwrc:gastronome
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: genealogical scholar family genealogist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genealogist
Tag: cwrc:genealogist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: country gentleman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gentleman
Tag: cwrc:gentleman
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geographer
Tag: cwrc:geographer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#geologist
Tag: cwrc:geologist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:scientist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

glass worker

[skos:altLabel: stained glass designer glazier glass stainer glassworks ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#glassWorker
Tag: cwrc:glassWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#glover
Tag: cwrc:glover
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:clothingProduction
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#goldsmith
Tag: cwrc:goldsmith
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:jeweller
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#governess
Tag: cwrc:governess
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:education
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: government adviser representative elected served in the legislature ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#government
Tag: cwrc:government
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:politics
*skos:related: cwrc:masterOfTheRevels
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:colonialOfficial cwrc:governmentOfficial cwrc:higherGovernment cwrc:localGovernment cwrc:regionalGovernment

[back to top]

government official

[skos:altLabel: sanitary inspector coroner sequestrator civil servant local government clerk prison guard civic work town planner traffic superintendent government employee senior civil servant queen's champion prison governor registrar of births and deaths poor law guardian secretary to parliamentary commission exchequer clerk registrar distributor of stamps county court bailiff custos rotulorum resident magistrate member of the indian civil service health officer queen's messenger sheriff clerk ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#governmentOfficial
Tag: cwrc:governmentOfficial
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:government
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:attorneyGeneral cwrc:commissioner cwrc:magistrate cwrc:taxOfficial

[back to top]

governor general
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#governorGeneral
Tag: cwrc:governorGeneral
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:higherGovernment
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: royal grocer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#grocer
Tag: cwrc:grocer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has guardian, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person (usually a minor) to another, usually an adult who is charged with their care. This term stretches beyond the legal definition of "guardian" to include a broader social relation between dependant and dependee (e.g.: in loco parentis)

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#guardian
Tag: cwrc:guardian
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasGuardian
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation owl:ObjectProperty skos:Concept
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:interpersonalRelationshipWith
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#haberdasher
Tag: cwrc:haberdasher
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

handwriting expert
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#handwritingExpert
Tag: cwrc:handwritingExpert
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

head of state

[skos:altLabel: prime minister president of the usa ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#headOfState
Tag: cwrc:headOfState
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:higherGovernment
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

healthcare provider

[skos:altLabel: health worker hospital director medical assistant medical officer hospital almoner medical worker medicine healthcare worker hospital porter dental assistant medical aide hospital aide inoculator health service administrator medical administrator hospital worker contact healing ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#healthCareProvider
Tag: cwrc:healthCareProvider
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:dentist cwrc:medicalDoctor cwrc:midwife cwrc:nursing cwrc:redCross

[back to top]

higher government

[skos:altLabel: labour minister legislator lieutenant governor of guernsey minister of food colonial governor parliamentary private secretary congressman royal representative royal adviser civil lord of the admiralty director general of finance league of nations delegate senator statesman secretary of state for war warden of the mint chancellor of the exchequer foreign secretary governor of bombay under secretary for the colonies governor of tasmania member of the house of lords royal lieutenant government minister foreign service governor of barbados privy councillor cabinet minister lord keeper of the great seal of england member of congress lord keeper master of the horse state governor lord lieutenant vice chancellor colonial secretary lord lieutenant of ireland president of the united nations general assembly regent secretary of state secretary of state for ireland ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#higherGovernment
Tag: cwrc:higherGovernment
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:government
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:governorGeneral cwrc:headOfState cwrc:lordChamberlain cwrc:memberOfParliament cwrc:monarch

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: medievalist local historian historical scholar art historian family historian music historian irish historian architectural historian furniture historian family archivist historical researcher ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#historian
Tag: cwrc:historian
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: restaurant manager club employee inn hotel worker coffee house keeper guesthouse keeper hotelier tavern keeper cafe manager alehouse keeper restaurant owner innkeeper hotel keeper lodging house keeper hotel proprietor hotel manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hospitality
Tag: cwrc:hospitality
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

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[skos:altLabel: salonnière literary hostess salonniere nightclub hostess entertaining society hostess ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hostess
Tag: cwrc:hostess
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

house painter
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#housePainter
Tag: cwrc:housePainter
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

house sitter
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#houseSitter
Tag: cwrc:houseSitter
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: mistress of a household housekeeping household management state housekeeper ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#housekeeper
Tag: cwrc:housekeeper
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:closeMatch: cwrc:housework
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:boardingHouseKeeper

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#housework
Tag: cwrc:housework
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

humanitarian work

[skos:altLabel: international aid worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#humanitarianWork
Tag: cwrc:humanitarianWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: hunting foxhunter rabbit shooting fox hunter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hunter
Tag: cwrc:hunter
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:sports
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

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[skos:altLabel: hypnotism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hypnotist
Tag: cwrc:hypnotist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: advertisement illustrator illustrator of children's books ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#illustrator
Tag: cwrc:illustrator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#immunologist
Tag: cwrc:immunologist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: insurance clerk insurance inspector insurance salesman insurance agent insurance collector insurance manager insurance underwriter insurance broker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#insurance
Tag: cwrc:insurance
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

public intellectual

[skos:altLabel: labour intellectual learned woman intellectual ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#intellectual
Tag: cwrc:intellectual
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:academic
*skos:related: cwrc:researcher

[back to top]

intelligence work

[skos:altLabel: spy intelligence expert espionage worker intelligence spying secret agent intelligence officer intelligence agent ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#intelligenceWork
Tag: cwrc:intelligenceWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#interviewer
Tag: cwrc:interviewer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: technological innovator inventing ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#inventor
Tag: cwrc:inventor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: financial backer share holder market speculator speculator stock investor stockbroker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#investor
Tag: cwrc:investor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:finance

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ironmaster
Tag: cwrc:ironmaster
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ironmonger
Tag: cwrc:ironmonger
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

Italian nationalism

Support for the unification of Italy as a single nation or of Italian nationalism. See Italian nationalism - Wikipedia; Italian unification - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: italian nationalist Italian nationalist movement mazzinian italian risorgimento ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#italianNationalism
Tag: cwrc:italianNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Italian_nationalism dbpedia:Italian_unification
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


"Jacobitism (/ˈdʒækəbaɪˌtɪzm/ JAK-ə-beye-TIZ-əm;Irish: Seacaibíteachas, Séamusachas, Scottish Gaelic: Seumasachas) was a political movement in Great Britain and Ireland that aimed to restore the Roman Catholic Stuart King James VII of Scotland, II of England and Ireland, and his heirs to the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland. The movement took its name from Jacobus, the Renaissance Latin form of Iacomus, the original Latin form of James. Adherents rebelled against the British government on several occasions between 1688 and 1746. After James II was deposed in 1688 and replaced by his daughter Mary II, ruling jointly with her husband and first cousin (James's nephew) William III, the Stuarts lived in exile, occasionally attempting to regain the throne. The strongholds of Jacobitism were parts of the Scottish Highlands and the lowland north-east of Scotland, Ireland, and parts of Northern England (mostly within the counties of Northumberland and Lancashire). Significant support also existed in Wales and South-West England. The Jacobites believed that parliamentary interference with the line of succession to the English and Scottish thrones was illegal. Catholics also hoped the Stuarts would end recusancy. In Scotland, the Jacobite cause became intertwined with the last throes of the warrior clan system. The emblem of the Jacobites is the White Cockade. White Rose Day is celebrated on 10 June, the anniversary of the birth of the Old Pretender in 1688." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: jacobite conspirator jacobites jacobite ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jacobitism
Tag: cwrc:jacobitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jacobitism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics cwrc:pro-Catholicism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Jacobite
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:nonjurorsMovement

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jeweller
Tag: cwrc:jeweller
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:goldsmith

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: newspaper assistant trade journalist war reporter staff writer crime reporter newspaper correspondent women's columnist parliamentary reporter free lance journalist journalism foreign correspondent media journalist socialist journalist columnist reporter war correspondent ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#journalist
Tag: cwrc:journalist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: puisne judge court official judge of probate ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#judge
Tag: cwrc:judge
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#knight
Tag: cwrc:knight
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:aristocrat
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

labour union

[skos:altLabel: trade union delegate union representative general secretary of the empire press union trade union leader union member union organizer trade unionist trade union organizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#labourUnion
Tag: cwrc:labourUnion
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

laundry worker

[skos:altLabel: laundress washerwoman laundry manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#laundryWorker
Tag: cwrc:laundryWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

law enforcement

[skos:altLabel: police officer chief constable sheriff mounted police police commissioner town constable ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lawEnforcement
Tag: cwrc:lawEnforcement
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:coastGuard

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: barrister apprentice attorney attorney chancery barrister solicitor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lawyer
Tag: cwrc:lawyer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:legalWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

leather worker

[skos:altLabel: tanner leatherworker saddler worker in leather ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#leatherWorker
Tag: cwrc:leatherWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:craftsperson
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:skinner

[back to top]

legal work

[skos:altLabel: law clerk legal clerk legal assistant clerk of the court legal expert legal adviser solicitor's clerk lawyer's clerk legal advisor legal scholar legal aid worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#legalWork
Tag: cwrc:legalWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:lawyer

[back to top]

liaison officer
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#liaisonOfficer
Tag: cwrc:liaisonOfficer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: county librarian cataloguer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#librarian
Tag: cwrc:librarian
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:archivist

[back to top]

life scientist

[skos:altLabel: physiologist anatomist bacteriologist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lifeScientist
Tag: cwrc:lifeScientist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:scientist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:biologist

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: linguistic researcher grammarian linguistic reader ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#linguist
Tag: cwrc:linguist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:academic

[back to top]

literary agent

[skos:altLabel: literary advisor amateur literary agent ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryAgent
Tag: cwrc:literaryAgent
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

literary assistant

[skos:altLabel: writer's assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryAssistant
Tag: cwrc:literaryAssistant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

literary conservationist

[skos:altLabel: literary conservation ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryConservationist
Tag: cwrc:literaryConservationist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:conservationist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

literary executor

[skos:altLabel: literary executrix ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryExecutor
Tag: cwrc:literaryExecutor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

literary forger
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryForger
Tag: cwrc:literaryForger
owl:sameAs: loc:frg.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

literary group participant
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryGroupParticipant
Tag: cwrc:literaryGroupParticipant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:bookclubParticipatant

[back to top]

literary prize adjudicator

[skos:altLabel: literary awards judge literary prize judge judge of literary prize chair of literary prize panel judge of literary award literary judge literary adjudicator adjudicator of literary award ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryPrizeAdjudicator
Tag: cwrc:literaryPrizeAdjudicator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:adjudicator
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

literary scholar

[skos:altLabel: philologist literary research literary theorist folklorist literary researcher literary historian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literaryScholar
Tag: cwrc:literaryScholar
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lithographer
Tag: cwrc:lithographer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#litigant
Tag: cwrc:litigant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: political lobbyist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lobbyist
Tag: cwrc:lobbyist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

local government

[skos:altLabel: council member local government magnate local government official local councillor alderman city counsellor town corporator councillor local politician city councillor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#localGovernment
Tag: cwrc:localGovernment
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:government
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#logger
Tag: cwrc:logger
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

lord chamberlain
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lordChamberlain
Tag: cwrc:lordChamberlain
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:higherGovernment
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

lord chancellor
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lordChancellor
Tag: cwrc:lordChancellor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: fitter mechanician ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#machineWork
Tag: cwrc:machineWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: justice of the peace judicial officer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#magistrate
Tag: cwrc:magistrate
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:governmentOfficial
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

maid of honour
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#maidOfHonour
Tag: cwrc:maidOfHonour
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: supervisor factory manager factory supervisor office manager managed ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#manager
Tag: cwrc:manager
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:artsAdministrator

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: doorman footman groom butler chauffeur ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#manservant
Tag: cwrc:manservant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:servant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

manual labourer

[skos:altLabel: day labourer manual worker field labourer labourer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#manualLabourer
Tag: cwrc:manualLabourer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: lime manufacturer tobacco manufacturer co operative manufacturer smallware manufacturing manufacturer of machinery cutler ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#manufacturer
Tag: cwrc:manufacturer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: cartographer topographer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mapping
Tag: cwrc:mapping
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#martyr
Tag: cwrc:martyr
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: stonemason ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mason
Tag: cwrc:mason
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

master or mistress of the revels

[skos:altLabel: mistress of the revels master of the revels ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#masterOfTheRevels
Tag: cwrc:masterOfTheRevels
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:government cwrc:theatreWork

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: mathematical interests amateur mathematician mathematician ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mathematics
Tag: cwrc:mathematics
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:scientist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:statistician

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: housemother school matron workhouse matron house mother ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#matron
Tag: cwrc:matron
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: lady mayoress lord mayor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mayor
Tag: cwrc:mayor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

medical doctor

[skos:altLabel: medical practice orthopaedic surgeon doctor surgery surgeon general surgeon eye and ear specialist physician eye surgeon gynaecologist general practitioner homeopathic doctor royal physician medical practitioner gastric surgeon obstetrician cardiologist immunologist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#medicalDoctor
Tag: cwrc:medicalDoctor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:healthCareProvider
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

member of parliament

[skos:altLabel: mp ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#memberOfParliament
Tag: cwrc:memberOfParliament
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:higherGovernment cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

mental health professional

[skos:altLabel: psychologist freudian psychoanalyst psychotherapist pyschoanalyst psychiatrist freudian child psychologist mental health worker asylum director therapist psychiatist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mentalHealthProfessional
Tag: cwrc:mentalHealthProfessional
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mentor
Tag: cwrc:mentor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mercer
Tag: cwrc:mercer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: book dealer timber merchant art dealer hardware merchant leather merchant corn dealer china merchant silk merchant sugar merchant merchant in furs corn merchant shipping agent merchant's apprentice merchant adventurer international exporter dealer dealer in stamps wine merchant tradesman cattle dealer cotton merchant importer arms dealer cosmetics merchant cloth merchant coal merchant potato merchant linen merchant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#merchant
Tag: cwrc:merchant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:foodDistribution

[back to top]

merchant taylor
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#merchantTaylor
Tag: cwrc:merchantTaylor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:tailor
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

metal work

[skos:altLabel: metal manufacturer silver manufacturer sheet metal worker steel worker iron manufacturer brass worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#metalWork
Tag: cwrc:metalWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: metallurgist assayer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#metallurgy
Tag: cwrc:metallurgy
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#meteorologist
Tag: cwrc:meteorologist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: midwifery organizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#midwife
Tag: cwrc:midwife
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:healthCareProvider
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: major general artillery officer military officer lieutenant soldier militia captain colonel military communications military leadership artillery gunner deputy lieutenant lieutenant general war hero military escort para military officer quartermaster military driver captain of militia ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#military
Tag: cwrc:military
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:airman cwrc:coastGuard

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#miller
Tag: cwrc:miller
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: milliner's assistant milliner's apprentice ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#milliner
Tag: cwrc:milliner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: coalminer colliery manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#miner
Tag: cwrc:miner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: mine agent mine work ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mining
Tag: cwrc:mining
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:prospector

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#miser
Tag: cwrc:miser
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

missionary work

[skos:altLabel: missionary worker missionary missionaries missionary supporter missionary administrator ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#missionaryWork
Tag: cwrc:missionaryWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:religious
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mistress
Tag: cwrc:mistress
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:sexWorker

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: artists' model artist's model fashion model ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#model
Tag: cwrc:model
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: queen king ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#monarch
Tag: cwrc:monarch
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:higherGovernment
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


"Monarchism is the advocacy of a monarch or monarchical rule. A monarchist is an individual who supports this form of government, independent of any specific monarch; one who espouses a particular monarch is a royalist. Conversely, the opposition to monarchical rule is sometimes referred to as republicanism. Depending on the country, a monarchist may advocate for the rule of the person who sits on the throne, a pretender, or someone who would otherwise occupy the throne but has been deposed." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: royalist constitutional monarchist monarchist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#monarchism
Tag: cwrc:monarchism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Monarchism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Monarchism

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: mountaineer mountain climber climbing ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mountaineering
Tag: cwrc:mountaineering
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:sports
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

munitions worker
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#munitionsWorker
Tag: cwrc:munitionsWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:warWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: jazz musician violinist choirmistress concert pianist amateur pianist composer organist choirmaster pianist cornet piano tuner musician celloist church choirmaster ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#music
Tag: cwrc:music
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:performer
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:composer

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#musicologist
Tag: cwrc:musicologist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#naturalist
Tag: cwrc:naturalist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: needlework artist knitting embroiderer needlewoman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#needlework
Tag: cwrc:needlework
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:domesticWork

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#numismatist
Tag: cwrc:numismatist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: prioress ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nun
Tag: cwrc:nun
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: vad nursing aide carer nurse nursing organizer nursing supervisor vad worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nursing
Tag: cwrc:nursing
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:healthCareProvider
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:wetNurse

[back to top]


"Any religious or philosophic ideology based on mystical insight into the nature of God and/or divine truth. This insight is attained only through direct experience of the divine. The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the principles of the Theosophical Society founded in New York in 1875 by Madame Blavatsky and H. S. Olcott which incorporated aspects of Buddhism and Brahmanism." (Getty, 2017)

[skos:altLabel: Tarot card believer spiritualism Theosophy magician Theosophist astrologer Occultist fortune teller spiritualist medium character reader ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#occultism
Tag: cwrc:occultism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300056000
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:rosicrucianism

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: ophthalmic optician ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#optician
Tag: cwrc:optician
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: hospital ward orderly ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#orderly
Tag: cwrc:orderly
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

orphanage work

[skos:altLabel: orphanage manager orphanage principal orphanage worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#orphanageWork
Tag: cwrc:orphanageWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: conscientious objector ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pacifist
Tag: cwrc:pacifist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:pacifism

[back to top]

parish work

[skos:altLabel: parish worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parishWork
Tag: cwrc:parishWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:religious
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#patriot
Tag: cwrc:patriot
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: theatre patron literary patron patron of the arts patron of science patron of literature patron of actors ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#patron
Tag: cwrc:patron
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:philanthropist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pawnbroker
Tag: cwrc:pawnbroker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: actors mime impersonator understudy actress comedienne cabaret star perform acting entertainer stage performer actor acted ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#performer
Tag: cwrc:performer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:music
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:publicSpeaker

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: pill dispenser druggist dispenser apothecary dispensary assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pharmacist
Tag: cwrc:pharmacist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

philanthropic visitor

[skos:altLabel: charitable visiting health visitor military visitor sick visitor prison visitor visiting pensioners and war widows visiting the poor workhouse visitor visitor of the poor charitable visitor parish visitor hospital visitor poor visitor slum visitor visiting prisons and orphanages charity visitor colonial health visitor district visitor domestic visitor school visitor benevolent visitor social visitor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#philanthropicVisitor
Tag: cwrc:philanthropicVisitor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: church donor philanthropy benefactor of school patron of charities active philanthropist private benefactor educational philanthropist benefactor philanthropic educationalist donor to university philanthopic activity ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#philanthropist
Tag: cwrc:philanthropist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:charityWorker
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:patron cwrc:volunteer

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: amateur philosopher academic philosopher philosophy ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#philosopher
Tag: cwrc:philosopher
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:academic

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: photographer photographer's assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#photography
Tag: cwrc:photography
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: phrenologist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#physiognomist
Tag: cwrc:physiognomist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pilot
Tag: cwrc:pilot
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:airman

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#plumber
Tag: cwrc:plumber
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

poet laureate
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#poetLaureate
Tag: cwrc:poetLaureate
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: political host political hostess ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalHost
Tag: cwrc:politicalHost
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

political science

[skos:altLabel: political scientist political theorist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalScience
Tag: cwrc:politicalScience
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:politics

[back to top]

political speaker

[skos:altLabel: speaker of the house of commons speaker of the legislature speaker (parliamentary) speaker of the house of lords ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politicalSpeaker
Tag: cwrc:politicalSpeaker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics cwrc:publicSpeaker
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: whig leader political conspirator republican political campaigner political secretary parliamentary candidate whig party supporter left wing politics closet politician public health campaigner political advisor political party delegate patriot politician political agent political party worker election observer politician political canvasser political officer political organizing political organizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#politics
Tag: cwrc:politics
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:politicalScience
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:advocate cwrc:anti-Suffrage cwrc:communeOrganizer cwrc:communism cwrc:conservatism cwrc:coopOrganizer cwrc:feminism cwrc:italianNationalism cwrc:jacobitism cwrc:lobbyist cwrc:mayor cwrc:memberOfParliament cwrc:monarchism cwrc:pacifist cwrc:politicalSpeaker cwrc:propagandist cwrc:radicalism cwrc:settlementWork cwrc:socialism cwrc:temperanceMovement

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pollster
Tag: cwrc:pollster
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pornographer
Tag: cwrc:pornographer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

postal worker

[skos:altLabel: letter sorter postmaster postmistress postmaster general assistant postmistress post office clerk letter carrier post office worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#postalWorker
Tag: cwrc:postalWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: pottery manufacturer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pottery
Tag: cwrc:pottery
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: printer printing press manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#printing
Tag: cwrc:printing
owl:sameAs: loc:prt.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: prisoner of war political prisoner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#prisoner
Tag: cwrc:prisoner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: produced ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#producer
Tag: cwrc:producer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: university professor professor of divinity professor of archaeology lecturer in modern languages lecturer professor of english language and literature professor of fine arts professor of english professor of political economy emeritus professor professor of pathology professor of psychology law lecturer professor of poetry assistant lecturer professor of singing professor of entomology ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#professor
Tag: cwrc:professor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:academic
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: war propagandist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#propagandist
Tag: cwrc:propagandist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics cwrc:writer
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

land agent

[skos:altLabel: land steward estate agent estate management rent collector estate manager property agent plantation manager ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#propertyAgent
Tag: cwrc:propertyAgent
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

property owner

[skos:altLabel: shipbuilding owner landlord landowner hereditary land owner squire plantation owner landlady shipyard owner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#propertyOwner
Tag: cwrc:propertyOwner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#prophet
Tag: cwrc:prophet
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:religious
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#prospector
Tag: cwrc:prospector
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:mining
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

public reader

[skos:altLabel: poetry recital reader poetry readings dramatic readings reader of poetry poetry reading performance reader poetry reader recitateur recitalist reader in public reciter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#publicReader
Tag: cwrc:publicReader
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:publicSpeaker
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

public speaker

[skos:altLabel: orator speaking tour public speaking political speaker public lecturer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#publicSpeaker
Tag: cwrc:publicSpeaker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:performer
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:politicalSpeaker cwrc:publicReader

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: magazine director publisher's reader reader of manuscripts publisher assistant in publishing journal assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#publishing
Tag: cwrc:publishing
owl:sameAs: loc:pbl.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:bookProduction

[back to top]


"The term political radicalism (or simply, in political science, radicalism) denotes political principles focused on altering social structures through revolutionary means and changing value systems in fundamental ways. Derived from the Latin radix (root), the denotation of radical has changed since its eighteenth-century coinage to comprehend the entire political spectrum—yet retains the "change at the root" connotation fundamental to revolutionary societal change. Historically, radicalism has referred exclusively to the radical left (under the single category of far-left politics) and rarely incorporating far-right politics, though these may have revolutionary elements; the prominent exception is in the United States where some consider radicalism to include both political extremes of the radical left and the radical right. In traditional labels of the spectrum of political thought, the opposite of radical on the "right" of the political spectrum is termed reactionary. The nineteenth-century Cyclopaedia of Political Science (1881, 1889) reports that "radicalism is characterized less by its principles than by the manner of their application". Conservatives often used the term radical pejoratively, whereas contemporary left radicals used the term conservative derogatorily; thus contemporary denotations of radical, radicalism, and political radicalism comprehend far left (hard left, radical left), and far right (hard right, radical right). The Encyclopædia Britannica records the first political usage of radical as ascribed to the British Whig Party parliamentarian Charles James Fox, who, in 1797, proposed a "radical reform" of the electoral system, franchise to provide universal manhood suffrage, thereby, idiomatically establishing radical to denote supporters of the reformation of the British Parliament. Throughout the nineteenth century, the term was combined with political notions and doctrines, thus working class radicalism, middle class-, philosophic-, democratic- bourgeois-, Tory-, and plebeian radicalism. In the event, politically influential radical leaders give rise to their own trend of political radicalism, e.g. Spencean radicalism and Carlilean radicalism. Philosophically, the French political scientist Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78), is the principal theoretician proposing political radicalism as feasible in republican political philosophy, viz the French Revolution (1789–99), and other modern revolutions—the antithesis to the liberalism of John Locke." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: radical dissident working class radical political radical radical ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#radicalism
Tag: cwrc:radicalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Political_radicalism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

radio industry

[skos:altLabel: radio broadcaster radio performer educational radio programmer educational radio producer radio announcer radio producer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#radioIndustry
Tag: cwrc:radioIndustry
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:broadcasting
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

radio operator
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#radioOperator
Tag: cwrc:radioOperator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

railway work

[skos:altLabel: railway promoter stationmaster railway guard station master railway worker railway clerk ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#railwayWork
Tag: cwrc:railwayWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:transportationWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#reading
Tag: cwrc:reading
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: saboteur freedom fighter revolutionary ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#rebel
Tag: cwrc:rebel
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:activist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

red cross

[skos:altLabel: red cross aide red cross representative red cross worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#redCross
Tag: cwrc:redCross
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:healthCareProvider
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: language reformer publishing reformer sanitary reformer sex reformer agricultural reformer medical reformer health care reformer housing reformer land improver political reformer educational reformer penal reformer religious reformer social reformer law reformer liturgical reformer prison reformer army reformer divorce law reformer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#reformer
Tag: cwrc:reformer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:politics cwrc:socialWork

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#refugee
Tag: cwrc:refugee
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

refugee work

[skos:altLabel: refugee worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#refugeeWork
Tag: cwrc:refugeeWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

regional government

[skos:altLabel: deputy recorder of northamptonshire deputy lord lieutenant county councillor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#regionalGovernment
Tag: cwrc:regionalGovernment
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:government
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

relief work

[skos:altLabel: war relief famine relief relief worker jewish relief work ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#reliefWork
Tag: cwrc:reliefWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: lay sister evangelical leader precentor member of religious order methodist convert religious manager church elder religious administrator principal clerk of session prayer anchoress royal chaplain garrison chaplain methodist lay preacher permanent curate prayer leader church worker religious revivalist monk religious publicist pilgrim religious observance religious leader spiritual counsellor religious organizer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religious
Tag: cwrc:religious
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:missionaryWork cwrc:parishWork cwrc:prophet cwrc:religiousOfficial cwrc:saint cwrc:unitarianism

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: official (of religion) synagogue official chief rabbi archdeacon preacher clergymen jesuit priest vicar minister of religion cardinal dissenting minister anglican priest rector anglican clergyman archbishop priest clergyperson minister deacon prebendary anglican bishop chaplain presbyterian minister bishop assistant minister of religion clergyman curate canon episcopalian preacher reverend quaker minister archbishop of canterbury private almoner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religiousOfficial
Tag: cwrc:religiousOfficial
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:religious
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

religious studies

[skos:altLabel: theologian biblical scholar hindu scholar ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#religiousStudies
Tag: cwrc:religiousStudies
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

rescue work

[skos:altLabel: life saving mountain rescue ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#rescueWork
Tag: cwrc:rescueWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: research social researcher scholarship research assistant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#researcher
Tag: cwrc:researcher
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:academic cwrc:intellectual cwrc:scientist

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: bookseller shop manager shop assistant department store clerk market seller cashier shopkeeper/entrepeneur bookshop assistant bookshop worker retail selling retail worker storekeeper bookshop manager working in a bookshop greengrocer bookstore clerk newsagent shopkeeper shop work ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#retail
Tag: cwrc:retail
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: book reviewer film reviewer wrote reviews ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#reviewer
Tag: cwrc:reviewer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:writer
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#riding
Tag: cwrc:riding
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:sports
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: seaman midshipman deckhand purser competitive sailor ship's purser ship's carpenter ship's officer ferryman sailing ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sailor
Tag: cwrc:sailor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:seaCaptain

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#saint
Tag: cwrc:saint
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:religious
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: real estate agent ticket seller piano salesman salesgirl pedlar sales director newsagent street seller real estate salesman sales manager door to door salesperson stationer salesman saleswoman sales staff wine seller paper salesman costermonger ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#salesperson
Tag: cwrc:salesperson
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: salt-worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#salter
Tag: cwrc:salter
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: lab demonstrator amateur scientist laboratory worker laboratory assistant scientific assistant natural scientist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#scientist
Tag: cwrc:scientist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:related: cwrc:academic
*skos:related: cwrc:researcher
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:astronomer cwrc:chemist cwrc:computerScientist cwrc:geologist cwrc:lifeScientist cwrc:mathematics

[back to top]

sea captain

[skos:altLabel: ship's captain ferryboat captain whaling captain ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#seaCaptain
Tag: cwrc:seaCaptain
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:captain cwrc:sailor
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#servant
Tag: cwrc:servant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:domesticServant cwrc:manservant

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: waitress summer waitress cafe manager waiter food server ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#server
Tag: cwrc:server
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

settlement work

[skos:altLabel: settlement worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#settlementWork
Tag: cwrc:settlementWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics cwrc:socialWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: colonial settler emigrant pioneer immigrant ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#settler
Tag: cwrc:settler
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

sex worker

[skos:altLabel: courtesan prostitute ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexWorker
Tag: cwrc:sexWorker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:mistress

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: shipping merchant shipper shipping owner ship owner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#shipping
Tag: cwrc:shipping
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:transportationWork
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: amateur singer concert singer opera singer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#singer
Tag: cwrc:singer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

skilled trade

[skos:altLabel: moulder ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#skilledTrade
Tag: cwrc:skilledTrade
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:baker cwrc:blacksmith cwrc:brewer cwrc:jeweller cwrc:lithographer cwrc:mason cwrc:plumber cwrc:pottery cwrc:spinner cwrc:upholsterer cwrc:watchmaker cwrc:weaver

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#skinner
Tag: cwrc:skinner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:leatherWorker
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: slave nurse ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#slave
Tag: cwrc:slave
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

slave owner
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#slaveOwner
Tag: cwrc:slaveOwner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: slave trader ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#slaver
Tag: cwrc:slaver
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: gun runner arms runner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#smuggler
Tag: cwrc:smuggler
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

social scientist

[skos:altLabel: sociologist egyptologist economist anthropologist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialScientist
Tag: cwrc:socialScientist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

social work

[skos:altLabel: welfare supervisor childcare officer religious social worker organise soup kitchens worker with prostitutes organiser for the poor community worker youth worker social caseworker children's aid worker emigrant aid welfare officer caseworker child welfare worker immigrant aid unemployment worker social worker social investigation welfare worker child welfare officer humanitarian social investigator child care officer social work organizer youth club worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialWork
Tag: cwrc:socialWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:reformer
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:orphanageWork cwrc:refugeeWork cwrc:reliefWork cwrc:settlementWork

[back to top]


"Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production; as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim at their establishment. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective, or cooperative ownership; to citizen ownership of equity; or to any combination of these. Although there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms. Socialist economic systems can be divided into both non-market and market forms. Non-market socialism involves the substitution of factor markets and money with engineering and technical criteria based on calculation performed in-kind, thereby producing an economic mechanism that functions according to different economic laws from those of capitalism. Non-market socialism aims to circumvent the inefficiencies and crises traditionally associated with capital accumulation and the profit system. By contrast, market socialism retains the use of monetary prices, factor markets, and, in some cases, the profit motive with respect to the operation of socially owned enterprises and the allocation of capital goods between them. Profits generated by these firms would be controlled directly by the workforce of each firm or accrue to society at large in the form of a social dividend. The feasibility and exact methods of resource allocation and calculation for a socialist system are the subjects of the socialist calculation debate. The socialist political movement includes a diverse array of political philosophies that originated amid the revolutionary movements of the mid-to-late 1700s and of a general concern for the social problems that were associated with capitalism. In addition to the debate over markets and planning, the varieties of socialism differ in their form of social ownership, how management is to be organized within productive institutions, and the role of the state in constructing socialism. Core dichotomies associated with these concerns include reformism versus revolutionary socialism, and state socialism versus libertarian socialism. Socialist politics has been both centralist and decentralized; internationalist and nationalist in orientation; organized through political parties and opposed to party politics; at times overlapping with trade unions and at other times independent of, and critical of, unions; and present in both industrialized and developing countries. While all tendencies of socialism consider themselves democratic, the term "democratic socialism" is often used to highlight its advocates' high value for democratic processes in the economy and democratic political systems, usually to draw contrast to tendencies they may perceive to be undemocratic in their approach. The term is frequently used to draw contrast to the political system of the Soviet Union, which operated in an authoritarian fashion. By the late 19th century, and after further articulation and advancement by Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels as the culmination of technological development outstripping the economic dynamics of capitalism, "socialism" had come to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production. By the 1920s, social democracy and communism became the two dominant political tendencies within the international socialist movement. Socialism proceeded to emerge as the most influential secular political-economic worldview of the twentieth century, and while the emergence of the Soviet Union as the world's first nominally socialist state led to socialism's widespread association with the Soviet economic model, many economists and intellectuals have argued that in practice the model functioned as a form of state capitalism, or a non-planned administrative or command economy. Socialist parties and ideas remain a political force with varying degrees of power and influence in all continents, heading national governments in many countries around the world. Today, some socialists have also adopted the causes of other social movements, such as environmentalism, feminism, and liberalism." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: socialist organizer owenite socialism Independent Socialist militant socialist Social Democrats Social Democrat socialist feminist radical socialist Social Democratic Foundation fabian socialist Fabian Social Democratic Party socialist and feminist socialist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialism
Tag: cwrc:socialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Socialism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:communism cwrc:socialReform
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Socialism
*skos:related: cwrc:labourMovement
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:christianSocialism

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: socialite debutante bon viveur ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socializer
Tag: cwrc:socializer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: cotton spinner spinning ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#spinner
Tag: cwrc:spinner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: boxer oarsman olympic athlete athlete yachtsperson sportsman physical training instructor curling yachtswoman polo player yachtsman golf sport skier ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sports
Tag: cwrc:sports
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:coach cwrc:cricket cwrc:cyclist cwrc:hunter cwrc:mountaineering cwrc:riding

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: medical statistician ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#statistician
Tag: cwrc:statistician
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:mathematics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: raconteur ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#storyteller
Tag: cwrc:storyteller
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: study law art student theology student apprentice studying marker medical student university student architecture student law student engineering student ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#student
Tag: cwrc:student
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: surveyor of highways quantity surveyor assistant road surveyor land surveyor railway surveyor building surveyor assistant surveyor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#surveyor
Tag: cwrc:surveyor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: garment worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#tailor
Tag: cwrc:tailor
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:clothingProduction
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:dressmaking
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:merchantTaylor

[back to top]

tax official

[skos:altLabel: customs inspector customs official customs officer commissioner of taxes exciseman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#taxOfficial
Tag: cwrc:taxOfficial
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:governmentOfficial
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: assistant schoolmistress teaching aide university tutor housemaster tutor in languages and belles lettres french teacher instructor classics teacher schoolteacher classical tutor tutoring giving courses weapons instructor educational pioneer singing teacher religious teacher pupil teacher music teacher creative writing teacher art teacher elocution teacher art instructor piano teacher bible teaching writing instructor senior english mistress school mistress sunday school mistress sub preceptor teaching tutor in divinity geography teacher schoolmaster schoolmistress dancing teacher teacher's assistant home educator sunday school teacher tutor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#teacher
Tag: cwrc:teacher
owl:sameAs: loc:tch.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:education
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#technician
Tag: cwrc:technician
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

telephone operator
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#telephoneOperator
Tag: cwrc:telephoneOperator
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

television industry

[skos:altLabel: television director ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#televisionIndustry
Tag: cwrc:televisionIndustry
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:broadcasting
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

temperance movement

"The temperance movement is a social movement against the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Temperance movements typically criticize excessive alcohol consumption, promote complete abstinence (teetotalism), or use its political influence to press the government to enact alcohol laws to regulate the availability of alcohol or even its complete prohibition." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: temperance work temperance temperance supporter temperance worker temperance activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#temperanceMovement
Tag: cwrc:temperanceMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Temperance_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:conservatism cwrc:feminism

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: textile mill worker textile worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#textiles
Tag: cwrc:textiles
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:weaver

[back to top]

theatre work

[skos:altLabel: theatre manager theatre director usherette theatre censor set designer play reader wardrobe assistant assistant theatre manager theatre company director theatre producer cabaret dresser costume designer theatre president stage manager theatre organiser theatrical agent theatre theatre dresser property mistress theatrical director theatrical manager prompter theatre designer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#theatreWork
Tag: cwrc:theatreWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:masterOfTheRevels
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:actorManager

[back to top]

timber trade

[skos:altLabel: timber manager sawyer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#timberTrade
Tag: cwrc:timberTrade
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#tinker
Tag: cwrc:tinker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

tour guide

[skos:altLabel: mountain guide ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#tourGuide
Tag: cwrc:tourGuide
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: clothes trader wool trader fur trader ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#trader
Tag: cwrc:trader
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#transcriber
Tag: cwrc:transcriber
owl:sameAs: loc:trc.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
*skos:related: cwrc:copyist

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: interpreter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#translator
Tag: cwrc:translator
owl:sameAs: loc:trl.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

transportation work

[skos:altLabel: bus inspector bus driver bus conductor bus worker transportation van driver cab driver driver ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#transportationWork
Tag: cwrc:transportationWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:automobileIndustry cwrc:railwayWork cwrc:shipping

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: sightseeing travel agent traveller travel guide ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#travelling
Tag: cwrc:travelling
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: hospital department treasurer city treasurer society treasurer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#treasurer
Tag: cwrc:treasurer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#trustee
Tag: cwrc:trustee
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

type setter

[skos:altLabel: typesetter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#typeSetter
Tag: cwrc:typeSetter
owl:sameAs: loc:cmt.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:bookProduction
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


"The liberal Protestant movement that arose in Europe during the 16th century Reformation, was embodied in a church in Transylvania, and achieved denominational status in the 19th century in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. It is characterized by a denial of the orthodox Christian doctrines of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus, the free use of reason in religion, and the belief that God exists in one person. In 1961, in the United States and Canada, it merged with the Universalist denomination to form "Unitarian Universalism." Use also generally for the theological doctrines of the unified nature of God and the humanity of Jesus, first expressed in second- and third-century monarchism and in the teachings of Arius in the third and fourth centuries, and later in the radical Neoplatonist thinkers of the Reformation such as Michael Servetus, Faustus Socinus, and Ferenc David." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: active unitarian Unitarian unitarianMovement Unitarian Church Unitarian Movement ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unitarianism
Tag: cwrc:unitarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Unitarianism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300263305
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant cwrc:religious
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

[back to top]

unskilled labourer

[skos:altLabel: laundry worker dishwasher ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unskilledLabourer
Tag: cwrc:unskilledLabourer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#upholsterer
Tag: cwrc:upholsterer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

urban planning
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#urbanPlanning
Tag: cwrc:urbanPlanning
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

veterinary work

[skos:altLabel: veterinary doctor veterinary worker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#veterinaryWork
Tag: cwrc:veterinaryWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: wine maker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#vintner
Tag: cwrc:vintner
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

visual artist

[skos:altLabel: colourist miniaturist landscape painter wax modeller printmaker artist commercial artist watercolourist painter amateur painter amateur artist craft artist sculptor etcher historical painter portraitist illuminator ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#visualArtist
Tag: cwrc:visualArtist
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: volunteer soldier school volunteer volunteer counsellor war volunteer food volunteer hospital volunteer volunteer personnel work war volunteers civil defence volunteer volunteer office work food kitchen volunteer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#volunteer
Tag: cwrc:volunteer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:philanthropist
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: hiker ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#walking
Tag: cwrc:walking
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

war work

[skos:altLabel: war duties war efforts war worker war effort ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#warWork
Tag: cwrc:warWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:airRaidWarden cwrc:munitionsWorker

[back to top]

warehouse work

[skos:altLabel: warehousing ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#warehouseWork
Tag: cwrc:warehouseWork
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#watchmaker
Tag: cwrc:watchmaker
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: stocking weaver power loom weaver handloom weaver ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#weaver
Tag: cwrc:weaver
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:skilledTrade cwrc:textiles
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#welder
Tag: cwrc:welder
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

wet nurse
URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#wetNurse
Tag: cwrc:wetNurse
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nursing
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#whaler
Tag: cwrc:whaler
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

This is the context centric predicate corresponding to has wife, whose definition is as follows:

Relates a person to a female-identified partner in a marital relationship.

[skos:altLabel: housemaster's wife colonial governor's wife headmaster's wife diplomat's wife vicar's wife candidate's wife housewife ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#wife
Tag: cwrc:wife
cwrc:subjectCentricPredicate: cwrc:hasWife
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation owl:ObjectProperty skos:Concept
rdfs:range: foaf:Person
rdfs:subPropertyOf: cwrc:partner
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: expert witness character witness witness for the defence ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#witness
Tag: cwrc:witness
owl:sameAs: loc:wit
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]


[skos:altLabel: chief copywriter playwright memoirist mathematical writer travel writer contributor dramatist biographer religious writer children's writer wrote letter writer blurb writer legal writer radio scriptwriter songwriter copywriter poet script writer cookbook writer political writer religious poet medical writer textbook writer short story writer literary career political poet feature writer diarist pedagogical author scriptwriter amateur playwright author literary collaborator novelist polemical writer public relations writer satirist screenwriter travel author amateur writer poetry scholarly writer professional writer educational writer media comedy writer essayist commemorative writer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#writer
Tag: cwrc:writer
owl:sameAs: loc:aut.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:critic cwrc:propagandist cwrc:reviewer

[back to top]

writer In residence

[skos:altLabel: poet in residence writer in residence resident dramatist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#writerInResidence
Tag: cwrc:writerInResidence
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

writing group participant

[skos:altLabel: writing group president writing group member ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#writingGroupParticipant
Tag: cwrc:writingGroupParticipant
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation

[back to top]

yeoman farmer

Members of this historic class "own[ed] just enough land to support themselves if they did most of the work themselves." Examples include Elizabeth Ham and Mary Webb. (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: YEOMAN-FARMER yeoman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#yeoman-farmer
Tag: cwrc:yeoman-farmer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:farming
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation (195)

political affiliation

[back to top]


"Abolitionism is a movement to end slavery, whether formal or informal. In Western Europe and the Americas, abolitionism is a historical movement to end the African and Indian slave trade and set slaves free. King Charles I of Spain, usually known as Emperor Charles V, following the example of the Swedish monarch, passed a law which would have abolished colonial slavery in 1542, although this law was not passed in the largest colonial states, and so was not enforced. In the late 17th century, the Roman Catholic Church, taking up a plea by Lourenco da Silva de Mendouca, officially condemned the slave trade, which was affirmed vehemently by Pope Gregory XVI in 1839. An abolitionist movement only started in the late 18th century, however, when English and American Quakers began to question the morality of slavery. James Oglethorpe was among the first to articulate the Enlightenment case against slavery, banning it in the Province of Georgia on humanist grounds, arguing against it in Parliament, and eventually encouraging his friends Granville Sharp and Hannah More to vigorously pursue the cause. Soon after his death in 1785, they joined with William Wilberforce and others in forming the Clapham Sect. The Somersett Case in 1772, which emancipated a slave in England, helped launch the British movement to abolish slavery. Though anti-slavery sentiments were widespread by the late 18th century, the colonies and emerging nations that used slave labour continued to do so: French, English and Portuguese territories in the West Indies; South America; and the Southern United States. After the American Revolution established the United States, northern states, beginning with Pennsylvania in 1780, passed legislation during the next two decades abolishing slavery, sometimes by gradual emancipation. Massachusetts ratified a constitution that declared all men equal; freedom suits challenging slavery based on this principle brought an end to slavery in the state. Vermont, which existed as an unrecognized state from 1777 to 1791, abolished adult slavery in 1777. In other states, such as Virginia, similar declarations of rights were interpreted by the courts as not applicable to Africans. During the following decades, the abolitionist movement grew in northern states, and Congress regulated the expansion of slavery in new states admitted to the union. David Brion Davis argues that the main driving force was a new moral consciousness, with an intellectual assist from the Enlightenment, and a powerful impulse from religious Quakers and evangelicals. France abolished slavery within the French Kingdom in 1315. Revolutionary France abolished slavery in its colonies in 1794, before it was restored by Napoleon in 1802. Haiti achieved independence from France in 1804 and brought an end to slavery in its territory, establishing the second republic in the New World. The northern states in the U.S. all abolished slavery by 1804. The United Kingdom and the United States outlawed the international slave trade in 1807, after which Britain led efforts to block slave ships. Britain abolished slavery throughout the British Empire with the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, the French colonies abolished it in 1848 and the U.S. in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In Eastern Europe, groups organized to abolish the enslavement of the Roma in Wallachia and Moldavia; and to emancipate the serfs in Russia (Emancipation reform of 1861). It was declared illegal in 1948 under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The last country to abolish legal slavery was Mauritania, where it was officially abolished by presidential decree in 1981. Today, child and adult slavery and forced labour are illegal in most countries, as well as being against international law, but a high rate of human trafficking for labour and for sexual bondage continues to affect tens of millions of adults and children" (DBpedia, 2017).

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-slavery integrationism abolition abolitionist sugar boycotter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#abolitionism
Tag: cwrc:abolitionism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pro-Slavery
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Abolitionism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights cwrc:humanRights cwrc:racialEquality
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:racism
*skos:related: cwrc:societyOfFriends

[back to top]

AIDS activism

Activism related to HIV/AIDS, ranging from addressing attitudes to changing government policies related to treatment and medication. See: Category:AIDS activism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: aids activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#aidsActivism
Tag: cwrc:aidsActivism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Category:AIDS_activism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

American nationalism

American nationalism emphasizes the distinctiveness of American language, culture, and history, and calls for a celebration of "Americanness," which might include white nationalist pride and anti-immigration.

[skos:altLabel: us nationalist american nationalist (us) nationalist us patriotism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#americanNationalism
Tag: cwrc:americanNationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-American

[back to top]


"Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions. These are often described as stateless societies, although several authors have defined them more specifically as institutions based on non-hierarchical free associations. Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful. While anti-statism is central, anarchism entails opposing authority or hierarchical organisation in the conduct of all human relations, including, but not limited to, the state system. Anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular world view, instead fluxing and flowing as a philosophy. Many types and traditions of anarchism exist, not all of which are mutually exclusive. Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism. Strains of anarchism have often been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications. Anarchism is usually considered a radical left-wing ideology, and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflect anti-authoritarian interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism, mutualism, or participatory economics." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anarchist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anarchism
Tag: cwrc:anarchism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:nationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anarchism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Monarchism

[back to top]

animal welfare advocacy

Advocacy, often in the form of activism, for the welfare of animals. See: Animal welfare - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-cruelty anti-cruelty to animals animal rights activist animal welfare animal rights animal rights advocate animal activist animal welfare activist anti-blood-sports anti-hunting ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#animalWelfareAdvocacy
Tag: cwrc:animalWelfareAdvocacy
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Animal_welfare
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism
*skos:related: cwrc:vegetarianism

[back to top]

anti-American politics

Opposed to the policies or influence of the United States of America, often with reference to specific government actions. See: Anti-Americanism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-American ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-American
Tag: cwrc:anti-American
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:americanNationalism cwrc:pro-American
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-Americanism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


Opposed to anti-semitic attitudes and practices. See Antisemitism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-antisemitist anti-antisemitic anti-anti-semitism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Antisemitism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Antisemitism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:antisemitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Antisemitism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:racialEquality
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Fascism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:nazism
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Fascism

[back to top]


"The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM), originally known as the Boycott Movement, was a British organisation that was at the centre of the international movement opposing South Africa's system of apartheid and supporting South Africa's non-whites." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: the struggle to end Apartheid ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Apartheid
Tag: cwrc:anti-Apartheid
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-Apartheid_Movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:humanRights cwrc:racialEquality cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

anti-Boer politics

"Opposition to the Second Boer War in Britain was modest when the war began on 11 October 1899 and was always less widespread than support for it, let alone prevailing indifference. However, influential groups formed immediately and ineffectually against the war, including the South African Conciliation Committee and W. T. Stead's Stop the War Committee." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-Boer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Boer
Tag: cwrc:anti-Boer
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pro-BoerWar
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Opposition_to_the_Second_Boer_War
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-War

[back to top]


"Anti-communism is opposition to communism. Organized anti-communism developed in reaction to the rise of communism, especially after the 1917 October Revolution in Russia. It reached global dimensions during the Cold War, when America and the Soviet Union engaged in an intense rivalry. Most modern anti-communists reject the concept of historical materialism, which is a central idea in Marxism. Anti-communists reject the Marxist belief that capitalism will be followed by socialism and communism, just as feudalism was followed by capitalism. Anti-communists question the validity of the Marxist claim that the socialist state will "wither away" when it becomes unnecessary in a true communist society. Anti-communists also accuse communists of having caused several famines that occurred in 20th-century communist states, such as the Russian Famine of 1921 and the much more severe famine in China during the Great Leap Forward. Some anti-communists refer to both communism and fascism as totalitarianism, seeing similarity between the actions of communist and fascist governments. Opponents argue that communist parties that have come to power have tended to be rigidly intolerant of political opposition. Communist governments have also been accused of creating a new ruling class (a Nomenklatura), with powers and privileges greater than those previously enjoyed by the upper classes in the non-communist regimes." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-bolshevik ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Bolshevism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Bolshevism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:bolshevism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-communism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Communism

[back to top]


Opposed to the political ideology of Napolean Bonaparte and his followers. See Bonapartism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-bonapartist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Bonapartism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Bonapartism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:bonapartism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bonapartism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

anti-British politics

Opposed to the policies or influence of the United Kingdom, often with reference to specific government actions. See: Anti-British sentiment - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-British ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-British
Tag: cwrc:anti-British
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-British_sentiment
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Imperialism

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anti-capital punishment

"Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is a government sanctioned practice whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. The sentence that someone be punished in such a manner is referred to as a death sentence, whereas the act of carrying out the sentence is known as an execution. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences. The term capital is derived from the Latin capitalis ("of the head", referring to execution by beheading). Fifty-eight countries retain capital punishment, 102 countries have completely abolished it de jure for all crimes, six have abolished it for ordinary crimes (while maintaining it for special circumstances such as war crimes), and 32 are abolitionist in practice. Capital punishment is a matter of active controversy in various countries and states, and positions can vary within a single political ideology or cultural region. In the European Union, Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits the use of capital punishment. Also, the Council of Europe, which has 47 member states, prohibits the use of the death penalty by its members. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted, in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014 non-binding resolutions calling for a global moratorium on executions, with a view to eventual abolition. Although most nations have abolished capital punishment, over 60% of the world's population live in countries where executions take place, such as China, India, the United States, and Indonesia." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: opponent of capital punishment anti-capital-punishment opposition to capital punishment against capital punishment ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-CapitalPunishment
Tag: cwrc:anti-CapitalPunishment
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Capital_punishment
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


"Anti-capitalism encompasses a wide variety of movements, ideas and attitudes that oppose capitalism. Anti-capitalists, in the strict sense of the word, are those who wish to replace capitalism with another type of economic system." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-property anti-capitalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Capitalism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Capitalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-capitalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:communism

[back to top]

anti-caste movement

Advocacy or activism opposing the caste system in India. See Caste system in India - Wikipedia; Caste politics - Wikipedia; Dalit - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: worked against the caste system ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Caste
Tag: cwrc:anti-Caste
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Caste_politics dbpedia:Caste_system_in_India dbpedia:Dalit
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism

[back to top]


"Anti-Catholicism is hostility towards or opposition to the Catholic Church, its clergy and adherents. After the Reformation and until at least the late 20th Century, majority Protestant states (especially England, Germany, the United States, and Canada) made anti-Catholicism and opposition to the Pope and Catholic rituals major political themes, with anti-Catholic sentiment at times leading to violence and religious discrimination against Catholic individuals (often derogatorily referred to in Anglophone Protestant countries as "papists" or "Romanists"). Historically, Catholics in Protestant countries were frequently (and almost always baselessly) suspected of conspiring against the state in furtherance of papal interests or to establish a political hegemony under the "Papacy", with Protestants sometimes questioning Catholic individuals' loyalty to the state and suspecting Catholics of ultimately maintaining loyalty to the Vatican rather than their domiciled country. In majority Protestant countries with large scale immigration, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, suspicion or discrimination of Catholic immigrants often overlapped or conflated with nativism, xenophobia, and ethnocentric or racist sentiments (i.e. anti-Italianism, anti-Irish sentiment, hispanophobia, Anti-Quebec sentiment). In the Early modern period, in the face of rising secular powers in Europe, the Catholic Church struggled to maintain its traditional religious and political role in primarily Catholic nations. As a result of these struggles, there arose in some majority Catholic countries (especially among those individuals with certain secular political views) a hostile attitude towards the considerable political, social, spiritual, and religious power of the Pope and the clergy in the form of anti-clericalism." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-catholic-emancipation anti-catholic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Catholicism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Catholicism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pro-Catholicism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-Catholicism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

anti-censorship movement

Opposition to censorship. See Freedom of speech - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: pro free speech pro-free speech anti-censorship Freedom of Speech free speech advocate intellectual property activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Censorship
Tag: cwrc:anti-Censorship
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Freedom_of_speech
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Monarchism

[back to top]


"Anti-communism is opposition to communism. Organized anti-communism developed in reaction to the rise of communism, especially after the 1917 October Revolution in Russia. It reached global dimensions during the Cold War, when America and the Soviet Union engaged in an intense rivalry. Most modern anti-communists reject the concept of historical materialism, which is a central idea in Marxism. Anti-communists reject the Marxist belief that capitalism will be followed by socialism and communism, just as feudalism was followed by capitalism. Anti-communists question the validity of the Marxist claim that the socialist state will "wither away" when it becomes unnecessary in a true communist society. Anti-communists also accuse communists of having caused several famines that occurred in 20th-century communist states, such as the Russian Famine of 1921 and the much more severe famine in China during the Great Leap Forward. Some anti-communists refer to both communism and fascism as totalitarianism, seeing similarity between the actions of communist and fascist governments. Opponents argue that communist parties that have come to power have tended to be rigidly intolerant of political opposition. Communist governments have also been accused of creating a new ruling class (a Nomenklatura), with powers and privileges greater than those previously enjoyed by the upper classes in the non-communist regimes." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-communist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Communism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Communism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:communism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-communism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:communism
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Bolshevism

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Opposition to compulsory enlistment of people in either war or peacetime into a national service, usually military service.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-conscriptionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Conscriptionism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Conscriptionism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:communism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-War
*skos:related: cwrc:pacifism

[back to top]

anti-Contagious Diseases Act

Opposition to government regulation of prostitution including the forced physical examination of suspected prostitutes for venereal disease. See: Contagious Diseases Acts - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-contagious diseases acts against the Contagious Diseases Acts anti-contagious diseases act activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-ContagiousDiseasesAct
Tag: cwrc:anti-ContagiousDiseasesAct
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Contagious_Diseases_Acts
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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anti-corporal punishment

"Campaigns against corporal punishment aim to reduce or eliminate corporal punishment of minors by instigating legal and cultural changes in the areas where such punishments are practiced. Such campaigns date mostly from the late 20th century, although occasional voices in opposition to corporal punishment existed from ancient times through to the modern era. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child defines "corporal punishment" as: any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Most involves hitting ("smacking", "slapping", "spanking") children, with the hand or with an implement – whip, stick, belt, shoe, wooden spoon, etc. But it can also involve, for example, kicking, shaking or throwing children, scratching, pinching, biting, pulling hair or boxing ears, forcing children to stay in uncomfortable positions, burning, scalding, or forced ingestion." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-CorporalPunishment
Tag: cwrc:anti-CorporalPunishment
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Campaigns_against_corporal_punishment
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


Supporters of the French military during the prosecution of Captain Alfred Dreyfus. See: Dreyfus affair - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Dreyfusard
Tag: cwrc:anti-Dreyfusard
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:dreyfusard
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Dreyfus_affair
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:humanRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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anti-European politics

Opposed to the existence, policies, or influence of the European Union. On Euroskepticism, see Euroscepticism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-European ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-European
Tag: cwrc:anti-European
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pro-European
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Euroscepticism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


"Anti-fascism is opposition to fascist ideologies, groups and individuals. The anti-fascist movement began in a few European countries in the 1920s and eventually spread to other countries around the world." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-nazi anti-fascist strongly opposed Fascism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Fascism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Fascism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:fascism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-fascism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Antisemitism
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Antisemitism

[back to top]


"Anti-Federalism refers to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the 1787 Constitution. The previous constitution, called the Articles of Confederation, gave state governments more authority. Led by Patrick Henry of Virginia, Anti-Federalists worried, among other things, that the position of president, then a novelty, might evolve into a monarchy." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-federalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Federalism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Federalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-Federalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


"Antifeminism is criticism of some or all feminist ideology, arguing that modern feminism is not practiced in ways that promote true gender equality. This opposition has taken various forms across time and cultures. For example, antifeminists in the late 1800s and early 1900s resisted women's suffrage, while antifeminists in the late 20th century opposed the Equal Rights Amendment. Antifeminism may be motivated by the belief that feminist theories of patriarchy and disadvantages suffered by women in modern society are mischaracterized or exaggerated; that feminism as a movement encourages misandry and results in harm or oppression of men; or driven by general opposition towards women's rights." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: gender conservative non-feminist anti-women's liberation anti-feminist misogynist antifeminist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Feminism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Feminism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:feminism cwrc:suffrage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Antifeminism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:womensEmploymentReform

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"The anti-globalization movement, or counter-globalization movement, is a social movement critical of the globalization of corporate capitalism. The movement is also commonly referred to as the global justice movement, alter-globalization movement, anti-globalist movement, anti-corporate globalization movement, or movement against neoliberal globalization. Participants base their criticisms on a number of related ideas. What is shared is that participants oppose what they see as large, multi-national corporations having unregulated political power, exercised through trade agreements and deregulated financial markets. Specifically, corporations are accused of seeking to maximize profit at the expense of work safety conditions and standards, labor hiring and compensation standards, environmental conservation principles, and the integrity of national legislative authority, independence and sovereignty. As of January 2012, some commentators have characterized the unprecedented changes in the global economy as "turbo-capitalism" (Edward Luttwak), "market fundamentalism" (George Soros), "casino capitalism" (Susan Strange), and as "McWorld" (Benjamin Barber). Many anti-globalization activists call for forms of global integration that better provide democratic representation, advancement of human rights, fair trade and sustainable development and therefore feel the term "anti-globalization" is misleading." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-globalization anti-globalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Globalism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Globalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-globalization_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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""Anti-imperialism" in political science and international relations is a term used in a variety of contexts, usually by nationalist movements, who want to secede from a larger polity (usually in the form of an empire, but also in a multi-ethnic sovereign state) or as a specific theory opposed to capitalism in Marxist–Leninist discourse, derived from Vladimir Lenin's work Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. A less common usage is by isolationists who oppose an interventionist foreign policy. People who categorise themselves as anti-imperialists, often state that they are opposed to colonialism, colonial empire, hegemony, imperialism, and territorial expansion of a country beyond its established borders. The phrase gained a wide currency after the Second World War and at the onset of the Cold War as political movements in colonies of European powers promoted national sovereignty. Some "anti-imperialist" groups who opposed the United States supported the power of the Soviet Union, such as in Guevarism, while in Maoism, this was criticized as "social imperialism". In the Arab and Muslim world, the term is often used in the context of Anti-Zionist nationalist and religious movements." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Zulu resistance to colonial rule anti-colonialism anti-imperialist anti-colonial anti-imperial anti-colonialist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Imperialism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Imperialism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:imperialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-imperialism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:humanRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-British
*skos:related: cwrc:indigenousRights

[back to top]


Opposed to Jacobinism. See Jacobin - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-revolutionary ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Jacobin
Tag: cwrc:anti-Jacobin
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jacobin
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


Opposed to Jacobitism. See Jacobitism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Jacobite
Tag: cwrc:anti-Jacobite
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:jacobitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jacobitism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

Anti-Irish National Land League

Opposed to the Irish Land League movement. See Irish National Land League - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-Irish Home Rule Unionist (Irish) anti-Land League ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-LandLeague
Tag: cwrc:anti-LandLeague
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Irish_National_Land_League
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:irishUnionism

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"The abolition of monarchy has occurred throughout history, either through revolutions, coups d'état, wars, or legislative reforms (such as abdications). The founding of the Roman Republic is a noteworthy example and became part of the nation's traditions including as justification for the assassination of Julius Caesar. The twentieth century saw a major acceleration of this process, with many monarchies violently overthrown by revolution or war, or else abolished as part of the process of decolonisation. By contrast, the restoration of monarchies is rare in modern times, with only two major examples, Spain and Cambodia." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-monarchist anti-royalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Monarchism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Monarchism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:monarchism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Abolition_of_monarchy
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Censorship

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anti-nuclear movement

"The anti-nuclear movement is a social movement that opposes various nuclear technologies. Some direct action groups, environmental groups, and professional organisations have identified themselves with the movement at the local, national, and international level. Major anti-nuclear groups include Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, and the Nuclear Information and Resource Service. The initial objective of the movement was nuclear disarmament, though since the late 1960s opposition has included the use of nuclear power. Many anti-nuclear groups oppose both nuclear power and nuclear weapons. The formation of green parties in the 1970s and 1980s was often a direct result of anti-nuclear politics. Scientists and diplomats have debated nuclear weapons policy since before the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The public became concerned about nuclear weapons testing from about 1954, following extensive nuclear testing in the Pacific. In 1963, many countries ratified the Partial Test Ban Treaty which prohibited atmospheric nuclear testing. Some local opposition to nuclear power emerged in the early 1960s, and in the late 1960s some members of the scientific community began to express their concerns. In the early 1970s, there were large protests about a proposed nuclear power plant in Wyhl, West Germany. The project was cancelled in 1975 and anti-nuclear success at Wyhl inspired opposition to nuclear power in other parts of Europe and North America. Nuclear power became an issue of major public protest in the 1970s. A protest against nuclear power occurred in July 1977 in Bilbao, Spain, with up to 200,000 people in attendance. Following the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, an anti-nuclear protest was held in New York City, involving 200,000 people. In 1981, Germany's largest anti-nuclear power demonstration took place to protest against the Brokdorf Nuclear Power Plant west of Hamburg; some 100,000 people came face to face with 10,000 police officers. The largest protest was held on June 12, 1982, when one million people demonstrated in New York City against nuclear weapons. A 1983 nuclear weapons protest in West Berlin had about 600,000 participants. In May 1986, following the Chernobyl disaster, an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people marched in Rome to protest against the Italian nuclear program. In the US, public opposition preceded the shutdown of the Shoreham, Yankee Rowe, Millstone 1, Rancho Seco, Maine Yankee, and many other nuclear power plants. For many years after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster nuclear power was off the policy agenda in most countries, and the anti-nuclear power movement seemed to have won its case. Some anti-nuclear groups disbanded. In the 2000s (decade), however, following public relations activities by the nuclear industry, advances in nuclear reactor designs, and concerns about climate change, nuclear power issues came back into energy policy discussions in some countries. The 2011 Japanese nuclear accidents subsequently undermined the nuclear power industry's proposed renaissance and revived nuclear opposition worldwide, putting governments on the defensive. As of 2016, countries such as Australia, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Norway have no nuclear power stations and remain opposed to nuclear power. Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland are phasing-out nuclear power. Globally, more nuclear power reactors have closed than opened in recent years." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: nuclear disarmament Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament pro nuclear disarmament anti-nuclear activist anti-nuclear war anti-nuclear weapons anti-atomic anti-nuclear nuclear disarmament campaigner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-NuclearMovement
Tag: cwrc:anti-NuclearMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-nuclear_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:environmentalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]


Opposed to pacifism. See Pacifism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: non-pacifist war supporter anti-appeasement conscriptionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Pacifism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Pacifism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pacifism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Pacifism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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anti-poverty movement

Advocacy or activism to reduce poverty. See Poverty reduction - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: anti-poverty activist poverty activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-PovertyMovement
Tag: cwrc:anti-PovertyMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Poverty_reduction
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Anti-racism includes beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose racism. In general, anti-racism is intended to promote an egalitarian society in which people do not face discrimination on the basis of their race, however defined. By its nature, anti-racism tends to promote the view that racism in a particular society is both pernicious and socially pervasive, and that particular changes in political, economic, and/or social life are required to eliminate it." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-racist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Racism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Racism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:racism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-racism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:blackAnti-Oppression
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pro-Slavery
*skos:related: cwrc:womanism

[back to top]


"Criticism of socialism refers to any critique of socialist models of economic organisation and their feasibility; as well as the political and social implications of adopting such a system. Some criticisms are not directed towards socialism as a system, but are directed towards the socialist movement, socialist political parties or existing socialist states. Some critics consider socialism to be a purely theoretical concept that should be criticized on theoretical grounds (such as in the Socialist calculation debate); others hold that certain historical examples exist and that they can be criticized on practical grounds. Economic liberals and right libertarians view private ownership of the means of production and the market exchange as natural entities or moral rights which are central to their conceptions of freedom and liberty, and view the economic dynamics of capitalism as immutable and absolute. Therefore, they perceive public ownership of the means of production, cooperatives and economic planning as infringements upon liberty. According to the Austrian school economist Ludwig von Mises, an economic system that does not utilize money, financial calculation and market pricing will be unable to effectively value capital goods and coordinate production, and therefore socialism is impossible because it lacks the necessary information to perform economic calculation in the first place. Another central argument leveled against socialist systems based on economic planning is based on the use of dispersed knowledge. Socialism is unfeasible in this view because information cannot be aggregated by a central body and effectively used to formulate a plan for an entire economy, because doing so would result in distorted or absent price signals. Many economic criticisms of socialism focus on the experiences of Soviet-type planned economies. It is argued that a lack of budget constraints in enterprises operating in a planned economy reduces incentives for enterprises to act on information efficiently, thereby reducing overall welfare for society. Other economists criticize models of socialism based on neoclassical economics for their reliance on the faulty and unrealistic assumptions of economic equilibrium and pareto efficiency. Some philosophers have also criticized the aims of socialism, arguing that equality erodes away at individual diversities, and that the establishment of an equal society would have to entail strong coercion. Critics of the socialist political movement often criticize the internal conflicts of the socialist movement as creating a sort of "responsibility void." Because there are many models of socialism, most critiques are only focused on a specific type of socialism. Therefore, the criticisms presented below may not apply to all forms of socialism, and many will focus on the experience of Soviet-type economies. It is also important to note that different models of socialism conflict with each other over questions of property ownership, economic coordination and how socialism is to be achieved - so critics of specific models of socialism might be advocates of a different type of socialism." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-socialist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Socialism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Socialism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:socialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Criticisms_of_socialism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Anti-suffragism was a political movement composed mainly of women, begun in the late 19th century in order to campaign against women's suffrage in Great Britain and the United States. It was closely associated with "domestic feminism", the belief that women had the right to complete freedom within the home." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: anti-suffragist anti-suffrage movement anti-sufffragist anti-suffragist movement non-suffragist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Suffrage
Tag: cwrc:anti-Suffrage
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:suffrage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-suffragism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Opposed to trade unions or the trade union movement. See Trade union - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: anti-trade-unionist anti-Union ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Trade-Unionism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Trade-Unionism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:labourMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Trade_union
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:labourMovement

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"Anti-urbanism is hostility towards the city as opposed to the country, a simple rejection of the city, or a wish to destroy the city." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: pro-countryside ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Urbanism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Urbanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-urbanism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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anti-vaccination movement

Opposition to vaccination, usually compulsory vaccination. See Vaccine hesitancy - Wikipedia Also see: Category:Vaccine controversies - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: movement against compulsory vaccination ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Vaccination
Tag: cwrc:anti-Vaccination
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Category:Vaccine_controversies dbpedia:Vaccine_controversies
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Opposition to experimentation and testing on live animals. See Category:Anti-vivisection movement - Wikipedia Also see Vivisection - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: anti-vivisectionist anti-vivisection movement ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Vivisection
Tag: cwrc:anti-Vivisection
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Category:Anti-vivisection_movement dbpedia:Vivisection
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism

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anti-war movement

"An anti-war movement (also antiwar) is a social movement, usually in opposition to a particular nation's decision to start or carry on an armed conflict, unconditional of a maybe-existing just cause. The term can also refer to pacifism, which is the opposition to all use of military force during conflicts. Many activists distinguish between anti-war movements and peace movements. Anti-war activists work through protest and other grassroots means to attempt to pressure a government (or governments) to put an end to a particular war or conflict." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: vietnam war protester anti-war anti-militarism anti-militaristic anti-Vietnam-War demonstrations anti-war activism anti Vietnam war ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-War
Tag: cwrc:anti-War
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pro-BoerWar
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-war_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:pacifism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Boer

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"Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism, broadly defined in the modern era as the opposition to the ethnonationalist and political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the establishment of a Jewish state as a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (also referred to as Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land) or to the modern State of Israel as defined as A Jewish and Democratic State. The term is used to describe various religious, moral, and political points of view, but their diversity of motivation and expression is sufficiently different that "anti-Zionism" cannot be seen as having a single ideology or source. According to many notable Jewish and non-Jewish sources, anti-Zionism has become a cover for modern-day antisemitism, a position that critics have challenged as a tactic to silence criticism of Israeli policies." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: anti-israel anti-Israeli anti-zionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-Zionism
Tag: cwrc:anti-Zionism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:zionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-Zionism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Anti-Masonry (alternatively called Anti-Freemasonry) is defined as "avowed opposition to Freemasonry". However, there is no homogeneous anti-Masonic movement. Anti-Masonry consists of radically differing criticisms from sometimes incompatible groups who are hostile to Freemasonry in some form." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: anti-masonic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anti-masonry
Tag: cwrc:anti-masonry
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-Masonry
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Anti-clericalism refers to historical movements that oppose the clergy for reasons including their actual or alleged power and influence in all aspects of public and political life and their involvement in the everyday life of the citizen, their privileges, or their enforcement of orthodoxy. Not all anti-clericals are irreligious or anti-religious, some have been religious and have opposed clergy on the basis of institutional issues and/or disagreements in religious interpretation, such as during the Protestant Reformation." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#antiClericalism
Tag: cwrc:antiClericalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-clericalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:methodism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Antidisestablishmentarianism (/ˌæn.ti.dɪs.ɪs.tæb.lɪʃ.mənˈtɛə.rɪə.nɪ.zᵊm/, /ˌæn.taɪˌdɪs.ɛsˌtæb.lɪʃ.məntˈɛ.ri.ənˌɪ.zm/) is a political position that developed in 19th-century Britain in opposition to Liberal proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England—meaning the removal of the Anglican Church's status as the state church of England, Ireland, and Wales. The establishment was maintained in England, but in Ireland the Church of Ireland (Anglican) was disestablished in 1871. In Wales, four Church of England dioceses were disestablished in 1920 and became the Church in Wales. Antidisestablishmentarianism is also one of the longest non-scientific words. The word has also come by analogy to refer to any opposition to those who oppose the establishment, whether the government, in whole or part, or the established society." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: antidisestablishmentarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#antidisestablishmentarianism
Tag: cwrc:antidisestablishmentarianism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:disestablishmentarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Antidisestablishmentarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Antisemitism (also spelled anti-Semitism or anti-semitism) is hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. A person who holds such positions is called an antisemite. Antisemitism is widely considered to be a form of racism. The root word Semite gives the false impression that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic people. However, the compound word antisemite was popularized in Germany in 1879 as a scientific-sounding term for Judenhass ("Jew-hatred") ,and that has been its common use since then. Antisemitism may be manifested in many ways, ranging from expressions of hatred of or discrimination against individual Jews to organized pogroms by mobs, state police, or even military attacks on entire Jewish communities. Although the term did not come into common usage until the 19th century, it is now also applied to historic anti-Jewish incidents. Notable instances of persecution include the Rhineland massacres preceding the First Crusade in 1096, the Edict of Expulsion from England in 1290, the massacres of Spanish Jews in 1391, the persecutions of the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Cossack massacres in Ukraine from 1648 to 1657, various anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire between 1821 and 1906, the 1894–1906 Dreyfus affair in France, the Holocaust in German-occupied Europe, official Soviet anti-Jewish policies, and Arab and Muslim involvement in the Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: antisemitic anti-semitism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#antisemitism
Tag: cwrc:antisemitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Antisemitism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:racism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:dreyfusard
*skos:related: cwrc:nazism

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"Appeasement in a political context is a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an enemy power in order to avoid conflict. The term is most often applied to the foreign policy of the British Prime Ministers Ramsay Macdonald, Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain towards Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy between 1935 and 1939. Their policies have been the subject of intense debate for more than seventy years among academics, politicians and diplomats. The historians' assessments have ranged from condemnation for allowing Adolf Hitler's Germany to grow too strong, to the judgment that they had no alternative and acted in their country's best interests. At the time, these concessions were widely seen as positive, and the Munich Pact concluded on 30 September 1938 among Germany, Britain, France, and Italy prompted Chamberlain to announce that he had secured "peace for our time."" (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#appeasement
Tag: cwrc:appeasement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Appeasement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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arts advocacy

Advocacy for the fine, performing, or liberal arts.

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[skos:altLabel: advocate for the arts artists' advocate ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#artsAdvocacy
Tag: cwrc:artsAdvocacy
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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birth control activism

Promotion of birth control awareness, practices, and resources. See: Birth control movement in the United States - Wikipedia. Also see:Category:Birth control - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: birth-control activist birth control movement birth control campaigner supporter of contraception contraceptionist pro-contraception pro-birth control ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthControlActivism
Tag: cwrc:birthControlActivism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Birth_control_movement_in_the_United_States dbpedia:Category:Birth_control
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism cwrc:pro-Choice cwrc:sexualReform

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black anti-oppression movement

Opposition to the social, institutional, and political oppression of people defined as black, which varies historically and geographically. See Racism in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia and Civil rights movement - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: black liberation anti-segregationist black liberationist black power black activist black pride ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blackAnti-Oppression
Tag: cwrc:blackAnti-Oppression
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:African-American_Civil_Rights_Movement_(1954%E2%80%931968) dbpedia:Racism_in_the_United_Kingdom
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights cwrc:racialEquality
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:abolitionism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:pro-Slavery
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Racism

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Black nationalism

"Black nationalism (BN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of national identity. There are different indigenous nationalist philosophies but the principles of all Black nationalist ideologies are unity and self-determination—that is, separation, or independence, from European society." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blackNationalism
Tag: cwrc:blackNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Black_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"The Bolsheviks, originally also Bolshevists or Bolsheviki (Russian: большевики, большевик (singular); IPA: [bəlʲʂɨˈvʲik]; derived from большинство bol'shinstvo, "majority", literally meaning "one of the majority") were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) which split apart from the Menshevik faction at the Second Party Congress in 1903. The RSDLP was a revolutionary socialist political party formed in 1898 in Minsk to unite the various revolutionary organisations of the Russian Empire into one party. In the Second Party Congress vote, the Bolsheviks won on the majority of important issues, hence their name. They ultimately became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks or Reds came to power in Russia during the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, and founded the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). With the Reds defeating the Whites, and others during the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922, the RSFSR became the chief constituent of the Soviet Union in December 1922. The Bolsheviks, founded by Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov, were by 1905 a major organisation consisting primarily of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy governed by the principle of democratic centralism, who considered themselves the leaders of the revolutionary working class of Russia. Their beliefs and practices were often referred to as Bolshevism." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: pro-bolshevik Bolshevist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bolshevism
Tag: cwrc:bolshevism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bolsheviks
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:communism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Bolshevism
*skos:related: cwrc:stalinism

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"Bonapartism is the political ideology of Napoleon Bonaparte and his followers and successors. It was later used to refer to persons who hoped to restore the House of Bonaparte and its style of government. After Napoleon, the term was applied to the French politicians who seized power in the coup of 18 Brumaire, ruling in the French Consulate and subsequently in the First and Second French Empires under the House of Bonaparte (the family of Bonaparte and his nephew Louis). The term was used more generally for a political movement that advocated a dictatorship or authoritarian centralized state, with a strongman charismatic leader based on anti-elitist rhetoric, army support, and conservatism. Marxism and Leninism developed a vocabulary of political terms that included Bonapartism, derived from their analysis of the career of Napoleon Bonaparte. Karl Marx was a student of Jacobinism and the French Revolution, and was a contemporary critic of the Second Republic and Second Empire. He used "Bonapartism" to refer to a situation in which counter-revolutionary military officers seize power from revolutionaries, and use selective reforms to co-opt the radicalism of the popular classes. Marx argued that in the process, Bonapartists preserve and mask the power of a narrower ruling class. According to his essay "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon" (1852), Marx believed that both Bonaparte and his nephew Napoleon III had corrupted revolutions in France in this way. In this document, he drew attention to what he calls the phenomenon's repetitive history by saying: "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce." More generally, "Bonapartism" may be used to describe the replacement of civilian leadership by military leadership within revolutionary movements or governments. Many modern-day Trotskyists and other leftists use the phrase "left Bonapartist" to describe those, such as Stalin and Mao, who controlled 20th-century bureaucratic socialist regimes. In addition, Leon Trotsky was accused of using his position as commander of the Red Army to gain top-level power after Lenin's death. Noted political scientists and historians greatly differ on the definition and interpretation of Bonapartism. Sudhir Hazareesingh's book The Legend of Napoleon explores numerous interpretations of the term. He says that it refers to a "popular national leader confirmed by popular election, above party politics, promoting equality, progress, and social change, with a belief in religion as an adjunct to the State, a belief that the central authority can transform society and a belief in the 'nation' and its glory and a fundamental belief in national unity." Hazareesingh believes that although recent research shows Napoleon used forced conscription of French troops, some men must have fought believing in Napoleon's ideals. He says that to argue Bonapartism co-opted the masses is an example of the Marxist perspective of false consciousness: the idea that the masses can be manipulated by a few determined leaders in the pursuit of ends. Scholar Raymond Hinnebusch has characterized Hafez al-Asad's regime in Syria as Bonapartist." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: pro-bonapartist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bonapartism
Tag: cwrc:bonapartism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bonapartism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Bonapartism

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Followed the three principles of "revenge on Germany", "revision of the constitution", and "the return to monarchy" in frustration with French conservatism. Based on the politics of Georges Ernest Boulanger. See: Georges Ernest Boulanger - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: boulangist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#boulangism
Tag: cwrc:boulangism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Georges_Ernest_Boulanger
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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British nationalism

"British nationalism asserts that the British are a nation and promotes the cultural unity of the British, in a definition of Britishness that may include people of English, Scottish, Welsh, Ulster, Scots and Irish descent. British nationalism is closely associated with British unionism, which seeks to uphold the political union that is the United Kingdom, or strengthen the links between the countries of the United Kingdom. British nationalism's unifying identity descends from the ancient Britons who dwelt on the island of Great Britain. British nationalism grew to include people outside Great Britain, in Ireland, because of the 1542 Crown of Ireland Act, which declared that the crown of Ireland was to be held by the ruling monarch of England as well as Anglo-Irish calls for unity with Britain. It is characterised as a "powerful but ambivalent force in British politics". In its moderate form, British nationalism has been a civic nationalism, emphasising both cohesion and diversity of the people of the United Kingdom, its dependencies, and its former colonies. Recently however, nativist nationalism has arisen based on fear of Britain being swamped by immigrants; this anti-immigrant nativist nationalism has manifested politically in the British National Party and other nativist nationalist movements. Politicians, such as British Prime Minister David Cameron of the Conservative Party and his direct predecessor Gordon Brown of the Labour Party, have sought to promote British nationalism as a progressive cause." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: british nationalist pro-British ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#britishNationalism
Tag: cwrc:britishNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:British_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investment is determined by the owners of the factors of production in financial and capital markets, and prices and the distribution of goods are mainly determined by competition in the market. Economists, political economists, and historians have adopted different perspectives in their analyses of capitalism and have recognized various forms of it in practice. These include laissez-faire or free market capitalism, welfare capitalism, and state capitalism. Different forms of capitalism feature varying degrees of free markets, public ownership, obstacles to free competition, and state-sanctioned social policies. The degree of competition in markets, the role of intervention and regulation, and the scope of state ownership vary across different models of capitalism;the extent to which different markets are free, as well as the rules defining private property, are matters of politics and of policy. Most existing capitalist economies are mixed economies, which combine elements of free markets with state intervention, and in some cases, with economic planning. Capitalism has existed under many forms of government, in many different times, places, and cultures. Following the decline of mercantilism, mixed capitalist systems became dominant in the Western world and continue to spread See: Capitalism - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: free market capitalism capitalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#capitalism
Tag: cwrc:capitalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Capitalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Catholic emancipation

"Catholic emancipation or Catholic relief was a process in the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in the late 18th century and early 19th century that involved reducing and removing many of the restrictions on Roman Catholics introduced by the Act of Uniformity, the Test Acts and the penal laws. Requirements to abjure (renounce) the temporal and spiritual authority of the Pope and transubstantiation placed major burdens on Roman Catholics. From the death on 14 January 1766 of James Francis Edward Stuart, the son of the deposed James II of England and Ireland (also James VII of Scotland) and pretender to the English, Scottish and Irish thrones since 1701, the papacy recognised the Hanoverian dynasty as lawful rulers of England, Scotland and Ireland, 52 years after it had taken power, and thereafter the penal laws started to be dismantled. The most significant measure was the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829, which removed the most substantial restrictions on Roman Catholicism in the United Kingdom." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#catholicEmancipation
Tag: cwrc:catholicEmancipation
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Catholic_emancipation
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Chartism was a working-class movement for political reform in Britain which existed from 1838 to 1858. It took its name from the People's Charter of 1838 and was a national protest movement, with particular strongholds of support in Northern England, the East Midlands, the Staffordshire Potteries, the Black Country, and the South Wales Valleys. Support for the movement was at its highest in 1839, 1842, and 1848, when petitions signed by millions of working people were presented to the House of Commons. The strategy employed was to use the scale of support which these petitions and the accompanying mass meetings demonstrated to put pressure on politicians to concede manhood suffrage.

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#chartism
Tag: cwrc:chartism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Chartism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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children's welfare

Advocacy or activism for the rights or welfare of children. See: Category:Child welfare - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: children's rights campaigner against child prostitution children's rights advocate children's rights activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#childrensWelfare
Tag: cwrc:childrensWelfare
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Category:Child_welfare
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:humanRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Christian pacifism

"Christian pacifism is the theological and ethical position that any form of violence is incompatible with the Christian faith. Christian pacifists state that Jesus himself was a pacifist who taught and practiced pacifism and that his followers must do likewise. Notable Christian pacifists include Martin Luther King, Jr., Leo Tolstoy, and Ammon Hennacy. Hennacy believed that adherence to Christianity required not just pacifism but, because governments inevitably threatened or used force to resolve conflicts, anarchism. However, most Christian pacifists, including the peace churches, Christian Peacemaker Teams, and individuals such as John Howard Yoder, make no claim to be anarchists." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: christian pacifist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#christianPacifism
Tag: cwrc:christianPacifism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Christian_pacifism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:pacifism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Christian socialism

"Christian socialism is a form of religious socialism based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Many Christian socialists believe capitalism to be idolatrous and rooted in greed, which some Christian denominations consider a mortal sin. Christian socialists identify the cause of inequality to be the greed that they associate with capitalism. Christian socialism became a major movement in the United Kingdom beginning in the 1960s through the Christian Socialist Movement, since 2013 known as Christians on the Left. Other earlier figures are also viewed as Christian socialists, such as the nineteenth century writers Frederick Denison Maurice (The Kingdom of Christ, 1838), John Ruskin (Unto This Last, 1862), Charles Kingsley (The Water-Babies, 1863), Thomas Hughes (Tom Brown's Schooldays, 1857), Frederick James Furnivall (co-creator of the Oxford English Dictionary), Adin Ballou (Practical Christian Socialism, 1854), and Francis Bellamy (a Baptist minister and the author of the United States' Pledge of Allegiance)." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: christian socialist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#christianSocialism
Tag: cwrc:christianSocialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Christian_socialism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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civil libertarianism

"Civil libertarianism is a strain of political thought that supports civil liberties, or which emphasises the supremacy of individual rights and personal freedoms over and against any kind of authority (such as a state, a corporation, social norms imposed through peer pressure, etc.). Civil libertarianism is not a complete ideology; rather, it is a collection of views on the specific issues of civil liberties and civil rights." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: civil libertarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#civilLibertarianism
Tag: cwrc:civilLibertarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Civil_libertarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:libertarianism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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civil rights movement

"Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments, social organisations, and private individuals. They ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state without discrimination or repression. Civil rights include the ensuring of people's physical and mental integrity, life, and safety; protection from discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, national origin, colour, age, political affiliation, ethnicity, religion, or disability; and individual rights such as privacy and the freedoms of thought, speech, religion, press, assembly, and movement. Political rights include natural justice (procedural fairness) in law, such as the rights of the accused, including the right to a fair trial; the right to due process; the right to seek redress or a legal remedy; and rights of participation in civil society and politics such as freedom of association, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right of self-defense, and the right to vote. Civil and political rights form the original and main part of international human rights. They comprise the first portion of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (with economic, social, and cultural rights comprising the second portion). The theory of three generations of human rights considers this group of rights to be "first-generation rights", and the theory of negative and positive rights considers them to be generally negative rights." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: personal rights advocate civil rights civil rights activist pro civil rights ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#civilRights
Tag: cwrc:civilRights
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Civil_and_political_rights
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:educationReform
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:abolitionism cwrc:anti-Caste cwrc:anti-Racism cwrc:blackAnti-Oppression cwrc:elderRights cwrc:feminism cwrc:gayRights cwrc:indigenousRights cwrc:jewishEmancipation

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co-operative movement

Supporter of the co-operative movement. See History of the cooperative movement - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: Women's Co-operative Guild ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#co-operativeMovement
Tag: cwrc:co-operativeMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:History_of_the_cooperative_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:socialReform

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"Communalism usually refers to a system that integrates communal ownership and federations of highly localised independent communities. A prominent libertarian socialist, Murray Bookchin, defines communalism as "a theory of government or a system of government in which independent communes participate in a federation", as well as "the principles and practice of communal ownership". This usage of communalism appears to have emerged during the late 20th century to distinguish commune-based systems from other political movements and/or governments espousing (if not actually practicing) similar ideas. In particular, earlier communities and movements advocating such practices that were often described as "anarchist", "socialist" and/or "communist". Many historical communities practicing utopian socialism or anarchist communism did implement internal rules of communalist property ownership in the context of federated communalism. It is at least theoretically possible for a federation of communes to include communes which do not practice communalist rules of property, which is to say, that the overall national government may be a federation of communes, but that private property rather than communalist property is the order within each such commune. Karl Marx, often viewed as the founder of modern communism, criticized older forms, including primitive communism and/or utopian socialism, as poorly conceived and/or prone to disintegration in practise. Communalism in the form described above is distinct from the predominant usage in South Asian forms of English: allegiance to a particular ethnic and/or religious group rather than to a broader society. As such, this usage is synonymous with sectarianism and associated with communal violence." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: communalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#communalism
Tag: cwrc:communalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Communalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal") is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state. Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism (anarchist communism), and the political ideologies grouped around both. All these hold in common the analysis that the current order of society stems from its economic system, capitalism, that in this system, there are two major social classes: the working class – who must work to survive, and who make up a majority of society – and the capitalist class – a minority who derive profit from employing the proletariat, through private ownership of the means of production (the physical and institutional means with which commodities are produced and distributed), and that political, social and economic conflict between these two classes will trigger a fundamental change in the economic system, and by extension a wide-ranging transformation of society. The primary element which will enable this transformation, according to this analysis, is the social ownership of the means of production." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Communist Party communist christian communist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#communism
Tag: cwrc:communism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Communism cwrc:liberalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Communism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:maoism cwrc:marxism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Conscriptionism
*skos:related: cwrc:socialism

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conscientious objection

"A conscientious objector is an "individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service" on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, disability, or religion. In general, conscientious objector status is considered only in the context of military conscription and is not applicable to volunteer military forces. In some countries, conscientious objectors are assigned to an alternative civilian service as a substitute for conscription or military service. Some conscientious objectors consider themselves pacifist, non-interventionist, non-resistant, non-aggressionist, or antimilitarist. On March 8, 1995 the United Nations Commission on Human Rights resolution 1995/83 stated that "persons performing military service should not be excluded from the right to have conscientious objections to military service." This was re-affirmed in 1998, when resolution 1998/77 recognized that "persons [already] performing military service may develop conscientious objections." A number of organisations around the world celebrate the principle on May 15 as International Conscientious Objectors Day. The term has also been extended to objecting to working for the military-industrial complex due to a crisis of conscience." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#conscientiousObjection
Tag: cwrc:conscientiousObjection
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Conscientious_objector
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:pacifism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Conservatism as a political and social philosophy promotes retaining traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasising stability and continuity, while others, called reactionaries, oppose modernism and seek a return to "the way things were". The first established use of the term in a political context originated with François-René de Chateaubriand in 1818, during the period of Bourbon restoration that sought to roll back the policies of the French Revolution. The term, historically associated with right-wing politics, has since been used to describe a wide range of views. There is no single set of policies that are universally regarded as conservative, because the meaning of conservatism depends on what is considered traditional in a given place and time. Thus conservatives from different parts of the world—each upholding their respective traditions—may disagree on a wide range of issues. Edmund Burke, an 18th-century politician who opposed the French Revolution but supported the American Revolution, is credited as one of the main theorists of conservatism in Britain in the 1790s. According to Quintin Hogg, the chairman of the British Conservative Party in 1959, "Conservatism is not so much a philosophy as an attitude, a constant force, performing a timeless function in the development of a free society, and corresponding to a deep and permanent requirement of human nature itself."" (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: conservative ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#conservatism
Tag: cwrc:conservatism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Conservatism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:neo-Conservatism
*skos:related: cwrc:conservativeFeminism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:conservativePartyUk cwrc:neo-Conservatism

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conservative feminism

Feminism that tends towards social conservativism. See Feminism - Wikipedia

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#conservativeFeminism
Tag: cwrc:conservativeFeminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Feminism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:conservatism

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Conservative Party (UK)

"The Tories were members of two political parties which existed, sequentially, in the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Great Britain, and later the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from the 17th to the early 19th centuries. The first Tories emerged in 1678 in England, when they opposed the Whig-supported Exclusion Bill which set out to disinherit the heir presumptive James, Duke of York (who eventually became James II of England and VII of Scotland). This party ceased to exist as an organised political entity in the early 1760s, although it was used as a term of self-description by some political writers. A few decades later, a new Tory party would rise to establish a hold on government between 1783 and 1830, with William Pitt the Younger followed by Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool. The Earl of Liverpool was succeeded by fellow Tory Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, whose term included the Catholic Emancipation, which occurred mostly due to the election of Daniel O'Connell as a Catholic MP from Ireland. When the Whigs subsequently regained control, the Representation of the People Act 1832 removed the rotten boroughs, many of which were controlled by Tories. In the following general election, the Tory ranks were reduced to 180 MPs. Under the leadership of Robert Peel, the Tamworth Manifesto was issued, which began to transform the Tories into the Conservative Party. However, Peel lost many of his supporters by repealing the Corn Laws, causing the party to break apart. One faction, led by the Earl of Derby and Benjamin Disraeli, survived to become the modern Conservative Party, whose members are commonly still referred to as Tories." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: tory Tory Party Tory Party (Britain) Tory radical conservative party disaffected Tories ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#conservativePartyUk
Tag: cwrc:conservativePartyUk
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Tories_(British_political_party)
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:conservatism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Constitutionalism is "a complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law". Political organisations are constitutional to the extent that they "contain institutionalized mechanisms of power control for the protection of the interests and liberties of the citizenry, including those that may be in the minority". As described by political scientist and constitutional scholar David Fellman: Constitutionalism is descriptive of a complicated concept, deeply embedded in historical experience, which subjects the officials who exercise governmental powers to the limitations of a higher law. Constitutionalism proclaims the desirability of the rule of law as opposed to rule by the arbitrary judgment or mere fiat of public officials…. Throughout the literature dealing with modern public law and the foundations of statecraft the central element of the concept of constitutionalism is that in political society government officials are not free to do anything they please in any manner they choose; they are bound to observe both the limitations on power and the procedures which are set out in the supreme, constitutional law of the community. It may therefore be said that the touchstone of constitutionalism is the concept of limited government under a higher law." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: constitutionalist constitutional feminist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#constitutionalism
Tag: cwrc:constitutionalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Constitutionalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"The Covenanters were a Scottish Presbyterian movement that played an important part in the history of Scotland, and to a lesser extent that of England and Ireland, during the 17th century. Presbyterian denominations tracing their history to the Covenanters and often incorporating the name continue the ideas and traditions in Scotland and internationally. They derive their name from the term covenant after the Covenant between God and the Israelites in the Old Testament. There were two important covenants in Scottish history, the National Covenant and the Solemn League and Covenant." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Covenanting ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#covenanters
Tag: cwrc:covenanters
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Covenanter
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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An advocate of democracy. See Democracy - Wikipedia.

[skos:altLabel: Democrat (US) pro-democracy democratic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#democrat
Tag: cwrc:democrat
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Disestablishmentarianism refers to campaigns to sever links between church and state, particularly in relation to the Church of England as an established church. It was initially a movement in the United Kingdom in the 18th century. The established churches in Wales and Ireland could not count on even nominal adherence by a majority of the population of those countries. In Ireland, the predominantly Roman Catholic population campaigned against the position of the established Anglican Church of Ireland - eventually disestablished in Ireland from 1 January 1871. In England there was a campaign by Liberals, dissenters and nonconformists to disestablish the Church of England in the 19th century. The campaigners were called "Liberationists" (the "Liberation Society" was founded by Edward Miall in 1844). This campaign failed, but nearly all of the legal disabilities of nonconformists were gradually dismantled. The campaign for disestablishment was revived in the 20th century when Parliament rejected the 1929 revision of the Book of Common Prayer, leading to calls for separation of Church and State to prevent political interference in matters of worship. In the late 20th century, reform of the House of Lords also brought into question the position of the Lords Spiritual. Nick Clegg, the former Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Liberal Democrats, said in April 2014 that he thought the Church of England and the British state should be separated "in the long run". Prime Minister David Cameron, responding to Clegg's comments, said that disestablishmentarianism is "a long-term Liberal idea, but it is not a Conservative one" and that he believed having an established church works well. The Church of England was disestablished in Wales in 1920, becoming the Church in Wales. An Act of the British Parliament enabling the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland was passed in 1869, coming into effect on 1 January 1871. The Church of Scotland was disestablished in 1929 but remains the largest church in Scotland." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-episcopalian anti-episcopal anti-tithes anti-anglican ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#disestablishmentarianism
Tag: cwrc:disestablishmentarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Disestablishmentarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:antidisestablishmentarianism

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Dissent (Protestant)

1- "In English church history, a nonconformist was a Protestant who did not "conform" to the governance and usages of the established Church of England. Broad use of the term was precipitated after the Restoration of the British monarchy in 1660, when the Act of Uniformity 1662 re-established the opponents of reform within the Church of England. By the late 19th-century the term specifically included the Reformed Christians (Presbyterians, Congregationalists and other Calvinist sects), plus the Baptists and Methodists. The English Dissenters such as the Puritans who violated the Act of Uniformity 1559 — typically by practising radical, sometimes separatist, dissent — were retrospectively labelled as nonconformists." (DBpedia, 2017) Dissenting Protestantism and nonconformism are historical phenomena that become less relevant in the United Kingdom from the early twentieth century onwards, and many groups such as Baptists and Presbyterians have significant followings in other parts of the world.

2- "English Dissenters were Christians who separated from the Church of England in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. A dissenter (from the Latin dissentire, "to disagree") is one who disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, etc. English Dissenters opposed state interference in religious matters, and founded their own churches, educational establishments, and communities; some emigrated to the New World. They originally agitated for a wide-reaching Protestant Reformation of the Established Church, and triumphed briefly under Oliver Cromwell." (DBpedia, 2017) See also: Nonconformity - Wikipedia

[skos:altLabel: Rational Dissent Dissenter Nonconformist Dissenting Churches Dissenting Presbyterian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dissentProtestant
Tag: cwrc:dissentProtestant
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:English_Dissenters dbpedia:Nonconformist
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
rdfs:seeAlso: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonconformists
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:protestantism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:baptistChristianity cwrc:congregationalism cwrc:fifthMonarchists cwrc:independentMethodistConnexion cwrc:methodism cwrc:plymouthBrethren cwrc:presbyterianism cwrc:puritanism cwrc:quakerism cwrc:seekers cwrc:unitarianism

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dress reform

"Victorian dress reform was an objective of the Victorian dress reform movement (also known as the rational dress movement) of the middle and late Victorian era, comprising various reformers who proposed, designed, and wore clothing considered more practical and comfortable than the fashions of the time. Dress reformists were largely middle class women involved in the first wave of feminism in the United States and in Britain, from the 1850s through the 1890s. The movement emerged in the Progressive Era along with calls for temperance, women's education, suffrage and moral purity. Dress reform called for emancipation from the "dictates of fashion", expressed a desire to "cover the limbs as well as the torso adequately," and promoted "rational dress". The movement had its greatest success in the reform of women's undergarments, which could be modified without exposing the wearer to social ridicule. Dress reformers were also influential in persuading women to adopt simplified garments for athletic activities such as bicycling or swimming. The movement was much less concerned with men's clothing, although it initiated the widespread adoption of knitted wool union suits or long johns. Some proponents of the movement established dress reform parlors, or storefronts, where women could buy sewing patterns for the newfangled garments, or buy them directly." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: dress reformer Rational Dress Movement ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dressReform
Tag: cwrc:dressReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Victorian_dress_reform
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Supporters of Captain Alfred Dreyfus in his prosecution by the French military. See: Dreyfus affair - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dreyfusard
Tag: cwrc:dreyfusard
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:antisemitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Dreyfus_affair
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:humanRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Antisemitism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Dreyfusard

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education reform

"Education reform is the name given to the goal of changing public education. Historically, reforms have taken different forms because the motivations of reformers have differed. However, since the 1980s, education reform has been focused on changing the existing system from one focused on inputs to one focused on outputs (i.e., student achievement). In the United States, education reform acknowledges and encourages public education as the primary source of K-12 education for American youth. Education reformers desire to make public education into a market (in the form of an input-output system), where accountability creates high-stakes from curriculum standards tied to standardized tests. As a result of this input-output system, equality has been conceptualized as an end point, which is often evidenced by an achievement gap among diverse populations. This conceptualization of education reform is based on the market-logic of competition. As a consequence, competition creates inequality which has continued to drive the market-logic of equality at an end point by reproducing the achievement gap among diverse youth. Overall, education reform has and continues to be used as a substitute for needed economic reforms in the United States. The one constant for all forms of education reform includes the idea that small changes in education will have large social returns in citizen health, wealth, and well-being. For example, a stated motivation has been to reduce cost to students and society. From ancient times until the 1800s, one goal was to reduce the expense of a classical education. Ideally, classical education is undertaken with a highly educated full-time (extremely expensive) personal tutor. Historically, this was available only to the most wealthy. Encyclopedias, public libraries and grammar schools are examples of innovations intended to lower the cost of a classical education. Related reforms attempted to develop similar classical results by concentrating on "why" and "which" questions neglected by classical education. Abstract, introspective answers to these questions can theoretically compress large amounts of facts into relatively few principles. This path was taken by some Transcendentalist educators, such as Amos Bronson Alcott. In the early modern age, Victorian schools were reformed to teach commercially useful topics, such as modern languages and mathematics, rather than classical subjects, such as Latin and Greek. Many reformers focused on reforming society by reforming education on more scientific, humanistic, pragmatic or democratic principles. John Dewey and Anton Makarenko are prominent examples of such reformers. Some reformers incorporated several motivations, e.g. Maria Montessori, who both "educated for peace" (a social goal), and to "meet the needs of the child" (A humanistic goal). In historic Prussia, an important motivation for the invention of Kindergarten was to foster national unity by teaching a national language while children were young enough that learning a language was easy. Reform has taken many forms and directions. Throughout history and the present day, the meaning and methods of education have changed through debates over what content or experiences result in an educated individual or an educated society. Changes may be implemented by individual educators and/or by broad-based school organisation and/or by curriculum changes with performance evaluations." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: educational reform educational reformer state education movement educationalist education reformer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#educationReform
Tag: cwrc:educationReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Education_reform
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:civilRights
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:womensEducationReform

[back to top]


"Egalitarianism (from French égal, meaning "equal")—or equalitarianism—is a trend of thought that favors equality for all people. Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status, according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the term has two distinct definitions in modern English: either as a political doctrine that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights; or as a social philosophy advocating the removal of economic inequalities among people, economic egalitarianism, or the decentralization of power. Some sources define egalitarianism as the point of view that equality reflects the natural state of humanity." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: egalitarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#egalitarianism
Tag: cwrc:egalitarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Egalitarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism

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Egyptian nationalism

"Egyptian nationalism refers to the nationalism of Egyptians and Egyptian culture. Egyptian nationalism has typically been a civic nationalism that has emphasised the unity of Egyptians regardless of ethnicity or religion. Egyptian nationalism first manifested itself in Pharaonism beginning in the 19th century that identified Egypt as being a unique and independent political unit in the world since the era of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Both the Arabic language spoken in modern Egypt and the ancient Egyptian language are Afroasiatic languages. The rule of Muhammad Ali of Egypt led Egypt into an advanced level of socioeconomic development in comparison with Egypt's neighbours, which along with the discoveries of relics of ancient Egyptian civilization, helped to foster Egyptian identity and Egyptian nationalism. The Urabi movement in the 1870s and 1880s was the first major Egyptian nationalist movement that demanded an end to the alleged despotism of the Muhammed Ali family and demanded curbing the growth of European influence in Egypt. It campaigned under the nationalist slogan of "Egypt for Egyptians". After the British occupation of Egypt in 1882, Egyptian nationalism became focused upon ending British colonial rule. Egyptian nationalism reached its peak in popularity in 1919 when revolution against British rule took place in response to wartime deprivations imposed by the British upon Egypt during World War I. Three years of protest and political turmoil followed until Britain unilaterally declared the independence of Egypt in 1922 that was a monarchy, though Britain reserved several areas for British supervision. During the period of the Kingdom of Egypt, Egyptian nationalists remained determined to terminate the remaining British presence in Egypt. Though Arab nationalism rose as a political force in the 1930s, there remained a strong regional attachment to Egypt by those who advocated cooperation with other Arab or Muslim neighbours. After the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 that overthrew the monarchy and established a republic, Gamal Abdel Nasser rose to power on themes that mixed Arab and Egyptian nationalism. Nasser saw Egypt as the leader of the Arab states and saw Egypt's role as promoting Arab solidarity against both the West and Israel. Egypt was briefly united with Syria from 1958 until 1961 when Syria abandoned the union. Nasser's successors, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak de-emphasised Arab nationalism and re-emphasised Egyptian nationalism based on Egypt's distinctiveness within the Arab world. Sadat and Mubarak also abandoned Nasser's Arab nationalist conflict with Israel and the West. The Arab Spring in Egypt in 2011 that forced the resignation of Mubarak from power and resulted in multiparty elections, has raised questions over the future of Egyptian nationalism. In particular the previous secular regimes of Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak avoided direct religious conflicts between the majority Muslims and the minority Coptic Christians through their emphasis on secular Egyptian nationalist culture, while concerns have been raised on whether this Egyptian nationalist culture will remain with the political changes caused by the Arab Spring. This has especially become an issue after a series of episodes of Muslim-Christian violence erupted in Egypt in 2011." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#egyptianNationalism
Tag: cwrc:egyptianNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Egyptian_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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elder rights

"Elder rights are the rights of the aged, who in the United States are not recognized as a constitutionally protected class. Common rights issues faced by elders include age-related job discrimination (such as forced age of retirement), lack of access to medical treatments because of age or age-related obstacles, societal perceptions of ability/disability due to age, and vulnerability to abuse, including financial, physical, psychological, social, and sexual because of diminished capacity and lack of access to/ability to use technology." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: elder care activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#elderRights
Tag: cwrc:elderRights
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Elder_rights
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Environmentalism or environmental rights is a broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the concerns of non-human elements. Environmentalism advocates the lawful preservation, restoration and/or improvement of the natural environment, and may be referred to as a movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity. For this reason, concepts such as a land ethic, environmental ethics, biodiversity, ecology, and the biophilia hypothesis figure predominantly. At its crux, environmentalism is an attempt to balance relations between humans and the various natural systems on which they depend in such a way that all the components are accorded a proper degree of sustainability. The exact measures and outcomes of this balance is controversial and there are many different ways for environmental concerns to be expressed in practice. Environmentalism and environmental concerns are often represented by the color green, but this association has been appropriated by the marketing industries for the tactic known as greenwashing. Environmentalism is opposed by anti-environmentalism, which says that the Earth is less fragile than some environmentalists maintain, and portrays environmentalism as overreacting to the human contribution to climate change or opposing human advancement." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: ecologist environmentalist green nature conservationist climate activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#environmentalism
Tag: cwrc:environmentalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Environmentalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:anti-NuclearMovement

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"Eugenics (/juːˈdʒɛnɪks/; from Greek εὐγενής eugenes "well-born" from εὖ eu, "good, well" and γένος genos, "race, stock, kin") is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population. It is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher rates of sexual reproduction for people with desired traits (positive eugenics), or reduced rates of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with less-desired or undesired traits (negative eugenics), or both. Alternatively, gene selection rather than "people selection" has recently been made possible through advances in genome editing (e.g. CRISPR). The exact definition of eugenics has been a matter of debate since the term was coined. The definition of it as a "social philosophy"—that is, a philosophy with implications for social order—is not universally accepted, and was taken from Frederick Osborn's 1937 journal article "Development of a Eugenic Philosophy". While eugenic principles have been practiced as far back in world history as Ancient Greece, the modern history of eugenics began in the early 20th century when a popular eugenics movement emerged in the United Kingdom and spread to many countries, including the United States, Canada and most European countries. In this period, eugenic ideas were espoused across the political spectrum. Consequently, many countries adopted eugenic policies meant to improve the genetic stock of their countries. Such programs often included both "positive" measures, such as encouraging individuals deemed particularly "fit" to reproduce, and "negative" measures such as marriage prohibitions and forced sterilization of people deemed unfit for reproduction. People deemed unfit to reproduce often included people with mental or physical disabilities, people who scored in the low ranges of different IQ tests, criminals and deviants, and members of disfavored minority groups. The eugenics movement became negatively associated with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust when many of the defendants at the Nuremberg trials attempted to justify their human rights abuses by claiming there was little difference between the Nazi eugenics programs and the US eugenics programs. In the decades following World War II, with the institution of human rights, many countries gradually abandoned eugenics policies, although some Western countries, among them the United States, continued to carry out forced sterilizations. Since the 1980s and 1990s when new assisted reproductive technology procedures became available, such as gestational surrogacy (available since 1985), preimplantation genetic diagnosis (available since 1989) and cytoplasmic transfer (first performed in 1996), fear about a possible future revival of eugenics and a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor has emerged. A major criticism of eugenics policies is that, regardless of whether "negative" or "positive" policies are used, they are vulnerable to abuse because the criteria of selection are determined by whichever group is in political power. Furthermore, negative eugenics in particular is considered by many to be a violation of basic human rights, which include the right to reproduction. Another criticism is that eugenic policies eventually lead to a loss of genetic diversity, resulting in inbreeding depression instead due to a low genetic variation." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: eugenicist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eugenics
Tag: cwrc:eugenics
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Eugenics
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Existentialism (/ɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəlɪzəm/) is a term applied to the work of certain late-19th- and 20th-century European philosophers who, despite profound doctrinal differences, shared the belief that philosophical thinking begins with the human subject—not merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling, living human individual. While the predominant value of existentialist thought is commonly acknowledged to be freedom, its primary virtue is authenticity. In the view of the existentialist, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential attitude", or a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world. Many existentialists have also regarded traditional systematic or academic philosophies, in both style and content, as too abstract and remote from concrete human experience. Søren Kierkegaard is generally considered to have been the first existentialist philosopher, though he did not use the term existentialism. He proposed that each individual—not society or religion—is solely responsible for giving meaning to life and living it passionately and sincerely, or "authentically". Existentialism became popular in the years following World War II, and strongly influenced many disciplines besides philosophy, including theology, drama, art, literature, and psychology." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: existentialist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#existentialism
Tag: cwrc:existentialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Existentialism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, influenced by national syndicalism. Fascism originated in Italy during World War I and spread to other European countries. Fascism opposes liberalism, Marxism and anarchism and is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum. Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes in the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilian and combatant. A "military citizenship" arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner during the war. The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing economic production and logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens. Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties. Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society. Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature, and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation. Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky through protectionist and interventionist economic policies. Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist, and the term is instead now usually used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes applied more formally to describe parties of the far right with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th century fascist movements." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: fascist fascist party pro-fascist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fascism
Tag: cwrc:fascism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Fascism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Fascism
*skos:related: cwrc:nazism

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"Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women that are equal to those of men. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women's rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to promote bodily autonomy and integrity, and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. Feminist campaigns are generally considered to be one of the main forces behind major historical societal changes for women's rights, particularly in the West, where they are near-universally credited with having achieved women's suffrage, gender neutrality in English, reproductive rights for women (including access to contraceptives and abortion), and the right to enter into contracts and own property. Although feminist advocacy is, and has been, mainly focused on women's rights, some feminists, including bell hooks, argue for the inclusion of men's liberation within its aims because men are also harmed by traditional gender roles. Feminist theory, which emerged from feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues concerning gender. Numerous feminist movements and ideologies have developed over the years and represent different viewpoints and aims. Some forms of feminism have been criticized for taking into account only white, middle class, and educated perspectives. This criticism led to the creation of ethnically specific or multicultural forms of feminism, including black feminism and intersectional feminism." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: non-separatist feminist maternal feminist proto-feminist feminist reformer women's rights activist women's cause proto-feminist consciousness women's movement contraceptionist moderate feminist political issues concerning women activist for women and children feminist movement Women's Liberation women's rights gender egalitarian lobby for the rights of women sexual egalitarian women's issues advocate of female education Equality Feminism New Woman anti-sexist feminist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#feminism
Tag: cwrc:feminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Feminism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Feminism
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-Caste
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:anti-ContagiousDiseasesAct cwrc:conservativeFeminism cwrc:dressReform cwrc:feministAnti-ViolenceActivism cwrc:feministInternationalism cwrc:feministPacifism cwrc:lesbianFeminism cwrc:suffrage cwrc:womanism cwrc:womensEducationReform cwrc:womensEmploymentReform

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feminist anti-violence activism

Activism opposing violence from a feminist perspective, often but not exclusively violence against women and children, including sexual and domestic violence and female genital mutilation.

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[skos:altLabel: anti-female-genital-mutilation against violence to women ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#feministAnti-ViolenceActivism
Tag: cwrc:feministAnti-ViolenceActivism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

feminist internationalism

Feminist participant in the internationalism movement. See Internationalism (politics) - Wikipedia

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#feministInternationalism
Tag: cwrc:feministInternationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Internationalism_%28politics%29
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism cwrc:internationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

feminist pacifism

Feminist participant in the pacifist movement. See Internationalism (politics) - Wikipedia Also see: Pacifism - Wikipedia

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#feministPacifism
Tag: cwrc:feministPacifism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Internationalism_(politics dbpedia:Pacifism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism cwrc:pacifism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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free trade movement

"Free Trader was a political label used in the United Kingdom by several candidates in the 1906 general election and January 1910 general election. Its candidates were in university constituencies, led by John Eldon Gorst, who had been previously elected as a Conservative Party but had split from the party in 1902. The group was in favour of limited social reforms, and in particular of free trade. While several of its candidates received substantial votes, none were elected, and in 1910 Gorst stood instead as a Liberal Party candidate, the remainder of the grouping soon petering out." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: free trader ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#freeTradeMovement
Tag: cwrc:freeTradeMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Free_Trader
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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French nationalism

"French nationalism is the nationalism that asserts that the French are a nation and promotes the cultural unity of the French." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#frenchNationalism
Tag: cwrc:frenchNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:French_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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gay rights movement

"Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) social movements are social movements that advocate for the equalized acceptance of LGBT people in society. In these movements, LGBTQ people and their allies have a long history of campaigning for what is now generally called LGBTQ rights, sometimes also called gay rights or gay and lesbian rights. Although there is not a primary or an overarching central organisation that represents all LGBT people and their interests, numerous LGBT rights organisations are active worldwide. The earliest organisations to support LGBT rights were formed in the 19th century. A commonly stated goal among these movements is social equality for LGBT people. Some have also focused on building LGBT communities or worked towards liberation for the broader society from biphobia, homophobia, and transphobia. LGBT movements organized today are made up of a wide range of political activism and cultural activity, including lobbying, street marches, social groups, media, art, and research." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: pro-sexual preference gay rights advocate ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gayRights
Tag: cwrc:gayRights
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:LGBT_social_movements
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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German nationalism

"German nationalism is the idea that asserts that Germans are a nation and promotes the cultural unity of Germans. The earliest origins of German nationalism began with the birth of Romantic nationalism during the Napoleonic Wars when Pan-Germanism started to rise. Advocacy of a German nation began to become an important political force in response to the invasion of German territories by France under Napoleon. After the rise and fall of Nazi Germany during World War II, German nationalism has been generally viewed in the country as taboo. However, during the Cold War, German nationalism arose that supported the reunification of East and West Germany that was achieved in 1990. German nationalism has faced difficulties in promoting a united German identity as well as facing opposition within Germany. The Catholic-Protestant divide in Germany at times created extreme tension and hostility between Catholic and Protestant Germans after 1871, such as in response to the policy of Kulturkampf in Prussia by German Chancellor and Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck, that sought to dismantle Catholic culture in Prussia, provoking outrage amongst Germany's Catholics and resulting in the rise of the pro-Catholic Centre Party and the Bavarian People's Party. There have been rival nationalists within Germany, particularly Bavarian nationalists who claim that the terms that Bavaria entered into Germany in 1871 were controversial and have claimed the German government has long intruded into the domestic affairs of Bavaria. Outside of modern-day Germany in Austria, there are Austrian nationalists who have rejected unification of Austria with Germany on the basis of preserving Austrians' Catholic religious identity from the potential danger posed by being part of a Protestant-majority Germany." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: pro-German ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#germanNationalism
Tag: cwrc:germanNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:German_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"The Girondins or Girondists were members of the Gironba, a political group operating in France from 1791 to 1795 during the French Revolution. The Girondins were active within the Legislative Assembly and the National Convention. They were part of the Jacobin movement, though not every Girondin was a member of the Jacobin Club. The Girondins campaigned for the end of the monarchy but then resisted the spiraling momentum of the Revolution. They came into conflict with The Mountain (Montagnards), a radical faction within the Jacobin Club. This conflict eventually led to the fall of the Girondins and their mass execution, the beginning of the Reign of Terror. The Girondins comprised a group of loosely affiliated individuals rather than an organized political party, and the name was at first informally applied because the most prominent exponents of their point of view were deputies to the Legislative Assembly from the department of Gironde in southwest France. The term became standard with Lamartine's history in 1847. Girondin leader Jacques-Pierre Brissot proposed an ambitious military plan to spread the Revolution—one that Napoleon later achieved. He called on the Convention to dominate Western Europe by conquering the Rhineland, Poland, and Holland, with a goal of creating a protective ring of satellite republics in Britain, Spain and Italy by 1795. The Girondins were thus the war party in 1792–93. Other prominent Girondins included Jean Marie Roland and his wife Madame Roland. They had an ally in the English-born, sometime American, activist Thomas Paine. Brissot and Madame Roland were executed and Jean Roland (who had gone into hiding) committed suicide when he learned what had transpired. Paine was arrested and imprisoned but narrowly escaped execution. The famous painting Death of Marat depicts the killing of the fiery radical journalist (and denouncer of the Girondins) Jean-Paul Marat by the Girondin sympathizer Charlotte Corday, who was executed." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#girondin
Tag: cwrc:girondin
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Girondins
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:jacobinism

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Greek nationalism

"Greek nationalism (or Hellenic nationalism) refers to the nationalism of Greeks and Greek culture. As an ideology, Greek nationalism originated and evolved in pre-modern times. It became a major political movement beginning in the 18th century, which culminated in the Greek War of Independence (1821–1829) against the Ottoman Empire. It became a potent movement in Greece shortly prior to, and during World War I under the leadership of nationalist figure Eleutherios Venizelos who pursued the Megali Idea and managed to liberate Greece in the Balkan Wars and after World War I, briefly annexed the region of Izmir before it was retaken by Turkey. Today Greek nationalism remains important in the Greco-Turkish dispute over Cyprus." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#greekNationalist
Tag: cwrc:greekNationalist
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Greek_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Guelph party (Florence)

The Guelphs and Ghibellines were factions supporting the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor, respectively, in the Italian city-states of Central and Northern Italy. During the 12th and 13th centuries, rivalry between these two parties formed a particularly important aspect of the internal politics of medieval Italy. The struggle for power between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire had arisen with the Investiture Controversy, which began in 1075 and ended with the Concordat of Worms in 1122. The division between the Guelphs and Ghibellines in Italy, however, persisted until the 15th century.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Guelph ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#guelphPartyFlorence
Tag: cwrc:guelphPartyFlorence
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Guelphs_and_Ghibellines
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:pro-Catholicism

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"The House of Hanover is a German royal dynasty that ruled the Electorate and then the Kingdom of Hanover, and that also provided monarchs of Great Britain and Ireland from 1714 and ruled the United Kingdom until the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. The House of Hanover was formally named the House of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Hanover line, as it was originally a cadet branch of the House of Brunswick-Lüneburg. The senior branch became extinct in 1884, and the House of Hanover is now the only surviving branch of the House of Welf, which is the senior branch of the House of Este. The current head of the House of Hanover is Ernst August, Prince of Hanover." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: House of Hanover ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hanoverian
Tag: cwrc:hanoverian
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:House_of_Hanover
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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High Church Party

"The term "high church" refers to beliefs and practices of ecclesiology, liturgy, and theology, generally with an emphasis on formality and resistance to "modernisation". Although used in connection with various Christian traditions, the term originated in and has been principally associated with the Anglican/Episcopal tradition, where it describes Anglican churches using a number of ritual practices associated in the popular mind with Roman Catholicism. The opposite is low church. Contemporary media discussing Anglican churches tend to prefer evangelical to "low church", and Anglo-Catholic to "high church", though the terms do not exactly correspond. Other contemporary denominations that contain high church wings include some Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: High-Church party ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#highChurchParty
Tag: cwrc:highChurchParty
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:High_church
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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High Toryism

"High Toryism is a term used in Britain, Canada, and elsewhere to refer to old traditionalist conservatism which is in line with the Toryism originating in the 17th century. High Tories and their worldview were sometimes at odds with the progressive elements of the Conservative Party in these countries at present. Historically, the late eighteenth-century conservatism derived from the Whig Edmund Burke and William Pitt the Younger marks a watershed from the "higher" or legitimist Toryism that was allied to Jacobitism. High Toryism has been described as neo-feudalist in its preference for a hierarchical organisation of society over utopian equality, as well for holding the traditional gentry as a higher cultural benchmark than the bourgeoisie and those who have attained their position through commerce. Economically, High Tories tend to prefer a paternalistic Tory corporatism over the neo-liberalism which took ahold in the 1980s." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: High Tory ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#highToryism
Tag: cwrc:highToryism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:High_Tory
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Home rule

"Home rule is the power of a constituent part (administrative division) of a state to exercise such of the state's powers of governance within its own administrative area that have been decentralized to it by the central government. In the United Kingdom, it traditionally referred to self-government, devolution or independence of its constituent nations—initially Ireland, and later Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. In the United States and other countries organised as federations of states, the term usually refers to the process and mechanisms of self-government as exercised by municipalities, counties, or other units of local government at the level below that of a federal state (e.g., US state, in which context see special legislation). It can also refer to the similar system under which Greenland and the Faroe Islands are associated with Denmark. Home rule is not, however, comparable with federalism. Whereas states in a federal system of government (e.g., Canada, Federal Republic of Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Ethiopia and the United States of America) have a guaranteed constitutional existence, a devolved home rule system of government is created by ordinary legislation and can be reformed, or even abolished, by repeal or amendment of that ordinary legislation. A state legislature may, for example, create home rule for a county or parish (or its townships), so that a county commission or board of supervisors may have jurisdiction over its unincorporated areas, including important issues like zoning. (Without this, a US county is simply an extension of state government.) The legislature can also establish or eliminate municipal corporations, which have home rule within town or city limits through the city council. The state government could also abolish counties/townships, or their governments, according to the state constitution and state laws." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Home Rule movement ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#homeRule
Tag: cwrc:homeRule
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Home_rule
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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housing movement

Advocacy or activism related to housing for the poor or otherwise disadvantaged.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: housing charity housing activism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#housingMovement
Tag: cwrc:housingMovement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:civilRights

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human rights

Advocacy or activism in support of human rights. Human rights - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: human rights activist humanitarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#humanRights
Tag: cwrc:humanRights
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Human_rights
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:indigenousRights
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:abolitionism cwrc:anti-Apartheid cwrc:anti-Dreyfusard cwrc:anti-Imperialism cwrc:childrensWelfare cwrc:dreyfusard cwrc:indianIndependence cwrc:societyOfFriends

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"Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasises the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition. The meaning of the term humanism has fluctuated according to the successive intellectual movements which have identified with it. The term was coined by theologian Friedrich Niethammer at the beginning of the 19th century. Generally, however, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of human freedom and progress. In modern times, humanist movements are typically aligned with secularism, and today humanism typically refers to a non-theistic life stance centred on human agency and looking to science rather than revelation from a supernatural source to understand the world." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: humanist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#humanism
Tag: cwrc:humanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Humanism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Imperialism means "to extend a country's power through military and diplomacy". Its name originated from the Latin word imperium, which means to rule over large territories. Imperialism is "a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means". It has also allowed for the rapid spread of technologies and ideas. The term imperialism has been applied to Western (and Japanese) political and economic dominance especially in Asia and Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its precise meaning continues to be debated by scholars. Some writers, such as Edward Said, use the term more broadly to describe any system of domination and subordination organised with an imperial center and a periphery. Imperialism is defined as "A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force." Imperialism is particularly focused on the control that one group, often a state power, has on another group of people. This is often through various forms of "othering" (see other) based on racial, religious, or cultural stereotypes. There are "formal" or "informal" imperialisms. "Formal imperialism" is defined as "physical control or full-fledged colonial rule". "Informal imperialism" is less direct; however, it is still a powerful form of dominance. The definition of imperialism has not been finalized for centuries and was confusedly seen to represent the policies of major powers, or simply, general-purpose aggressiveness. Further on, some writers used the term imperialism, in slightly more discriminating fashion, to mean all kinds of domination or control by a group of people over another. To clear out this confusion about the definition of imperialism one could speak of "formal" and "informal" imperialism, the first meaning physical control or "full-fledged colonial rule" while the second implied less direct rule though still containing perceivable kinds of dominance. Informal rule is generally less costly than taking over territories formally. This is because, with informal rule, the control is spread more subtly through technological superiority, enforcing land officials into large debts that cannot be repaid, ownership of private industries thus expanding the controlled area, or having countries agree to uneven trade agreements forcefully. It is mostly accepted that modern-day colonialism is an expression of imperialism and cannot exist without the latter. The extent to which "informal" imperialism with no formal colonies is properly described remains a controversial topic among historians. Both colonization and imperialism have been described by Tom Nairn and Paul James as early forms of globalization: Even if a particular empire does not have a "global reach" as we would define it today, empires by their nature still tend to contribute to processes of globalization because of the way that imperial power tends to generate counter-power at its edge-lands and send out reverberations far beyond the territories of their immediate control. The word imperialism became common in Great Britain during the 1870s and was used with a negative connotation. In Great Britain, the word had until then mostly been used to refer to the politics of Napoleon III in obtaining favorable public opinion in France through foreign military interventions." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: colonialist imperialist commonwealth supporter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#imperialism
Tag: cwrc:imperialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Imperialism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Imperialism

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Indian independence movement

"The Indian Independence Movement encompassed activities and ideas aiming to end the East India Company rule (1757–1858) and the British Raj (1858–1947) in the Indian subcontinent. The Movement spanned a total of 190 years (1757-1947). The very first organised militant movements were in Bengal, but they later took movement in the then newly formed Indian National Congress with prominent moderate leaders seeking only their basic right to appear for Indian Civil Service examinations, as well as more rights, economic in nature, for the people of the soil. The early part of the 20th century saw a more radical approach towards political self-rule proposed by leaders such as the Lal, Bal, Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh, V. O. Chidambaram Pillai. The last stages of the self-rule struggle from the 1920s onwards saw Congress adopt Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's policy of nonviolence and civil resistance, Muhammad Ali Jinnah's constitutional struggle for the rights of minorities in India, and several other campaigns. Activists Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh preached armed revolution to achieve self-rule. Poets and writers such as Rabindranath Tagore, Subramaniya Bharathi, Allama Iqbal, Josh Malihabadi, Mohammad Ali Jouhar, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, and Kazi Nazrul Islam used literature, poetry, and speech as a tool for political awareness. Feminists such as Sarojini Naidu and Begum Rokeya promoted the emancipation of Indian women and their participation in national politics. Babasaheb Ambedkar championed the cause of the disadvantaged sections of Indian society within the larger self-rule movement. The period of the Second World War saw the peak of the campaigns by the Quit India movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Army movement led by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. The Indian self-rule movement was a mass-based movement that encompassed various sections of society. It also underwent a process of constant ideological evolution. Although the basic ideology of the movement was anti-colonial, it was supported by a vision of independent capitalist economic development coupled with a secular, democratic, republican, and civil-libertarian political structure. After the 1930s, the movement took on a strong socialist orientation, due to the increasing influence of left-wing elements in the Congress as well as the rise and growth of the Communist Party of India. The All-India Muslim League was formed in 1906 as a separate Muslim party which later in 1940 called for separate state of Pakistan. The work of these various movements led ultimately to the Indian Independence Act 1947, which ended the suzerainty in India and the creation of Pakistan. India remained a Dominion of the Crown until 26 January 1950, when the Constitution of India came into force, establishing the Republic of India; Pakistan was a dominion until 1956, when it adopted its first republican constitution. In 1971, East Pakistan declared independence as the People's Republic of Bangladesh." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: pro-independence (indian) Indian self-government indian nationalist Indian independence ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indianIndependence
Tag: cwrc:indianIndependence
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Indian_independence_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:humanRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:civilRights cwrc:socialReform

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Indian unification

"At the time of Indian independence in 1947, India was divided into two sets of territories, one under the control of the British Empire, and the other over which the Crown had suzerainty, but which were under the control of their hereditary rulers. In addition, there were several colonial enclaves controlled by France and Portugal. The political integration of these territories into India was a declared objective of the Indian National Congress, and the Government of India pursued this over the next decade." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Indian national unity ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indianUnification
Tag: cwrc:indianUnification
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Political_integration_of_India
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Indigenous rights movement

Advocacy or activism in support of human rights. Indigenous rights - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: indigenous rights ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indigenousRights
Tag: cwrc:indigenousRights
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Indigenous_rights
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Imperialism cwrc:humanRights

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"Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasises the moral worth of the individual. Individualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance and advocate that interests of the individual should achieve precedence over the state or a social group, while opposing external interference upon one's own interests by society or institutions such as the government. Individualism is often defined in contrast to totalitarianism, collectivism and more corporate social forms. Individualism makes the individual its focus and so starts "with the fundamental premise that the human individual is of primary importance in the struggle for liberation." Classical Liberalism, existentialism, and anarchism are examples of movements that take the human individual as a central unit of analysis. Individualism thus involves "the right of the individual to freedom and self-realization". It has also been used as a term denoting "The quality of being an individual; individuality" related to possessing "An individual characteristic; a quirk." Individualism is thus also associated with artistic and bohemian interests and lifestyles where there is a tendency towards self-creation and experimentation as opposed to tradition or popular mass opinions and behaviors as so also with humanist philosophical positions and ethics." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: individualist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#individualism
Tag: cwrc:individualism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Individualism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Internationalism is a political principle which advocates a greater political or economic cooperation among nations and peoples, and whose ideological roots can be traced to both socialism and liberalism. Supporters of this principle are referred to as internationalists, and generally believe that the people of the world should unite across national, political, cultural, racial, or class boundaries to advance their common interests, or that the governments of the world should cooperate because their mutual long-term interests are of greater importance than their short-term disputes. Internationalism is, in general, opposed to nationalism, jingoism or chauvinism, and war, and proponents can include supporters of any of the four socialist Internationals and organisations such as the United Nations or the World Federalist Movement." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: internationalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#internationalism
Tag: cwrc:internationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Internationalism_(politics)
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:feministInternationalism

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Irish Home Rule Movement

"The Irish Home Rule movement was a movement that agitated for self-government for Ireland within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. It was the dominant political movement of Irish nationalism from 1870 to the end of World War I. Isaac Butt founded the Home Government Association in 1870. This was succeeded in 1873 by the Home Rule League, and in 1882 by the Irish Parliamentary Party. These organisations campaigned for home rule in the British House of Commons. Under the leadership of Charles Stewart Parnell, the movement came close to success when the Liberal government under William Ewart Gladstone introduced the First Home Rule Bill in 1886, but the bill was defeated in the House of Commons after a split in the Liberal Party. After Parnell's death, Gladstone introduced the Second Home Rule Bill in 1893; it passed the Commons but was defeated in the House of Lords. After the removal of the Lords' veto in 1911, the Third Home Rule Bill was introduced in 1912, leading to the Home Rule Crisis. On the outbreak of World War I it was enacted, but suspended until the conclusion of the war. Following the Easter Rising of 1916, public support shifted from the Home Rule movement to the more radical Sinn Féin party. In the 1918 General Election the Irish Parliamentary Party suffered a crushing defeat, only a handful of MP's surviving. This was effectively the death of the Home Rule movement. The elected Sinn Féin MPs had no interest in home rule, instead setting up their own legislature, Dáil Éireann, and declaring the independence of Ireland as a republic. Britain passed a Fourth Home Rule Bill, the Government of Ireland Act 1920, aimed at creating separate parliaments for Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. The former was established in 1921, and the state continues to this day, but the latter never functioned. Following the Treaty that ended the Anglo-Irish War, the 26 southern counties of Ireland gained independence as the Irish Free State." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: irish home ruler home ruler home ruler (ireland) ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#irishHomeRuleMovement
Tag: cwrc:irishHomeRuleMovement
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:irishUnionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Irish_Home_Rule_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:republicanism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:irishNationalism cwrc:irishRepublicanism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:liberalUnionistParty

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Irish nationalism

"Irish nationalism asserts that the Irish people are a nation. Since the partition of Ireland, the term generally refers to support for a united Ireland. Irish nationalists assert that rule from London has been to the detriment of Irish interests." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: irish patriotism parnellite irish nationalist cultural nationalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#irishNationalism
Tag: cwrc:irishNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Irish_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:irishRepublicanism
*skos:related: cwrc:irishRepublicanism

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Irish republicanism

"Irish republicanism (Irish: poblachtánachas Éireannach) is an ideology based on the belief that all of Ireland should be an independent republic. The development of nationalist and democratic sentiment throughout Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was reflected in Ireland in the emergence of republicanism, in opposition to British rule. This followed hundreds of years of British conquest and Irish resistance through rebellion. Discrimination against Catholics and Non-conformists, attempts by the British administration to suppress Irish culture, and the belief that Ireland was economically disadvantaged as a result of the Act of Union were among the specific factors leading to such opposition. The Society of United Irishmen, formed in the 1780s and led primarily by liberal Protestants, evolved into a revolutionary republican organisation, inspired by the American Revolution and allied with Revolutionary France. It launched the 1798 Rebellion with the help of French troops. The rebellion had some success, especially in County Wexford, before it was suppressed. A second rising in 1803, led by Robert Emmet, was quickly put down, and Emmet was hanged. The Young Ireland movement, formed in the 1830s, was initially a part of the Repeal Association of Daniel O'Connell, but broke with O'Connell on the issue of the legitimacy of the use of violence. Primarily a political and cultural organisation, some members of Young Ireland staged an abortive rising, the Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848. Its leaders were transported to Van Diemen's Land. Some of these escaped to the United States, where they linked up with other Irish exiles to form the Fenian Brotherhood. Together with the Irish Republican Brotherhood, founded in Ireland by James Stephens and others in 1858, they made up a movement commonly known as "Fenians" which was dedicated to the overthrow of British imperial rule in Ireland. They staged another rising, the Fenian Rising, in 1867, and a dynamite campaign in England in the 1880s. In the early 20th century IRB members, in particular Tom Clarke and Seán MacDermott, began planning another rising. The Easter Rising took place from 24 to 30 April 1916, when members of the Irish Volunteers and Irish Citizen Army seized the centre of Dublin, proclaimed a republic and held off British forces for almost a week. The execution of the Rising's leaders, including Clarke, MacDermott, Patrick Pearse and James Connolly, led to a surge of support for republicanism in Ireland. In 1917 the Sinn Féin party stated as its aim the "securing the international recognition of Ireland as an independent Irish Republic", and in the general election of 1918 Sinn Féin took 73 of the 105 Irish seats in the British House of Commons. The elected members did not take their seats but instead set up the First Dáil. Between 1919 and 1921 the Irish Republican Army (IRA), who were loyal to the Dáil, fought the British Army and Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) in the Irish War of Independence. Talks between the British and Irish in late 1921 led to a treaty by which the British conceded, not a 32-county Irish Republic, but a 26-county Irish Free State with Dominion status. This led to the Irish Civil War, in which the republicans were defeated by their former comrades. The Free State became an independent constitutional monarchy following the Balfour Declaration of 1926 and the Statute of Westminster 1931 and formally became a republic with the passage of the Republic of Ireland Act 1948. That same year, the republican movement took the decision to focus on Northern Ireland thereafter. The Border Campaign, which lasted from 1956 to 1962, involved bombings and attacks on Royal Ulster Constabulary barracks. The failure of this campaign led the republican leadership to concentrate on political action, and to move to the left. Following the outbreak of The Troubles in 1968-9, the movement split between Officials (leftists) and Provisionals (traditionalists) at the beginning of 1970. Both sides were initially involved in an armed campaign against the British state, but the Officials gradually moved into mainstream politics after the Official IRA ceasefire of 1972; the associated "Official Sinn Féin" eventually renamed itself the Workers' Party. The Provisional IRA, except during brief ceasefires in 1972 and 1975, kept up a campaign of violence for nearly thirty years, directed against security forces and civilian targets (especially businesses). While the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) represented the nationalists of Northern Ireland in initiatives such as the 1973 Sunningdale Agreement, republicans took no part in these, believing that a withdrawal of British troops and a commitment to a united Ireland was a necessary precondition of any settlement. This began to change with a landmark speech by Danny Morrison in 1981, advocating what became known as the Armalite and ballot box strategy. Under the leadership of Gerry Adams, Sinn Féin began to focus on the search for a political settlement. When the party voted in 1986 to take seats in legislative bodies within Ireland, there was a walk-out of die-hard republicans, who set up Republican Sinn Féin and the Continuity IRA. Following the Hume–Adams dialogue, Sinn Féin took part in the Northern Ireland peace process which led to the IRA ceasefires of 1994 and 1997 and the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. After elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly, republicans sat in government in Northern Ireland for the first time when Martin McGuinness and Bairbre de Brún were elected to the Northern Ireland Executive. However, another split occurred, with anti-Agreement republicans setting up the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Real IRA. Today, Irish republicanism is divided between those who support the institutions set up under the Good Friday Agreement and the later St Andrews Agreement, and those who oppose them. The latter are often referred to as "dissident" republicans." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: irish republicanism irish resistance irish independence liberty for Ireland irish republican anti-unionist Sinn Fein irish republic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#irishRepublicanism
Tag: cwrc:irishRepublicanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Irish_republicanism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:republicanism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:irishNationalism
*skos:related: cwrc:irishHomeRuleMovement

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Irish unionism

"Unionism in Ireland is a political ideology that favours the continuation of some form of political union between the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. Since the partition of Ireland, unionism in Ireland has focused on maintaining and preserving the place of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom. In this context, a distinction may be made between the unionism in the province of Ulster and unionism elsewhere in Ireland. Today in Northern Ireland, Unionist ideology is expressed in a number of different ways: through preferences for particular newspapers or sports team, participation in unionist culture and by voting for political candidates who espouse unionism. Irish nationalism is opposed to the ideology of unionism. Most unionists come from Protestant backgrounds; most nationalists come from a Roman Catholic background. Exceptions to these generalisations exist; there are Protestant nationalists and there are Catholic unionists." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: anti-home ruler unionist anti-home rule anti-irish nationalist anti-irish ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#irishUnionism
Tag: cwrc:irishUnionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Unionism_in_Ireland
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:irishNationalism cwrc:irishRepublicanism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:irishHomeRuleMovement
*skos:related: cwrc:anti-LandLeague

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"Isolationism is the foreign policy position that a nations' interests is best served by keeping the affairs of other countries at a distance. One possible motivation for limiting international involvement is to avoid being drawn into dangerous and otherwise undesirable conflicts. There may also be a perceived benefit from avoiding international trade agreements or other mutual assistance pacts." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#isolationism
Tag: cwrc:isolationism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Isolationism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Italian nationalism

Support for the unification of Italy as a single nation or of Italian nationalism. See Italian nationalism - Wikipedia; Italian unification - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: italian nationalist Italian nationalist movement mazzinian italian risorgimento ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#italianNationalism
Tag: cwrc:italianNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Italian_nationalism dbpedia:Italian_unification
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Italian unification

"Italian unification (Italian: Unificazione italiana), or the Risorgimento ([risordʒiˈmento], meaning the Resurgence or revival), was the political and social movement that consolidated different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of the Kingdom of Italy in the 19th century. Despite a lack of consensus on the exact dates for the beginning and end of this period, many historians and scholars agree that the process began in 1815 with the Congress of Vienna and the end of Napoleonic rule, and was completed in 1871 when Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. (Some of the terre irredente did not, however, join the Kingdom of Italy until after World War I with the Treaty of Saint-Germain. Some nationalists see the 3 November 1918 Armistice of Villa Giusti as the completion of unification.)" (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#italianUnification
Tag: cwrc:italianUnification
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Italian_unification
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"A Jacobin was a member of the Jacobin Club, a revolutionary political movement that was the most famous political club during the French Revolution (1789–99). The club was so called from the Dominican convent where they originally met, in the Rue Saint-Jacques (Latin: Jacobus) in Paris. Today, Jacobin and Jacobinism are used in a variety of senses. Jacobin is sometimes used in Britain as a pejorative for radical, left-wing revolutionary politics, especially when it exhibits dogmatism and violent repression. In France, Jacobin now generally indicates a supporter of a centralized republican state and strong central government powers and/or supporters of extensive government intervention to transform society." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: pro-Jacobin jacobin ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jacobinism
Tag: cwrc:jacobinism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jacobin_(politics)
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:revolutionaryPolitics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:girondin

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"Jacobitism (/ˈdʒækəbaɪˌtɪzm/ JAK-ə-beye-TIZ-əm;Irish: Seacaibíteachas, Séamusachas, Scottish Gaelic: Seumasachas) was a political movement in Great Britain and Ireland that aimed to restore the Roman Catholic Stuart King James VII of Scotland, II of England and Ireland, and his heirs to the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland. The movement took its name from Jacobus, the Renaissance Latin form of Iacomus, the original Latin form of James. Adherents rebelled against the British government on several occasions between 1688 and 1746. After James II was deposed in 1688 and replaced by his daughter Mary II, ruling jointly with her husband and first cousin (James's nephew) William III, the Stuarts lived in exile, occasionally attempting to regain the throne. The strongholds of Jacobitism were parts of the Scottish Highlands and the lowland north-east of Scotland, Ireland, and parts of Northern England (mostly within the counties of Northumberland and Lancashire). Significant support also existed in Wales and South-West England. The Jacobites believed that parliamentary interference with the line of succession to the English and Scottish thrones was illegal. Catholics also hoped the Stuarts would end recusancy. In Scotland, the Jacobite cause became intertwined with the last throes of the warrior clan system. The emblem of the Jacobites is the White Cockade. White Rose Day is celebrated on 10 June, the anniversary of the birth of the Old Pretender in 1688." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: jacobite conspirator jacobites jacobite ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jacobitism
Tag: cwrc:jacobitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jacobitism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics cwrc:pro-Catholicism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Jacobite
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:nonjurorsMovement

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Jewish emancipation

"Jewish emancipation was the external (and internal) process in various nations in Europe of eliminating Jewish disabilities, e.g. Jewish quotas, to which Jewish people were then subject, and the recognition of Jews as entitled to equality and citizenship rights on a communal, not merely individual, basis. It included efforts within the community to integrate into their societies as citizens. It occurred gradually between the late 18th century and the early 20th century. Jewish emancipation followed the Age of Enlightenment and the concurrent Jewish enlightenment. Various nations repealed or superseded previous discriminatory laws applied specifically against Jews where they resided. Before the emancipation, most Jews were isolated in residential areas from the rest of the society; emancipation was a major goal of European Jews of that time, who worked within their communities to achieve integration in the majority societies and broader education. Many became active politically and culturally within wider European civil society as Jews gained full citizenship. They emigrated to countries offering better social and economic opportunities, such as the Russian Empire and France. Some European Jews turned to Socialism, others to Jewish nationalism: Zionism." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishEmancipation
Tag: cwrc:jewishEmancipation
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:antisemitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jewish_emancipation
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:civilRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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labour movement

"The Labour movement or Labor movement (see spelling differences), or, respectively, labourism or laborism, are general terms for the collective organisation of working people developed to represent and campaign for better working conditions and treatment from their employers and, by the implementation of labour and employment laws, their governments. The standard unit of organisation is the trade union. In some countries, especially the United Kingdom and Australia, the labour movement is understood to include a formal political wing, usually as a political party known as a "labour party" or "workers' party". Many individuals and political groups otherwise considered to represent ruling classes may be part of and active in the labour movement. Contemporary labourism developed in response to the depredations of industrial capitalism at about the same time as socialism. However, while the goal of labourism was to protect and strengthen the interests of labour within capitalism, the goal of socialism was to replace the capitalist system entirely." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: labour feminist Labour Party activist Labour party Independent Labour Party International Labour Party women's labour activist industrial reformer labour organizer factory reformer anti-sweated labour labour activism labour advocate labour labour activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#labourMovement
Tag: cwrc:labourMovement
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Trade-Unionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Labour_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:socialReform cwrc:socialism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Trade-Unionism

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land reform

"Land reform (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) involves the changing of laws, regulations or customs regarding land ownership. Land reform may consist of a government-initiated or government-backed property redistribution, generally of agricultural land. Land reform can, therefore, refer to transfer of ownership from the more powerful to the less powerful, such as from a relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners with extensive land holdings (e.g., plantations, large ranches, or agribusiness plots) to individual ownership by those who work the land. Such transfers of ownership may be with or without compensation; compensation may vary from token amounts to the full value of the land." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Irish land nationalization ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#landReform
Tag: cwrc:landReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Land_reform
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others (prioritarianism), as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished (by advocating for social justice). The term left wing can also refer to "the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a political party or system". The political terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution (1789–1799), referring to the seating arrangement in the Estates General: those who sat on the left generally opposed the monarchy and supported the revolution, including the creation of a republic and secularization, while those on the right were supportive of the traditional institutions of the Old Regime. Use of the term "Left" became more prominent after the restoration of the French monarchy in 1815 when it was applied to the "Independents". The word "wing" was appended to Left and Right in the late 19th century, usually with disparaging intent, and "left-wing" was applied to those who were unorthodox in their religious or political views. The term was later applied to a number of movements, especially republicanism during the French Revolution in the 18th century, followed by socialism, communism, anarchism, and social democracy in the 19th and 20th centuries. Since then, the term left-wing has been applied to a broad range of movements including civil rights movements, feminist movements, anti-war movements, and environmental movements, as well as a wide range of parties. According to author Barry Clark, "Leftists [...] claim that human development flourishes when individuals engage in cooperative, mutually respectful relations that can thrive only when excessive differences in status, power, and wealth are eliminated." " (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: leftist anti-conservative ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#left-Wing
Tag: cwrc:left-Wing
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Left-wing_politics
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:whiggism

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lesbian feminism

"Lesbian feminism is a cultural movement and critical perspective, most influential in the 1970s and early 1980s (primarily in North America and Western Europe), that encourages women to direct their energies toward other women rather than men, and often advocates lesbianism as the logical result of feminism. Some key thinkers and activists are Charlotte Bunch, Rita Mae Brown, Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, Marilyn Frye, Mary Daly, Sheila Jeffreys, Barbara Smith, Pat Parker, Margaret Sloan-Hunter, Cheryl Clarke, Gloria Anzaldua, Cherrie Moraga, and Monique Wittig (although the latter is more commonly associated with the emergence of queer theory). Lesbian feminism came together in the early 1970s out of dissatisfaction with second-wave feminism and the gay liberation movement. In the words of lesbian feminist Sheila Jeffreys, "Lesbian feminism emerged as a result of two developments: lesbians within the WLM (Women's Liberation Movement) began to create a new, distinctively feminist lesbian politics, and lesbians in the GLF (Gay Liberation Front) left to join up with their sisters". According to Judy Rebick, a leading Canadian journalist and political activist for feminism, lesbians were and always have been at the heart of the women's movement, while their issues were invisible in the same movement. Lesbian feminism of color emerged as a response to lesbian feminism thought that failed to incorporate the issues of class and race as sources of oppression along with heterosexuality." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: lesbian feminist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lesbianFeminism
Tag: cwrc:lesbianFeminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Lesbian_feminism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Liberal Unionist Party

"The Liberal Unionist Party was a British political party that was formed in 1886 by a faction that broke away from the Liberal Party. Led by Lord Hartington (later the Duke of Devonshire) and Joseph Chamberlain, the party formed a political alliance with the Conservative Party in opposition to Irish Home Rule. The two parties formed the ten-year-long, coalition Unionist Government 1895–1905 but kept separate political funds and their own party organisations until a complete merger was agreed in May 1912." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: liberal unionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#liberalUnionistParty
Tag: cwrc:liberalUnionistParty
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:irishHomeRuleMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Liberal_Unionist_Party
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:liberalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Whereas classical liberalism emphasises the role of liberty, social liberalism stresses the importance of equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality, and international cooperation. Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty, and property, while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law. Prominent revolutionaries in the Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of what they saw as tyrannical rule. Liberalism started to spread rapidly especially after the French Revolution. The 19th century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe, South America, and North America. In this period, the dominant ideological opponent of classical liberalism was conservatism, but liberalism later survived major ideological challenges from new opponents, such as fascism and communism. During the 20th century, liberal ideas spread even further as liberal democracies found themselves on the winning side in both world wars. In Europe and North America, the establishment of social liberalism became a key component in the expansion of the welfare state. Today, liberal parties continue to wield power and influence throughout the world." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: radical liberal British Liberalism Liberal Party ultra liberals liberal ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#liberalism
Tag: cwrc:liberalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Liberalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:communism
*skos:related: cwrc:whiggism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:liberalUnionistParty

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"Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a collection of political philosophies that uphold liberty. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasising political freedom, voluntary association, and the primacy of individual judgment. Libertarians generally share a skepticism of authority; however, they diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing political and economic systems. Various schools of libertarian thought offer a range of views regarding the legitimate functions of state and private power, often calling to restrict or to dissolve coercive social institutions. Some libertarians advocate laissez-faire capitalism and strong private property rights, such as in land, infrastructure, and natural resources. Others, notably libertarian socialists, seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production in favor of their common or cooperative ownership and management. An additional line of division is between minarchists and anarchists. While minarchists think that a minimal centralized government is necessary, anarchists propose to completely eliminate the state." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: religious libertarian libertarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#libertarianism
Tag: cwrc:libertarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Libertarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:civilLibertarianism

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"Malthusianism is a school of ideas derived from the political/economic thought of the Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, as laid out in his 1798 writings, An Essay on the Principle of Population, which describes how unchecked population growth is exponential while the growth of the food supply was expected to be arithmetical. Malthus believed there were two types of "checks" that could then reduce the population, returning it to a more sustainable level. He believed there were "preventive checks" such as moral restraints (abstinence, delayed marriage until finances become balanced), and restricting marriage against persons suffering poverty or defects. Malthus believed in "positive checks", which lead to 'premature' death: disease, starvation, war, resulting in what is called a Malthusian catastrophe. The catastrophe would return population to a lower, more "sustainable", level. The term has been applied in different ways over the last two hundred years, and has been linked to a variety of other political and social movements, but almost always refers to advocates of population control. Neo-Malthusianism generally refers to people with the same basic concerns as Malthus, who advocate population control programs, to ensure resources for current and future populations. In Britain the term Malthusian can also refer more specifically to arguments made in favour of preventive birth control, hence organizations such as the Malthusian League. Neo-Malthusians seem to differ from Malthus's theories mainly in their enthusiasm for contraception. Malthus, a devout Christian, believed that "self-control" (abstinence) was preferable to artificial birth control. In some editions of his essay, Malthus did allow that abstinence was unlikely to be effective on a wide scale, thus advocating the use of artificial means of birth control as a solution to population "pressure". Modern "neo-Malthusians" are generally more concerned than Malthus was, with environmental degradation and catastrophic famine than with poverty. Many critics believe that the basis of Malthusian theory has been fundamentally discredited in the years since the publication of Principle of Population, often citing major advances in agricultural techniques and modern reductions in human fertility. Many modern proponents believe that the basic concept of population growth eventually outstripping resources is still fundamentally valid, and "positive checks" are still likely in humanity's future if there is no action to curb population growth. Malthusian terms can carry a pejorative connotation indicating excessive pessimism, misanthropy or inhumanity. Some proponents of Malthusian ideas believe that Malthus's theories have been widely misunderstood and misrepresented; these proponents believe his reputation for pessimism and inhumanity is ill deserved. Malthusian ideas have attracted criticism from a diverse range of differing schools of thought, including Marxists and socialists, libertarians and free market enthusiasts, social conservatives, feminists and human rights advocates." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: neo-Malthusianism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#malthusianism
Tag: cwrc:malthusianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Malthusianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Mao Zedong Thought (simplified Chinese: 毛泽东思想; traditional Chinese: 毛澤東思想; pinyin: Máo Zédōng Sīxiǎng), or Maoism, is a political theory derived from the teachings of the Chinese political leader Mao Zedong (1893–1976). Its followers, known as Maoists, consider it an anti-Revisionist form of Marxism–Leninism. Developed from the 1950s until the Deng Xiaoping reforms in the 1970s, it was widely applied as the guiding political and military ideology of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and as theory guiding revolutionary movements around the world. The essential difference between Maoism and other forms of Marxism is that Mao claimed that peasants should be the essential revolutionary class in China, because, contrary to their industrial working "comrades," they were more suited to establishing a successful revolution and socialist society in China." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: chinese communism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#maoism
Tag: cwrc:maoism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Maoism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:communism

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marriage law reform

Advocacy or activism related to the reform of laws related to marriage and divorce, including education, marital rape, wages for housework and childrearing, property law, child custody, and civil rights.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: custody rights divorce reformer divorce reform activist maternal wage activist marriage reformer marriage law reformer married women's property supporter pro-divorce ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#marriageLawReform
Tag: cwrc:marriageLawReform
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that analyzes class relations and societal conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and a dialectical view of social transformation. It originates from the mid-to-late 19th century works of German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxist methodology originally used a method of economic and sociopolitical inquiry known as historical materialism to analyze and critique the development of capitalism and the role of class struggle in systemic economic change. According to Marxist perspective, class conflict within capitalism arises due to intensifying contradictions between the highly productive mechanized and socialized production performed by the proletariat, and the private ownership and appropriation of the surplus product (profit) by a small minority of the population who are private owners called the bourgeoisie. As the contradiction becomes apparent to the proletariat through the alienation of labor, social unrest between the two antagonistic classes will intensify, until it culminates in social revolution. The eventual long-term outcome of this revolution would be the establishment of socialism – a socioeconomic system based on social ownership of the means of production, distribution based on one's contribution, and production organized directly for use. As the productive forces and technology continued to advance, Marx hypothesized that socialism would eventually give way to a communist stage of social development, which would be a classless, stateless, humane society erected on common ownership and the principle of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Marxism has since developed into different branches and schools of thought, and there is now no single definitive Marxist theory. Different Marxian schools place a greater emphasis on certain aspects of classical Marxism while de-emphasising or rejecting other aspects, and sometimes combine Marxist analysis with non-Marxian concepts; as a result, they might reach contradictory conclusions from each other. Lately, however, there is movement towards the recognition that the main aspect of Marxism is philosophy of dialectical materialism and historicism, which should result to more agreement between different schools. Marxist analyses and methodologies have influenced multiple political ideologies and social movements, and Marxist understandings of history and society have been adopted by some academics in the disciplines of archaeology, anthropology, media studies, political science, theater, history, sociology, art history and theory, cultural studies, education, economics, geography, literary criticism, aesthetics, critical psychology, and philosophy." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: marxist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#marxism
Tag: cwrc:marxism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Marxism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:revolutionaryPolitics
*skos:related: cwrc:stalinism

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"Militarism is the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests; examples of militarist states include North Korea, Nazi Germany, United States of America and Soviet Russia. It may also imply the glorification of the military and of the ideals of a professional military class and the "predominance of the armed forces in the administration or policy of the state" (see also: stratocracy and military junta). Militarism has been a significant element of the imperialist or expansionist ideologies of several nations throughout history. Prominent examples include the Ancient Assyrian Empire, the Greek city state of Sparta, the Roman Empire, the Aztec nation, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Habsburg/Habsburg-Lorraine Monarchies, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Empire of Japan, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (which would later become part of the Soviet Union), the Italian Empire during the reign of Benito Mussolini, Nazi Germany, Israel, United States of America, and the French empire under Napoleon. After World War II, militarism appeared in many of the post-colonial nations of Asia (i.e. North Korea, Pakistan, Burma and Thailand) and Africa (i.e. Liberia, Nigeria and Uganda)." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: militarist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#militarism
Tag: cwrc:militarism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Militarism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Monarchism is the advocacy of a monarch or monarchical rule. A monarchist is an individual who supports this form of government, independent of any specific monarch; one who espouses a particular monarch is a royalist. Conversely, the opposition to monarchical rule is sometimes referred to as republicanism. Depending on the country, a monarchist may advocate for the rule of the person who sits on the throne, a pretender, or someone who would otherwise occupy the throne but has been deposed." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: royalist constitutional monarchist monarchist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#monarchism
Tag: cwrc:monarchism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Monarchism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Monarchism

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"Multiculturalism describes the existence, acceptance, and/or promotion of multiple cultural traditions within a single jurisdiction, usually considered in terms of the culture associated with an aboriginal ethnic group and foreigner ethnic groups. This can happen when a jurisdiction is created or expanded by amalgamating areas with two or more different cultures (e.g. French Canada and English Canada) or through immigration from different jurisdictions around the world (e.g. Australia, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and many other countries). Multicultural ideologies and policies vary widely, ranging from the advocacy of equal respect to the various cultures in a society, to a policy of promoting the maintenance of cultural diversity, to policies in which people of various ethnic and religious groups are addressed by the authorities as defined by the group to which they belong. Multiculturalism that promotes maintaining the distinctiveness of multiple cultures is often contrasted to other settlement policies such as social integration, cultural assimilation, and racial segregation. Multiculturalism has been described as a "salad bowl" and "cultural mosaic". Two different and seemingly inconsistent strategies have developed through different government policies and strategies. The first focuses on interaction and communication between different cultures; this approach is also often known as interculturalism. The second centers on diversity and cultural uniqueness which can sometimes result in intercultural competition over jobs among other things and may lead to ethnic conflict. Cultural isolation can protect the uniqueness of the local culture of a nation or area and also contribute to global cultural diversity. A common aspect of many policies following the second approach is that they avoid presenting any specific ethnic, religious, or cultural community values as central." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: multiculturalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#multiculturalism
Tag: cwrc:multiculturalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Multiculturalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Multiracialism is a concept or ideology that promotes a society composed of various races, while accepting and respecting different cultural backgrounds. It is a society that consists of a diverse mix of people, whether it be relative to their ethnicity, language, culture, religion, or traditions." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: multi-racialist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#multiracialism
Tag: cwrc:multiracialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Multiracialism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Nationalism is a shared group feeling in the significance of a geographical and sometimes demographic region seeking independence for its culture or ethnicity that holds that group together. This can be expressed as a belief or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with or becoming attached to one's nation. Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related concept of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviours that support a state's decisions and actions. From a political or sociological perspective, there are two main perspectives on the origins and basis of nationalism. One is the primordialist perspective that describes nationalism as a reflection of the ancient and perceived evolutionary tendency of humans to organize into distinct groupings based on an affinity of birth. The other is the modernist perspective that describes nationalism as a recent phenomenon that requires the structural conditions of modern society in order to exist. An alternative perspective to both of these lineages comes out of engaged theory, and argues that while the form of nationalism is modern, the content and subjective reach of nationalism depends upon "primordial" sentiments. There are various definitions for what constitutes a nation, however, which leads to several different strands of nationalism. It can be a belief that citizenship in a state should be limited to one ethnic, cultural, religious, or identity group, or that multinationality in a single state should necessarily comprise the right to express and exercise national identity even by minorities.The adoption of national identity in terms of historical development has commonly been the result of a response by influential groups unsatisfied with traditional identities due to inconsistency between their defined social order and the experience of that social order by its members, resulting in a situation of anomie that nationalists seek to resolve. This anomie results in a society or societies reinterpreting identity, retaining elements that are deemed acceptable and removing elements deemed unacceptable, in order to create a unified community. This development may be the result of internal structural issues or the result of resentment by an existing group or groups towards other communities, especially foreign powers that are or are deemed to be controlling them. National flags, national anthems and other symbols of national identity are commonly considered highly important symbols of the national community." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nationalism
Tag: cwrc:nationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:patriotism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anarchism
*skos:related: cwrc:pro-American
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:americanNationalism cwrc:britishNationalism cwrc:egyptianNationalism cwrc:frenchNationalism cwrc:germanNationalism cwrc:greekNationalist cwrc:irishNationalism cwrc:italianNationalism cwrc:polishNationalism cwrc:scottishNationalism cwrc:welshNationalism cwrc:zionism

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"National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪzəm, ˈnæ-/), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state, as well as other far-right groups. Usually characterized as a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism, Nazism developed out of the influences of Pan-Germanism, the Völkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary groups that emerged during the Weimar Republic after German defeat in World War I. Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism, identifying Germans as part of what Nazis regarded as an Aryan or Nordic master race. It aimed to overcome social divisions and create a homogeneous society, unified on the basis of "racial purity" (Volksgemeinschaft). The Nazis aimed to unite all Germans living in historically German territory, as well as gain additional lands for German expansion under the doctrine of Lebensraum, while excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or belonging to an "inferior" race. The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of a new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good" and to accept the priority of political interests in economic organisation. The Nazi Party was founded as the Pan-German nationalist and antisemitic German Workers' Party on 5 January 1919. By the early 1920s, Adolf Hitler assumed control of the organisation and renamed it the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP) to broaden its appeal. The National Socialist Program, adopted in 1920, called for a united Greater Germany that would deny citizenship to Jews or those of Jewish descent, while also supporting land reform and the nationalization of some industries. In Mein Kampf, written in 1924, Hitler outlined the antisemitism and anti-communism at the heart of his political philosophy, as well as his disdain for parliamentary democracy and his belief in Germany's right to territorial expansion. In 1933, with the support of traditional conservative nationalists, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany and the Nazis gradually established a one-party state, under which Jews, political opponents and other "undesirable" elements were marginalized, with several millions eventually imprisoned and killed. Hitler purged the party's more socially and economically radical factions in the mid-1934 Night of the Long Knives and, after the death of President Hindenburg, political power was concentrated in his hands, as Führer or "leader". Following the Holocaust and German defeat in World War II, only a few fringe racist groups, usually referred to as neo-Nazis, still describe themselves as following National Socialism." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: nazi pro-nazi ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nazism
Tag: cwrc:nazism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Antisemitism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Nazism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:antisemitism cwrc:fascism

[back to top]


"Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among conservative leaning Democrats who became disenchanted with the party's foreign policy. Many of its adherents became politically famous during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the administration of George W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Prominent neoconservatives in the George W. Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer. Senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, while not identifying as neoconservatives, listened closely to neoconservative advisers regarding foreign policy, especially the defense of Israel and the promotion of democracy in the Middle East. The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist Left to the camp of American conservatism. Neoconservatives typically advocate the promotion of democracy and promotion of American national interest in international affairs, including by means of military force, and are known for espousing disdain for communism and for political radicalism. The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish monthly review magazine Commentary, published by the American Jewish Committee. They spoke out against the New Left and in that way helped define the movement. C. Bradley Thompson, a professor at Clemson University, claims that most influential neoconservatives refer explicitly to the theoretical ideas in the philosophy of Leo Strauss (1899–1973),though in doing so they may draw upon meaning that Strauss himself did not endorse." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: neo-Conservative ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#neo-Conservatism
Tag: cwrc:neo-Conservatism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Neoconservatism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:conservatism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:conservatism

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new dealer

Supporter of New Deal policies. See New Deal - Wikipedia

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#newDealer
Tag: cwrc:newDealer
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:New_Deal
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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New Unionism

"New Unionism is a term which has been used twice in the history of the labour movement, both times involving moves to broaden the trade union agenda. Ben Tillett was a prominent leader of the London Dock strike of 1889. He formed the Dock, Wharf, Riverside and General Labourers' Union in 1889, which had support from skilled workers. Its 30,000 members won an advance in wages and working conditions." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: New Trade Unionism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#newUnionism
Tag: cwrc:newUnionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:New_Unionism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Nihilism is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the lack of belief in one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived. Nihilism can also take epistemological, ontological, or metaphysical forms, meaning respectively that, in some aspect, knowledge is not possible, or that reality does not actually exist. The term is sometimes used in association with anomie to explain the general mood of despair at a perceived pointlessness of existence that one may develop upon realising there are no necessary norms, rules, or laws. Movements such as Futurism and deconstruction, among others, have been identified by commentators as "nihilistic". Nihilism is also a characteristic that has been ascribed to time periods: for example, Jean Baudrillard and others have called postmodernity a nihilistic epoch, and some Christian theologians and figures of religious authority have asserted that postmodernity and many aspects of modernity represent a rejection of theism, and that such rejection of their theistic doctrine entails nihilism." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: nihilist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nihilism
Tag: cwrc:nihilism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Nihilism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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nonjurors movement

"The nonjuring schism was a split in the Anglican churches of England, Scotland and Ireland in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution of 1688, over whether William III and Mary II could legally be recognised as sovereigns. The word "nonjuring" means "not swearing [an oath]", from the Latin word iuro or juro meaning "to swear an oath". Many of the Anglican clergy felt legally bound by their previous oaths of allegiance to James II and, though they could accept William as regent, they could not accept him as king. It was not necessarily a split on matters of religious doctrine, but more of a political issue and a matter of conscience, though most of the nonjurors were high church Anglicans. Thus, latitudinarian Anglicans were handed control of the Church of England, while Presbyterians took control of the Church of Scotland. The nonjurors thus were nominally Jacobite, although they generally did not actively support the Jacobite rebellions in 1715 or 1745." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Non-jurors nonjurors ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nonjurorsMovement
Tag: cwrc:nonjurorsMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Nonjuring_schism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:jacobitism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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opposition politics

"In politics, the opposition comprises one or more political parties or other organized groups that are opposed to the government (or, in American English, the administration), party or group in political control of a city, region, state or country. It is the party that goes against another party. The degree of opposition varies according to political conditions - for example, across authoritarian and liberal systems where opposition may be repressed or welcomed." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Opposition ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#oppositionPolitics
Tag: cwrc:oppositionPolitics
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Opposition_%28politics%29
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Pacifism is opposition to war, militarism, or violence. The word pacifism was coined by the French peace campaigner Émile Arnaud (1864–1921) and adopted by other peace activists at the tenth Universal Peace Congress in Glasgow in 1901. A related term is ahimsa (to do no harm), which is a core philosophy in Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism. While modern connotations are recent, having been explicated since the 19th century, ancient references abound. In Christianity, Jesus Christ's injunction to "love your enemies" and asking for forgiveness for his crucifiers "for they know not what they do" have been interpreted as calling for pacifism. In modern times, interest was revived by Leo Tolstoy in his late works, particularly in The Kingdom of God Is Within You. Mohandas Gandhi (1869–1948) propounded the practice of steadfast nonviolent opposition which he called "satyagraha", instrumental in its role in the Indian Independence Movement. Its effectiveness served as inspiration to Martin Luther King Jr., James Lawson, James Bevel, Thich Nhat Hanh and many others in the Civil Rights Movement. Pacifism was widely associated with the much publicized image of Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 with the "Tank Man", where one protester stood in nonviolent opposition to a column of tanks." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: peace movement pacifist supporter pacifist socialist pacifist peace campaigner ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pacifism
Tag: cwrc:pacifism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Pacifism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Conscriptionism cwrc:anti-War
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Pacifism
*skos:related: cwrc:pacifist
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:anti-War cwrc:christianPacifism cwrc:conscientiousObjection cwrc:feministPacifism

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Advocacy for parliamentary systems in government. See: Parliamentary system - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: pro-parliamentarian parliamentarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parliamentarianism
Tag: cwrc:parliamentarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Parliamentary_system
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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parliamentary reform

Support for reform of the parliamentary system of the United Kingdom. See Reform Bills - Wikipedia; Category:Representation of the People Acts - Wikipedia; Electoral reform - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: parliamentary reformer pro-reform ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#parliamentaryReform
Tag: cwrc:parliamentaryReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Category:Representation_of_the_People_Acts dbpedia:Electoral_reform dbpedia:Reform_Bills
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Paternalism is behavior by an organization or state that limits some person or group's liberty or autonomy for what is presumed to be that person's or group's own good. Paternalism can also imply that the behavior is against or regardless of the will of a person, or also that the behavior expresses an attitude of superiority. The word paternalism is from the Latin pater “father” via the adjective paternus “fatherly”; paternalism should be though distinguished from patriarchy. Some, such as John Stuart Mill, think paternalism to be appropriate towards children: "It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to say that this doctrine is meant to apply only to human beings in the maturity of their faculties. We are not speaking of children, or of young persons below the age which the law may fix as that of manhood or womanhood." Paternalism towards adults is sometimes thought to treat them as if they were children." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: paternalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#paternalism
Tag: cwrc:paternalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Paternalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Patriotism is an emotional attachment to a nation which an individual recognizes as their homeland. This attachment, also known as national feeling or national pride, can be viewed in terms of different features relating to one's own nation, including ethnic, cultural, political, or historical aspects. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to those of nationalism. An excess of patriotism in the defense of a nation is called chauvinism; another related term is jingoism. The English term patriot is first attested in the Elizabethan era, via Middle French from Late Latin (6th century) patriota, meaning "countryman", ultimately from Greek πατριώτης (patriōtēs), meaning "from the same country", from πατρίς (patris), meaning "fatherland". The abstract noun patriotism appears in the early 18th century." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: patriot patriotic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#patriotism
Tag: cwrc:patriotism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Patriotism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:nationalism

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Philosophical Radicals

"The Philosophical Radicals was a philosophically-minded group of English political radicals in the nineteenth century inspired by Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) and James Mill (1773–1836). Individuals within this group included Francis Place (1771–1854), George Grote (1794–1871), Joseph Parkes (1796–1865), John Arthur Roebuck (1802–1879), Charles Buller (1806–1848), John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), Edward John Trelawny (1792–1881), and William Molesworth (1810–1855). Several became Radical members of Parliament, and the group as a whole attempted to use the Westminster Review to exert influence on public opinion. They rejected any philosophical or legal naturalism and furthered Jeremy Bentham's utilitarian philosophy. Utilitarianism as a moral philosophy argues that maximizing happiness should be the moral standard by which our actions should be measured. It thereby stands in contrast to the rationalistic ethics of Immanuel Kant as well as to the convictions of idealism, amongst others." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Philosophic Radicals ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#philosophicalRadicals
Tag: cwrc:philosophicalRadicals
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Philosophical_Radicals
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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Polish nationalism

"Polish nationalism is the nationalism that asserts that Poles are a Polish nation, and promotes the cultural unity of Poles. Norman Davies, in the context of Polish nationalism, defined nationalism in general as "a doctrine ... to create a nation by arousing people's awareness of their nationality, and to mobilize their feelings into a vehicle for political action". The old Polish protonationalism of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth based on the Polish-Lithuanian identity was multi-ethnic and multi-religious. The nationalist ideology developed soon after the Partitions was initially free of "ethnic nationalism" of any kind. It was a Romantic movement for the restoration of the Polish sovereign state. Polish Romantic nationalism was described by Maurycy Mochnacki as "the essence of the nation" no longer defined by borders but by ideas, feelings, and thoughts resulting from the past. The birth of modern nationalism under foreign rule coincided with the November Uprising of 1830 and the subsequent Spring of Nations. However, the defeat suffered by the Poles also broke the Polish revolutionary spirit. Many intellectuals turned to social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer, blaming the Romantic philosophy for the loss of their property, mass destruction, and ultimately the loss of the nation. With the advent of Positivism between 1860 and 1890 Polish nationalism became an elitist cause. Because the partitioning powers could not have identified themselves with the Polish nation, therefore the ideology became more restrictive in terms of ethnicity and religion." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: polish nationalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#polishNationalism
Tag: cwrc:polishNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Polish_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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poor advocacy

Advocacy for the poor.

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[skos:altLabel: advocate for the poor ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#poorAdvocacy
Tag: cwrc:poorAdvocacy
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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poor law reform

"From the reign of Elizabeth I until the passage of the Poor Law Amendment Act in 1834 relief of the poor in England was administered on the basis of a Poor Law enacted in 1601. From the start of the nineteenth century the basic concept of providing poor relief was criticised as misguided by leading political economists and in southern agricultural counties the burden of poor-rates was felt to be excessive (especially where poor-rates were used to supplement low wages (the "allowance" or Speenhamland system)). Opposition to the Elizabethan Poor Law led to a Royal Commission on poor relief, which recommended that poor relief could not in the short term be abolished; however it should be curtailed, and administered on such terms that none but the desperate would claim it. Relief should only be administered in workhouses, whose inhabitants were to be confined, "classified" (men, women, boys, girls) and segregated. The Poor Law Amendment Act allowed these changes to be implemented by a Poor Law Commission largely unaccountable to Parliament. The Act was passed by large majorities in Parliament, but the regime it was intended to bring about was denounced by its critics as (variously) un-Christian, un-English, unconstitutional, and impracticable for the great manufacturing districts of Northern England. The Act itself did not introduce the regime, but introduced a framework by which it might easily be brought in. Opposition to the New Poor Law strictly speaking was resistance to the introduction of the New Poor Law administrative framework; this was chiefly encountered in the industrial North in 1837–9 and overcome after a few riots by a judicious mixture of legal threats and deployment of the military. Opposition to the New Poor Law in the looser sense of resistance to (and criticism of) key features of the regime recommended by the Royal Commission persisted and eventually became orthodoxy: for example outdoor relief was never abolished in much of the industrial North. When a prominent West Riding opponent of the New Poor Law died in 1858, the Huddersfield Chronicle wrote " ...the controversy closed and English common sense has settled down on the poor-law question somewhat nearer to the views of Oastler and Pitkethly than those of their opponents."" (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Poor Law reform ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#poorLawReform
Tag: cwrc:poorLawReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Opposition_to_the_English_Poor_Laws
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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prison reform

"Prison reform is the attempt to improve conditions inside prisons, establish a more effective penal system, or implement alternatives to incarceration." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#prisonReform
Tag: cwrc:prisonReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Prison_reform
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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A pro-American or "Americanophile" stance favours the policies, actions, or culture of the United States of America.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pro-American
Tag: cwrc:pro-American
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:nationalism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-American

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pro-Boer War

Support of the First or Second Boer War. See First Boer War - Wikipedia; Second Boer War - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: pro-Boer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pro-BoerWar
Tag: cwrc:pro-BoerWar
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:First_Boer_War dbpedia:Second_Boer_War
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Boer

[back to top]


Favouring the political re-establishment of Catholicism as a component of the state or the extension of civil rights to Catholics. See Category:Catholicism-related controversies - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: non-compounder pro-Catholic roman catholic catholic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pro-Catholicism
Tag: cwrc:pro-Catholicism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Category:Catholicism-related_controversies
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:catholicism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Catholicism
*skos:related: cwrc:guelphPartyFlorence
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:jacobitism

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"Abortion-rights movements advocate for legal access to induced abortion services. The issue of induced abortion remains divisive in public life, with recurring arguments to liberalize or to restrict access to legal abortion services. Abortion-rights supporters themselves are frequently divided as to the types of abortion services that should be available and to the circumstances, for example different periods in the pregnancy such as late term abortions, in which access may be restricted." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pro-Choice
Tag: cwrc:pro-Choice
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Abortion-rights_movements
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism
*skos:related: cwrc:birthControlActivism

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Supportive of the existence, policies, or influence of the European Union. See Pro-Europeanism - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: Europeanist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pro-European
Tag: cwrc:pro-European
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Pro-Europeanism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-European

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"Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pro-Slavery
Tag: cwrc:pro-Slavery
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Racism cwrc:blackAnti-Oppression
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Proslavery
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:racism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:abolitionism

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property law reform

Support for reform of the laws regarding real or personal property. See Property law - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: illegitimacy reformer land reformer land reform property reform ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#propertyLawReform
Tag: cwrc:propertyLawReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Property_law
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:socialReform

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Protestant rule

Support for protestant rule in the United Kingdom. See English Reformation - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: protestant protestantism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#protestantRule
Tag: cwrc:protestantRule
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:English_Reformation
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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racial equality

"Racial equality is an equal regard to all races. It can refer to a belief in biological equality of all human races, and it can also refer to social equality for people of different races. Racial equality is a stated goal of most current political movements. The divergence of any particular society from a state of racial equality is often contested by members of that society of different races. In today's society, there is more diversity and more integration among races. However, attaining equality has been difficult for African Americans, Asians, and Latinos, especially in schools." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: activist for racial equality racial integration racial integrationist race equality racial equality activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#racialEquality
Tag: cwrc:racialEquality
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:racism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Racial_equality
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:abolitionism cwrc:anti-Antisemitism cwrc:anti-Apartheid cwrc:blackAnti-Oppression

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"Racism is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a race-based worldview with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g., apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. The ideology underlying racist practices often includes the idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior. Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social life. Associated social actions may include xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena. While race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race": the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior). Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice. Today, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition. It is usually found in, but usage is not limited to, law, the social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and popular culture." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: racist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#racism
Tag: cwrc:racism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:abolitionism cwrc:blackAnti-Oppression
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Racism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Racism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:antisemitism cwrc:pro-Slavery

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"The term political radicalism (or simply, in political science, radicalism) denotes political principles focused on altering social structures through revolutionary means and changing value systems in fundamental ways. Derived from the Latin radix (root), the denotation of radical has changed since its eighteenth-century coinage to comprehend the entire political spectrum—yet retains the "change at the root" connotation fundamental to revolutionary societal change. Historically, radicalism has referred exclusively to the radical left (under the single category of far-left politics) and rarely incorporating far-right politics, though these may have revolutionary elements; the prominent exception is in the United States where some consider radicalism to include both political extremes of the radical left and the radical right. In traditional labels of the spectrum of political thought, the opposite of radical on the "right" of the political spectrum is termed reactionary. The nineteenth-century Cyclopaedia of Political Science (1881, 1889) reports that "radicalism is characterized less by its principles than by the manner of their application". Conservatives often used the term radical pejoratively, whereas contemporary left radicals used the term conservative derogatorily; thus contemporary denotations of radical, radicalism, and political radicalism comprehend far left (hard left, radical left), and far right (hard right, radical right). The Encyclopædia Britannica records the first political usage of radical as ascribed to the British Whig Party parliamentarian Charles James Fox, who, in 1797, proposed a "radical reform" of the electoral system, franchise to provide universal manhood suffrage, thereby, idiomatically establishing radical to denote supporters of the reformation of the British Parliament. Throughout the nineteenth century, the term was combined with political notions and doctrines, thus working class radicalism, middle class-, philosophic-, democratic- bourgeois-, Tory-, and plebeian radicalism. In the event, politically influential radical leaders give rise to their own trend of political radicalism, e.g. Spencean radicalism and Carlilean radicalism. Philosophically, the French political scientist Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–78), is the principal theoretician proposing political radicalism as feasible in republican political philosophy, viz the French Revolution (1789–99), and other modern revolutions—the antithesis to the liberalism of John Locke." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: radical dissident working class radical political radical radical ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#radicalism
Tag: cwrc:radicalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Political_radicalism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"In epistemology, rationalism is the view that "regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge" or "any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification". More formally, rationalism is defined as a methodology or a theory "in which the criterion of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive". In an old controversy, rationalism was opposed to empiricism, where the rationalists believed that reality has an intrinsically logical structure. Because of this, the rationalists argued that certain truths exist and that the intellect can directly grasp these truths. That is to say, rationalists asserted that certain rational principles exist in logic, mathematics, ethics, and metaphysics that are so fundamentally true that denying them causes one to fall into contradiction. The rationalists had such a high confidence in reason that empirical proof and physical evidence were regarded as unnecessary to ascertain certain truths – in other words, "there are significant ways in which our concepts and knowledge are gained independently of sense experience". Different degrees of emphasis on this method or theory lead to a range of rationalist standpoints, from the moderate position "that reason has precedence over other ways of acquiring knowledge" to the more extreme position that reason is "the unique path to knowledge". Given a pre-modern understanding of reason, rationalism is identical to philosophy, the Socratic life of inquiry, or the zetetic (skeptical) clear interpretation of authority (open to the underlying or essential cause of things as they appear to our sense of certainty). In recent decades, Leo Strauss sought to revive "Classical Political Rationalism" as a discipline that understands the task of reasoning, not as foundational, but as maieutic. In politics, Rationalism, since the Enlightenment, historically emphasised a "politics of reason" centered upon rational choice, utilitarianism, secularism, and irreligion – the latter aspect's antitheism later ameliorated by utilitarian adoption of pluralistic rationalist methods practicable regardless of religious or irreligious ideology. In this regard, the philosopher John Cottingham noted how rationalism, a methodology, became socially conflated with atheism, a worldview: In the past, particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries, the term 'rationalist' was often used to refer to free thinkers of an anti-clerical and anti-religious outlook, and for a time the word acquired a distinctly pejorative force (thus in 1670 Sanderson spoke disparagingly of "a mere rationalist, that is to say in plain English an atheist of the late edition..."). The use of the label "rationalist" to characterize a world outlook which has no place for the supernatural is becoming less popular today; terms like "humanist" or "materialist" seem largely to have taken its place. But the old usage still survives." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: rationalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#rationalism
Tag: cwrc:rationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Rationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:cartesianism

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"Republicanism is an ideology of being a citizen in a state as a republic under which the people hold popular sovereignty. Many countries are "republics" in the sense that they are not monarchies. However, this article covers only the ideology of republicanism. The word, "republic", derives from the Latin, res publica, which referred to the system of government that emerged in the 6th century BCE following the expulsion of the kings from Rome by Lucius Junius Brutus and Collatinus. This form of government collapsed in the latter part of the 1st century BCE, giving way to what was a monarchy in form, if not in name. Republics revived subsequently, with, for example, Renaissance Florence or early modern Britain. The concept of a republic became a powerful force in Britain's North American colonies where it led to the American Revolution. In Europe it gained enormous influence through the French Revolution." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#republicanism
Tag: cwrc:republicanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Republicanism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:irishHomeRuleMovement cwrc:irishRepublicanism cwrc:spanishRepublicanism

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"A revolutionary is a person who either actively participates in, or advocates revolution. Also, when used as an adjective, the term revolutionary refers to something that has a major, sudden impact on society or on some aspect of human endeavor." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: pro-revolutionary ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#revolutionaryPolitics
Tag: cwrc:revolutionaryPolitics
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Revolutionary
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:marxism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:jacobinism

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"Sabbatarianism is a movement within Protestantism whose proponents advocate that certain observances, specifically enumerated in a code of behavior or law, are required for Christians to properly observe the Sabbath or Sabbath principles. Its historical origins lie in Puritan Sabbatarianism, which delineated precepts for keeping Sunday holy in observance of Sabbath commandment principles. This observance of Sunday is the purest form of first-day Sabbatarianism, a movement which diminished and largely disappeared in the 18th century, though traces and influences remain today. Today, seventh-day Sabbatarianism is the most prominent type, a movement that generally embraces a literal reading of the Sabbath commandment that provides for both worship and rest on the seventh day of the week. Seventh-day Baptists leave most other Sabbath considerations of observance to individual conscience. The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Church of God (Seventh Day) have similar views, but maintain the original, scriptural duration as Friday sunset through Saturday sunset. Non-Sabbatarianism is the view opposing all Sabbatarianism, declaring Christians to be free of mandates to follow such specific observances. It upholds the principle in Christian church doctrine that the church is not bound by such law or code, but is free to set in place and time such observances as uphold Sabbath principles according to its doctrine: to establish a day of rest, or not, and to establish a day of worship, or not, whether on Saturday or on Sunday or on some other day. It includes all Catholics and Orthodox, and most Protestant denominations." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sabbatarianism
Tag: cwrc:sabbatarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Sabbatarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:catholicism

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sanitary movement

Promotion of sanitary practices and conditions, often directed at the poor or the reform of urban sanitation, through charitable or political activities. See Sanitation - Wikipedia

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sanitaryMovement
Tag: cwrc:sanitaryMovement
owl:sameAs: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sanitation#History
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:urbanReform

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Scottish nationalism

"Scottish nationalism promotes the idea that the Scottish people form a cohesive nation and national identity and is closely linked to the cause of Scottish home rule and Scottish independence: the ideology of the Scottish National Party (the party forming the Scottish Government). It is often described as a form of civic nationalism rather than ethnic nationalism. The Acts of Union merged the independent kingdoms of Scotland and England into Great Britain in 1707, but a separate legal system and distinct Scottish institutions continued to exist. Linguistic independence was an important part of the twentieth century Scottish Renaissance, associated with the nationalist impetus provided by Hugh MacDiarmid." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: scots nationalist scottish nationalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#scottishNationalism
Tag: cwrc:scottishNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Scottish_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. One manifestation of secularism is asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people. Another manifestation of secularism is the view that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and/or practices. Secularism draws its intellectual roots from Greek and Roman philosophers such as Epicurus and Marcus Aurelius; from Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, Denis Diderot, Voltaire, Baruch Spinoza, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine; and from more recent freethinkers and atheists such as Robert Ingersoll and Bertrand Russell. The purposes and arguments in support of secularism vary widely. In European laicism, it has been argued that secularism is a movement towards modernization, and away from traditional religious values (also known as secularization). This type of secularism, on a social or philosophical level, has often occurred while maintaining an official state church or other state support of religion. In the United States, some argue that has served to a greater extent to protect religion and the religious from governmental interference, while secularism on a social level is less prevalent. Within countries as well, differing political movements support secularism for varying reasons." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: secularist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#secularism
Tag: cwrc:secularism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Secularism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:darwinism

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"A common definition of separatism is that it is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group. While it often refers to full political secession, separatist groups may seek nothing more than greater autonomy. While some critics may equate separatism with religious segregation, racist segregation, or sexist segregation, most separatists argue that separation by choice is not the same as government-enforced segregation and may serve useful purposes. There is some academic debate about this definition, and in particular how it relates to secessionism, as has been discussed online. Separatist groups practice a form of identity politics, "political activity and theorizing founded in the shared experiences of injustice of members of certain social groups." Such groups believe attempts at integration with dominant groups compromise their identity and ability to pursue greater self-determination. However, economic and political factors usually are critical in creating strong separatist movements as opposed to less ambitious identity movements." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Separatist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#separatism
Tag: cwrc:separatism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Separatism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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sexual reform

Advocacy or activism related to the reform of attitudes, practices, and laws related to sex, including autonomy, age of consent, trafficking, and sex work.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: sex-trade activist sex-trade reformer sexual libertarian sexual reformer sexual liberationist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualReform
Tag: cwrc:sexualReform
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism cwrc:pro-Choice cwrc:socialPurity
*skos:related: cwrc:birthControlActivism

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social purity

"The social purity movement was a late 19th-century social movement that sought to abolish prostitution and other sexual activities that were considered immoral according to Christian morality. Composed primarily of women, the movement was active in English-speaking nations from the late 1860s to about 1910, exerting an important influence on the contemporaneous feminist, eugenics, and birth control movements. The movement helped to shape feminist views on prostitution. The roots of the social purity movement lay in early 19th-century moral reform movements, such as radical utopianism, abolitionism, and the temperance movement. In the late 19th century, "social" was a euphemism for "sexual"; the movement first formed in opposition to the legalization and regulation of prostitution, and quickly spread to other sex-related issues such as raising the age of consent, sexually segregating prisons, eliminating abortion, opposing contraception, and censoring pornography." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: purity movement ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialPurity
Tag: cwrc:socialPurity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Social_purity_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:feminism
*skos:related: cwrc:sexualReform

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social reform

"A reform movement is the kind of social movement that aims to make gradual change, or change in certain aspects of society, rather than rapid or fundamental changes. A reform movement is distinguished from more radical social movements such as revolutionary movements. Reformists' ideas are often grounded in liberalism, although they may be rooted in socialist (specifically, social democratic) or religious concepts. Some rely on personal transformation; others rely on small collectives, such as Mahatma Gandhi's spinning wheel and the self-sustaining village economy, as a mode of social change. Reactionary movements, which can arise against any of these, attempt to put things back the way they were before any successes the new reform movement(s) enjoyed, or to prevent any such successes." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: social welfare progressivism social and legal reform reformers reformist reform reformer social reformer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialReform
Tag: cwrc:socialReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Reform_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:indianIndependence
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:aidsActivism cwrc:animalWelfareAdvocacy cwrc:anti-Apartheid cwrc:anti-CapitalPunishment cwrc:anti-Caste cwrc:anti-Censorship cwrc:anti-ContagiousDiseasesAct cwrc:anti-CorporalPunishment cwrc:birthControlActivism cwrc:educationReform cwrc:housingMovement cwrc:marriageLawReform cwrc:poorAdvocacy cwrc:poorLawReform cwrc:prisonReform cwrc:suffrage cwrc:tradeUnionism cwrc:urbanReform cwrc:wilkite cwrc:womensEmploymentReform

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"Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production; as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim at their establishment. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective, or cooperative ownership; to citizen ownership of equity; or to any combination of these. Although there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms. Socialist economic systems can be divided into both non-market and market forms. Non-market socialism involves the substitution of factor markets and money with engineering and technical criteria based on calculation performed in-kind, thereby producing an economic mechanism that functions according to different economic laws from those of capitalism. Non-market socialism aims to circumvent the inefficiencies and crises traditionally associated with capital accumulation and the profit system. By contrast, market socialism retains the use of monetary prices, factor markets, and, in some cases, the profit motive with respect to the operation of socially owned enterprises and the allocation of capital goods between them. Profits generated by these firms would be controlled directly by the workforce of each firm or accrue to society at large in the form of a social dividend. The feasibility and exact methods of resource allocation and calculation for a socialist system are the subjects of the socialist calculation debate. The socialist political movement includes a diverse array of political philosophies that originated amid the revolutionary movements of the mid-to-late 1700s and of a general concern for the social problems that were associated with capitalism. In addition to the debate over markets and planning, the varieties of socialism differ in their form of social ownership, how management is to be organized within productive institutions, and the role of the state in constructing socialism. Core dichotomies associated with these concerns include reformism versus revolutionary socialism, and state socialism versus libertarian socialism. Socialist politics has been both centralist and decentralized; internationalist and nationalist in orientation; organized through political parties and opposed to party politics; at times overlapping with trade unions and at other times independent of, and critical of, unions; and present in both industrialized and developing countries. While all tendencies of socialism consider themselves democratic, the term "democratic socialism" is often used to highlight its advocates' high value for democratic processes in the economy and democratic political systems, usually to draw contrast to tendencies they may perceive to be undemocratic in their approach. The term is frequently used to draw contrast to the political system of the Soviet Union, which operated in an authoritarian fashion. By the late 19th century, and after further articulation and advancement by Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels as the culmination of technological development outstripping the economic dynamics of capitalism, "socialism" had come to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production. By the 1920s, social democracy and communism became the two dominant political tendencies within the international socialist movement. Socialism proceeded to emerge as the most influential secular political-economic worldview of the twentieth century, and while the emergence of the Soviet Union as the world's first nominally socialist state led to socialism's widespread association with the Soviet economic model, many economists and intellectuals have argued that in practice the model functioned as a form of state capitalism, or a non-planned administrative or command economy. Socialist parties and ideas remain a political force with varying degrees of power and influence in all continents, heading national governments in many countries around the world. Today, some socialists have also adopted the causes of other social movements, such as environmentalism, feminism, and liberalism." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: socialist organizer owenite socialism Independent Socialist militant socialist Social Democrats Social Democrat socialist feminist radical socialist Social Democratic Foundation fabian socialist Fabian Social Democratic Party socialist and feminist socialist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialism
Tag: cwrc:socialism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Socialism
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:communism cwrc:socialReform
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Socialism
*skos:related: cwrc:labourMovement
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:christianSocialism

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Society of Friends

"Quakers (or Friends) are members of a historically Christian group of religious movements generally known as the Religious Society of Friends. Members of the various Quaker movements are all generally united in a belief in the ability of each human being to experientially access "that of God in every person," and therefore they profess the priesthood of all believers, a doctrine derived from the First Epistle of Peter. They include those with evangelical, holiness, liberal, and traditional Quaker understandings of Christianity. To differing extents, the different movements that make up the Religious Society of Friends/Friends Church avoid creeds and hierarchical structures. In 2007, there were approximately 359,000 adult Quakers. In 2012, there were 377,055 adult Quakers. Around 79% of Quakers worldwide belong to the "evangelical" and "programmed" branches of Quakerism—these Quakers worship in services with singing and a prepared message from the Bible, coordinated by a pastor. Around 11% of Friends practice waiting worship, or unprogrammed worship (more commonly known today as Meeting for Worship), where the order of service is not planned in advance, is predominantly silent, and may include unprepared vocal ministry from those present. Some meetings of both types have Recorded Ministers in their meetings—Friends recognised for their gift of vocal ministry. The first Quakers lived in mid-17th century England. The movement arose from the Legatine-Arians and other dissenting Protestant groups, breaking away from the established Church of England. The Quakers, especially the ones known as the Valiant Sixty, attempted to convert others to their understanding of Christianity, travelling both throughout Great Britain and overseas, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of these early Quaker ministers were women. They based their message on the religious belief that "Christ has come to teach his people himself", stressing the importance of a direct relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and a direct religious belief in the universal priesthood of all believers. They emphasised a personal and direct religious experience of Christ, acquired through both direct religious experience and the reading and studying of the Bible. Quakers focused their private life on developing behaviour and speech reflecting emotional purity and the light of God. In the past, Quakers were known for their use of thee as an ordinary pronoun, refusal to participate in war, plain dress, refusal to swear oaths, opposition to slavery, and teetotalism. Described as "natural capitalists" by the BBC, some Quakers founded banks and financial institutions, including Barclays, Lloyds, and Friends Provident; manufacturing companies, including shoe retailer C. & J. Clark and the big three British confectionery makers Cadbury, Rowntree and Fry's; and philanthropic efforts, including abolition of slavery, prison reform, and social justice projects." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#societyOfFriends
Tag: cwrc:societyOfFriends
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Quakers
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:humanRights
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:abolitionism cwrc:feminism

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Spanish republicanism

"There has existed in the Kingdom of Spain a persistent trend of republican thought, especially throughout the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, that has manifested itself in diverse political parties and movements over the entire course of the history of Spain. While these movements have shared the objective of establishing a republic in Spain, during these three centuries there have surged distinct schools of thought on the form republicans would want to give to the Spanish State: unitary (centralized) or federal. Despite the country's long-lasting schools of republican movements, the government of Spain has been organized as a republic during only two very short periods in its history, which totaled less than 10 years of republican government in the entirety of Spanish history. The First Spanish Republic lasted from February 1873 to December 1874, and the Second Spanish Republic lasted from April 1931 to April 1939. Currently there are movements and political parties throughout the entire political spectrum that advocate for a Third Spanish Republic, including almost all of the Spanish left, as well as liberal, right-winged, and nationalist parties." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: spanish republican spanish republican supporter ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#spanishRepublicanism
Tag: cwrc:spanishRepublicanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Republicanism_in_Spain
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:republicanism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Stalinism is the means of governing and related policies implemented by Joseph Stalin. Stalinist policies in the Soviet Union included state terror, rapid industrialization, the theory of socialism in one country, a centralized state, collectivization of agriculture, cult of personality in leadership, and subordination of interests of foreign communist parties to those of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union—deemed by Stalinism to be the most forefront vanguard party of communist revolution at the time. Stalinism promoted the escalation of class conflict, utilizing state violence to forcibly purge society of claimed supporters of the bourgeoisie, regarding them as threats to the pursuit of the communist revolution that resulted in substantial political violence and persecution of such people. These included not only bourgeois people but also working-class people accused of counter-revolutionary sympathies. Stalinist industrialization was officially designed to accelerate the development towards communism, stressing that such rapid industrialization was needed because the country was previously economically backward in comparison with other countries; and that it was needed in order to face the challenges posed by internal and external enemies of communism. Rapid industrialization was accompanied with mass collectivization of agriculture and rapid urbanization. Rapid urbanization converted many small villages into industrial cities. To accelerate the development of industrialization, Stalin pragmatically created joint venture contracts with major American private enterprises, such as Ford Motor Company, that under state supervision assisted in developing the basis of industry of the Soviet economy from the late 1920s to 1930s. After the American private enterprises completed their tasks, Soviet state enterprises took over." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: stalinist totalitarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stalinism
Tag: cwrc:stalinism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Stalinism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:bolshevism cwrc:communism cwrc:marxism

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suffrage movement

"The right to vote in public, political elections, also called political franchise, or simply franchise. As a political cause, it can refer to the granting or extension of the vote to any sector of the population of a country, such as the extension of the vote to a wider range of men in Britain over the course of the nineteenth century, starting with the Reform Act of 1832. Most references to suffrage as a political cause in the British context, however, refer to the campaign for women's suffrage, the right of women to vote in elections. Advocates of female or women's suffrage were called suffragists or suffragettes." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: moderate suffragist suffrage organizer non-militant suffragist female suffrage Women's Enfranchisement suffragette women's franchise suffrage International Suffrage Congress suffrage leader suffrage processions suffrage politics suffragettes women's suffrage supporter of the women's suffrage movement suffragist christian suffragist suffrage organisations Woman Suffrage suffrage demonstrator ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#suffrage
Tag: cwrc:suffrage
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Feminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Women%27s_suffrage
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Suffrage

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tax resistance

"Tax resistance is the refusal to pay tax because of opposition to the government that is imposing the tax or to government policy or as opposition to the concept of taxation in itself. Tax resistance is a form of direct action and if in violation of the tax regulations, a form of civil disobedience. Examples of tax resistance campaigns include those advocating home rule, such as the Salt March led by Mahatma Gandhi, and those promoting women's suffrage, such as the Women's Tax Resistance League. War tax resistance is the refusal to pay some or all taxes that pay for war and a form of nonviolent resistance. War tax resistance may be practiced by conscientious objectors, pacifists, or those protesting against a particular war. As a percentage of income tax funds military expenditure, war tax resisters may avoid or refuse to pay some or all income tax. For example, war resisters may choose to avoid taxes by living simply below the income tax threshold. Tax resisters are distinct from tax protesters who deny that the legal obligation to pay taxes exists or applies. Tax resisters may accept that some law commands them to pay taxes but they still choose to resist taxation." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: tax resister tax withholder ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#taxResistance
Tag: cwrc:taxResistance
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Tax_resistance
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Monarchism

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temperance movement

"The temperance movement is a social movement against the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Temperance movements typically criticize excessive alcohol consumption, promote complete abstinence (teetotalism), or use its political influence to press the government to enact alcohol laws to regulate the availability of alcohol or even its complete prohibition." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: temperance work temperance temperance supporter temperance worker temperance activist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#temperanceMovement
Tag: cwrc:temperanceMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Temperance_movement
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:politics
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:conservatism cwrc:feminism

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trade unionism

In support of the formation of a trade union. See Trade union - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: unionism trade unionist union movement women's trade unions ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#tradeUnionism
Tag: cwrc:tradeUnionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Trade_union
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

[back to top]

urban reform

Advocacy or activism in support of reforming the urban environment, often in support of alleviating poverty. See Urban renewal - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: urban reformer ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#urbanReform
Tag: cwrc:urbanReform
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Urban_renewal
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
*skos:related: cwrc:sanitaryMovement

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"Utilitarianism is a theory about what we ought to do. It states that the best action is the one that maximizes utility. "Utility" is defined in various ways, usually in terms of the well-being of sentient entities, such as human beings and other animals. Jeremy Bentham, the founder of utilitarianism, gave this definition of "utility": it is the sum of all pleasure that results from an action, minus the suffering of anyone involved in the action. The philosopher John Stuart Mill developed this concept further. He included not only the quantity of the pleasure, but also the quality of pleasure. He focused on rules, instead of individual actions. Others have proposed a theory called "negative utilitarianism." They define utility only in terms of suffering. Utilitarianism is a version of what Elizabeth Anscombe called "consequentialism". Consequentialism states that the consequences of any action are the only standard of right and wrong. Contrast this view with virtue ethics, which enshrines virtue as a moral good. Some believe that one's intentions are also ethically important. Unlike other forms of consequentialism, such as egoism, utilitarianism considers all interests equally. Proponents of utilitarianism have disagreed on a number of points. Should individual acts should conform to utility (act utilitarianism)? Or, should agents conform to ethical rules (rule utilitarianism)? Should utility should be calculated as an aggregate (total utilitarianism) or as an average (average utilitarianism)? Though the seeds of the theory can be found in the hedonists Aristippus and Epicurus, who viewed happiness as the only good, the tradition of utilitarianism properly begins with Bentham, and has included John Stuart Mill, Henry Sidgwick, R. M. Hare and Peter Singer. It has been applied the suffering of non-human animals, and the ethics of raising animals for food. Opponents of utilitarianism have raised a number of objections. Some say that utilitarianism ignores justice. Others call it impractical. Specific criticisms have included the mere addition paradox and the utility monster." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#utilitarianism
Tag: cwrc:utilitarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Utilitarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Vegetarianism /vɛdʒɪˈtɛəriənɪzəm/ is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter. Vegetarianism can be adopted for different reasons. Many object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Such ethical motivations have been codified under various religious beliefs, along with animal rights. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic, economic, or personal preference. There are varieties of the diet as well: an ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products, a lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs, and an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products. A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including eggs, dairy, and honey. Some vegans also avoid other animal products such as beeswax, leather or silk clothing, and goose-fat shoe polish. Various packaged or processed foods, including cake, cookies, candies, chocolate, yogurt and marshmallows, often contain unfamiliar animal ingredients, and may be a special concern for vegetarians due to the likelihood of such additions. Often, products are reviewed by vegetarians for animal-derived ingredients prior to purchase or consumption. Vegetarians vary in their feelings regarding these ingredients, however. For example, while some vegetarians may be unaware of animal-derived rennet's role in the usual production of cheese and may therefore unknowingly consume the product, other vegetarians may not take issue with its consumption. Semi-vegetarian diets consist largely of vegetarian foods, but may include fish or poultry, or sometimes other meats, on an infrequent basis. Those with diets containing fish or poultry may define meat only as mammalian flesh and may identify with vegetarianism. This is because earlier dictionaries included fish as part of the definition whereas the current versions do not. A pescetarian diet has been described as "fish but no other meat". The common use association between such diets and vegetarianism has led vegetarian groups such as the Vegetarian Society to state that diets containing these ingredients are not vegetarian, because fish and birds are also animals." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: vegetarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#vegetarianism
Tag: cwrc:vegetarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Vegetarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:animalWelfareAdvocacy

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Welsh nationalism

"Welsh nationalism (Welsh: Cenedlaetholdeb Cymreig) emphasises the distinctiveness of Welsh language, culture, and history, and calls for more self-determination for Wales, which might include more devolved powers for the Welsh Assembly or full independence from the United Kingdom." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: welsh nationalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#welshNationalism
Tag: cwrc:welshNationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Welsh_nationalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Whiggism, sometimes spelled Whigism, is a historical political philosophy that grew out of the Parliamentarian faction in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639–1651). The whigs' key policy positions were the supremacy of Parliament (as opposed to that of the king), tolerance of Protestant dissenters, and opposition to a Catholic (especially a Stuart) on the throne. After the huge success of the Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689, Whiggism dominated English and British politics until about 1760, although in practice it splintered into different factions. After 1760 the Whigs lost power, apart from sharing it in a few short-lived coalitions, but Whiggism fashioned itself into a generalized belief system that emphasised innovation and liberty and was strongly held by about half of the leading families in England and Scotland, as well as most merchants, Dissenters and professionals. The opposing Tory position was held by the other great families, the Church of England, and most of the landed gentry and officers of the army and the navy. Whigs who opposed Robert Walpole often called themselves "Old Whigs" and comprised part of the Country Party. Whiggism referred originally to the Whigs of the British Isles, but in its "Old Whig" form was largely adopted by the American Patriots in the Thirteen Colonies. American Whiggism was known as republicanism. One meaning of 'whiggism' given by the Oxford English Dictionary is "moderate or antiquated Liberalism"." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: dissident whig opposition whig whigs williamite foxite whig pittite whig whig ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#whiggism
Tag: cwrc:whiggism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Whiggism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:left-Wing cwrc:liberalism

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A view of the law, in support of John Wilkes. Focused on government accountability and right to trial by jury. See: John Wilkes - Wikipedia

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#wilkite
Tag: cwrc:wilkite
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:John_Wilkes
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Womanism is a social theory deeply rooted in the racial and gender-based oppression of black women. There are varying interpretations on what the term "womanist" means, and efforts to provide a concise and all encompassing definition have only been marginally successful. The ambiguity within the theory allows for its continuous expansion of its basic tenets, though this ambiguity is also widely considered its greatest weakness. At its core, womanism is a social change perspective based upon the everyday problems and experiences of black women and other women of minority demographics, but more broadly seeks methods to eradicate inequalities not just for black women, but for all people." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: womanist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#womanism
Tag: cwrc:womanism
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Feminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Womanism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Racism

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women's education reform

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: women's higher education women educators female education activist for women's education women's education reformer education for women female education advocate women's medical education campaigner for women's education ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#womensEducationReform
Tag: cwrc:womensEducationReform
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Feminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Category:Women_and_education dbpedia:Female_education
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:educationReform cwrc:feminism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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women's employment reform

Advocacy or activism related to women's employment including training, opportunities, wages, and working conditions. See Women in the workforce - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: equal rights in the work place women's employment reformer salary reform employment activist female employment ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#womensEmploymentReform
Tag: cwrc:womensEmploymentReform
cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Feminism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Women_in_the_workforce
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:feminism cwrc:socialReform
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#yorkist
Tag: cwrc:yorkist
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:House_of_York
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation

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"Zionism is a nationalist political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land). Zionism emerged in the late 19th century in central and eastern Europe as a national revival movement, in reaction to anti-Semitic and exclusionary nationalist movements in Europe. Soon after this, most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired state in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman Empire. Until 1948, the primary goals of Zionism were the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, ingathering of the exiles, and liberation of Jews from the antisemitic discrimination and persecution that they experienced during their diaspora. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism continues primarily to advocate on behalf of Israel and address threats to its continued existence and security. A religious variety of Zionism supports Jews upholding their Jewish identity defined as adherence to religious Judaism, opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies, and has advocated the return of Jews to Israel as a means for Jews to be a majority nation in their own state. A variety of Zionism, called cultural Zionism, founded and represented most prominently by Ahad Ha'am, fostered a secular vision of a Jewish "spiritual center" in Israel. Unlike Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, Ahad Ha'am strived for Israel to be "a Jewish state and not merely a state of Jews". Advocates of Zionism view it as a national liberation movement for the repatriation of a persecuted people residing as minorities in a variety of nations to their ancestral homeland. Critics of Zionism view it as a colonialist, racist, and exceptionalist ideology that led advocates to violence during Mandatory Palestine, followed by the forced exodus of Palestinians, and the subsequent denial of their human rights." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: zionist proto-Zionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#zionism
Tag: cwrc:zionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Zionism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:nationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation
skos:related: cwrc:anti-Antisemitism
*cwrc:contraryTo: cwrc:anti-Zionism

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high certainty

A predefined value of certainty that represents cases where where an assertion, description, identification, value, or measurement is considered of high quality. Equivalent to the "high" value for certainty or precision of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#highCertainty
Tag: cwrc:highCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

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low certainty

A predefined value of certainty that represents cases where where an assertion, description, identification, value, or measurement is considered of low quality. Equivalent to the "medium" value for certainty or precision of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lowCertainty
Tag: cwrc:lowCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

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medium certainty

A predefined value of certainty that represents cases where where an assertion, description, identification, value, or measurement is considered of medium quality. Equivalent to the "medium" value for certainty or precision of the Text Encoding Initiative.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mediumCertainty
Tag: cwrc:mediumCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

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unknown certainty

A predefined value of certainty that is used when one does not want to assert an opinion on certainty or precision, or the degree of certainty or precision is not known. Equivalent to the "unknown" attribute value for certainty of the Text Encoding Initiative.

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Text Encoding Initiative's P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unknownCertainty
Tag: cwrc:unknownCertainty
prov:wasDerivedFrom: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-teidata.certainty.html
rdf:type: cwrc:Certainty cwrc:Precision

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"African-Caribbeans are Caribbean people who trace their heritage to Africa in the period since Christopher Columbus's arrival in the region in 1492. Other names for the group include African-Caribbean (especially in the UK branch of the diaspora), Afro-Antillean or Afro-West Indian. Between the 16th and 19th centuries, European-led triangular trade brought African people to work as slaves in the Caribbean on various plantations. Many Afro-Caribbeans also have non-African ancestry, such as European, South Asian, East Asian, Middle Eastern and Native American, as there has been intermarriage over the centuries." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#afro-CaribbeanRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:afro-CaribbeanRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Afro-Caribbean
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"Anglo-Irish (Irish: Angla-Éireannach) was a term used primarily in the 19th and early 20th centuries to identify a privileged social class in Ireland, whose members were mostly the descendants and successors of the Protestant Ascendancy. They mostly belonged to the Anglican Church of Ireland, which was the established church of Ireland until 1871, or to a lesser extent one of the English dissenting churches, such as the Methodist church. Its members tended to follow English practices in matters of culture, science, law, agriculture and politics. Many became eminent as administrators in the British Empire and as senior army and naval officers." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglo-IrishRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:anglo-IrishRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anglo-Irish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"Asian people or Asiatic people are people who descend from a portion of Asia's population. There are varieties of definition and geographical data presented by organisations and individuals for classifying the ethnic groups in Asia."(DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#asianRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:asianRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Asian_people
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"Black people (seen both capitalized and with lowercase 'b') is a term used in certain countries, often in socially based systems of racial classification or of ethnicity, to describe persons who are perceived to be dark-skinned compared to other given populations. As such, the meaning of the expression varies widely both between and within societies, and depends significantly on context. For many other individuals, communities and countries, 'black' is also perceived as a derogatory, outdated, reductive or otherwise unrepresentative label, and as a result is neither used nor defined. Different societies apply different criteria regarding who is classified as 'black', and these social constructs have also changed over time. In a number of countries, societal variables affect classification as much as skin color, and the social criteria for 'blackness' vary. For example, in North America the term black people is not necessarily an indicator of skin color or ethnic origin, but is instead a socially based racial classification related to being African American, with a family history associated with institutionalized slavery. In South Africa and Latin America, mixed-race people are generally not classified as 'black'. In other regions such as Australasia, settlers applied the term 'black' or it was used by local populations with different histories and ancestral backgrounds." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: blackwoman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blackRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:blackRaceColour
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:blackLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Black_people
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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An intersectional identity that co-occurs with but is not reducible to the combination of "has gender identity woman" and "has race or colour identity black". See Black women - Wikipedia and (Kimberlé Crenshaw, 1989).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blackWomanRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:blackWomanRaceColour
rdf:type: cwrc:Gender cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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Describes a person often born in a European (often British) colony, of "mixed race" parentage, usually but not always the child of both "White" and so-called "non-White" ancestry. The term originally designated "parts of the population made up of Caribbean descendants of colonists, born and brought up in the New World. In the context of postcolonial studies, the term 'creolization' is conceived as 'the process of intermixing and cultural change that produces a Creole society,' especially in the Caribbean (Ashcrofts, Griffiths, and Tiffin 1998, 58)" (Hawley et al., Encyclopedia of Post Colonial Studies 116).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#creoleRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:creoleRaceColour
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"The English are a nation and an ethnic group native to England, who speak the English language. The English identity is of early medieval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Angelcynn ("family of the Angles"). Their ethnonym is derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic peoples who migrated to Great Britain around the 5th century AD. England is one of the countries of the United Kingdom." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#englishRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:englishRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:English_people
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"A Eurasian is a person of mixed Asian and European ancestry. In 19th-century British India, Eurasians — later called Anglo-Indians — were of mixed Portuguese, Dutch, British, Indian or, more rarely, French descent, but now their parentage may be from other parts of South, East or Southeast Asia. The term has been used in anthropological literature since the 1960s. It may also be extended to those with Central Asian heritage." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eurasianRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:eurasianRaceColour
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:eurasianLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Eurasian_(mixed_ancestry)
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour
skos:broader: cwrc:eurasianLabel

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"Indian people or Indians are citizens of India, the second most populous nation containing 17.50% of the world's population. "Indian" refers to nationality, but not ethnicity or language. The Indian nationality consists of many regional ethno-linguistic groups, reflecting the rich and complex history of India. India hosts all major ethnic groups found in the Indian Subcontinent. The diaspora populations with Indian ancestry, as a result of emigration, are somewhat widespread most notably in the UAE, Southeast Asia, United Kingdom, North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Caribbean, and Southern Europe. Population estimates vary from a conservative 12 million to 20 million diaspora." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indianRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:indianRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Indian_people
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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Indigenous (of the Americas)

"The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian peoples of the Americans and their descendants. Pueblos indígenas or indígenas (lit. "indigenous peoples") is a common term in Spanish-speaking countries, and pueblos nativos or nativos (lit. "native peoples" in the sense of descendants of non-immigrants) may also be heard, while aborigen (aborigine) is used in Argentina, and pueblos aborígenes (aboriginal peoples) is common in Chile. The term "Amerindian" (short for "'Indians' of the Americas)" is used in Quebec, The Guianas, and the English-speaking Caribbean. Indigenous peoples are commonly known in Canada as Aboriginal peoples, which includes not only First Nations and Arctic Inuit, but also the minority population of First Nations-European mixed-race Métis people who identify culturally and ethnically with indigenous peoplehood. This is contrasted, for instance, to the American Indian-European mixed-race mestizos of Hispanic America (caboclos in Brazil) who, with their larger population (in most Latin American countries constituting either outright majorities, pluralities, or at the least large minorities), identify largely as a new ethnic group distinct from both Europeans and Indigenous Americans, but still considering themselves a subset of the European-derived Hispanic peoplehood in culture and ethnicity. Indigenous peoples of the United States are commonly known as Native Americans or American Indians, and Alaska Natives. Application of the term "Indian" originated with Christopher Columbus, who, in his search for Asia, thought that he had arrived in the East Indies. Eventually, the Americas came to be known as the "West Indies", a name still used to refer to the islands of the Caribbean Sea. This led to the blanket term "Indies" and "Indians" (Spanish "indios") for the indigenous inhabitants, which implied some kind of racial or cultural unity among the indigenous peoples of the Americas. This unifying concept, codified in law, religion, and politics, was not originally accepted by the myriad groups of indigenous peoples themselves, but has since been embraced by many over the last two centuries. Even though the term "Indian" does not include the culturally and linguistically distinct indigenous peoples of the Arctic regions of the Americas — such as the Aleuts, Inuit, or Yupik peoples, who entered the continent as a second more recent wave of migration several thousand years ago, and have much more recent genetic and cultural commonalities with the aboriginal peoples of the Asiatic Arctic Russian Far East — these groups are nonetheless considered "indigenous peoples of the Americas". Although some indigenous peoples of the Americas were traditionally hunter-gatherers—and many, especially in Amazonia, still are—many groups practiced aquaculture and agriculture. The impact of their agricultural endowment to the world is a testament to their time and work in reshaping and cultivating the flora indigenous to the Americas. Although some societies depended heavily on agriculture, others practiced a mix of farming, hunting, and gathering. In some regions the indigenous peoples created monumental architecture, large-scale organized cities, chiefdoms, states, and empires. Many parts of the Americas are still populated by indigenous peoples; some countries have sizable populations, especially Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Greenland, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. At least a thousand different indigenous languages are spoken in the Americas. Some, such as the Quechuan languages, Aymara, Guaraní, Mayan languages, and Nahuatl, count their speakers in millions. Many also maintain aspects of indigenous cultural practices to varying degrees, including religion, social organization, and subsistence practices. Like most cultures, over time, cultures specific to many indigenous peoples have evolved to incorporate traditional aspects, but also cater to modern needs. Some indigenous peoples still live in relative isolation from Western culture and a few are still counted as uncontacted peoples." (DBpedia, 2017) The term is deeply contested. See: Native American name controversy - Wikipedia

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[skos:altLabel: Native American ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indigenousPeoplesOfAmericasRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:indigenousPeoplesOfAmericasRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"The Jews (/dʒuːz/; Hebrew: יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]), also known as the Jewish people, are an ethnoreligious group originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation, while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance. Jews originated as a national and religious group in the Middle East during the second millennium BCE, in the part of the Levant known as the Land of Israel. The Merneptah Stele appears to confirm the existence of a people of Israel, associated with the god El, somewhere in Canaan as far back as the 13th century BCE (Late Bronze Age). The Israelites, as an outgrowth of the Canaanite population, consolidated their hold with the emergence of the Kingdom of Israel, and the Kingdom of Judah. Some consider that these Canaanite sedentary Israelites melded with incoming nomadic groups known as 'Hebrews'. Though few sources in the Bible mention the exilic periods in detail, the experience of diaspora life, from the Ancient Egyptian rule over the Levant, to Assyrian Captivity and Exile, to Babylonian Captivity and Exile, to Seleucid Imperial rule, to the Roman occupation, and the historical relations between Israelites and their homeland, became a major feature of Jewish history, identity and memory. The worldwide Jewish population reached a peak of 16.7 million prior to World War II, but approximately 6 million Jews were systematically murdered during the Holocaust. Since then the population has slowly risen again, and as of 2015 was estimated at 14.3 million by the Berman Jewish DataBank, or less than 0.2% of the total world population (roughly one in every 514 people). According to the report, about 43% of all Jews reside in Israel (6.4 million), and 40% in the United States (5.7 million), with most of the remainder living in Europe (1.4 million) and Canada (0.4 million). These numbers include all those who self-identified as Jews in a socio-demographic study or were identified as such by a respondent in the same household. The exact world Jewish population, however, is difficult to measure. In addition to issues with census methodology, disputes among proponents of halakhic, secular, political, and ancestral identification factors regarding who is a Jew may affect the figure considerably depending on the source. Israel is the only country where Jews form a majority of the population. The modern State of Israel was established as a Jewish state and defines itself as such in its Declaration of Independence and Basic Laws. Its Law of Return grants the right of citizenship to any Jew who requests it. Despite their small percentage of the world's population, Jews have significantly influenced and contributed to human progress in many fields, including philosophy, ethics, literature, business, fine arts and architecture, religion, music, theatre and cinema, medicine, as well as science and technology, both historically and in modern times." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: jew ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:jewishRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jews
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"Multiracial is defined as made up of or relating to people of many races. Many terms exist for people of various multiracial backgrounds. While some of the terms used in the past are considered insulting and offensive, there are many socially acceptable modern terms that multiracial people identify with. These include mixed-race, biracial, multiracial, métis, mestizo, pardo and mixed. Individuals of multiracial backgrounds make up a significant portion of the population in many parts of the world. In North America, studies have found that the multiracial population is continuing to grow. Because of a decline in racial discrimination, multiracial people no longer feel the need to hide their heritage. In many countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, mixed-race people make up the majority of the population. Other areas where multiracial people make up a sizable portion of the population are the United Kingdom, the Middle East, parts of Africa and Asia, New Zealand, and Fiji." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: coloured (mixed-race) mixed red mulatto racially mixed mixed white and black (or, in her own word, colored) mixed-blood ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mixedRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:mixedRaceColour
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:whiteLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Multiracial
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:broader: http://rdf.muninn-project.org/ontologies/appearances#SkinColorSimpleWhite
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"The Scottish people (Scots: Scots Fowk, Scottish Gaelic: Albannaich), or Scots, are a nation and socially defined ethnic group resident in Scotland. Historically, they emerged from an amalgamation of two groups—the Picts and Gaels—who founded the Kingdom of Scotland (or Alba) in the 9th century, and thought to have been ethnolinguistically Celts. Later, the neighbouring Cumbrian Britons, who also spoke a Celtic language, as well as Germanic-speaking Anglo-Saxons and Norse, were incorporated into the Scottish nation." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Scots Scotch ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#scottishRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:scottishRaceColour
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Scottish_people
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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"White people is a racial classification specifier, used for people of Europid ancestry, with the exact implications dependent on context. The contemporary usage of 'white people' or a 'white race' as a large group of (mainly European) populations contrasting with 'black', American Indian, colored' or non-white originates in the 17th century. It is today particularly used as a racial classifier in multiracial societies, such as the United States (White American), the United Kingdom (White British), Brazil (White Brazilian), and South Africa (White South African). Various social constructions of whiteness have been significant to national identity, public policy, religion, population statistics, racial segregation, affirmative action, white privilege, eugenics, racial marginalization and racial quotas. The term 'white race' or 'white people' entered the major European languages in the later 17th century, in the context of racialized slavery and unequal status in European colonies. Description of populations as 'white' in reference to their skin color predates this notion and is found in Greco-Roman ethnography and other ancient sources. Scholarship on race generally distinguishes the modern concept from pre-modern descriptions of collective difference." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: presumably white ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#whiteRaceColour
Tag: cwrc:whiteRaceColour
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:whiteLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:White_people
rdf:type: cwrc:RaceColour skos:Concept
skos:broader: http://rdf.muninn-project.org/ontologies/appearances#SkinColorSimpleWhite
skos:inScheme: cwrc:RaceColour

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Abrahamic religions

"Abrahamic religions, emphasising and tracing their common origin to the tribal patriarch Abraham or recognizing a spiritual tradition identified with him, comprising one of the major divisions in comparative religion, along with Indian, Iranian, and East Asian religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the largest Abrahamic religions.The largest Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism (2nd millennium BCE), Christianity (1st century CE) and Islam (7th century CE)." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#abrahamicReligions
Tag: cwrc:abrahamicReligions
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Abrahamic_religions
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:christianity cwrc:islam cwrc:judaism

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"Adventism is a branch of Protestantism with origins in the 19th century American Protestant revival known as the Second Great Awakening. The name refers to belief in the imminent Second Coming (or "Second Advent") of Jesus Christ. William Miller started the Adventist movement in the 1830s. His followers became known as Millerites. Although the Adventist churches hold much in common, their theologies differ on whether the intermediate state is unconscious sleep or consciousness, whether the ultimate punishment of the wicked is annihilation or eternal torment, the nature of immortality, whether or not the wicked are resurrected after the millennium, and whether the sanctuary of Daniel 8 refers to the one in heaven or one on earth. The movement has encouraged the examination of the whole Bible, leading Seventh-day Adventists and some smaller Adventist groups to observe the Sabbath. The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has compiled that church's core beliefs in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs (1980 and 2005), which use Biblical references as justification. In 2010, Adventism claimed some 22 million believers scattered in various independent churches. The largest church within the movement — the Seventh-day Adventist Church — is one of the largest Christian churches in the world, with more than 18 million baptized members." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Second Adventist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#adventism
Tag: cwrc:adventism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Adventism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:protestantism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable. According to the philosopher William L. Rowe: "In the popular sense of the term, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in God, whereas an atheist disbelieves in God." Agnosticism is a doctrine or set of tenets rather than a religion as such. Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist, coined the word "agnostic" in 1869. Earlier thinkers, however, had written works that promoted agnostic points of view, such as Sanjaya Belatthaputta, a 5th-century BCE Indian philosopher who expressed agnosticism about any afterlife; and Protagoras, a 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher who expressed agnosticism about "the gods". The Nasadiya Sukta in the Rigveda is agnostic about the origin of the universe." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#agnosticism
Tag: cwrc:agnosticism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Agnosticism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"A Christian denomination having both Protestant and Catholic aspects that originated with Henry VIII's break with the Roman Catholic Church (ca. 1532-34). As the official state Church of England, the monarch of England is still formally considered its head. While at first it remained mainly Catholic in character, reforms came under Edward IV and Elizabeth I who introduced doctrine that was more Protestant in nature, namely new editions of the Book of Common Prayer and the Thirty-nine Articles. Although an overall attitude of toleration exists in the modern Anglican Church, tension remains between its Protestant and Catholic inclinations as well as with newer liberal and evangelical influences. Anglicanism is based on episcopal authority and parish structure is fundamental to the organisation of the church. The term is used with regard to the Church of England; with regard to the Episcopal Church in America, use "Episcopal."" (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Low Church Episcopalian Anglican Church High Anglican Church of Ireland High Church Church of England Anglo-Catholic Low-Church ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#anglicanism
Tag: cwrc:anglicanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anglicanism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300153822
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept foaf:Organization
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:christianity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:tractarianMovement

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"Anti-clericalism refers to historical movements that oppose the clergy for reasons including their actual or alleged power and influence in all aspects of public and political life and their involvement in the everyday life of the citizen, their privileges, or their enforcement of orthodoxy. Not all anti-clericals are irreligious or anti-religious, some have been religious and have opposed clergy on the basis of institutional issues and/or disagreements in religious interpretation, such as during the Protestant Reformation." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#antiClericalism
Tag: cwrc:antiClericalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Anti-clericalism
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:methodism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Asceticism (/əˈsɛtɪsɪzəm/; from the Greek: ἄσκησις áskesis, "exercise" or "training") is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. Ascetics may withdraw from the world for their practices or continue to be part of their society, but typically adopt a frugal lifestyle, characterised by the renunciation of material possessions and physical pleasures, and time spent fasting while concentrating on the practice of religion or reflection upon spiritual matters. Asceticism is classified into two types. "Natural asceticism" consists of a lifestyle where material aspects of life are reduced to utmost simplicity and a minimum but without maiming the body or harsher austerities that make the body suffer, while "unnatural asceticism" is defined as a practice that involves body mortification and self infliction of pain such as by sleeping on a bed of nails. Asceticism has been historically observed in many religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Mainstream Islam has lacked asceticism, except for its minority Sufi sect whose long tradition has included strict asceticism. The practitioners of these religions eschewed worldly pleasures and led an abstinent lifestyle, in the pursuit of redemption, salvation or spirituality. Asceticism is seen in the ancient theologies as a journey towards spiritual transformation, where the simple is sufficient, the bliss is within, the frugal is plenty." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#asceticism
Tag: cwrc:asceticism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Asceticism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which, in its most general form, is the belief that at least one deity exists. The term "atheism" originated from the Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)", used as a pejorative term applied to those thought to reject the gods worshiped by the larger society. With the spread of freethought, skeptical inquiry, and subsequent increase in criticism of religion, application of the term narrowed in scope. The first individuals to identify themselves using the word "atheist" lived in the 18th century during the Age of Enlightenment. The French Revolution, noted for its "unprecedented atheism," witnessed the first major political movement in history to advocate for the supremacy of human reason. Arguments for atheism range from the philosophical to social and historical approaches. Rationales for not believing in deities include arguments that there is a lack of empirical evidence; the problem of evil; the argument from inconsistent revelations; the rejection of concepts that cannot be falsified; and the argument from nonbelief. Although some atheists have adopted secular philosophies (eg. humanism and skepticism), there is no one ideology or set of behaviors to which all atheists adhere. Many atheists hold that atheism is a more parsimonious worldview than theism and therefore that the burden of proof lies not on the atheist to disprove the existence of God but on the theist to provide a rationale for theism. Since conceptions of atheism vary, accurate estimations of current numbers of atheists are difficult. Several comprehensive global polls on the subject have been conducted by Gallup International: their 2015 poll featured over 64,000 respondents and indicated that 11% were "convinced atheists" whereas an earlier 2012 poll found that 13% of respondents were "convinced atheists." An older survey by the BBC, in 2004, recorded atheists as comprising 8% of the world's population. Other older estimates have indicated that atheists comprise 2% of the world's population, while the irreligious add a further 12%. According to these polls, Europe and East Asia are the regions with the highest rates of atheism. In 2015, 61% of people in China reported that they were atheists. The figures for a 2010 Eurobarometer survey in the European Union (EU) reported that 20% of the EU population claimed not to believe in "any sort of spirit, God or life force"." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#atheism
Tag: cwrc:atheism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Atheism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Baptist Christianity

"Refers to a Protestant denomination centered around the belief that the sacrament of baptism should only be administered to adult members after a personal profession of belief in Jesus Christ. Baptism in this faith is usually done by full immersion. Emphasis is placed on biblical scripture and preaching. The Baptist denomination is primarily derived from early 17th-century England and Wales where it quickly spread although there are some links with the Anabaptists of the 16th century. Baptist churches very rapidly increased in the late 19th century in the United States." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Baptist Baptist Church Particular Baptist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#baptistChristianity
Tag: cwrc:baptistChristianity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Baptists
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300153825
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Behmenism, also Behemenism and similar, is the English-language designation for a 17th-century European Christian movement based on the teachings of German mystic and theosopher Jakob Böhme (1575-1624). The term was not usually applied by followers of Böhme's theosophy to themselves, but rather was used by some opponents of Böhme's thought as a polemical term. The origins of the term date back to the German literature of the 1620s, when opponents of Böhme's thought, such as the Thuringian antinomian Esajas Stiefel, the Lutheran theologian Peter Widmann and others denounced the writings of Böhme and the Böhmisten. When his writings began to appear in England in the 1640s, Böhme's surname was irretrievably corrupted to the form "Behmen" or "Behemen", whence the term "Behmenism" developed. A follower of Böhme's theosophy is a "Behmenist"." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Behmenist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#behemenism
Tag: cwrc:behemenism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Behmenism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Benedictine Order

"The Order of Saint Benedict (OSB; Latin: Ordo Sancti Benedicti), also known – in reference to the color of its members' habits – as the Black Monks, is a Catholic religious order of independent monastic communities that observe the Rule of Saint Benedict. Each community (monastery, priory or abbey) within the order maintains its own autonomy, while the order itself represents their mutual interests. The terms "Order of Saint Benedict" and "Benedictine Order" are, however, also used to refer to all Benedictine communities collectively, sometimes giving the incorrect impression that there exists a generalate or motherhouse with jurisdiction over them. Internationally, the order is governed by the Benedictine Confederation, a body, established in 1883 by Pope Leo XIII's Brief Summum semper, whose head is known as the Abbot Primate. Individuals whose communities are members of the order generally add the initials "OSB" after their names." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Benedictine ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#benedictineOrder
Tag: cwrc:benedictineOrder
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Order_of_Saint_Benedict
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:catholicism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Refers to the philosophy and religion based on the enlightenment and teachings of the Buddha Gautama in the early sixth century BCE in the northeastern region of modern India. Playing dominant roles in the art and culture of Southeast Asia and East Asia, this religion is based on the transcendence of human suffering and pain through the acceptance of the limitations of individuality, the surrender of worldly desires and cravings that cause disappointment and sorrow, and the deliverance from the impermanence of living and individual ego based on wealth, social position, or family through the process of enlightenment (nirvana). The religion also centers around 'anatman', or no-self, the idea that the self is in a state of action or a series of changing manifestations rather than in a state of fixed, metaphysical substance. The structure of the religion is based on the Triratna ("Three Jewels" of Buddha), a tripartite schematic for living based on three elements: Buddha (the teacher), dharma (the teaching), and sangha (community)." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Buddhist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#buddhism
Tag: cwrc:buddhism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Buddhism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300073738
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:christianity

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"Bushido (武士道, "the way of the warrior") is a Japanese term for the samurai way of life, loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry in Europe. Just like the knights of Europe, the samurai had a code to live by that was also based in a moral way of life. The "way" itself originates from the samurai moral values, most commonly stressing some combination of frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery, and honor until death. Born from Neo-Confucianism during times of peace in Tokugawa Japan and following Confucian texts, Bushido was also influenced by Shinto and Zen Buddhism, allowing the violent existence of the samurai to be tempered by wisdom and serenity. Bushidō developed between the 16th and 20th centuries, debated by pundits who believed they were building on a legacy dating back to the 10th century, although some scholars have noted that the term bushidō itself is "rarely attested in premodern literature". Under the Tokugawa Shogunate, some aspects of warrior values became formalized into Japanese feudal law. The word was first used in Japan during the 17th century in Kōyō Gunkan. It came into common usage in Japan and the West after the 1899 publication of Nitobe Inazō's Bushido: The Soul of Japan. In Bushido (1899), Nitobe wrote: […] Bushidō, then, is the code of moral principles which the samurai were required or instructed to observe […] More frequently it is a code unuttered and unwritten […] It was an organic growth of decades and centuries of military career. In order to become a samurai this code has to be mastered. Nitobe was not the first to document Japanese chivalry in this way. In Feudal and Modern Japan (1896), historian Arthur May Knapp wrote: "The samurai of thirty years ago had behind him a thousand years of training in the law of honor, obedience, duty, and self-sacrifice.... It was not needed to create or establish them. As a child he had but to be instructed, as indeed he was from his earliest years, in the etiquette of self-immolation."" (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bushido
Tag: cwrc:bushido
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bushido
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Calvinism (also called the Reformed tradition, Reformed Christianity, Reformed Protestantism or the Reformed faith) is a major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice of John Calvin and other Reformation-era theologians. Calvinists broke with the Roman Catholic Church but differed from Lutherans on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, theories of worship, and the use of God's law for believers, among other things. The term Calvinism can be misleading, because the religious tradition it denotes is and has always been diverse, with a wide range of influences rather than a single founder. The movement was first called Calvinism by Lutherans who opposed it, and many within the tradition would prefer to use the word Reformed. Early influential Reformed theologians include Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, Martin Bucer, William Farel, Heinrich Bullinger, Peter Martyr Vermigli, Theodore Beza, and John Knox. In the twentieth century Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, B. B. Warfield, Karl Barth, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Cornelius Van Til, and Gordon Clark were influential, while contemporary Reformed theologians include J. I. Packer, R. C. Sproul, Timothy J. Keller, John Piper, and Michael Horton. Reformed churches may exercise several forms of ecclesiastical polity, but most are presbyterian or congregationalist with some being episcopalian. Calvinism is largely represented by Continental Reformed, Presbyterian, and Congregationalist traditions. The biggest Reformed association is the World Communion of Reformed Churches with more than 80 million members in 211 member denominations around the world. There are more conservative Reformed federations like the World Reformed Fellowship and the International Conference of Reformed Churches, as well as independent churches." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Reformed ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#calvinism
Tag: cwrc:calvinism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Calvinism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Camisards were Huguenots (French Protestants) of the rugged and isolated Cévennes region, and the Vaunage in southern France. They raised an insurrection against the persecutions which followed the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, which had made being Protestant illegal. The Camisards operated throughout the mainly protestant Cévennes region which in the eighteenth century also included the Vaunage and the parts of the Camargue around Aigues Mortes. The revolt by the Camisards broke out in 1702, with the worst of the fighting continuing until 1704, then scattered fighting until 1710 and a final peace by 1715. The Edict of Tolerance was not finally signed until 1787." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: French Prophets ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#camisards
Tag: cwrc:camisards
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Camisard
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:huguenotNationalHeritage
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Cartesianism is the name given to the philosophical and scientific system of René Descartes and its subsequent development by other seventeenth century thinkers, most notably Nicolas Malebranche and Baruch Spinoza. Descartes is often regarded as the first thinker to emphasize the use of reason to develop the natural sciences. For him, the philosophy was a thinking system that embodied all knowledge, and expressed it in this way: Cartesians view the mind as being wholly separate from the corporeal body. Sensation and the perception of reality are thought to be the source of untruth and illusions, with the only reliable truths to be had in the existence of a metaphysical mind. Such a mind can perhaps interact with a physical body, but it does not exist in the body, nor even in the same physical plane as the body. The question of how mind and body interact would be a persistent difficulty for Descartes and his followers, with different Cartesians providing different answers." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Cartesian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#cartesianism
Tag: cwrc:cartesianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Cartesianism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:rationalism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Roman Catholicism

"Refers to the branch of Christianity characterized by a uniform, highly developed ritual canon and organisational structure with doctrinal roots based in the teachings of the Apostles of Jesus Christ in the first century, in the Alexandrian school of theology, and in Augustinian thought. In this religious branch, faith is considered an acceptance of revelation; revelation appears as doctrine. In juridical terms, it refers to the branch of Christianity distinguished as a unified, monolithic sacramental system under the governance of papal authority. Throughout much of its history, the seat of the Pope has been in Rome, thus "Roman Catholicism" is often used to distinguish this concept from the Orthodox Catholic church." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Catholic Church Catholicism Roman Catholic Church ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#catholicism
Tag: cwrc:catholicism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Catholic_Church
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300073730
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:christianity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
*skos:related: cwrc:sabbatarianism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:benedictineOrder cwrc:dominicanOrder cwrc:lollardy cwrc:neo-thomism

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Christian Science

"Refers to a Christian denomination and movement founded by Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) that seeks to reinstate the Christian message of salvation from all evil, including sickness and disease as well as sin. Eddy, a semi-invalid who was interested in cures not involving medicine, claimed a recovery from a bad injury without medical assistance in 1866. Afterwards, she devoted herself to restoring the healing emphasis of early Christianity. In 1875 she finished writing the first edition of the 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.' This work and the Bible are the principal texts of the movement and importance has been laid on establishing reading rooms where these works can make their own appeal to readers. The 'Christian Science Monitor' is also published by the denomination. Christian Science believes that ignorance is at the root of human unease and thus 'dis-ease.' Instead of seeking medical treatment, special Christian Science healers are to be consulted for spiritual healing. Health, happiness, and holiness can be restored by applying to all aspects of life practices and attitudes in keeping with the principal of divine harmony. The first Church of Christ, Scientist was founded in 1879 in Boston and its headquarters remain there." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Christian Scientist Church of Christ Scientist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#christianScience
Tag: cwrc:christianScience
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Christian_Science
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300264476
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:christianity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Refers to the world religion and culture that developed in the first century CE, driven by the teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Its roots are in the Judaic tradition and the Old Testament. The tenets include a belief in the death and redemptive resurrection of Jesus. The religion incorporates a tradition of faith, ritual, and a form of church authority or leadership." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Russian Orthodox Free Christian Church orthodox Christianity Greek Orthodox Christian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#christianity
Tag: cwrc:christianity
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Christianity
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300073711
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:abrahamicReligions
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:buddhism
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:anglicanism cwrc:catholicism cwrc:christianScience cwrc:ecumenism cwrc:protestantism

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"Congregational churches are Protestant Christian churches practicing congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs. Congregationalism is often considered to be a part of the wider Reformed tradition. Many Congregational churches claim their descent from Protestant denominations formed on a theory of union published by the theologian Robert Browne in 1582. These arose from the ideas of nonconforming Protestants during the Puritan Reformation of the Church of England. In Great Britain, the early Congregationalists were called Separatists or Independents to distinguish them from the similarly Calvinistic Presbyterians. Congregational churches were widely established in the Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony (later New England), and together wrote the Cambridge Platform of 1648 which described the autonomy of the church and its association with others. Within the United States, the model of Congregational churches was carried by migrating settlers from New England into New York, then into the Old North West, and further. With their insistence on independent local bodies, they became important in many social reform movements, including abolitionism, temperance, and women's suffrage. Modern Congregationalism in the United States is largely split into three bodies: the United Church of Christ, the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches and the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, which is the most theologically conservative. Congregationalism, as defined by the Pew Research Center, is estimated to represent 0.5% of the worldwide Protestant population." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Independent Independent Church Separatist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#congregationalism
Tag: cwrc:congregationalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Congregational_church
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Also called Darwinian theory, it originally included the broad concepts of transmutation of species or of evolution which gained general scientific acceptance after Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, including concepts which predated Darwin's theories, but subsequently referred to specific concepts of natural selection, of the Weismann barrier or in genetics of the central dogma of molecular biology. Though the term usually refers strictly to biological evolution, creationists have appropriated it to refer to the origin of life, and it has even been applied to concepts of cosmic evolution, both of which have no connection to Darwin's work. It is therefore considered the belief and acceptance of Darwin's and of his predecessors' work—in place of other theories, including divine design and extraterrestrial origins. English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley coined the term Darwinism in April 1860. It was used to describe evolutionary concepts in general, including earlier concepts published by English philosopher Herbert Spencer. Many of the proponents of Darwinism at that time, including Huxley, had reservations about the significance of natural selection, and Darwin himself gave credence to what was later called Lamarckism. The strict neo-Darwinism of German evolutionary biologist August Weismann gained few supporters in the late 19th century. During the approximate period of the 1880s to about 1920, sometimes called "the eclipse of Darwinism," scientists proposed various alternative evolutionary mechanisms which eventually proved untenable. The development of the modern evolutionary synthesis from the 1930s to the 1950s, incorporating natural selection with population genetics and Mendelian genetics, revived Darwinism in an updated form. While the term Darwinism has remained in use amongst the public when referring to modern evolutionary theory, it has increasingly been argued by science writers such as Olivia Judson and Eugenie Scott that it is an inappropriate term for modern evolutionary theory. For example, Darwin was unfamiliar with the work of the Moravian scientist and Augustinian friar Gregor Mendel, and as a result had only a vague and inaccurate understanding of heredity. He naturally had no inkling of later theoretical developments and, like Mendel himself, knew nothing of genetic drift, for example. In the United States, creationists often use the term "Darwinism" as a pejorative term in reference to beliefs such as scientific materialism, but in the United Kingdom the term has no negative connotations, being freely used as a shorthand for the body of theory dealing with evolution, and in particular, with evolution by natural selection." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Darwinist evolutionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#darwinism
Tag: cwrc:darwinism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Darwinism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:secularism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Deism (/ˈdiː.ɪzəm/‍ or /ˈdeɪ.ɪzəm/), derived from a Latin word "deus" meaning "god", is a theological/philosophical position that combines the rejection of revelation and authority as a source of religious knowledge with the conclusion that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a single creator of the universe. Deism gained prominence among intellectuals during the Age of Enlightenment—especially in Britain, France, Germany and the United States—who, raised as Christians, believed in one God but became disenchanted with organized religion and notions such as the Trinity, Biblical inerrancy and the supernatural interpretation of events such as miracles. Included in those influenced by its ideas were leaders of the American and French Revolutions. Today, deism is considered to exist in two principal forms: classical and modern where the classical view takes what is called a "cold" approach by asserting the non-intervention of deity in the natural behavior of the created universe, while the modern deist formulation can be either "warm" (citing an involved deity) or cold, non-interventionist creator. These lead to many subdivisions of modern deism which tends, therefore, to serve as an overall category of belief. Despite this classification of Deism today, classical Deists themselves rarely wrote or accepted that the Creator is a non-interventionist during the flowering of Deism in the 16th and 17th centuries; using straw man arguments, their theological critics attempted to force them into this position." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: deist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#deism
Tag: cwrc:deism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Deism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Determinism is the philosophical doctrine that all events transpire in virtue of some necessity and are therefore inevitable. Traditionally, the view relies on strict notions of causality, and most philosophical arguments in its favor have attempted at clear definitions of cause and effect as a basis for the belief that determinism is true. Notably, the idea that the past choices of seemingly rational agents could have been performed differently - or even the idea that the future decisions of such agents will turn out to be other than what they will - is usually challenged under this view. Thus, the "problem" of free will - or the idea of free will as being an "illusion" - often arises as a result of the main claim made by determinism, that is, that the past, present, and future is identifiable with an essentially unbreakable chain of circumstances of which no single link in such a chain could possibly be avoided or altered. Some determinists deny the idea of any true "possibility" or "randomness" within reality altogether, even asserting that such ideas are only a creation of the mind and/or merely the result of imagination - ultimately a result of ignorance in the face of real explanations for such phenomena - which could otherwise, in principle, be either derived by reason or discovered by empirical experimentation. However, addressing free will is its own concern, and any discussion of determinism does not demand any discussion of free will. In addition to these issues, the length to which language can actually capture what exactly is at stake, assuming that anything is at stake at all - or even what the true nature of reality really is in spite of how convincing the nature of the concept of determinism seems to be - is itself disputed. This final note verges on - or fully engages in - the territory of the philosophy of language. The truth of determinism is often acknowledged - at bottom - as a belief, rather than a fact or scientifically viable theory or law. This implies that its supposed truth would always be restricted to philosophical speculation and argumentation rather than by scientific demonstration or formally proven within the mathematical basis of physics or even within theoretical physics. There are those who doubt this claim, and instead view the truth of determinism to follow suit with other revolutions throughout history, such as the theory of relativity or the theory of evolution. Whether or not determinism poses a real threat to traditional notions of responsibility, morality, or legal process is disputed among philosophers. As contentious as this is also whether the truth of determinism introduces any challenges to meaning and purposeful effort - or the value of decision making and seemingly important life choices - most notably in the form of nihilism or fatalism. This perspective is represented by philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Noam Chomsky, among others. Just the opposite is also argued, that determinism actually posits a more meaningful aspect to life, in the form of rational optimism, usually in the form of celebrating the idea that everything happens for a reason, as well as the idea that one need not fully regret one's past experience if it had to have been necessarily carried out as it was - or even the passionate exercise of asserting one's fate. Proponents of this view include Baruch Spinoza and Friedrich Nietzsche, among others. Also, many philosophers argue that determinism does not imply any kind of fatalism, as particular events hold no weight to its universality, and thus notions of "destiny" are irrelevant to its truth - which is that all events are inevitable, but not necessarily purposeful or toward a final cause. The above description on the diverse nature of discussions on determinism, then, generally breaks into two categories of consideration - that of the truth or falsity of determinism proper, and that of its consequences for life. The former usually involves argumentation within metaphysics, and the latter, that of its ethical, political, and existential relevance. "There are many determinisms, depending on what pre-conditions are considered to be determinative of an event or action." Deterministic theories throughout the history of philosophy have sprung from diverse and sometimes overlapping motives and considerations. Some forms of determinism can be empirically tested with ideas from physics and the philosophy of physics. The opposite of determinism is some kind of indeterminism (otherwise called nondeterminism). Determinism is often contrasted with free will. Determinism often is taken to mean causal determinism, which in physics is known as cause-and-effect. It is the concept that events within a given paradigm are bound by causality in such a way that any state (of an object or event) is completely determined by prior states. This meaning can be distinguished from other varieties of determinism mentioned below. Other debates often concern the scope of determined systems, with some maintaining that the entire universe is a single determinate system and others identifying other more limited determinate systems (or multiverse). Numerous historical debates involve many philosophical positions and varieties of determinism. They include debates concerning determinism and free will, technically denoted as compatibilistic (allowing the two to coexist) and incompatibilistic (denying their coexistence is a possibility)." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: predestinarianism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#determinism
Tag: cwrc:determinism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Determinism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Dissent (Protestant)

1- "In English church history, a nonconformist was a Protestant who did not "conform" to the governance and usages of the established Church of England. Broad use of the term was precipitated after the Restoration of the British monarchy in 1660, when the Act of Uniformity 1662 re-established the opponents of reform within the Church of England. By the late 19th-century the term specifically included the Reformed Christians (Presbyterians, Congregationalists and other Calvinist sects), plus the Baptists and Methodists. The English Dissenters such as the Puritans who violated the Act of Uniformity 1559 — typically by practising radical, sometimes separatist, dissent — were retrospectively labelled as nonconformists." (DBpedia, 2017) Dissenting Protestantism and nonconformism are historical phenomena that become less relevant in the United Kingdom from the early twentieth century onwards, and many groups such as Baptists and Presbyterians have significant followings in other parts of the world.

2- "English Dissenters were Christians who separated from the Church of England in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. A dissenter (from the Latin dissentire, "to disagree") is one who disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, etc. English Dissenters opposed state interference in religious matters, and founded their own churches, educational establishments, and communities; some emigrated to the New World. They originally agitated for a wide-reaching Protestant Reformation of the Established Church, and triumphed briefly under Oliver Cromwell." (DBpedia, 2017) See also: Nonconformity - Wikipedia

[skos:altLabel: Rational Dissent Dissenter Nonconformist Dissenting Churches Dissenting Presbyterian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dissentProtestant
Tag: cwrc:dissentProtestant
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:English_Dissenters dbpedia:Nonconformist
rdf:type: cwrc:PoliticalAffiliation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
rdfs:seeAlso: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonconformists
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:protestantism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:baptistChristianity cwrc:congregationalism cwrc:fifthMonarchists cwrc:independentMethodistConnexion cwrc:methodism cwrc:plymouthBrethren cwrc:presbyterianism cwrc:puritanism cwrc:quakerism cwrc:seekers cwrc:unitarianism

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"The Order of Preachers (Latin: Ordo Praedicatorum, postnominal abbreviation O.P.), also known as the Dominican Order, is a mendicant Catholic religious order founded by the Spanish priest Saint Dominic de Guzman in France, approved by Pope Honorius III on 22 December 1216. Members of the order, who are referred to as Dominicans, generally carry the letters O.P. after their names, standing for Ordinis Praedicatorum, meaning of the Order of Preachers. Membership in the order includes friars, nuns, active sisters, and affiliated lay or secular Dominicans (formerly known as tertiaries, though recently there has been a growing number of associates who are unrelated to the tertiaries). Founded to preach the Gospel and to oppose heresy, the teaching activity of the order and its scholastic organisation placed the Preachers in the forefront of the intellectual life of the Middle Ages. The order is famed for its intellectual tradition, having produced many leading theologians and philosophers. The Dominican Order is headed by the Master of the Order, currently Bruno Cadoré. In the year 2000, there were 5,171 Dominican friars in solemn vows, 917 student brothers, and 237 novices. By the year 2013 there were 6,058 Dominican friars, including 4,470 priests. A number of other names have been used to refer to both the order and its members. * In England and other countries the Dominican friars are referred to as "Black Friars" because of the black cappa or cloak they wear over their white habits. Dominicans were "Blackfriars", as opposed to "Whitefriars" (i.e., Carmelites) or "Greyfriars" (i.e., Franciscans). They are also distinct from the Augustinian Friars (the Austin friars) who wear a similar habit. * In France, the Dominicans were known as "Jacobins" because their convent in Paris was attached to the Church of Saint-Jacques, now disappeared, on the way to Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas, which belonged to the Italian Order of Saint James of Altopascio (St. James) Sanctus Iacobus in Latin. * Their identification as Dominicans gave rise to the pun that they were the "Domini canes", or "Hounds of the Lord"." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dominicanOrder
Tag: cwrc:dominicanOrder
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Dominican_Order
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:catholicism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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eastern religions

"Eastern religions refers to religions originating in the Eastern world— East, South and Southeast Asia —and thus having dissimilarities with Western religions. This includes the East Asian (namely Taoism and Confucianism) and Indian (namely Hinduism and Buddhism) religious traditions, as well as animistic indigenous religions. This East-West religious distinction, just as with the East-West culture distinction, and the implications that arise from it, are broad and not precise. Furthermore, the geographical distinction has less meaning in the current context of global transculturation. While many Western observers attempt to distinguish between Eastern philosophies and religions, this is a distinction that does not exist in some Eastern traditions." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#easternReligions
Tag: cwrc:easternReligions
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Eastern_religions
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Ecumenism refers to efforts by Christians of different church traditions to develop closer relationships and better understandings. The term is also often used to refer to efforts towards the visible and organic unity of different Christian churches in some form. The adjective ecumenical can also be applied to any interdenominational initiative that encourages greater cooperation among Christians and their churches, whether or not the specific aim of that effort is full, visible unity. The terms ecumenism and ecumenical come from the Greek οἰκουμένη (oikoumene), which means "the whole inhabited world", and was historically used with specific reference to the Roman Empire. The ecumenical vision comprises both the search for the visible unity of the Church (Ephesians 4:3) and the "whole inhabited earth" (Matthew 24:14) as the concern of all Christians. In Christianity the qualification ecumenical is originally (and still) used in terms such as "ecumenical council" and "Ecumenical Patriarch" in the meaning of pertaining to the totality of the larger Church (such as the Catholic Church or the Orthodox Church) rather than being restricted to one of its constituent local churches or dioceses. Used in this original sense, the term carries no connotation of re-uniting the historically separated Christian denominations, but presumes a unity of local congregations in a worldwide communion." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: ecumenical ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#ecumenism
Tag: cwrc:ecumenism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Ecumenism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:christianity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Evangelicalism (/ˌiːvænˈdʒɛlɪkəlˌɪzəm/, /ˌɛvən/-), Evangelical Christianity, or Evangelical Protestantism is a worldwide, transdenominational movement within Protestant Christianity maintaining that the essence of the gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ's atonement. Evangelicals believe in the centrality of the conversion or "born again" experience in receiving salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God's revelation to humanity, and spreading the Christian message. The movement gained great momentum in the 18th and 19th centuries with the Great Awakenings in the United Kingdom and North America. The origins of Evangelicalism are usually traced back to English Methodism, the Moravian Church (in particular the theology of its bishop Nicolaus Zinzendorf), and German Lutheran Pietism. Today, Evangelicals may be found in many of the Protestant branches, as well as in Protestant denominations not subsumed to a specific branch. Among leaders and major figures of the Evangelical Protestant movement were John Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Billy Graham, Harold John Ockenga, John Stott and Martyn Lloyd-Jones. There are an estimated 285 million Evangelicals, comprising 13.1% of the total Christian population and 4.1% of the total world population. The Americas, Africa and Asia are home to the majority of Evangelicals. The United States has the largest concentration of Evangelicals. Evangelicalism, a major part of popular Protestantism, is among the most dynamic religious movements in the contemporary world, alongside resurgent Islam. While on the rise globally, the developing world is particularly influenced by its spread." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Evangelical Evangelical Christian Evangelicism Evangelical Church Evangelical Protestantism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#evangelicalism
Tag: cwrc:evangelicalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Evangelicalism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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faith healing

"Faith healing is the ritualistic practice of prayer and gestures (such as laying on of hands) that are claimed to elicit divine intervention in spiritual and physical healing, especially the Christian practice. Believers assert that the healing of disease and disability can be brought about by religious faith through prayer and/or other rituals that, according to adherents, stimulate a divine presence and power. Belief in such divine intervention is derived from religious belief. Claims "attributed to a myriad of techniques" such as prayer, divine intervention, or the ministrations of an individual healer can cure illness have been popular throughout history. There have been claims that faith can cure blindness, deafness, cancer, AIDS, developmental disorders, anemia, arthritis, corns, defective speech, multiple sclerosis, skin rashes, total body paralysis, and various injuries. Miraculous recoveries have been attributed to many techniques commonly classified as faith healing. It can involve prayer, a visit to a religious shrine, or simply a strong belief in a supreme being. Many people interpret the Bible, especially the New Testament, as teaching belief in, and the practice of, faith healing. According to a Newsweek poll, 72 percent of Americans say they believe that praying to God can cure someone, even if science says the person doesn't stand a chance. Unlike faith healing, advocates of spiritual healing make no attempt to seek divine intervention, instead believing in divine energy. The increased interest in alternative medicine at the end of the 20th century has given rise to a parallel interest among sociologists in the relationship of religion to health. Faith healing can be classified as a spiritual, supernatural, or paranormal event, and, in some cases, belief in faith healing can be classified as magical thinking. The American Cancer Society states "available scientific evidence does not support claims that faith healing can actually cure physical ailments." "Death, disability, and other unwanted outcomes have occurred when faith healing was elected instead of medical care for serious injuries or illnesses." When parents use faith healing in the place of medical care, some children have died that otherwise would have been expected to live. Similar results are found in adults." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: faith-healing ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#faithHealing
Tag: cwrc:faithHealing
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Faith_healing
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Fatalism is a philosophical doctrine stressing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate. Fatalism generally refers to any of the following ideas: 1. * The view that we are powerless to do anything other than what we actually do. Included in this is that man has no power to influence the future, or indeed, his own actions. This belief is very similar to predeterminism. 2. * An attitude of resignation in the face of some future event or events which are thought to be inevitable. Friedrich Nietzsche named this idea with "Turkish fatalism" in his book The Wanderer and His Shadow. 3. * That acceptance is appropriate, rather than resistance against inevitability. This belief is very similar to defeatism." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Necessarian fatalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fatalism
Tag: cwrc:fatalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Fatalism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Fifth Monarchists

"The Fifth Monarchists or Fifth Monarchy Men were active from 1649 to 1660 during the Interregnum, following the English Civil Wars of the 17th century. They took their name from a prophecy in the Book of Daniel that four ancient monarchies (Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman) would precede the kingdom of Christ. They also referred to the year 1666 and its relationship to the biblical Number of the Beast indicating the end of earthly rule by carnal human beings. They were one of a number of nonconformist dissenting groups that emerged around this time." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#fifthMonarchists
Tag: cwrc:fifthMonarchists
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Fifth_Monarchists
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept foaf:Organization
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant cwrc:millenarianism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. The degrees of freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. These are the degrees offered by Craft (or Blue Lodge) Freemasonry. Members of these organisations are known as Freemasons or Masons. There are additional degrees, which vary with locality and jurisdiction, and are usually administered by different bodies than the craft degrees. The basic, local organisational unit of Freemasonry is the Lodge. The Lodges are usually supervised and governed at the regional level (usually coterminous with either a state, province, or national border) by a Grand Lodge or Grand Orient. There is no international, worldwide Grand Lodge that supervises all of Freemasonry; each Grand Lodge is independent, and they do not necessarily recognise each other as being legitimate. Modern Freemasonry broadly consists of two main recognition groups. Regular Freemasonry insists that a volume of scripture is open in a working lodge, that every member profess belief in a Deity, that no women are admitted, and that the discussion of religion and politics is banned. Continental Freemasonry is now the general term for the "liberal" jurisdictions who have removed some, or all, of these restrictions." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Freemason ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#freemasonry
Tag: cwrc:freemasonry
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Freemasonry
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Freethought or free thought is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or other dogma. The cognitive application of freethought is known as "freethinking", and practitioners of freethought are known as "freethinkers". The term first came into use in the 17th century to indicate people who inquired into the basis of traditional religious beliefs." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: free-thinker sceptic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#freethought
Tag: cwrc:freethought
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Freethought
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός gnostikos, "having knowledge", from γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) is a modern term categorizing a collection of ancient religions whose adherents shunned the material world – which they viewed as created by the demiurge – and embraced the spiritual world. Gnostic ideas influenced many ancient religions that teach that gnosis (variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or 'oneness with God') may be reached by practicing philanthropy to the point of personal poverty, sexual abstinence (as far as possible for hearers, entirely for initiates) and diligently searching for wisdom by helping others. However, practices varied among those who were Gnostic. In Gnosticism, the world of the demiurge is represented by the underworld, which is associated with flesh, time, and more particularly, the imperfect ephemeral world. The world of God is represented by the upper world and is associated with the soul and perfection. The world of God is eternal and not part of the physical. It is impalpable and timeless. Gnosticism is primarily defined in a Christian context. In the past, some scholars thought that gnosticism predated Christianity and included pre-Christian religious beliefs and spiritual practices argued to be common to early Christianity, Neoplatonism, Hellenistic Judaism, Greco-Roman mystery religions, and Zoroastrianism (especially Zurvanism). The discussion of gnosticism changed radically with the discovery of the Nag Hammadi library and led to a revision of older assumptions. To date, no pre-Christian gnostic texts have been found, and gnosticism as a unique and recognizable belief system is considered to be a second century (or later) development." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gnosticism
Tag: cwrc:gnosticism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Gnosticism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Great"). These writings have greatly influenced the Western esoteric tradition and were considered to be of great importance during both the Renaissance and the Reformation. The tradition claims descent from a prisca theologia, a doctrine that affirms the existence of a single, true theology that is present in all religions and that was given by God to man in antiquity. Many writers, including Lactantius, Cyprian of Carthage,Augustine, Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Giordano Bruno, Campanella, Sir Thomas Browne, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, considered Hermes Trismegistus to be a wise pagan prophet who foresaw the coming of Christianity. St. Thomas Aquinas reported that Trismegistus arrived at something akin to the doctrine of the Trinity. An account of how Hermes Trismegistus received the name "Thrice Great" is derived from the The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, wherein it is stated that he knew the three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe. The three parts of the wisdom are alchemy, astrology, and theurgy. The Poimandres, from which Marsilio Ficino formed his opinion, states that "They called him Trismegistus because he was the greatest philosopher and the greatest priest and the greatest king." The Suda (10th century) states that "He was called Trismegistus on account of his praise of the trinity, saying there is one divine nature in the trinity." Much of the importance of Hermeticism arises from its connection with the development of science during the time from 1300 to 1600 AD. The prominence that it gave to the idea of influencing or controlling nature led many scientists to look to magic and its allied arts (e.g., alchemy, astrology) which, it was thought, could put Nature to the test by means of experiments. Consequently, it was the practical aspects of Hermetic writings that attracted the attention of scientists. Isaac Newton placed great faith in the concept of an unadulterated, pure, ancient doctrine, which he studied vigorously to aid his understanding of the physical world. Many of Newton's manuscripts—most of which are still unpublished—detail his thorough study of the Corpus Hermeticum, writings said to have been transmitted from ancient times, in which the secrets and techniques of influencing the stars and the forces of nature were revealed." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Hermetism Hermetic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hermeticism
Tag: cwrc:hermeticism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Hermeticism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"General term for the set of intellectual and philosophical tenets and highly diverse beliefs and practices that define the civilization, art, literature, society, and politics of the Indian subcontinent. Hinduism is not a common set of rigid beliefs, but varies significantly between different regions; it includes Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Srauta, and numerous other traditions. Among other practices and philosophies, Hinduism includes a wide spectrum of laws and prescriptions of "daily morality" based on karma, dharma, and societal norms. The highest divine powers are seen as complementary to one another and not exclusive. Hinduism does not have a particular founder or central authority. Hindu literature is rich and varied, with no one text considered uniquely authoritative. The Vedas, dating to the Vedic period (ca. 1200-500 BCE), are the earliest extant writings. Religious law books and epics such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata have been and continue to be highly influential." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Hindoos ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hinduism
Tag: cwrc:hinduism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Hinduism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300073727
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"A Huguenot (/ˈhjuːɡənɒt/, /ˈhjuːɡənoʊ/ or /ˌhjuːɡəˈnoʊ/; French: [yɡ(ə)nõ]) is a designation for a French Protestant who follows the Reformed tradition. It was used frequently to describe members of the French Reformed Church until the beginning of the 19th century. The term traces back its origin to 16th century France. Historically, Huguenots were French Protestants inspired by the writings of John Calvin. Huguenots endorsed the Reformed tradition of Protestantism, as opposed to largely German Lutheran population in Alsace, Moselle, and around Montbéliard. Hans J. Hillerbrand in his Encyclopedia of Protestantism: 4-volume Set claims the Huguenot community reached as much as 10% of the French population on the eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, declining to 7-8% by the end of the 16th century, and further after heavy persecution began once again with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV of France. Huguenot numbers peaked near an estimated two million by 1562, concentrated mainly in the southern and western parts of France. As Huguenots gained influence and more openly displayed their faith, Catholic hostility grew, in spite of political concessions and edicts of toleration from the French crown. A series of religious conflicts followed, known as the French Wars of Religion, fought intermittently from 1562 to 1598. The wars finally ended with the granting of the Edict of Nantes, which granted the Huguenots substantial religious, political, and military autonomy. Huguenot rebellions in the 1620s prompted the abolishment of their political and military privileges; they retained the religious provisions of the Edict of Nantes until the rule of Louis XIV. Louis XIV gradually increased persecution of them until he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau (1685), ending any legal recognition of Protestantism in France, and forcing the Huguenots to convert or flee in a wave of violent dragonnades. Louis XIV claimed the French Huguenot population of 800,000 to 900,000 individuals was reduced to 1,000 or 1,500 individuals; a huge overestimate, although dragonnades were indeed the most devastating event for the minority. Nevertheless, now tiny minority of Huguenots remained, and faced continued persecution under Louis XV. Persecution of Protestants diminished significantly in France after the death of Louis XIV in 1715, and then after the death of Louis XV in 1774. It officially ended with the Edict of Versailles, commonly called the Edict of Tolerance, signed by Louis XVI in 1787. Two years later, with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789, Protestants gained equal rights as citizens. The bulk of Huguenot émigrés relocated to Protestant nations such as England, Wales, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the Dutch Republic, the Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinate in the Holy Roman Empire, the Duchy of Prussia, the Channel Islands, and Ireland. They also spread to the Dutch Cape Colony in South Africa, the Dutch East Indies, the Caribbean, New Netherland, several of the English colonies in North America, and Quebec, where they were generally accepted and allowed to worship freely. In the 21st century, most Huguenots have been assimilated into various societies and cultures, but remnant communities of Camisards in the Cévennes and French members of the largely German Protestant Reformed Church of Alsace and Lorraine, as well as Huguenot diaspora in England and Australia still retain their beliefs, and Huguenot designation." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#huguenotNationalHeritage
Tag: cwrc:huguenotNationalHeritage
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Huguenot
rdf:type: cwrc:NationalHeritage cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:NationalHeritage
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:camisards

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Independent Methodist Connexion

"Their first chapels came into being in the north-west of England and met together for the first time in 1806 at Manchester. Annual Meetings and exchange of preachers constituted the only tangible link between the churches for many years. Of the early leading figures, the most prominent was Peter Phillips of Warrington; he is generally regarded as the denomination’s founding father. By trade he was a chairmaker, but as an unpaid minister and preacher he travelled a wide area of the country and was instrumental in the affiliation of many churches to the Connexion during a period of over 50 years. Though some of the early congregations used the title Independent Methodists, there were many other names: for example, Free Gospel Church, Christian Lay Church, Christian Brethren, Gospel Pilgrims and Quaker Methodists. It was not until 1898 that the Annual Meeting finally chose the name Independent Methodist." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Independent Methodist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#independentMethodistConnexion
Tag: cwrc:independentMethodistConnexion
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Independent_Methodist_Connexion
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Refers to the religious beliefs and social practices founded in the seventh century by the Arabian Prophet Muhammad, held to be the last of a series of major prophets, which include, according to Islamic dogma, Adam, Noah, and Jesus. It later spread throughout the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and parts of Asia. It is characterized by the belief in the fundamental idea that a devotee 'surrenders' and submits his will to Allah, the prime creator and sustainer of the universe and all creation. In Islam, God is unique and has no partner or intermediary as in the Christian Trinity. Social service and the active alleviation of suffering in others is considered the only path to salvation and prayer and sacred ritual alone are inadequate forms of submission to Allah. The Qur'an (Koran), the sacred text of the religion, is a compilation of revelations from Allah believed to have been received by Muhammad." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Mahometans Islamic Muslim ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#islam
Tag: cwrc:islam
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Islam
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300073715
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:abrahamicReligions
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:sufism

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"Jansenism was a Catholic theological movement, primarily in France, that emphasized original sin, human depravity, the necessity of divine grace, and predestination. The movement originated from the posthumously published work of the Dutch theologian Cornelius Jansen, who died in 1638. It was first popularized by Jansen's friend Abbot Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, of Saint-Cyran-en-Brenne Abbey, and after Duvergier's death in 1643, was led by Antoine Arnauld. Through the 17th and into the 18th centuries, Jansenism was a distinct movement within the Catholic Church. The theological centre of the movement was the convent of Port-Royal Abbey, Paris, which was a haven for writers including Duvergier, Arnauld, Pierre Nicole, Blaise Pascal, and Jean Racine. Jansenism was opposed by many in the Catholic hierarchy, especially the Jesuits. Although the Jansenists identified themselves only as rigorous followers of Augustine of Hippo's teachings, Jesuits coined the term "Jansenism" to identify them as having Calvinist affinities. The apostolic constitution Cum occasione promulgated by Pope Innocent X in 1653, condemned five cardinal doctrines of Jansenism as heresy—especially the relationship between human free will and efficacious grace, wherein the teachings of Augustine, as presented by the Jansenists, contradicted the teachings of the Jesuit School. Jansenist leaders endeavored to accommodate the pope's pronouncements while retaining their uniqueness, and enjoyed a measure of peace in the late 17th century under Pope Clement IX. However, further controversy led to the apostolic constitution Unigenitus Dei Filius, promulgated by Pope Clement XI in 1713, which marked the end of Catholic toleration of Jansenist doctrine." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jansenism
Tag: cwrc:jansenism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Jansenism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Refers to the monotheistic religion of the Jewish people, central to which is the belief that the ancient Israelites experienced God's presence in human events. Jews believe that the one God delivered the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, revealed the structure of communal and individual life to them, and chose them to be a holy nation of people able to set an example for all humankind. The Hebrew Bible and Talmud are the two primary sources for Judaism's spiritual and ethical principles. The religion, which traces its origins to Abraham, places more emphasis on expressing beliefs through ritual rather than through abstract doctrine. The Sabbath, beginning on sunset on Friday and ending at sunset on Saturday, is the central religious observance; there is also an annual cycle of religious festivals and days of fasting. Judaism has had a diverse history of development over almost 4000 years, with a number of resulting branches in modern times, namely Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Orthodox Judaism Jewish ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#judaism
Tag: cwrc:judaism
cwrc:representedBy: cwrc:jewishLabel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Judaism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300073723
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:abrahamicReligions
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Latitudinarian was initially a pejorative term applied to a group of 17th-century English theologians who believed in conforming to official Church of England practices but who felt that matters of doctrine, liturgical practice, and ecclesiastical organization were of relatively little importance. Good examples of the latitudinarian philosophy were found among the Cambridge Platonists and Sir Thomas Browne in his Religio Medici. Additionally, the term has been ascribed to ministers of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Scotland who were educated at the Episcopal sympathizing universities at Aberdeen and St Andrews and that broadly subscribed to their moderate Anglican English counterparts. Today, latitudinarianism should not be confused with ecumenical movements, which seek to draw all Christian churches together, rather than to de-emphasize practical doctrine. The term has taken on a more general meaning, indicating a personal philosophy which includes tolerance of other views, particularly (but not necessarily) on religious matters. In the Roman Catholic Church, latitudinarianism was condemned in the 19th century document Quanta cura; Pope Pius IX felt that, with its emphasis on religious liberty and freedom to discard traditional Christian doctrines and dogmas, this attitude threatened to undermine the church. Latitudinarianism is still criticized within the Catholic Church under the epithet of Cafeteria Catholic. It has been perceived as a disingenuous claim to be Roman Catholic while ignoring, being indifferent towards, or denying Catholic dogma and praxis." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Latitudinarian latudinarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#latitudinarianism
Tag: cwrc:latitudinarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Latitudinarian
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:protestantism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Lollardy (Lollardry, Lollardism) was a political and religious movement that existed from the mid-14th century to the English Reformation. It was initially led by John Wycliffe, a prominent theologian who was dismissed from the University of Oxford in 1381 for criticism of the Church, especially in his doctrine on the Eucharist. The Lollards' demands were primarily for reform of Western Christianity." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lollardy
Tag: cwrc:lollardy
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Lollardy
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:catholicism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Or United Methodists, an English Nonconformist community formed in 1907 by the union of the Methodist New Connexion (1797), the Bible Christians (1815), and the United Methodist Free Churches (1857). The act of parliament which enabled this amalgamation received the royal assent on the 26th of July 1907, and authorized the union "to deal with real and personal property belonging to the said three churches or denominations, to provide for the vesting of the said property in trust for the United Church so formed and for the assimilation of the trusts thereof, and for other purposes." The union was completed on the 16th of September 1907 in Wesley's Chapel, City Road, London." (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911)

[skos:altLabel: Methodist New Connection Methodist Church ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#methodism
Tag: cwrc:methodism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:antiClericalism cwrc:methodistEpiscopalian cwrc:wesleyanism

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Methodist Episcopalian

"The Methodist Episcopal Church (MEC) was the first Methodist denomination founded in the United States. In the early 19th century, it was the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. The Methodist Episcopal Church existed from 1784 until 1939, when it merged with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South and the Methodist Protestant Church to form the Methodist Church. In 1968, the Methodist Church merged with the Evangelical United Brethren Church to form the present-day United Methodist Church." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: African Methodist Episcopal African Methodist Episcopal Church ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#methodistEpiscopalian
Tag: cwrc:methodistEpiscopalian
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Methodist_Episcopal_Church
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:methodism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Millenarianism (also millenarism), from Latin mīllēnārius "containing a thousand", is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after which all things will be changed. Millenarianism is a concept or theme that exists in many cultures and religions." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: milleniarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#millenarianism
Tag: cwrc:millenarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Millenarianism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept foaf:Organization
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:fifthMonarchists cwrc:plymouthBrethren

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"Monism is the view that attributes oneness or singleness (Greek:μόνος) to a concept (e.g., existence). Substance monism is the philosophical view that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance. Another definition states that all existing things go back to a source that is distinct from them (e.g., in Neoplatonism everything is derived from The One). This is often termed priority monism, and is the view that only one thing is ontologically basic or prior to everything else. Another distinction is the difference between substance and existence monism, or stuff monism and thing monism. Substance monism posits that only one kind of stuff (e.g., matter or mind) exists, although many things may be made out of this stuff. Existence monism posits that, strictly speaking, there exists only a single thing (e.g., the universe), which can only be artificially and arbitrarily divided into many things." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Monist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#monism
Tag: cwrc:monism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Monism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:protestantism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"The Moravian Church (Latin: Unitas Fratrum, meaning Unity of the Brethren; Czech: Jednota bratrská or Moravští bratři), in German known as Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine (meaning Brethren's Congregation from Herrnhut, the place of the church's renewal in the 18th century), is one of the oldest Protestant denominations in the world, with its heritage dating back to the Bohemian Reformation in the fifteenth century. The name by which the Church is commonly known comes from the original exiles who fled to Saxony in 1722 from Moravia to escape religious persecution, but its heritage began in 1457 in Bohemia and its crown lands (Moravia and Silesia), then an autonomous kingdom within the Holy Roman Empire (today the Czech Republic). The modern Unitas Fratrum, with about 750,000 members worldwide, continues to draw on traditions established during the eighteenth century. The Moravians continue their long tradition of missionary work, for example in the Caribbean. This is reflected in their broad global distribution. The Church places a high value on ecumenism, personal piety, missions and music. The Church’s emblem is the Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) with the flag of victory, surrounded by the Latin inscription: Vicit agnus noster, eum sequamur (English: "Our Lamb has conquered, let us follow Him")." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#moravian
Tag: cwrc:moravian
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Moravian_Church
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning. It may also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences. The term "mysticism" has Ancient Greek origins with various historically determined meanings. Derived from the Greek word μυω, meaning "to conceal", mysticism referred to the biblical liturgical, spiritual, and contemplative dimensions of early and medieval Christianity. During the early modern period, the definition of mysticism grew to include a broad range of beliefs and ideologies related to "extraordinary experiences and states of mind". In modern times, "mysticism" has acquired a limited definition, with broad applications, as meaning the aim at the "union with the Absolute, the Infinite, or God". This limited definition has been applied to a wide range of religious traditions and practices, valuing "mystical experience" as a key element of mysticism. Since the 1960s scholars have debated the merits of perennial and constructionist approaches in the scientific research of "mystical experiences". The perennial position is now "largely dismissed by scholars," most scholars using a contextual approach, which takes the cultural and historical context into consideration. Broadly defined, mysticism can be found in all religious traditions, from indigenous religions and folk religions like shamanism, to organised religions like the Abrahamic faiths and Indian religions, and modern spirituality, New Age and New Religious Movements." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Eastern mysticism mystic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#mysticism
Tag: cwrc:mysticism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Mysticism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Natural Religion

"Natural religion most frequently means the "religion of nature", in which God, the soul, spirits, and all objects of the supernatural are considered as part of nature and not separate from it. Conversely, it is also used in philosophy, specifically Roman Catholic philosophy, to describe some aspects of religion that are knowable apart from divine revelation (see Deism). Most authors consider natural religion as not only the foundation of monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam but also distinct from them. Natural religion is found universally among all peoples, often in such forms of shamanism and animism. They are still practiced in many parts of the world. The religions of Native American societies for example are considered natural religions." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#naturalReligion
Tag: cwrc:naturalReligion
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Natural_religion
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Neo-Scholasticism (also known as neo-scholastic Thomism or neo-Thomism because of the great influence of the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas on the movement), is a revival and development of medieval scholasticism in Roman Catholic theology and philosophy which began in the second half of the 19th century." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#neo-thomism
Tag: cwrc:neo-thomism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Neo-Scholasticism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:catholicism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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New Thought

"The New Thought movement is a philosophical movement which developed in the United States in the 19th century, following the teachings of Phineas Quimby. There are numerous smaller groups, most of which are incorporated in the International New Thought Alliance. The concept of New Thought (sometimes known as "Higher Thought") promotes the ideas that Infinite Intelligence, or God, is everywhere, spirit is the totality of real things, true human selfhood is divine, divine thought is a force for good, sickness originates in the mind, and "right thinking" has a healing effect. Although New Thought is neither monolithic nor doctrinaire, in general, modern-day adherents of New Thought believe that God or Infinite Intelligence is "supreme, universal, and everlasting", that divinity dwells within each person, that all people are spiritual beings, that "the highest spiritual principle [is] loving one another unconditionally... and teaching and healing one another", and that "our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living". The New Thought movement originated in the early 19th century, and survives to the current day in the form of a loosely allied group of religious denominations, authors, philosophers, and individuals who share a set of beliefs concerning metaphysics, positive thinking, the law of attraction, healing, life force, creative visualization, and personal power. The teachings of Christian Science are similar to and partially based on Quimby's teachings, as its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, was a student of Quimby's." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#newThought
Tag: cwrc:newThought
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:New_Thought
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Obeah (sometimes spelled Obi, Obea, or Obia) is a term used in the West Indies to refer to folk magic, sorcery, and religious practices developed among West African slaves, specifically of Igbo origin. All s Obeah is similar to other Afro-American religions including Palo, Vodou, Santería, and Hoodoo. Obeah is practiced in Jamaica, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and other Caribbean nations. Obeah is associated with both benign and malignant magic, charms, luck, and with mysticism in general. In some Caribbean nations, Obeah refers to folk religions of the African diaspora. In some cases, aspects of these folk religions have survived through syncretism with Christian symbolism and practice introduced by European colonials and slave owners. Casual observation may conclude that Christian symbolism is incorporated into Obeah worship, but in fact may represent clandestine worship and religious protest. During slavery, Obeah was directed against the European slave masters. However, with the end of slavery, Obeah became considered taboo, and the term has pejorative associations." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#obeah
Tag: cwrc:obeah
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Obeah
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Any religious or philosophic ideology based on mystical insight into the nature of God and/or divine truth. This insight is attained only through direct experience of the divine. The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the principles of the Theosophical Society founded in New York in 1875 by Madame Blavatsky and H. S. Olcott which incorporated aspects of Buddhism and Brahmanism." (Getty, 2017)

[skos:altLabel: Tarot card believer spiritualism Theosophy magician Theosophist astrologer Occultist fortune teller spiritualist medium character reader ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#occultism
Tag: cwrc:occultism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300056000
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:rosicrucianism

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"Paganism is a term that developed among the Christian community of southern Europe during late antiquity to describe religions other than their own, Judaism, or Islam–the three Abrahamic religions. Throughout Christendom, it continued to be used, typically in a derogatory sense. In the 19th century, it was re-adopted as a self-descriptor by members of various artistic groups inspired by the ancient world. In the 20th century, it came to be applied as a self-description by practitioners of contemporary pagan, or neo-pagan, religious movements. There has been much scholarly argument as to the origin of the term paganism. Paganism has also been understood by some to include any non-Abrahamic religions, but this is generally[who?] seen as insulting by adherents of those religions. While paganism is often considered to exclude monotheism and to express a worldview that is pantheistic, polytheistic, or animistic, there are some monotheistic pagans. Once monotheistic religions, such as Christianity and Islam, started to become more prominent (in processes known as Christianization and Islamization), names to encompass polytheistic worshipers started to develop; some of these include Hellene, pagan, and heathen, and at times these names were used as slurs. Modern knowledge of old pagan religions comes from several sources, including: anthropological field research records, the evidence of archaeological artifacts, and the historical accounts of ancient writers regarding cultures known to the classical world. Before the rise of monotheistic religions, most people practiced some type of polytheism. Many of these religions started to die out, and eventually they became extinct. In some cases, elements of polytheistic belief systems continued to exist in folklore. Paganism would later be studied during the Renaissance and Romantic era. Forms of these religions, influenced by various historical pagan beliefs of pre-modern Europe, exist today and are known as contemporary or modern paganism, also referred to as Neo-paganism." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: pagan (Greek) ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#paganism
Tag: cwrc:paganism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Paganism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Pantheism is the belief that all of reality is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god. In the West, pantheism was formalized as a separate theology and philosophy based on the work of the 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza (also known as Benedict Spinoza), whose book Ethics was an answer to Descartes' famous dualist theory that the body and spirit are separate. Although the term pantheism was not coined until after his death, Spinoza is regarded as its most celebrated advocate. His work, Ethics was the major source from which Western pantheism spread. Pantheistic concepts may date back thousands of years, and some religions in the East continue to contain pantheistic elements." (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pantheism
Tag: cwrc:pantheism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Pantheism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Pentecostalism or Classical Pentecostalism is a renewal movement within Protestant Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The term Pentecostal is derived from Pentecost, the Greek name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks. For Christians, this event commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the second chapter of the Book of Acts. Like other forms of evangelical Protestantism, Pentecostalism adheres to the inerrancy of scripture and the necessity of accepting Christ as personal Lord and Savior. It is distinguished by belief in the baptism in the Holy Spirit that enables a Christian to live a Spirit-filled and empowered life. This empowerment includes the use of spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues and divine healing—two other defining characteristics of Pentecostalism. Because of their commitment to biblical authority, spiritual gifts, and the miraculous, Pentecostals tend to see their movement as reflecting the same kind of spiritual power and teachings that were found in the Apostolic Age of the early church. For this reason, some Pentecostals also use the term Apostolic or Full Gospel to describe their movement. Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century among radical adherents of the Holiness movement who were energized by revivalism and expectation for the imminent Second Coming of Christ. Believing that they were living in the end times, they expected God to spiritually renew the Christian Church thereby bringing to pass the restoration of spiritual gifts and the evangelization of the world. In 1900, Charles Parham, an American evangelist and faith healer, began teaching that speaking in tongues was the Bible evidence of Spirit baptism. The three-year-long Azusa Street Revival, founded and led by William J. Seymour in Los Angeles, California, resulted in the spread of Pentecostalism throughout the United States and the rest of the world as visitors carried the Pentecostal experience back to their home churches or felt called to the mission field. While virtually all Pentecostal denominations trace their origins to Azusa Street, the movement has experienced a variety of divisions and controversies. An early dispute centered on challenges to the doctrine of the Trinity. As a result, the Pentecostal Movement is divided between trinitarian and non-trinitarian branches. Comprising over 700 denominations and a large number of independent churches, there is no central authority governing Pentecostalism; however, many denominations are affiliated with the Pentecostal World Fellowship. There are over 279 million Pentecostals worldwide, and the movement is growing in many parts of the world, especially the global South. Since the 1960s, Pentecostalism has increasingly gained acceptance from other Christian traditions, and Pentecostal beliefs concerning Spirit baptism and spiritual gifts have been embraced by non-Pentecostal Christians in Protestant and Catholic churches through the Charismatic Movement. Together, Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity numbers over 500 million adherents." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Pentecostal Evangelists ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pentecostalism
Tag: cwrc:pentecostalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Pentecostalism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:protestantism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Plymouth Brethren

"The Plymouth Brethren are a conservative, low church, nonconformist, Evangelical Christian movement whose history can be traced to Dublin, Ireland in the late 1820s, originating from Anglicanism. Among other beliefs, the group emphasises sola scriptura, the belief that the Bible is the supreme authority for church doctrine and practice over and above "the [mere] tradition of men" (Mark 7:8). Brethren generally see themselves not as a denomination but as a network, or even as a collection of overlapping networks, of like-minded independent churches. (The Brethren would generally prefer that their gatherings be referred to as "assemblies" rather than "churches" but, in the interests of simplicity, this article uses both terms interchangeably.) The movement refused for many years to take any denominational name to itself, a stance that some still maintain. The title "The Brethren," however, is one that many of their number are comfortable with, in that the Bible designates all believers as "brethren". ("[O]ne is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren." Matthew 23:8)" (DBpedia, 2017)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#plymouthBrethren
Tag: cwrc:plymouthBrethren
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Plymouth_Brethren
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant cwrc:millenarianism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"One of the main Protestant groups that arose out of the 16th-century Reformation. Generally speaking, modern Presbyterian churches trace their origins to the Calvinist churches of the British Isles, the European counterparts of which came to be known by the more inclusive name of Reformed. The term presbyterian also denotes a collegiate type of church government led by pastors and lay leaders called elders or presbyters. Strictly speaking, all Presbyterian churches are a part of the Reformed, or Calvinist, tradition, although not all Reformed churches are presbyterian in their form of government." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Free Church of Scotland Presbyterian Church ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#presbyterianism
Tag: cwrc:presbyterianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Presbyterianism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300153854
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"The general term for types of Christian faith originating from the Reformation. Although the early forms of Protestantism were those who followed Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli, the term now includes most non-Roman Catholic or non-Orthodox denominations. Protestants want to be closer to the style of faith of the early Church which they feel has been obscured in Catholic practices. The term derives from the word 'protestari' which means not only to protest but to avow or confess. Common characteristics of Protestantism include the justification by faith alone, the authority of scripture, and the priesthood of all believers, in which not only the clergy are able to hear the confession of sin." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: Labadists provincial English Protestantism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#protestantism
Tag: cwrc:protestantism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Protestantism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300073735
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:christianity
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:adventism cwrc:dissentProtestant cwrc:latitudinarianism cwrc:monism cwrc:pentecostalism cwrc:socialGospel

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"Proto-Zionism (or Forerunner of Zionism; Hebrew: מְבַשְרֵי הציונות, pronounced: Mevasrei ha-Tzionut) is a term attributed to the ideas of a group of men deeply affected by the idea of modern nationalism spread in Europe in the 19th century as they sought to establish a Jewish homeland in Israel. The central activity of these men was between the years 1860 to 1874, before the Zionist movement established practical (1881) and political Zionism (1896). It is for this reason that they are called precursors of Zionism. But while the 17th century raised the overall idea of "restoring the Jews to Israel naturally by settlement and political action" by Jews and non Jews, ideas therein in terms of an ultimate goal were missing. These ideas also did not unite people to action and relied on the national project and the State (the Jewish nation). Therefore, the figures behind these ideas are not considered as Heralds of Zionism. This group of men considered as proto-Zionists includes Rabbi Judah Bibas (1789-1852), Rabbi Judah ben Solomon Hai Alkalai (1798–1878), Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer (1795–1874), and philosopher Moses Hess (1812–1875)." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: proto-Zionist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#protoZionism
Tag: cwrc:protoZionism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Proto-Zionism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"The Puritans were a group of English Reformed Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to "purify" the Church of England from its "Catholic" practices, maintaining that the Church of England was only partially reformed." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#puritanism
Tag: cwrc:puritanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Puritans
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Quakers (or Friends) are members of a group of religious Christian movements which is known as the Religious Society of Friends in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and parts of North America; and known as the Friends Church in Africa, Asia, South America and parts of the US. The movements were originally, and are still predominantly based on Christianity. Members of the movements profess the priesthood of all believers, a doctrine derived from the First Epistle of Peter. They include those with evangelical, holiness, liberal, and traditional Quaker understandings of Christianity. To differing extents, the different movements that make up the Religious Society of Friends/Friends Church avoid creeds and hierarchical structures. In 2007, there were approximately 359,000 adult Quakers." (DBpedia, 2017)

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[skos:altLabel: Society of Friends Friends, Society of ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#quakerism
Tag: cwrc:quakerism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Quakers
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration, and is a part of the Saṃsāra doctrine of cyclic existence. It is a central tenet of all major Indian religions, namely Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The idea of reincarnation is found in many ancient cultures, and a belief in rebirth was held by such historic figures as Pythagoras, Plato, and Socrates. It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found as well in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Australia, East Asia, Siberia, and South America. Although the majority of sects within the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam do not believe that individuals reincarnate, particular groups within these religions do refer to reincarnation; these groups include the mainstream historical and contemporary followers of Kabbalah, the Cathars, Alawites, the Druze, and the Rosicrucians. The historical relations between these sects and the beliefs about reincarnation that were characteristic of Neoplatonism, Orphism, Hermeticism, Manicheanism, and Gnosticism of the Roman era as well as the Indian religions have been the subject of recent scholarly research. In recent decades, many Europeans and North Americans have developed an interest in reincarnation. Contemporary films, books, and popular songs frequently mention reincarnation." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: believer in reincarnation reincarnationist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#reincarnation
Tag: cwrc:reincarnation
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Reincarnation
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:spiritualism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Rosicrucianism can refer to one of several things: * As a cultural movement, also referred to by historian Dame Frances Yates as the Rosicrucian Enlightenment, it arose in Europe in the early 17th century after the publication of the Rosicrucian Manifestos, which purported to announce the existence of a hitherto unknown esoteric order to the world and made seeking its knowledge attractive to many. * As the mysterious doctrine of the aforementioned order, it is allegedly "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm." The Manifestos do not elaborate extensively on the matter but clearly combine references to the Kabbalah, Hermeticism and the imagery of Christianity. The Rosicrucian Manifestos heralded a "Universal Reformation of Mankind", through a science allegedly kept secret for decades until the intellectual climate might receive it. Controversies have arisen on whether they were a hoax, whether the "order of the Rosy Cross" existed as described in the Manifestos, or whether the whole thing was a metaphor disguising a movement that really existed, but in a different form. In 1616, Johann Valentin Andreae famously designated it as a "ludibrium". By promising a spiritual transformation at a time of great turmoil, the Manifestos tempted many figures to seek esoteric knowledge. Seventeenth-century occult philosophers such as Michael Maier, Robert Fludd and Thomas Vaughan interested themselves in the Rosicrucian world view. According to historian David Stevenson, it was influential to Freemasonry as it was emerging in Scotland. In later centuries, many esoteric societies have claimed to derive from the original Rosicrucians. Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross." (DBpedia, 2018)

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[skos:altLabel: Rosicrucian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#rosicrucianism
Tag: cwrc:rosicrucianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Rosicrucianism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:occultism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"The Seekers, or Legatine-Arians as they were sometimes known, were an English Protestant dissenting group that emerged around the 1620s, probably inspired by the preaching of three brothers – Walter, Thomas, and Bartholomew Legate. Seekers considered all organised churches of their day corrupt and preferred to wait for God's revelation. Many of them subsequently joined the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#seekers
Tag: cwrc:seekers
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Seekers
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Shinto (神道 Shintō), also called kami-no-michi, is a Japanese religion. It focuses on ritual practices to be carried out diligently, to establish a connection between present-day Japan and its ancient past. Shinto practices were first recorded and codified in the written historical records of the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki in the 8th century. Still, these earliest Japanese writings do not refer to a unified "Shinto religion", but rather to a collection of native beliefs and mythology. Shinto today is a term that applies to the religion of public shrines devoted to the worship of a multitude of gods (kami), suited to various purposes such as war memorials and harvest festivals, and applies as well to various sectarian organizations. Practitioners express their diverse beliefs through a standard language and practice, adopting a similar style in dress and ritual, dating from around the time of the Nara and Heian periods (8th to 12th centuries AD). The word Shinto ("way of the gods") was adopted, originally as Jindō or Shindō, from the written Chinese Shendao (神道, pinyin: shén dào), combining two kanji: "shin" (神), meaning "spirit" or kami; and "tō" (道), meaning a philosophical path or study (from the Chinese word dào). The oldest recorded usage of the word Shindo is from the second half of the 6th century. Kami are defined in English as "spirits", "essences" or "gods", referring to the energy generating the phenomena. Since Japanese language does not distinguish between singular and plural, kami refers to the divinity, or sacred essence, that manifests in multiple forms: rocks, trees, rivers, animals, places, and even people can be said to possess the nature of kami. Kami and people are not separate; they exist within the same world and share its interrelated complexity. Shinto is the largest religion in Japan, practiced by nearly 80% of the population, yet only a small percentage of these identify themselves as "Shintoists" in surveys. This is because "Shinto" has different meanings in Japan: most of the Japanese attend Shinto shrines and beseech kami without belonging to an institutional "Shinto" religion, and since there are no formal rituals to become a member of "folk Shinto", "Shinto membership" is often estimated counting those who join organised Shinto sects. Shinto has 81,000 shrines and 85,000 priests in the country. According to Inoue (2003): In modern scholarship, the term is often used with reference to kami worship and related theologies, rituals and practices. In these contexts, "Shinto" takes on the meaning of "Japan’s traditional religion", as opposed to foreign religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and so forth." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#shinto
Tag: cwrc:shinto
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Shinto
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Social Gospel

"The Social Gospel was a Protestant movement that was most prominent in the early 20th century United States and Canada. The movement applied Christian ethics to social problems, especially issues of social justice such as economic inequality, poverty, alcoholism, crime, racial tensions, slums, unclean environment, child labor, inadequate labor unions, poor schools, and the danger of war. Theologically, the Social Gospellers sought to operationalize the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:10): "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." They typically were post-millennialist; that is, they believed the Second Coming could not happen until humankind rid itself of social evils by human effort. The Social Gospel was more popular among clergy than laity. Its leaders were predominantly associated with the liberal wing of the Progressive Movement, and most were theologically liberal, although a few were also conservative when it came to their views on social issues. Important leaders include Richard T. Ely, Josiah Strong, Washington Gladden, and Walter Rauschenbusch. Although most scholars agree that the Social Gospel movement peaked in the early 20th century, there is disagreement over when the movement began to decline, with some asserting that the destruction and trauma caused by World War I left many disillusioned with the Social Gospel's ideals while others argue that World War I stimulated the Social Gospelers' reform efforts. Theories regarding the decline of the Social Gospel after World War I often cite the rise of neo-orthodoxy as a contributing factor in the movement's decline. The Social Gospel, after World War II, along with neo-Thomism, influenced the formation of Christian Democracy political ideology. Many of the Social Gospel's ideas also reappeared in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. "Social Gospel" principles continue to inspire newer movements such as Christians Against Poverty." (DBpedia, 2018)

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URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socialGospel
Tag: cwrc:socialGospel
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Social_Gospel
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:protestantism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Socinianism (pronunciation: /səˈsɪniːənizm/) is a system of Christian doctrine named for Fausto Sozzini (Latin: Faustus Socinus), which was developed among the Polish Brethren in the Minor Reformed Church of Poland during the 16th and 17th centuries and embraced by the Unitarian Church of Transylvania during the same period. It is most famous for its Nontrinitarian Christology but contains a number of other unorthodox beliefs as well." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#socinianism
Tag: cwrc:socinianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Socinianism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Spiritualism is the belief that the spirits of the dead have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living. The afterlife, or the "spirit world", is seen by spiritualists not as a static place, but as one in which spirits continue to evolve. These two beliefs: that contact with spirits is possible, and that spirits are more advanced than humans, lead spiritualists to a third belief, that spirits are capable of providing useful knowledge about moral and ethical issues, as well as about the nature of God. Some spiritualists will speak of a concept which they refer to as "spirit guides"—specific spirits, often contacted, who are relied upon for spiritual guidance. Spiritism, a branch of spiritualism developed by Allan Kardec and today practiced mostly in Continental Europe and Latin America, especially in Brazil, emphasises reincarnation." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: psychic ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#spiritualism
Tag: cwrc:spiritualism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Spiritualism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:reincarnation

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"Sufism or Taṣawwuf (Arabic: التصوف‎‎) is defined as the inner mystical dimension of Islam. Practitioners of Sufism, referred to as Sufis (ṣūfī) (/ˈsuːfi/; صُوفِيّ), often belong to different ṭuruq or "orders"—congregations formed around a grand master referred to as a mawla who traces a direct chain of teachers back to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. These orders meet for spiritual sessions (majalis) in meeting places known as zawiyas, khanqahs, or tekke. Sufis strive for ihsan (perfection of worship) as detailed in a hadith: "Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him; if you can't see Him, surely He sees you." Rumi stated: "The Sufi is hanging on to Muhammad, like Abu Bakr." Sufis regard Muhammad as al-Insān al-Kāmil, the primary perfect man who exemplifies the morality of God. Sufis regard Muhammad as their leader and prime spiritual guide. All Sufi orders trace many of their original precepts from Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law Ali with the notable exception of the Naqshbandi, who claim to trace their origins from Muhammad through the first Rashid Caliph, Abu Bakr. Sufi orders largely follow one of the four madhhabs (jurisprudent schools of thought) of Sunni Islam and maintain a Sunni aqidah (creed). Classical Sufis were characterised by their asceticism, especially by their attachment to dhikr, the practice of repeating the names of God, often performed after prayers. Sufism gained adherents among a number of Muslims as a reaction against the worldliness of the early Umayyad Caliphate (661–750). Sufis have spanned several continents and cultures over a millennium, originally expressing their beliefs in Arabic before spreading into Persian, Turkish, and Urdu among dozens of other languages. According to William Chittick, "In a broad sense, Sufism can be described as the interiorization, and intensification of Islamic faith and practice."" (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sufism
Tag: cwrc:sufism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Sufism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:islam
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"The New Church (or Swedenborgianism) is the name for several historically related Christian denominations that developed as a new religious movement, informed by the writings of Swedish scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772). Swedenborg claimed to have received a new revelation from Jesus Christ through continuous heavenly visions which he experienced over a period of at least twenty-five years. In his writings, he predicted that God would replace the traditional Christian Church, establishing a 'New Church', which would worship God in one person: Jesus Christ. The New Church doctrine is that each person must actively cooperate in repentance, reformation, and regeneration of one's life. The movement was founded on the belief that God explained the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures to Swedenborg as a means of revealing the truth of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Swedenborg claimed divine inspiration for his writings and followers believe that Swedenborg witnessed the Last Judgment in the spiritual world, along with the inauguration of the New Church. The New Church is seen by members of New Church organizations as something which the Lord is establishing with all those who believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the one God of heaven and Earth, and that obeying his commandments is necessary for salvation. Therefore, it is thought that any Christian holding these beliefs is part of this New Church movement. New Church organizations also acknowledge the universal nature of the Lord's church: all who do good from the truth of their religion will be accepted by the Lord into heaven, as God is goodness itself, and doing good conjoins one to God. Adherents believe that the doctrine of the New Church is derived from scripture and provides the benefit of further enlightenment concerning the truth, and that this leads to diminished doubt, a recognition of personal faults, and thus a more directed and happier life. Other names for the movement include Swedenborgian, New Christians, Neo-Christians, Church of the New Jerusalem, and The Lord's New Church. Those outside the church may refer to the movement as Swedenborgianism; however, some adherents seek to distance themselves from this title, since it implies a following of Swedenborg rather than Jesus Christ. Swedenborg published some of his theological works anonymously, and his writings promoted one Church based on love and charity, rather than multiple churches named after their founders based on belief or doctrine." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: New Church ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#swedenborgianism
Tag: cwrc:swedenborgianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:The_New_Church
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Theism, in the field of comparative religion, is the belief in the existence of deities. In popular parlance, the term theism often describes the classical conception of god(s) that is found in the monotheistic and polytheistic religions. The term theism derives from the Greek theos meaning "god". The term theism was first used by Ralph Cudworth (1617–1688). In Cudworth's definition, they are "strictly and properly called Theists, who affirm, that a perfectly conscious understanding being, or mind, existing of itself from eternity, was the cause of all other things". Atheism is commonly understood as rejection of theism in the broadest sense of theism, i.e. the rejection of belief in a god or gods. The claim that the existence of any deity is unknown or unknowable is agnosticism." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: theist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#theism
Tag: cwrc:theism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Theism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Tractarian Movement

"The Oxford Movement was a movement of High Church members of the Church of England which eventually developed into Anglo-Catholicism. The movement, whose original devotees were mostly associated with the University of Oxford, argued for the reinstatement of some older Christian traditions of faith and their inclusion into Anglican liturgy and theology. They thought of Anglicanism as one of three branches of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. The movement's philosophy was known as Tractarianism after its series of publications, the Tracts for the Times, published from 1833 to 1841. Tractarians were also disparagingly referred to as "Newmanites" (before 1845) and "Puseyites" (after 1845) after two prominent Tractarians, John Henry Newman and Edward Bouverie Pusey. Other well-known Tractarians included John Keble, Charles Marriott, Richard Froude, Robert Wilberforce, Isaac Williams, and William Palmer." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Oxford Movement Tractarian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#tractarianMovement
Tag: cwrc:tractarianMovement
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Oxford_Movement
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:anglicanism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"The liberal Protestant movement that arose in Europe during the 16th century Reformation, was embodied in a church in Transylvania, and achieved denominational status in the 19th century in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. It is characterized by a denial of the orthodox Christian doctrines of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus, the free use of reason in religion, and the belief that God exists in one person. In 1961, in the United States and Canada, it merged with the Universalist denomination to form "Unitarian Universalism." Use also generally for the theological doctrines of the unified nature of God and the humanity of Jesus, first expressed in second- and third-century monarchism and in the teachings of Arius in the third and fourth centuries, and later in the radical Neoplatonist thinkers of the Reformation such as Michael Servetus, Faustus Socinus, and Ferenc David." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

[skos:altLabel: active unitarian Unitarian unitarianMovement Unitarian Church Unitarian Movement ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unitarianism
Tag: cwrc:unitarianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Unitarianism
prov:wasDerivedFrom: http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300263305
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:dissentProtestant cwrc:religious
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Universalism is a religious, theological, and philosophical concept with universal application or applicability. Universalist doctrines consider all people in their formation. In terms of religion, in a broad sense, universalism claims that religion is a universal human quality. This can be contrasted with non-universalist religions. Religion in this context is defined as "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs." In some sects of Christianity, universal reconciliation is the doctrine that all sinful and alienated human souls — because of divine love and mercy — will ultimately be reconciled to God. Unitarian Universalism believes that religion is a universal human quality, emphasizing the universal principles of most religions and accepting other religions in an inclusive manner, believing in a universal reconciliation between humanity and the divine. Universalism has had a strong influence on modern Hinduism, in turn influencing western modern spirituality. A community that calls itself universalist may emphasize the universal principles of most religions and accept other religions in an inclusive manner, believing in a universal reconciliation between humanity and the divine. For example, some forms of Abrahamic religions happened to claim the universal value of their doctrine and moral principles, and feel inclusive. A belief in one common truth is also another important tenet. The living truth is seen as more far-reaching than national, cultural, or religious boundaries." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: universal salvation ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#universalist
Tag: cwrc:universalist
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Universalism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Vitalism is a discredited scientific hypothesis that "living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things". Where vitalism explicitly invokes a vital principle, that element is often referred to as the "vital spark", "energy" or "élan vital", which some equate with the soul. Although rejected by modern science, vitalism has a long history in medical philosophies: most traditional healing practices posited that disease results from some imbalance in vital forces. In the Western tradition founded by Hippocrates, these vital forces were associated with the four temperaments and humours; Eastern traditions posited an imbalance or blocking of qi or prana. One example of a similar notion in Africa is the Yoruba concept of ase." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: vitalist ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#vitalism
Tag: cwrc:vitalism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Vitalism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Wesleyanism, or Wesleyan theology, is a movement of Protestant Christians who seek to follow the "methods" or theology of the eighteenth-century evangelical reformers John Wesley and his brother Charles Wesley. More broadly, it refers to the theological system inferred from the various sermons, theological treatises, letters, journals, diaries, hymns, and other spiritual writings of the Wesleys and their contemporary coadjutors such as John William Fletcher. Wesleyanism, manifest today in Methodist and holiness churches, is named for its founders, the Wesleys. In 1736, these two brothers traveled to the Georgia colony in America as missionaries for the Church of England; they left rather disheartened at what they saw. Both of them subsequently had "religious experiences", especially John in 1738, being greatly influenced by the Moravian Christians. They began to organize a renewal movement within the Church of England to focus on personal faith and holiness. John Wesley took Protestant churches to task over the nature of sanctification, the process by which a believer is conformed to the image of Christ, emphasizing New Testament teachings regarding the work of God and the believer in sanctification. The movement did well within the Church of England in Britain, but when the movement crossed the ocean into America, it took on a form of its own, finally being established as the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1784. The Wesleyan churches are very similar to Anglicanism (in Church government and liturgical practices), yet have added a strong emphasis on personal faith and personal experience. At its heart, the theology of John Wesley stressed the life of Christian holiness: to love God with all one’s heart, mind, soul and strength and to love one’s neighbour as oneself. See also Ministry of Jesus. Wesley’s teaching also stressed experiential religion and moral responsibility." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Wesleyan Methodist Wesleyan Independent Wesleyan ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#wesleyanism
Tag: cwrc:wesleyanism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Wesleyanism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:methodism
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Zen (Chinese: 禪; pinyin: Chán) is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang dynasty as Chan Buddhism. It was strongly influenced by Taoism and developed as a distinguished school of Chinese Buddhism. From China, Chan Buddhism spread south to Vietnam, northeast to Korea and east to Japan, where it became known as Japanese Zen. Zen emphasizes rigorous self-control, meditation-practice, insight into Buddha-nature, and the personal expression of this insight in daily life, especially for the benefit of others. As such, it de-emphasizes mere knowledge of sutras and doctrine and favors direct understanding through zazen and interaction with an accomplished teacher. The teachings of Zen include various sources of Mahayana thought, especially Yogachara, the Tathāgatagarbha sūtras and the Huayan school, with their emphasis on Buddha-nature, totality, and the Bodhisattva-ideal. The Prajñāpāramitā literature and, to a lesser extent, Madhyamaka have also been influential in the shaping of the "paradoxical language" of the Zen-tradition." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Zen Buddhism ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#zen
Tag: cwrc:zen
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Zen
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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"Zoroastrianism, or more natively Mazdayasna, is one of the world's oldest religions, "combining a cosmogonic dualism and eschatological monotheism in a manner unique […] among the major religions of the world." Ascribed to the teachings of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra), he exalted their deity of wisdom, Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord), as its Supreme Being. Leading characteristics, such as messianism, heaven and hell, and free will are said to have influenced other religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity, and Islam. With possible roots dating back to the second millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism enters recorded history in the 5th-century BCE, and including a Mithraic Median prototype and Zurvanist Sassanid successor it served as the state religion of the pre-Islamic Iranian empires from around 600 BCE to 650 CE. Zoroastrianism was suppressed from the 7th century onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia. Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians at around 2.6 million, with most living in India and Iran. Besides the Zoroastrian diaspora, the older Mithraic faith Yazdânism is still practised amongst the Kurds. The religious philosophy of Zoroaster divided the early Iranian gods. The most important texts of the religion are those of the Avesta. In Zoroastrianism, the creator Ahura Mazda, through the Spenta Mainyu (Good Spirit, "Bounteous Immortals") is an all-good "father" of Asha (Truth, “order, justice,") in opposition to Druj (“falsehood, deceit”) and no evil originates from "him". "He" and his works are evident to humanity through the six primary Amesha Spentas and the host of other Yazatas, through whom worship of Mazda is ultimately directed. Spenta Mainyu adjoined unto "truth" oppose the Spirit's opposite, Angra Mainyu and its forces born of Akəm Manah (“evil thinking”). Zoroastrianism has no major theological divisions, though it is not uniform; modern-era influences having a significant impact on individual and local beliefs, practices, values and vocabulary, sometimes merging with tradition and in other cases displacing it. In Zoroastrianism, the purpose in life is to "be among those who renew the world...to make the world progress towards perfection". Its basic maxims include: * Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta, which mean: Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. * There is only one path and that is the path of Truth. * Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, and then all beneficial rewards will come to you also. The most important texts of the religion are those of the Avesta, which includes the writings of Zoroaster known as the Gathas, enigmatic poems that define the religion's precepts, and the Yasna, the scripture. The full name by which Zoroaster addressed the deity is: Ahura, The Lord Creator, and Mazda, Supremely Wise. He proclaimed that there is only one God, the singularly creative and sustaining force of the Universe. He also stated that human beings are given a right of choice, and because of cause and effect are also responsible for the consequences of their choices. Zoroaster's teachings focused on responsibility, and did not introduce a devil, per se. The contesting force to Ahura Mazda was called Angra Mainyu, or angry spirit. Post-Zoroastrian scripture introduced the concept of Ahriman, the Devil, which was effectively a personification of Angra Mainyu." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

[skos:altLabel: Parsi ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#zoroastrianism
Tag: cwrc:zoroastrianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Zoroastrianism
rdf:type: cwrc:Religion skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Religion

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Related to an abortion of a pregnancy.

[skos:altLabel: aborted ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#abortion
Tag: cwrc:abortion
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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Related to adoption.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#adoption
Tag: cwrc:adoption
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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birth control

Related to birth control.

[skos:altLabel: family planning contraception ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#birthControl
Tag: cwrc:birthControl
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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Related to voluntary or involuntary childlessness.

[skos:altLabel: no surviving children childless no children ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#childlessness
Tag: cwrc:childlessness
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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Related to a miscarriage of a pregnancy.

[skos:altLabel: miscarried ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#miscarriage
Tag: cwrc:miscarriage
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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Related to a stillborn child.

[skos:altLabel: still birth stillborn ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#stillbirth
Tag: cwrc:stillbirth
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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Some aspect of the subject's reproductive history.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unspecifiedReproductiveHistory
Tag: cwrc:unspecifiedReproductiveHistory
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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venereal disease

Related to venereal disease.

[skos:altLabel: syphilis venereal VD ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#venerealDisease
Tag: cwrc:venerealDisease
rdf:type: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:ReproductiveHistory

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Indicates a lack of interest in sex or sexual attraction to other subjects and is not to be confused with celibacy

[skos:altLabel: asexual ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#asexuality
Tag: cwrc:asexuality
owl:sameAs: http://homosaurus.org/terms/asexuality
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Bisexuality indicates sexual attraction to both genders. In terms of binary understandings of sex or gender, bisexuality is often defined as being sexually attracted to "both sexes".

[skos:altLabel: bisexual ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bisexuality
Tag: cwrc:bisexuality
owl:sameAs: http://homosaurus.org/terms/bisexualIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Celibacy indicates abstention from sex, and can stem from personal choice, religious prescriptions, or with religious occupations such as being a nun or priest. Celibacy is not the be confused with asexuality, which describes a lack of interest in sex or sexual attraction to other subjects.

[skos:altLabel: celibate ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#celibacy
Tag: cwrc:celibacy
owl:sameAs: http://homosaurus.org/terms/celibacy
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Frigidity labels a female subject as sexually withdrawn or unenthusiastic (read: non-consenting) in relation to the sexual advance, usually of men within a heterosexual framework, and suggests a lack of pleasure from sexual activities. Unlike asexual and celibate, this term is often ascribed to women, as opposed to self-referential. The term "frigid" was coined in the 1920s by sexologists (Sex and Society, Vol. 1, 285). Its use in discourse surrounding female sexuality is waning.

[skos:altLabel: frigid ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#frigidity
Tag: cwrc:frigidity
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Heterosexuality indicates sexual attraction to the so-called "opposite sex," that is, sexual attraction between men and women. This understanding relies, like bisexual, on a binary understanding of sex and gender that also often conflates sex with gender. Adrienne Rich draws on Kathleen Gough in articulating an understanding of heterosexuality as compulsory for women within patriarchy. In her essay "The Straight Mind" (first published in 1980) Monique Wittig understands heterosexuality as a semiotic, linguistic, political, and ontological construct. It constitutes itself as a normative system through the oppression of women by men and the "necessity of the different/other at every level." The straight mind "creates the doctrine of the difference between sexes to justify this oppression."

[skos:altLabel: heterosexual ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#heterosexual
Tag: cwrc:heterosexual
owl:sameAs: http://homosaurus.org/terms/heterosexualIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Homosexuality indicates sexual attraction to subjects of the same gender. Like bisexuality, it draws on a binary understanding of sex and gender that also often conflates sex with gender. Homosexual is often used as an umbrella term for lesbian and gay sexuality.

[skos:altLabel: male HOMOSEXUAL homosexual ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#homosexual
Tag: cwrc:homosexual
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Lesbianism indicates the sexual attraction of women to other women. Yet, lesbian feminist thinkers underline that this common definition is reductive. Drawing on Kathleen Gough and within an understanding of heterosexuality as compulsory for women within patriarchy, Adrienne Rich describes a lesbian continuum, the "range—through each woman's life and throughout history—of woman-identified experiences, not simply the fact that a woman has had or consciously desired genital sexual experience with another woman" (Rich, 1983). In a heteronormative context, lesbianism is not only a question of sexuality but also has complex political implications.

[skos:altLabel: lesbian ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lesbian
Tag: cwrc:lesbian
owl:sameAs: http://homosaurus.org/terms/lesbianIdentity
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Libertinism refers to a type of sexual identity (often tied to men) used to describe a subject who subscribes to hedonistic sexual politics.

[skos:altLabel: libertine ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#libertinism
Tag: cwrc:libertinism
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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Promiscuity indicates sex with multiple partners in a casual or indiscriminate fashion and in opposition to socially sanctioned sexual behaviour. Promiscuity is differently constructed for women and men in most historical and cultural contexts, being closely connected to the control of female sexuality and reproduction. It includes libertinism, a form of hedonistic sexual politics frequently ascribed to or adopted by men.

[skos:altLabel: promiscuous ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#promiscuity
Tag: cwrc:promiscuity
rdf:type: cwrc:Sexuality skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:Sexuality

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"Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, with few permanent ties, involving musical, artistic, or literary pursuits. In this context, Bohemians may be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds. This use of the word bohemian first appeared in the English language in the nineteenth century to describe the non-traditional lifestyles of marginalized and impoverished artists, writers, journalists, musicians, and actors in major European cities." (DBpedia, 2018)

[skos:altLabel: classlessness alternative society of young artists, dropouts, and nonconformists bohemian with upper-class connections ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bohemianism
Tag: cwrc:bohemianism
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bohemianism
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

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"Brahmin is a varna (class) in Hinduism specialising as priests, teachers (acharya) and protectors of sacred learning across generations. Brahmins were traditionally responsible for religious rituals in temples, as intermediaries between temple deities and devotees, as well as rite of passage rituals such as solemnising a wedding with hymns and prayers. However, Indian texts suggest that Brahmins were often agriculturalists and warriors in ancient and medieval India." (DBpedia, 2018)

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#brahmin
Tag: cwrc:brahmin
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Bohemianism
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

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This class comprises the owners of large-scale enterprises such as factories, those who back such enterprises through investing money, or especially in the earlier historical periods when women were rarely economic agents, the wives and daughters of those who do, for instance, Elizabeth Montagu or Beatrice Webb.(Brown, 2006)


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#entrepreneurial-industrialist
Tag: cwrc:entrepreneurial-industrialist
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

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Membership in the gentry indicates property-ownership or relation to the same; property can be land or stocks and bonds. It "begins in the idea of owning arms and having a coat of arms, but is distinguished from nobility insofar as money is not necessarily related to blood and title. Disinterested gentlemen are of this class (i.e. Mr. Bennett in Jane Austen)."(Brown, 2006) Gentlewomen belong to this class, even though they may not themselves own much property but instead be supported by a father or brother, or they may be distressed, which is to say, impoverished gentlewomen, as in the case of Jane Eyre or Austen's Jane Fairfax.

[skos:altLabel: GENTRY gentility ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#gentry
Tag: cwrc:gentry
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Gentry
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

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This social class is "poor, destitute, unemployed," supported by charity, or on social security. (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: impoverished INDIGENT poverty ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#indigent
Tag: cwrc:indigent
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass
*skos:related: cwrc:beggar

[back to top]

lower-middle class

Employees, clerical workers, teachers, governesses. Note, however, that some teachers go into Professions (Mr. Chips from the 1939 film of that name) and women starting schools and then managing them also go into Professions.

[skos:altLabel: genteel poverty LOWER-MIDDLECLASS ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lowerMiddleClass
Tag: cwrc:lowerMiddleClass
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:middleClass
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]


This class refers to those whose "station in life comes from the fact that they are running something but not putting their money into it, for instance salaried civil service, bankers, or hospital administrators." (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: MANAGERIAL ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#managerial
Tag: cwrc:managerial
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]

middle class

"The middle class is a class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy. In Weberian socio-economic terms, the middle class is the broad group of people in contemporary society who fall socio-economically between the working class and upper class. The common measures of what constitutes middle class vary significantly among cultures. A sizable and healthy middle-class can be viewed as a characteristic of a healthy society." (DBpedia, 2018)

[skos:altLabel: middling sort middling ranks bourgeois urban middle class middle ranks middle-class middle classes middle ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#middleClass
Tag: cwrc:middleClass
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Middle_class
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass
skos:narrowerTransitive: cwrc:lowerMiddleClass cwrc:upper-middleClass

[back to top]


This group refers to "those holding a title or of close family relation to someone holding a title (such as Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Lord Byron, or Nancy Mitford)". (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: royal, but not expected to become queen NOBILITY royal descent royal royalty ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#nobility
Tag: cwrc:nobility
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]


Doctors, lawyers, guild members, and those of high calling such as members of the clergy (Church of England) belong to this class. It implies social respect and intellectual requirements. Examples are Ann Hunter, who was married to a surgeon, and Virginia Woolf, daughter of an intellectual. (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: professional classes PROFESSIONAL professional class ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#professional
Tag: cwrc:professional
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass
skos:note: Overlaps with the upper-middle class class.

[back to top]

rural unskilled

This class generally indicates farm laborers, mostly male and in earlier periods, and includes migrant farm workers. (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: RURAL-UNSKILLED ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#rural-unskilled
Tag: cwrc:rural-unskilled
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]


Domestic servants typically live in the home with the family or institution that employs them, although the lowest class of servants might work only casually and hence not receive room and board. This type of labour, very common before the twentieth century, is distinct from that of service positions such as shop assistants, flight attendants, and restaurant workers. (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: SERVANTS ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#servants
Tag: cwrc:servants
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]


Typically applied to someone who "owns and runs a pub or shop," but not on the scale of an entrepreneur or industrialist. (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: SHOPKEEPERS ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#shopkeepers
Tag: cwrc:shopkeepers
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]


This class includes such trades as "goldsmith, tailor, shoemaker, milliner, and dressmaker." (Brown, 2006)


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#skilledCraftpersonArtisan
Tag: cwrc:skilledCraftpersonArtisan
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]

slave or forced labourer

The category of slaves and forced labourers covers the spectrum from chattel slaves through indentured servants to serfs, including those bonded to servitude with no hope of paying their debt.

[skos:altLabel: serfs bonded labourer slave serf ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#slave-forced-labourer
Tag: cwrc:slave-forced-labourer
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Indentured_servitude dbpedia:Slavery
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]

upper-middle class

The upper middle class is a sociological concept referring to the social group constituted by higher status members of the middle class. This is in contrast to the term "lower middle class", which is used for the group at the opposite end of the middle class stratum, and to the broader term "middle class". There is considerable debate as to how the upper middle class might be defined. According to sociologist Max Weber the upper middle class consists of well-educated professionals with graduate degrees and comfortable incomes.

Comment: This term is a CWRC-specific addition not in the original Orlando tag set.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#upper-middleClass
Tag: cwrc:upper-middleClass
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Upper_middle_class
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:middleClass
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass
skos:note: Overlaps with the professional class.

[back to top]

urban unskilled

This class includes factory workers and workers in urban or large-scale industries without defined trades or professional qualifications, and those in low-wage and low-status service sector jobs, such as the restaurant or fast-food industry, in industrial or post-industrial societies. (Brown, 2006)


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#urban-industrialUnskilled
Tag: cwrc:urban-industrialUnskilled
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]

working class

"The working class (also labouring class and proletariat) are the people employed for wages, especially in manual-labour occupations and in skilled, industrial work. Working-class occupations include blue-collar jobs, some white-collar jobs, and most service-work jobs. The working class only rely upon their earnings from wage labour, thereby, the category includes most of the working population of industrialized economies, of the urban areas (cities, towns, villages) of non-industrialized economies, and of the rural workforce. In Marxist theory and in socialist literature, the term working class usually is synonymous and interchangeable with the term proletariat, and includes all workers who expend either physical labour or mental labour (salaried knowledge workers and white-collar workers) to produce economic value for the owners of the means of production, the bourgeoisie. Since working-class wages can be very low, and because the state of unemployment is defined as a lack of independent means of generating an income and a lack wage-labour employment, the term working class also includes the lumpenproletariat, unemployed people who are extremely poor." (DBpedia, 2018)

[skos:altLabel: working woman urban working class rural working class parents working classes ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#workingClass
Tag: cwrc:workingClass
owl:sameAs: dbpedia:Working_class
rdf:type: cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]

yeoman farmer

Members of this historic class "own[ed] just enough land to support themselves if they did most of the work themselves." Examples include Elizabeth Ham and Mary Webb. (Brown, 2006)

[skos:altLabel: YEOMAN-FARMER yeoman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#yeoman-farmer
Tag: cwrc:yeoman-farmer
rdf:type: cwrc:Occupation cwrc:SocialClass skos:Concept
skos:broaderTransitive: cwrc:farming
skos:inScheme: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]

black identity

A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of blackness associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "Black" (e.g. black, black) cultural identities.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#blackLabel
Tag: cwrc:blackLabel
cwrc:represents: cwrc:blackEthnicity cwrc:blackRaceColour
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels

[back to top]

English identity

A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of Englishness associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "English" (e.g. ISO 3166-2:GB-ENG, England) cultural identities.

[skos:altLabel: english ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#englishLabel
Tag: cwrc:englishLabel
cwrc:represents: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/eng cwrc:englishGeographicHeritage cwrc:englishRaceColour ISO 3166-2:GB-ENG
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels
skos:narrower: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/eng

[back to top]

Eurasian identity

A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of the term Eurasian as associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "Eurasian" (e.g. eurasian) cultural identities.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eurasianLabel
Tag: cwrc:eurasianLabel
cwrc:represents: cwrc:eurasianRaceColour
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels
skos:narrower: cwrc:eurasianRaceColour

[back to top]

Jewish identity

A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of Jewishness associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "Jewish" (e.g. Jewish, Jewish) cultural identities.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishLabel
Tag: cwrc:jewishLabel
cwrc:represents: cwrc:jewishEthnicity cwrc:jewishGeographicHeritage cwrc:jewishNationalIdentity cwrc:jewishRaceColour cwrc:judaism
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels

[back to top]


A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of manhood, masculinity, or maleness as associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "man" (e.g. man, cis man/cis male) cultural identities. Where associated terms are applied to younger individuals, gendered variants, such as “boy” for “man”, are understood to apply.

[skos:altLabel: man ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#manLabel
Tag: cwrc:manLabel
cwrc:represents: cwrc:cisMan cwrc:man cwrc:transMan
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels

[back to top]

queer identity

A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of queerness associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "Queer" (e.g. genderqueer) cultural identities.

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#queerLabel
Tag: cwrc:queerLabel
cwrc:represents: cwrc:GenderQueer
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels

[back to top]

white identity

A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of whiteness associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "White" cultural identities (e.g. the cultural forms of white, white in the discursive context of ethnicity, and white, white in the discursive context of race or colour).

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#whiteLabel
Tag: cwrc:whiteLabel
cwrc:represents: cwrc:whiteEthnicity cwrc:whiteRaceColour
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels

[back to top]


A subclass of textual label, this discursive label reflects the ambiguity of womanhood, femininity, or femaleness associated with different cultural forms. It provides a means of aggregating and searching multiple instances of "woman" (e.g. woman, trans woman/trans female) cultural identities. Where associated terms are applied to younger individuals, gendered variants, such as “girl” for “woman”, are understood to apply.

[skos:altLabel: woman ]

URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#womanLabel
Tag: cwrc:womanLabel
cwrc:represents: cwrc:cisWoman cwrc:lesbian cwrc:transWoman cwrc:woman
rdf:type: cwrc:TextLabels skos:Concept
skos:inScheme: cwrc:TextLabels

3. Deprecated Terms

Global Cross Reference of Deprecated Terms

Deprecated Terms:
Actor, CulturalFormation, EnglishLanguage, EnglishNationalHeritage, EnglishNationalIdentity, EthnicityContext, EventElement, FemaleLabel, FrenchLanguage, GeographicalHeritage, IntimateRelationshipsContext, JewishEthnicity, LanguageContext, LinguisticAbility, Organization, Performance, RaceEthnicity, Role, SexIdentity, SexualIdentity, SocialClassIdentity, WealthContext, baptistChurch, black, bloodRelativeOf, catholicChurch, churchOfChristianScience, churchOfEngland, churchOfIreland, congregationalChurch, credentialHeldBy, dissenters, dissentingChristianity, dissentingChurches, england, englandLabel, englishNationalHeritage, englishNationalIdentity, entrepreneurial-industrialism, eurasianRace, femaleSex, forebearOf, genderManMale, genderTransMan, genderTransWoman, genderWomanFemale, hasCredentialIn, hasCulturalForms, hasEducation, hasEthnicitySelfDefined, hasEventElement, hasGenderSelfDeclared, hasGeographicHeritageSelfDeclared, hasLinguisticAbilitySelfDeclared, hasMappedLocation, hasNationalitySelfDeclared, hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfDeclared, hasParticipant, hasPeformance, hasRaceColourSelfDeclared, hasReligionSelfDefined, hasRole, hasSexualitySelfDeclared, hasSocialClassSelfDefined, hasSubEvent, identity, inRole, interpersonalRelationship, jacobism, jewishReligion, literalForm, lollards, maleLabel, maleSex, pagan, participantOf, personalProperty, personalPropertySelfDeclared, personalPropertySelfReported, quakers, rationalDissenter, relatesSpatiallyTo, sexualityBisexuality, sexualityCelibacy, sexualityFrigidity, sexualityLibertinism, sexualityPromiscuity, toryPartyBritain, unitarianChurch, unknownSex, welshNationalHeritage, whiteRace, womensEnfranchisement,

Terms and details

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Actor


A person performing a certain role within an event.

Comment: Deprecated with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#CulturalFormation

cultural formation

Cultural formation refers to the processes of lived social subjectivities of people and is often combined with predicates indicating the identity positions as they relate to the following discursive constructions of Class, Religion, Ethnicity, Gender, GeographicHeritage, LinguisticAbility, NationalHeritage, NationalIdentity, PoliticalAffiliation, RaceColour, and Sexuality. These categories are not understood as transhistorical or isolated categories. Rather, they facilitate analysis of how such situationally contingent, changing, and negotiated labels are assigned to or adopted by a particular individual. The tensions endemic to practices of classification demand critical engagement and inquiry into the situatedness of particular cultural identities.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class cultural form.

Replaced by: cwrc:CulturalForm

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EnglishLanguage


Comment: Deprecated in favour of foreign instance eng.

Replaced by: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/eng

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EnglishNationalHeritage


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance English.

Replaced by: cwrc:englishNationalHeritage

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EnglishNationalIdentity


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance ISO 3166-2:GB-ENG.

Replaced by: cwrc:englishNationalIdentity

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EthnicityContext

racial, colour or ethnicity context

Ethnicity Context is a significant subclass of context. It is associated with the cultural form subclass Ethnicity, and sometimes other intersecting Cultural Forms. Annotations typed as Ethnicity Context provide information about and discussions of a person's subjectivity or experience with regards to their perceived or self-reported ethnicity. Ethnicity Context provides depth to more granular categorizations of a person indicated by the properties has ethnic identity or has ethnic identity (self-reported).

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class race or ethnicity context.

Replaced by: cwrc:RaceEthnicityContext

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#EventElement

Event Element

An event element by an agent in an event under a specific context, be it in a role, character or responsibility.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FemaleLabel


Comment: Deprecated with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#FrenchLanguage


Comment: Deprecated in favour of foreign instance fre.

Replaced by: http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/fre

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#GeographicalHeritage

geographic heritage

A subclass of cultural form, this property indicates a person's geographic heritage, with accompanying context, where present, provided by nationality context annotations. Geographic heritage involves the geographical origins of a person's family, which often contributes to an understanding of their racial and ethnic background. It offers a way to capture individuals identified as "South-Asian," for example, when no more precise national heritage is indicated. See race or ethnicity context for a detailed description of the complexities of this class. It can be multiple and it can be different from a person's national identity or national heritage, current or official citizenship, or the geographical region or territory in which a person resides. Those using this class and its instances are encouraged to consult associated nationality context excerpts or annotations, if available.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class geographic heritage.

Replaced by: cwrc:GeographicHeritage

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#IntimateRelationshipsContext

intimate relationships context

Intimate relationships context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed intimate relationships discuss any type of intimacy ranging from emotional through psychological or material to sexual.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class intimate relationship context.

Replaced by: cwrc:IntimateRelationshipContext

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#JewishEthnicity


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Jewish.

Replaced by: cwrc:jewishEthnicity

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LanguageContext

language context

Language Context is a significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Cultural Formation Context provide information about and discussions of a person's linguistic ability or abilities. Language Context provides depth to more granular indications of linguistic ability indicated through the property Language.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class cultural form context.

Replaced by: cwrc:CulturalFormContext

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#LinguisticAbility

linguistic ability (spoken and/or writen)

Describes a person's proficiency in a language (speaking, reading, or writing).

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Organization


A social or corporate institution such as a publisher, school, political group, or company.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class org:formalOrganization

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Performance


A performance by an agent in an event under a specific context, be it in a role, character or responsibility.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class Event Element.

Replaced by: cwrc:EventElement

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#RaceEthnicity

race or ethnicity

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class race or colour and ethnicity.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#Role


A role of a Person or Actor in some Event, CreativeWork, or Organisation.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SexIdentity

sex identity

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class gender.

Replaced by: cwrc:Gender

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SexualIdentity

Sexual Identity

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class sexuality.

Replaced by: cwrc:Sexuality

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#SocialClassIdentity

social class identity

A subclass of culturalForms, socialClassIdentity terms associate subjects with a specific social group, recognizing that such categories and their application to individuals are contested and can change over time. The association may be or have been embraced by the subject her/himself or attributed by others. Unlike Notes typed as socialClassContext, which contain detailed discussions of a subject's class position, socialClassIdentity links to a word or phrase signifying a particular construction of class, with particular reference to earlier historical periods in the British Isles. Social class has been variously constructed and theorized, and for women is further complicated by the fact that women were understood to take their social status from fathers and/or husbands. The terminology used here reflects quite basic social groupings that intersect with other factors such as wealth.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class social class.

Replaced by: cwrc:SocialClass

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#WealthContext

wealth context

A significant subclass of context. Annotations typed as Wealth Context provide information about and discussions of a person's economic standing, including inheritance, property ownership, pensions, and personal financial disasters. See also the occupation context and cultural form context, particularly for social class context.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of class economic context.

Replaced by: cwrc:EconomicContext

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#baptistChurch


"Refers to a Protestant denomination centered around the belief that the sacrament of baptism should only be administered to adult members after a personal profession of belief in Jesus Christ. Baptism in this faith is usually done by full immersion. Emphasis is placed on biblical scripture and preaching. The Baptist denomination is primarily derived from early 17th-century England and Wales where it quickly spread although there are some links with the Anabaptists of the 16th century. Baptist churches very rapidly increased in the late 19th century in the United States." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Baptist Christianity.

Replaced by: cwrc:baptistChristianity

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#black

black (race)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance black.

Replaced by: cwrc:blackRaceColour

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#bloodRelativeOf

blood relative of

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence, in favour of definition of family relationships as more fluid and expansive than blood relations.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#catholicChurch

Roman Catholic

"Refers to the branch of Christianity characterized by a uniform, highly developed ritual canon and organisational structure with doctrinal roots based in the teachings of the Apostles of Jesus Christ in the first century, in the Alexandrian school of theology, and in Augustinian thought. In this religious branch, faith is considered an acceptance of revelation; revelation appears as doctrine. In juridical terms, it refers to the branch of Christianity distinguished as a unified, monolithic sacramental system under the governance of papal authority. Throughout much of its history, the seat of the Pope has been in Rome, thus "Roman Catholicism" is often used to distinguish this concept from the Orthodox Catholic church." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Roman Catholicism.

Replaced by: cwrc:catholicism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#churchOfChristianScience

Christian Science

"Refers to a Christian denomination and movement founded by Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) that seeks to reinstate the Christian message of salvation from all evil, including sickness and disease as well as sin. Eddy, a semi-invalid who was interested in cures not involving medicine, claimed a recovery from a bad injury without medical assistance in 1866. Afterwards, she devoted herself to restoring the healing emphasis of early Christianity. In 1875 she finished writing the first edition of the "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." This work and the Bible are the principal texts of the movement and importance has been laid on establishing reading rooms where these works can make their own appeal to readers. The "Christian Science Monitor" is also published by the denomination. Christian Science believes that ignorance is at the root of human unease and thus "dis-ease." Instead of seeking medical treatment, special Christian Science healers are to be consulted for spiritual healing. Health, happiness, and holiness can be restored by applying to all aspects of life practices and attitudes in keeping with the principal of divine harmony. The first Church of Christ, Scientist was founded in 1879 in Boston and its headquarters remain there." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

Replaced by: cwrc:christianScience

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#churchOfEngland

Church of England

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Anglicanism.

Replaced by: cwrc:anglicanism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#churchOfIreland

Church of Ireland

"The Church of Ireland (Irish: Eaglais na hÉireann Scots: Kirk o Airlann) is a Christian church in Ireland and an autonomous province of the Anglican Communion. It is organised on an all-Ireland basis and is the second-largest Christian church on the island after the Catholic Church. Like other Anglican churches, it has retained elements of pre-Reformation practice, notably its episcopal polity, while rejecting the primacy of the Bishop of Rome. Nevertheless, in theological and liturgical matters, it incorporates many principles of the Reformation, particularly those espoused during the English Reformation. The church self identifies as being both Catholic and Reformed. Within the church, differences exist between those members who are more Catholic-leaning (high church) and those who are more Protestant-leaning (low church or evangelical). For historical and cultural reasons, the Church of Ireland is generally identified as a Protestant church. The Church of Ireland is the second-largest in the Republic of Ireland, with around 130,000 members, and the third-largest in Northern Ireland, with around 260,000 members." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Anglicanism.

Replaced by: cwrc:anglicanism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#congregationalChurch

Congregational Church

"Congregational churches are Protestant Christian churches practicing congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs. Congregationalism is often considered to be a part of the wider Reformed tradition. Many Congregational churches claim their descent from Protestant denominations formed on a theory of union published by the theologian Robert Browne in 1582. These arose from the ideas of nonconforming Protestants during the Puritan Reformation of the Church of England. In Great Britain, the early Congregationalists were called Separatists or Independents to distinguish them from the similarly Calvinistic Presbyterians. Congregational churches were widely established in the Plymouth Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony (later New England), and together wrote the Cambridge Platform of 1648 which described the autonomy of the church and its association with others. Within the United States, the model of Congregational churches was carried by migrating settlers from New England into New York, then into the Old North West, and further. With their insistence on independent local bodies, they became important in many social reform movements, including abolitionism, temperance, and women's suffrage. Modern Congregationalism in the United States is largely split into three bodies: the United Church of Christ, the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches and the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, which is the most theologically conservative. Congregationalism, as defined by the Pew Research Center, is estimated to represent 0.5% of the worldwide Protestant population." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Congregationalism.

Replaced by: cwrc:congregationalism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#credentialHeldBy

credential held by

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance credential of.

Replaced by: cwrc:credentialOf

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dissenters


"One who dissents or disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, &c. The term "dissenter" is, however, practically restricted to the special sense of a member of a religious body in England which has, for one reason or another, separated from the Established Church. Strictly, the term includes the English Roman Catholics, who in the original draft of the Relief Act of 1791 were styled "Protesting Catholic Dissenters." It is in practice, however, restricted to the "Protestant Dissenters" referred to in sec. ii. of the Toleration Act of 1688. "(Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Dissent (Protestant).

Replaced by: cwrc:dissentProtestant

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dissentingChristianity

Dissenting Christianity

"English Dissenters were Christians who separated from the Church of England in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. A dissenter (from the Latin dissentire, "to disagree") is one who disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, etc. English Dissenters opposed state interference in religious matters, and founded their own churches, educational establishments, and communities; some emigrated to the New World. They originally agitated for a wide-reaching Protestant Reformation of the Established Church, and triumphed briefly under Oliver Cromwell." (DBpedia, 2017) See also: Nonconformity - Wikipedia

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

Replaced by: cwrc:dissentProtestant

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#dissentingChurches

Dissenting Churches

"English Dissenters were Christians who separated from the Church of England in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. A dissenter (from the Latin dissentire, "to disagree") is one who disagrees in matters of opinion, belief, etc. English Dissenters opposed state interference in religious matters, and founded their own churches, educational establishments, and communities; some emigrated to the New World. They originally agitated for a wide-reaching Protestant Reformation of the Established Church, and triumphed briefly under Oliver Cromwell." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Dissent (Protestant).

Replaced by: cwrc:dissentProtestant

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#england


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance England.

Replaced by: cwrc:englishGeographicHeritage

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#englandLabel


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance English identity.

Replaced by: cwrc:englishLabel

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#englishNationalHeritage


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as English as an inherited national identity.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of foreign instance ISO 3166-2:GB-ENG.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#englishNationalIdentity


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as English as a national identity.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of foreign instance ISO 3166-2:GB-ENG.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#entrepreneurial-industrialism

entrepreneurial industrialism

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance entrepreneurial.

Replaced by: cwrc:entrepreneurial-industrialist

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#eurasianRace


"A Eurasian is a person of mixed Asian and European ancestry. In 19th-century British India, Eurasians — later called Anglo-Indians — were of mixed Portuguese, Dutch, British, Indian or, more rarely, French descent, but now their parentage may be from other parts of South, East or Southeast Asia. The term has been used in anthropological literature since the 1960s. It may also be extended to those with Central Asian heritage." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

Replaced by: cwrc:eurasianRaceColour

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#femaleSex


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Woman/Female.

Replaced by: cwrc:genderWomanFemale

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#forebearOf

forebear of

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderManMale


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance man.

Replaced by: cwrc:man

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderTransMan


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance trans man/trans male.

Replaced by: cwrc:transMan

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderTransWoman


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance trans woman/trans female.

Replaced by: cwrc:transWoman

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#genderWomanFemale


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance woman.

Replaced by: cwrc:woman

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCredentialIn

has credential in

Indicates an educational credential awarded to a person.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has credential.

Replaced by: cwrc:hasCredential

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasCulturalForms

has a cultural form

This sub-class of culturalFormation associates specific concepts and categories with the process of identity formation through cultural processes. Such associations may be or have been embraced by the subject her/himself or attributed by others. The concepts and categories classed as culturalForms are understood to overlap with each other conceptually and in terms of the labels used.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of object property has a cultural form.

Replaced by: cwrc:hasCulturalForm

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEducation

has education

Links a person to information about their education in education context.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEthnicitySelfDefined

has ethnicity (self defined)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has ethnic identity (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasEthnicitySelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasEventElement

has Element

Associates an event or event element.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGenderSelfDeclared

has gender (self declared)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has gender identity (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasGenderSelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasGeographicHeritageSelfDeclared

has geographic heritage (self declared)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has geographic heritage (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasGeographicHeritageSelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasLinguisticAbilitySelfDeclared

language known (self declared)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance language known (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasMappedLocation

has mapped place

Associates a mapped place with coordinates for its location.

Comment: Note: Instances of places and coordinates for mapping are taken from a range of sources, including GeoNames and the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (Getty Research Institute) that have their own classification schemes. Geonames will sometimes categorize places that are now abandoned as "populated places."

Replaced by: cwrc:hasLocation

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNationalitySelfDeclared

has nationality (self declared)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has national identity (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasNativeLinguisticAbilitySelfDeclared

natively known language (self declared)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance language known (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasLinguisticAbilitySelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasParticipant

has participant

Associates an event with a person.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasPeformance

has Peformance

Associates an event or performance to a performance.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of property has Element.

Replaced by: cwrc:hasEventElement

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasRaceColourSelfDeclared

has race (self declared)

This describes a person's self-reported identity with respect to race or colour.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has national identity (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasNationalitySelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasReligionSelfDefined

has religious affilication (self defined)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has religious affiliation (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasReligionSelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasRole

has role

Associates an event element to a role.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSexualitySelfDeclared

has sexual orientation (self declared)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has sexual identity (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasSexualitySelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSocialClassSelfDefined

has social class (self defined)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has class identity (self-reported).

Replaced by: cwrc:hasSocialClassSelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#hasSubEvent

has Sub Element

Associates a sub event to a master event.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#identity


The identity of the person who committed the act.

Comment: Deprecated from previous Orlando Ontology design.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#inRole

in role

The role taken on by this actor.

Comment: Deprecated from previous Orlando Ontology design.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#interpersonalRelationship

interpersonal relationship

Indicates personal knowledge of someone, covering a broad spectrum of social relations ranging from friendship to enmities and casual associations: it can include a writer having coffee with Samuel Johnson on one notable day, without needing a historical record of whether they were necessarily friends, through to substantial longlasting relationships. See also has intimate relationship with, has erotic relationship with, has possibly erotic relationship with.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has interpersonal relationship with.

Replaced by: cwrc:hasInterpersonalRelationshipWith

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jacobism


"The Society of the Friends of the Constitution, after 1792 renamed Society of the Jacobins, Friends of Freedom and Equality (French: Société des Jacobins, amis de la liberté et de l'égalité), commonly known as the Jacobin Club (Club des Jacobins) or just collectively Jacobins, was the most famous and influential political club in the development of the French Revolution. Initially founded by anti-Royalist deputies from Brittany, the Club grew into a nationwide republican movement, with a membership estimated at a half million or more. The Jacobin Club was heterogeneous and included both prominent parliamentary factions of the early 1790s, the radical Mountain and the more moderate Girondists. In 1792–3, the Girondists (led by Brissot and including Thomas Paine) dominated the Jacobin Club and led the country. Believing that revolutionary France would not be accepted by its neighbours, they called for an aggressive foreign policy and forced war on Austria. The Girondists were the dominant faction when the Jacobins overthrew the monarchy and created the republic. When the Republic failed to deliver the unrealistic gains that had been expected, they lost popularity. The Girondists sought to curb fanatical revolutionary violence, and were therefore accused by the Mountain of being royalist sympathisers. The National Guard eventually switched its support from the Girondists to the Mountain, allowing the Mountain to stage a coup d'etat. In May 1793, led by Maximilien de Robespierre, the leaders of the Mountain faction succeeded in sidelining the Girondist faction and controlled the government until July 1794. Their time in government was characterized by radically progressive legislation imposed with very high levels of political violence. In June 1793, they approved the Constitution of Year 1 which introduced universal male suffrage for the first time in history. In September 1793, twenty-one prominent Girondists were guillotined, beginning the Reign of Terror. In October, during the Terror, the new constitution was ratified in a referendum which most eligible voters avoided participating in. The Mountain executed tens of thousands of opponents nationwide, ostensibly to suppress the Vendée insurrection and the Federalist insurrections, and to prevent any other insurrections, during the War of the First Coalition. In 1794, the fall of Robespierre pushed the Mountain out of power. The Jacobin Club was closed and many of its remaining leaders, notably Robespierre, were themselves executed. Today, Jacobin and Jacobinism are used in a variety of senses. In Britain, where the term "Jacobin" has been linked primarily to the Mountain, it is sometimes used as a pejorative for radical, left-wing revolutionary politics, especially when it exhibits dogmatism and violent repression. In France, "Jacobin" now generally indicates a supporter of a centralized republican state and strong central government powers and/or supporters of extensive government intervention to transform society. It is also used in other related senses, indicating proponents of a state education system which strongly promotes and inculcates civic values, and proponents of a strong nation-state capable of resisting any undesirable foreign interference." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

Replaced by: cwrc:jacobinism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#jewishReligion


"Refers to the monotheistic religion of the Jewish people, central to which is the belief that the ancient Israelites experienced God's presence in human events. Jews believe that the one God delivered the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, revealed the structure of communal and individual life to them, and chose them to be a holy nation of people able to set an example for all humankind. The Hebrew Bible and Talmud are the two primary sources for Judaism's spiritual and ethical principles. The religion, which traces its origins to Abraham, places more emphasis on expressing beliefs through ritual rather than through abstract doctrine. The Sabbath, beginning at sunset on Friday and ending at sunset on Saturday, is the central religious observance; there is also an annual cycle of religious festivals and days of fasting. Judaism has had a diverse history of development over almost 4000 years, with a number of resulting branches in modern times, namely Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform." (Getty, 2017)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus.

Replaced by: cwrc:judaism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#literalForm

has literal form

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#lollards


"Lollardy (Lollardry, Lollardism) was a political and religious movement that existed from the mid-14th century to the English Reformation. It was initially led by John Wycliffe, a prominent theologian who was dismissed from the University of Oxford in 1381 for criticism of the Church, especially in his doctrine on the Eucharist. The Lollards' demands were primarily for reform of Western Christianity." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Lollardy.

Replaced by: cwrc:lollardy

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#maleLabel


Comment: Deprecated with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#maleSex


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance man/male.

Replaced by: cwrc:genderManMale

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#pagan


"Paganism is a term that developed among the Christian community of southern Europe during late antiquity to describe religions other than their own, Judaism, or Islam–the three Abrahamic religions. Throughout Christendom, it continued to be used, typically in a derogatory sense. In the 19th century, it was re-adopted as a self-descriptor by members of various artistic groups inspired by the ancient world. In the 20th century, it came to be applied as a self-description by practitioners of contemporary pagan, or neo-pagan, religious movements. There has been much scholarly argument as to the origin of the term paganism. Paganism has also been understood by some[who?] to include any non-Abrahamic religions, but this is generally[who?] seen as insulting by adherents of those religions. While paganism is often considered to exclude monotheism and to express a worldview that is pantheistic, polytheistic, or animistic, there are some monotheistic pagans. Once monotheistic religions, such as Christianity and Islam, started to become more prominent (in processes known as Christianization and Islamization), names to encompass polytheistic worshipers started to develop; some of these include Hellene, pagan, and heathen, and at times these names were used as slurs. Modern knowledge of old pagan religions comes from several sources, including: anthropological field research records, the evidence of archaeological artifacts, and the historical accounts of ancient writers regarding cultures known to the classical world. Before the rise of monotheistic religions, most people practiced some type of polytheism. Many of these religions started to die out, and eventually they became extinct. In some cases, elements of polytheistic belief systems continued to exist in folklore. Paganism would later be studied during the Renaissance and Romantic era. Forms of these religions, influenced by various historical pagan beliefs of pre-modern Europe, exist today and are known as contemporary or modern paganism, also referred to as Neo-paganism." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Paganism.

Replaced by: cwrc:paganism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#participantOf

participant of

The event that the Person is associated with.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#personalProperty

personal property

A property that is ascribed to a person.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#personalPropertySelfDeclared

personal property (self-reported)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance personal property self-reported.

Replaced by: cwrc:personalPropertySelfReported

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#personalPropertySelfReported

personal property self-reported

This is a personal property that is self-reported.

Comment: Deprecated, with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#quakers


"Quakers (or Friends) are members of a group of religious Christian movements which is known as the Religious Society of Friends in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and parts of North America; and known as the Friends Church in Africa, Asia, South America and parts of the US. The movements were originally, and are still predominantly based on Christianity. Members of the movements profess the priesthood of all believers, a doctrine derived from the First Epistle of Peter. They include those with evangelical, holiness, liberal, and traditional Quaker understandings of Christianity. To differing extents, the different movements that make up the Religious Society of Friends/Friends Church avoid creeds and hierarchical structures. In 2007, there were approximately 359,000 adult Quakers." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Quakerism.

Replaced by: cwrc:quakerism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#rationalDissenter

Rational Dissenter

"An 18th-century, group much closer to the Anglicanism of their day than other Dissenting sects; however, they believed that state religions impinged on the freedom of conscience. They were fiercely opposed to the hierarchical structure of the Established Church and the financial ties between it and the government."(DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Dissenting Christianity.

Replaced by: cwrc:dissentingChristianity

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#relatesSpatiallyTo

relates spatially to

Indicates an entity's connection to a geospatial location.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance has spatial relation to.

Replaced by: cwrc:hasSpatialRelationTo

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityBisexuality


Bisexuality indicates sexual attraction to both genders. In terms of binary understandings of sex or gender, bisexuality is often defined as being sexually attracted to "both sexes".

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance bisexuality.

Replaced by: cwrc:bisexuality

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityCelibacy


Celibacy indicates abstention from sex, and can stem from personal choice, religious prescriptions, or with religious occupations such as being a nun or priest. Celibacy is not the be confused with asexuality, which describes a lack of interest in sex or sexual attraction to other subjects.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance celibacy.

Replaced by: cwrc:celibacy

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityFrigidity


Frigidity labels a female subject as sexually withdrawn or unenthusiastic (read: non-consenting) in relation to the sexual advance, usually of men within a heterosexual framework, and suggests a lack of pleasure from sexual activities. Unlike asexual and celibate, this term is often ascribed to women, as opposed to self-referential. The term "frigid" was coined in the 1920s by sexologists (Sex and Society, Vol. 1, 285). Its use in discourse surrounding female sexuality is waning.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance frigidity.

Replaced by: cwrc:frigidity

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityLibertinism


Libertinism refers to a type of sexual identity (often tied to men) used to describe a subject who subscribes to hedonistic sexual politics.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance libertinism.

Replaced by: cwrc:libertinism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#sexualityPromiscuity


Promiscuity indicates sex with multiple partners in a casual or indiscriminate fashion and in opposition to socially sanctioned sexual behaviour. Promiscuity is differently constructed for women and men in most historical and cultural contexts, being closely connected to the control of female sexuality and reproduction. It includes libertinism, a form of hedonistic sexual politics frequently ascribed to or adopted by men.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance promiscuity.

Replaced by: cwrc:promiscuity

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#toryPartyBritain

Tory Party (Britain)

"The Tories were members of two political parties which existed, sequentially, in the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Great Britain and later the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from the 17th to the early 19th centuries. The first Tories emerged in 1678 in England, when they opposed the Whig-supported Exclusion Bill which set out to disinherit the heir presumptive James, Duke of York (who eventually became James II of England and VII of Scotland). This party ceased to exist as an organised political entity in the early 1760s, although it was used as a term of self-description by some political writers. A few decades later, a new Tory party would rise to establish a hold on government between 1783 and 1830, with William Pitt the Younger followed by Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool. The Earl of Liverpool was succeeded by fellow Tory Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, whose term included the Catholic Emancipation, which occurred mostly due to the election of Daniel O'Connell as a Catholic MP from Ireland. When the Whigs subsequently regained control, the Representation of the People Act 1832 removed the rotten boroughs, many of which were controlled by Tories. In the following general election, the Tory ranks were reduced to 180 MPs. Under the leadership of Robert Peel, the Tamworth Manifesto was issued, which began to transform the Tories into the Conservative Party. However, Peel lost many of his supporters by repealing the Corn Laws, causing the party to break apart. One faction, led by the Earl of Derby and Benjamin Disraeli, survived to become the modern Conservative Party, whose members are commonly still referred to as Tories." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Conservative Party (UK).

Replaced by: cwrc:conservativePartyUk

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unitarianChurch

Unitarian Church

"Unitarian church usually refers to a church (either a single church or a group of churches and/or its followers) which follows Unitarianism, a Christian theology. It can also more broadly refer to a church which is a member of an umbrella group with "Unitarian" in its title, such as the Unitarian Universalist Association in the U.S., the Canadian Unitarian Council, and similar bodies." (DBpedia, 2017)

Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance Unitarianism.

Replaced by: cwrc:unitarianism

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#unknownSex


Comment: Deprecated with no current equivalence.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#welshNationalHeritage


Indicates a subject's identification with or labelling as Welsh as an inherited national identity.

Comment: Deprecated in favour of foreign instance ISO 3166-2:GB-WLS.

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#whiteRace


Comment: Deprecated in favour of instance white.

Replaced by: cwrc:whiteRaceColour

[back to top]


URI: http://sparql.cwrc.ca/testing/cwrc#womensEnfranchisement

Women's Enfranchisement

"The Women's Enfranchisement Act, 1930, was an act of the Parliament of South Africa which granted white women aged 21 and older the right to vote and to run for office. It also had the effect of diluting the limited voting power of non-white people (in the Cape Province) by effectively doubling the number of white voters. It was enacted by the National Party government of Prime Minister J. B. M. Hertzog. The first general election at which women could vote was the election of 17 May 1933. At that election Leila Reitz (wife of Deneys Reitz) was elected as the first female MP, representing Parktown for the South African Party. The act enfranchised all white women, while certain property qualifications still applied to men. In June 1931 the Franchise Laws Amendment Act, 1931 enfranchised all white men while retaining the property qualifications for non-white voters, thus further diluting the non-white vote. The delimitation of electoral divisions was still based on the white male population until April 1937, when the Electoral Quota Act, 1937 altered it to be based on the whole white population. The Women's Enfranchisement Act was repealed in 1946 when the franchise laws were consolidated into the Electoral Consolidation Act, 1946." (DBpedia, 2018)

Comment: The description for this term is indebted to DBpedia.

Replaced by: cwrc:suffrage

4. Version History

  • 0.99 - Initial public release.

  • 0.99.2 - Periodic release with updated logos, genres, documentation, and proper masthead data.

  • 0.99.6 - Periodic release with updated styling, competency questions and documentation regarding events and changesets

5. Bibliography

Adrienne Rich,. Blood, Bread And Poetry: The Location Of The Poet. no date. The Massachusetts Review, 1983. [link]
Angel R. Oquendo,. “Re-Imagining The Latino/a Race”. no date. The Latino/a Condition, edited by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, 1998. [link]
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